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Covid-19 miscellany

Meghan McCain: Replace Dr. Fauci With Someone Who ‘Understands Science’

Meghan McCain, who may have been reading too many Ben Shapiro tweets Monday morning, embarked on one of her signature rants during which she both complained about not getting a COVID-19 vaccine yet—despite her position as a co-host of very important daytime talk show The View—and called on President Joe Biden to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci and replace him with someone who actually “does understand science.”

She began by sharing a clip of Fauci on CNN’s State of the Union over the weekend resisting Dana Bash’s plea to give concrete advice to vaccinated grandparents about how to visit their unvaccinated grandchildren. “There will be recommendations coming out. I don’t want to be making a recommendation now on public TV,” he said. “I would want to sit down with the team and take a look at that.”

“So I was very frustrated when I saw this clip,” McCain said, explaining she has “respect” for the pandemic that has now taken more than half a million American lives and doesn’t mean to “downplay” the tragedy.

“That being said, next week it will be a year since we left the studio and I have been very responsible in many different ways as so many Americans have been,” she continued. “And the fact that Dr. Fauci is going on CNN and he can’t tell me that if I get the vaccine, if I’ll be able to have dinner with my family.”

More stupidity in the link.
Questions being asked in the UK about the accuracy of "Covid" deaths;

Grieving relatives along with MPs and top medics demand inquiry as families reveal MORE loved ones they believe were wrongly certified as virus victims. Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus. Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, said: ‘The Government should call a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic immediately with an interim investigation into all Covid deaths that should report as soon as possible.’ Tory MP Paul Bristow, a member of the Commons health committee, said: ‘It’s almost certain that a number of deaths have been wrongly attributed to Covid-19.

Hmm... idiot upset Doctor doesn't know science as well as idiot does?

I saw Cruz was riffing on restaurant protocols and upset people needed to wear masks when not sitting at table. He seemed to be clueless that regs allowing restaurants to be open at all was definitely being accommodating to the point of risk.
I saw Cruz was riffing on restaurant protocols and upset people needed to wear masks when not sitting at table. He seemed to be clueless that regs allowing restaurants to be open at all was definitely being accommodating to the point of risk.

The rule is dumb and arbitrary and probably not based in the "science and data". It's similar to the implementation smoking sections in planes and restaurants. Because smoke stays within its boundary I assume a virus will be similar. :rolleyes: It's all just theater.
Questions being asked in the UK about the accuracy of "Covid" deaths;

Grieving relatives along with MPs and top medics demand inquiry as families reveal MORE loved ones they believe were wrongly certified as virus victims. Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus. Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, said: ‘The Government should call a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic immediately with an interim investigation into all Covid deaths that should report as soon as possible.’ Tory MP Paul Bristow, a member of the Commons health committee, said: ‘It’s almost certain that a number of deaths have been wrongly attributed to Covid-19.


Fucking Daily Mail.

Seriously, if you want an excellent example of how to spin facts to generate misleading text that engenders stupidly false beliefs, you couldn't find a much better publication.

For any other purpose, it's a stinking pile of rancid shit.

It's almost certain that the number of deaths in the UK falsely attributed to Covid-19 is significantly fewer than the number of deaths falsely NOT attributed to Covid-19.

But they won't mention that, because that's not how the Daily Mail works - that would be responsible, informative, and reasonable, and the Daily Mail wants bo truck with any of those things. Anger and fear sell copy. Nuance, accuracy, and fairness are boring and drive away customers, particularly in the vital C2DE demographic that has the numbers to effect political change, without the intelligence to recognise that they're being played for fools.
I saw Cruz was riffing on restaurant protocols and upset people needed to wear masks when not sitting at table. He seemed to be clueless that regs allowing restaurants to be open at all was definitely being accommodating to the point of risk.

The rule is dumb and arbitrary and probably not based in the "science and data". It's similar to the implementation smoking sections in planes and restaurants. Because smoke stays within its boundary I assume a virus will be similar. :rolleyes: It's all just theater.

Is "probably" a term based in science and data or just something you pulled from your ass?
I saw Cruz was riffing on restaurant protocols and upset people needed to wear masks when not sitting at table. He seemed to be clueless that regs allowing restaurants to be open at all was definitely being accommodating to the point of risk.

The rule is dumb and arbitrary and probably not based in the "science and data".
Correct. Based on the science, they shouldn't be open at all. The exact same people that are whining about restrictions being too much, get upset when accommodations are made to reduce restrictions and mock the rules put in place to allow for those accommodations.
Correct. Based on the science, they shouldn't be open at all.

That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread. And nobody is forced to go to a restaurant, they should be allowed to open, you can stay home.

The exact same people that are whining about restrictions being too much, get upset when accommodations are made to reduce restrictions and mock the rules put in place to allow for those accommodations.

The rules should be mocked, they are dumb.
Correct. Based on the science, they shouldn't be open at all.

That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread. And nobody is forced to go to a restaurant, they should be allowed to open, you can stay home.

The exact same people that are whining about restrictions being too much, get upset when accommodations are made to reduce restrictions and mock the rules put in place to allow for those accommodations.

The rules should be mocked, they are dumb.

You are very wrong.

Highest risk: eating inside the restaurant

Eating inside a restaurant — big shocker — carries the highest risk. In a recent study, adults who tested positive for the coronavirus were about twice as likely as those who tested negative to have been to a restaurant.

If you decide to eat in, check the restaurant’s safety measures. Look on the website or call and ask if the staff is:

Spacing tables at least six feet apart.

Wearing masks at all times.

Cleaning tables and chairs with disinfectant between customers.

Limiting the number of people who can come inside.

Even if the answer to all of these questions is “yes,” there’s still a risk that you could get exposed to the virus.

