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Covid-19 miscellany

Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask.

But authoritarians are stopping me from doing basic stuff without maskless people impinging on my freedom to prevent C19, as best I can. I cannot go into many stores without covidiots.

Walmart is about the best. It's probably because they're a big target. But they enforce masking, have hand sanitizer all over the place....
I'm no fan of the world's top purveyor of Chinese slave made products. But I shop there due to their strict policies.

TSwizzle said:
Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask.

But authoritarians are stopping me from doing basic stuff without maskless people impinging on my freedom to prevent C19, as best I can. I cannot go into many stores without covidiots.

Walmart is about the best. It's probably because they're a big target. But they enforce masking, have hand sanitizer all over the place....
I'm no fan of the world's top purveyor of Chinese slave made products. But I shop there due to their strict policies.

Stay home, shop at Walmart, figure it out. Your irrational fears are not my concern.
And once again, Had the Trump {snip}

The TDS is strong in this one.


That's all I can do, considering where you snipped my post. Laugh!

In a condescending sort of way. The truth apparently interferes so much with your self image and self esteem that you probably didn't even read my post.

Oh well.


TSwizzle said:
Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask.

But authoritarians are stopping me from doing basic stuff without maskless people impinging on my freedom to prevent C19, as best I can. I cannot go into many stores without covidiots.

Walmart is about the best. It's probably because they're a big target. But they enforce masking, have hand sanitizer all over the place....
I'm no fan of the world's top purveyor of Chinese slave made products. But I shop there due to their strict policies.

Stay home, shop at Walmart, figure it out. Your irrational fears are not my concern.

Were Trump able to figure it out, I don't think I'd have the problems I do.

I'm confident that Biden can do better. But that's a pretty low bar.

Today on "Fuck parts of the Catholic Church!"
article said:
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as at least 6 other dioceses from across the country have released statements expressing "moral concerns" over the shot due to its use of lab-grown cells that descend from cells taken in the 1980s from the tissue of aborted fetuses.
"Moral concerns"? The Church that protected and shifted around Priests who were known sex abusers is worried about the "moral concerns" of...

... screw it. Fuck you. Fuck you a lot! Just shut the fuck up, pull up your sleeve and take the fucking vaccine. We have enough people in this country screwing our lives up with this pandemic without you trying to remeddle in our lives.

I know I'm showing my age here.
But I can't help pointing out that the whole C19 thing keeps hitting me with deja vue.

I came out of the closet as a gay man in the mid-late 80s. The government response to the AIDS epidemic was so much like the response to C19. Lots more political posturing than action. Lots more fake news than science or compassion. Religious and business leaders taking strong stands, based almost entirely on personal interests.
Communities of ordinary people left twisting in the wind because it wasn't in the interests of the elite to become educated and honest before taking action. Leaders lying, because the people who suffer aren't as important as the support of their audience.

Yeah, this whole C19 thing is like AIDS for nice people. Less deadly perhaps, but more disruptive.


Have you watched It's a Sin? Just came out on HBOMax and is written by Russell T. Davies. I was fairly young (but not a child) at the time and remember it well....I didn't live in NY or London, but I did live in Miami.
I know I'm showing my age here.
But I can't help pointing out that the whole C19 thing keeps hitting me with deja vue.

I came out of the closet as a gay man in the mid-late 80s. The government response to the AIDS epidemic was so much like the response to C19. Lots more political posturing than action. Lots more fake news than science or compassion. Religious and business leaders taking strong stands, based almost entirely on personal interests.
Communities of ordinary people left twisting in the wind because it wasn't in the interests of the elite to become educated and honest before taking action. Leaders lying, because the people who suffer aren't as important as the support of their audience.

Yeah, this whole C19 thing is like AIDS for nice people. Less deadly perhaps, but more disruptive.


Have you watched It's a Sin? Just came out on HBOMax and is written by Russell T. Davies. I was fairly young (but not a child) at the time and remember it well....I didn't live in NY or London, but I did live in Miami.

I don't watch much TV. I've never heard of this and don't have HBO.
Got a quick synopsis?
Wealthy Keys enclave received COVID vaccines in January before much of the state

As Florida’s eldest residents struggled to sign up to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, nearly all those aged 65 years and older in a wealthy gated enclave in the Florida Keys had been vaccinated by mid-January, according to an emailed newsletter obtained by the Miami Herald.

