Unvaccinated people who show up at the ER and need medical care for covid should be charged out of pocket for all expenses.
No, they shouldn't.
Nobody should be charged for necessary medical care, under any circumstances; It should always be paid for from general revenue.
Recklessness and stupidity can't sensibly be made exceptions to that rule, because while it's quite possible to be reckless and stupid while also being too poor to pay the cost of treating the consequences, 'reckless stupidity while poor' shouldn't be enforced as a capital crime.
If you manage to kill yourself despite the best efforts of society to protect you, then too bad. But if you can be protected from yourself, humanity requires that you should be.
The unvaccinated deserve our derision and our scorn; But they don't deserve to die in the streets - and they certainly don't deserve to die in the streets for the crime of
also being poor, while their wealthy brethren suffer only minor financial inconvenience for the same errors.
Access to healthcare should never be dependent on access to ready money - even in cases where the need is the result of reckless negligence.