“Social distancing and disinfecting don’t eliminate all risk,” Dr. Dumford says. “If someone coughs or laughs, they can exhale a cloud of virus. People are not wearing masks while eating, so there’s a higher risk at a restaurant versus a place where everyone is masked at all times.”

Dr. Dumford recommends avoiding restaurants that use shared areas and objects – think salad bars, drink machines and other self-serve options. Even restaurant menus can be germy.

“Anytime you’re touching an item that someone else has touched, like a pair of salad tongs, you risk getting germs on your hands — including the coronavirus,” he says. “Avoid these items whenever possible. If you can’t, sanitize your hands before and after touching shared items. And don’t touch your face.”

That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread.
Restaurants are a needless source of spread.
Questions being asked in the UK about the accuracy of "Covid" deaths;

Grieving relatives along with MPs and top medics demand inquiry as families reveal MORE loved ones they believe were wrongly certified as virus victims. Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus. Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, said: ‘The Government should call a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic immediately with an interim investigation into all Covid deaths that should report as soon as possible.’ Tory MP Paul Bristow, a member of the Commons health committee, said: ‘It’s almost certain that a number of deaths have been wrongly attributed to Covid-19.


That's the Daily Fail. Using it as a source is a fail.

No questioning of causes of death will get rid of the excess deaths. The overall error is certainly in the direction of missing Covid cases rather than overcounting them as the excess deaths are above the Covid deaths, in some red areas twice the Covid count.
I saw Cruz was riffing on restaurant protocols and upset people needed to wear masks when not sitting at table. He seemed to be clueless that regs allowing restaurants to be open at all was definitely being accommodating to the point of risk.

The rule is dumb and arbitrary and probably not based in the "science and data". It's similar to the implementation smoking sections in planes and restaurants. Because smoke stays within its boundary I assume a virus will be similar. :rolleyes: It's all just theater.

The risk from the virus goes down considerably as you increase the distance. Separating people helps but isn't perfect protection.
Correct. Based on the science, they shouldn't be open at all.

That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread. And nobody is forced to go to a restaurant, they should be allowed to open, you can stay home.

Unfortunately, it's very hard to find because Google is full of that Texas Medical Association chart that's far more popular than scientific data. I have seen it, though--given our crappy tracing the error bars are wide but even then restaurants show up as a risk factor.

The exact same people that are whining about restrictions being too much, get upset when accommodations are made to reduce restrictions and mock the rules put in place to allow for those accommodations.

The rules should be mocked, they are dumb.

Yup, they are dumb--dining in shouldn't be permitted, period.
So Akron is working on getting kids back to school... and it seems kind of stupid. They are limited in what materials they can bring or use, so they'll be working heavily through their Chromebooks still! They have no idea how they are doing breakfast and lunch yet, being Akron school is the source for too many children's food. Class breaks aren't going to exist, socialization isn't going to happen. It seems more like a tease than anything else.

Going to school isn't going to be exactly going back to school. We should just ride this out till we have this damn virus down and get back to class in August.
That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread.
Restaurants are a needless source of spread.

If you believe that, don’t go to restaurants. Don’t go anywhere. Stay home.

Did, other than meal pickups on occasion. Half a million still died, confirming the world doesn’t revolve around my decisions, but rather the aggregate of a bunch of sociopaths and apathetic and ignorant people.

Don’t run from it, own that death toll. You helped it happen. You made a difference. :)
The misery piles up for the insufferable prick Newsom and his arbitrary rules;

A group of Orange County high school athletes filed a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday to challenge his ban on indoor youth sports, citing a violation of equal protection laws due to the fact that collegiate and professional indoor sports are allowed to play, but youth sports are not.

Two of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit are Caleb Graham, a junior at Canyon High School in Anaheim who plays on the basketball team, and Elodie Danet, a sophomore at El Modena High School in Orange who plays on the girls’ volleyball team. Brad Graham, Caleb’s dad, and a part of the "Let Them Play" movement, says the Governor has no medical evidence to warrant banning youth sports while allowing professional and collegiate sports to continue.

"They can’t say that it’s OK for college to play and not OK for the high school kids to play," Brad Graham said. "The time to move forward is now, there’s not a huge risk to these kids, especially if we follow the same protocols that colleges and pros follow."


And there are plenty others getting ready to file.
If you believe that, don’t go to restaurants. Don’t go anywhere. Stay home.

Did, other than meal pickups on occasion. Half a million still died, confirming the world doesn’t revolve around my decisions, but rather the aggregate of a bunch of sociopaths and apathetic and ignorant people.

Don’t run from it, own that death toll. You helped it happen. You made a difference. :)

Male bovine excrement.
That's nonsense, there is no "science and data" (to quote that insufferable prick Newsom) that indicates restaurants are a significant source of virus spread.
Restaurants are a needless source of spread.

If you believe that, don’t go to restaurants. Don’t go anywhere. Stay home.

And if you think school shootings are a bad thing, just don't shoot up any schools. Don't go to school. Stay home.

Questions being asked in the UK about the accuracy of "Covid" deaths;

Grieving relatives along with MPs and top medics demand inquiry as families reveal MORE loved ones they believe were wrongly certified as virus victims. Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus. Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, said: ‘The Government should call a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic immediately with an interim investigation into all Covid deaths that should report as soon as possible.’ Tory MP Paul Bristow, a member of the Commons health committee, said: ‘It’s almost certain that a number of deaths have been wrongly attributed to Covid-19.


It is, indeed, virtually certain that *some* deaths have been wrongly attributed to covid. It is just as certain that a number have wrongly *not* been attributed to covid. A look at the excess death rates and their correlation with covid waves across Western countries shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the second number is significantly higher.
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