The management of Ocean Reef Club, located in north Key Largo, also acknowledged in the Jan. 22 message to residents that the rest of the state was grappling to get its hands on the vaccine.

“Over the course of the last two weeks, the Medical Center has vaccinated over 1,200 homeowners who qualify under the State of Florida’s Governor’s current Order for those individuals who are 65 years of age or older,’’ the message reads.

“We are fortunate to have received enough vaccines to ensure both the first and second for those vaccinated. At this time, however, the majority of the State has not received an allocation of first doses of vaccines for this week and beyond, and the timing of any subsequent deliveries remains unclear.”

Neither Ocean Reef’s media relations representative nor officials from its medical center immediately returned phone and emailed messages to answer questions about how it received so many vaccines before much of the rest of the state.
Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask.

Masks are more about protecting others than protecting yourself--to protect yourself means N95 or the like and those aren't comfortable for extended wear. (They inherently can't be--an adequate air seal means it must press on you and over time that's not comfortable.)

Like, how {snip incoherent/irrelevant ranting}

How much more so for getting someone sick with an agent that has the potential to kill them?

Stay home.

And I suppose that's also your answer for the threat of drunk drivers?

And the answer to abortion is don't have one?
TSwizzle said:
Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask.

But authoritarians are stopping me from doing basic stuff without maskless people impinging on my freedom to prevent C19, as best I can. I cannot go into many stores without covidiots.

Walmart is about the best. It's probably because they're a big target. But they enforce masking, have hand sanitizer all over the place....
I'm no fan of the world's top purveyor of Chinese slave made products. But I shop there due to their strict policies.

Stay home, shop at Walmart, figure it out. Your irrational fears are not my concern.

Killing someone recklessly is involuntary manslaughter.

In other contexts the law correctly sees your attitude as criminal.
In a desperate attempt to save his political career that insufferable prick Governor of California Gavin Newsom is “allowing” limited attendance to outdoor venues such as Disneyland and baseball games. The recall will get on the ballot and the insufferable prick will get booted out of office.
In a desperate attempt to save his political career that insufferable prick Governor of California Gavin Newsom is “allowing” limited attendance to outdoor venues such as Disneyland and baseball games. The recall will get on the ballot and the insufferable prick will get booted out of office.

Why do you keep referring to Newsom, instead of the insufferable prick who was in charge of the USA? The one who's recall led to violence in the Capitol? The one who had federal power over C19 policies?

I'm pretty sure I know why you don't want to discuss the real issues, but I'm asking politely.

In a desperate attempt to save his political career that insufferable prick Governor of California Gavin Newsom is “allowing” limited attendance to outdoor venues such as Disneyland and baseball games. The recall will get on the ballot and the insufferable prick will get booted out of office.

Why do you keep referring to Newsom, instead of the insufferable prick who was in charge of the USA? The one who's recall led to violence in the Capitol? The one who had federal power over C19 policies?

I'm pretty sure I know why you don't want to discuss the real issues, but I'm asking politely.


I have TS on ignore but I see when others quote him. I think TS is secretly in love Newsom and wants him all to himself.
In a desperate attempt to save his political career that insufferable prick Governor of California Gavin Newsom is “allowing” limited attendance to outdoor venues such as Disneyland and baseball games. The recall will get on the ballot and the insufferable prick will get booted out of office.

Just because you want the virus to win doesn't mean most people do.
CDC puts forth guidance for vaccinated people.

article said:
The CDC says fully vaccinated people can:
article said:

  • Visit other vaccinated people indoors without masks or physical distancing

  • Visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household without masks or physical distancing, if the unvaccinated people are at low risk for severe disease.

  • Skip quarantine and testing if exposed to someone who has Covid-19 but are asymptomatic, but should monitor for symptoms for 14 days

However, people who are fully vaccinated still need to take precautions in many scenarios. The guidelines say fully vaccinated people must:

  • Wear a mask and keep good physical distance around the unvaccinated who are at increased risk for severe Covid-19, or if the unvaccinated person has a household member who is at higher risk

  • Wear masks and physically distance when visiting unvaccinated people who are from multiple households.

In addition, fully vaccinated people should continue basic safety precautions, including: wearing a mask that fits well and keeping physical distance in public; avoiding medium- and large-sized crowds; avoiding poorly ventilated public spaces; washing hands frequently; and getting tested for Covid-19 if they feel sick.
Texas would be in gross violation of this, and certainly some anti-life people will whine about the masks still being a thing as data is developed on both how the immunization works and how long it works.
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