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Covid-19 miscellany

Here's something a bit more uplifting from Denmark.

The boss of the Danish equivalent of CDC, Sudhedsstrylsen, Søren Brostrøm, has over the past year gotten worse and worse hair cuts. Having a bad hair day is not synonymous with Søren Brostrøm. He's unphased by this and just says that hair dressers are still shut.

I like that he's not being the rules and finding a way to get great hair. While he's strictly speaking, not a politician, he does have that kind of a role right now, and it's cool that he's being a good example for the people.
Why the fuck is Nebraska allowed to just stop reporting COVID cases?
They have been pulling this shit for half a year or more now.

Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants. Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.

^ That was last year, and they're still doing it. Zero reporting, three of the last five days...

Because C19 was a myth in the first place and now that Biden is president it doesn't matter. Never mind the contradiction.
Why the fuck is Nebraska allowed to just stop reporting COVID cases?
They have been pulling this shit for half a year or more now.

Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants. Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.

^ That was last year, and they're still doing it. Zero reporting, three of the last five days...
The irony is that Nebraska might have stopped reporting in May not to hide Covid-19, but the possible fact that all of the meatpackers were illegals.
Why the fuck is Nebraska allowed to just stop reporting COVID cases?
They have been pulling this shit for half a year or more now.

Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants. Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.

^ That was last year, and they're still doing it. Zero reporting, three of the last five days...

Because C19 was a myth in the first place and now that Biden is president it doesn't matter. Never mind the contradiction.

Yeah, it's crazy - why don't they just up and declare "we're not playing" and stop reporting altogether? That would at least be honest...
Why the fuck is Nebraska allowed to just stop reporting COVID cases?
They have been pulling this shit for half a year or more now.

Infection rates were climbing at Nebraska meatpacking plants. Then health officials stopped reporting the numbers.

^ That was last year, and they're still doing it. Zero reporting, three of the last five days...

Because C19 was a myth in the first place and now that Biden is president it doesn't matter. Never mind the contradiction.

Yeah, it's crazy - why don't they just up and declare "we're not playing" and stop reporting altogether? That would at least be honest...

More honest would be to add "and we don't want your dumb vaccinations or Covid19 relief money, either!"

Florida is open baby !!

More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with a defiant message for President Joe Biden and his national mask mandate: 'This is America, you can't tell us what to do.' The famed Spring Break mecca pushed ahead with its 80th annual Bike Week despite fears it could spawn a Covid-19 superspreader event. DailyMail.com joined the giant rally as leather-clad motorcyclists from every state in the nation cruised down Main Street for a raucous party on two wheels. Virtually nobody wore a mask or practiced social distancing as tattooed revelers packed into bars to sing along to REO Speedwagon covers and kick back with $3 beers.


This is going to upset the control freaks !
Florida is open baby !!

More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with a defiant message for President Joe Biden and his national mask mandate: 'This is America, you can't tell us what to do.' The famed Spring Break mecca pushed ahead with its 80th annual Bike Week despite fears it could spawn a Covid-19 superspreader event. DailyMail.com joined the giant rally as leather-clad motorcyclists from every state in the nation cruised down Main Street for a raucous party on two wheels. Virtually nobody wore a mask or practiced social distancing as tattooed revelers packed into bars to sing along to REO Speedwagon covers and kick back with $3 beers.


This is going to upset the control freaks !

And kill a bunch of people. But that doesn't bother you, does it.
Florida is open baby !!

More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with a defiant message for President Joe Biden and his national mask mandate: 'This is America, you can't tell us what to do.' The famed Spring Break mecca pushed ahead with its 80th annual Bike Week despite fears it could spawn a Covid-19 superspreader event. DailyMail.com joined the giant rally as leather-clad motorcyclists from every state in the nation cruised down Main Street for a raucous party on two wheels. Virtually nobody wore a mask or practiced social distancing as tattooed revelers packed into bars to sing along to REO Speedwagon covers and kick back with $3 beers.


This is going to upset the control freaks !
Why do you like that kind of behavior?

Imagine something like: 'More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with their AK-47s shooting in the air and celebrating their freedom'. You wouldn't like that, right?

Yes, stray bullets are on average much worse than COVID when they hit someone, but on the other hand they hit someone much less frequently than COVID passes from one person to another due to a lack of distance and masks.

In any case, the problem is that this event will kill people for no good reason. Waiting for herd immunity before having big events is not a big sacrifice. Wearing a face mask also has a very low cost. I get it that people do not like to lose freedoms, but making small sacrifices not to kill others is just common sense.
Why do you like that kind of behavior?
I don’t really care or worry about what other people do. The thing I like about it is that it gets all the control freaks raging mad that they can’t control people.

Imagine something like: 'More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with their AK-47s shooting in the air and celebrating their freedom'. You wouldn't like that, right?

Yes, stray bullets are on average much worse than COVID when they hit someone, but on the other hand they hit someone much less frequently than COVID passes from one person to another due to a lack of distance and masks.
such drama, so much nonsense packed in there.

In any case, the problem is that this event will kill people for no good reason.
LOL !! Yeah people will be killed alright. These guys are more likely to be killed falling off their bikes while drunk, getting shot or stabbed in a brawl. Covid is the least of their worries.

Waiting for herd immunity before having big events is not a big sacrifice. Wearing a face mask also has a very low cost. I get it that people do not like to lose freedoms, but making small sacrifices not to kill others is just common sense.

Stay home. Don’t leave your house. Ever.
Twizzle said:
such drama, so much nonsense packed in there.
It's neither of those:

First, it is not nonsense: the actions taken by a bunch of people put themselves and other people at significan risk of dying or suffering serious long-lasting consequences, whereas refraining from said actions has a very low cost. In that regard, the case is analogous. As to how big the risk is, it varies in the case of the AK47s because it depends on how many bullets are fired, so one can tune it to whatever the COVID risk is (which probably will kill some people, including third parties not involved in the behavior in question).

Second, it's not a big drama. It was just a way to try to get you to realize that the behavior is wrong, by presenting a relevantly analogous case (see above) in which you would realize it without a problem. Alas, it did not work, but it was a very long shot anyway (whether one challenges the beliefs of right-wingers or the Woke, they almost invariable fail to change their minds).

Third, the analogy was just to try to get you to recognize the pattern, but of course, one can make the point without it. They are engaging in an activity that will probably kill people (including third parties), while refraining from it (just for a while) would have a very low cost.

Twizzle said:
LOL !! Yeah people will be killed alright. These guys are more likely to be killed falling off their bikes while drunk, getting shot or stabbed in a brawl. Covid is the least of their worries.
I see. I wasn't familiar with the event and didn't know they would be killed in those manners as well. Then let me make some points:

1. COVID is not only a risk for participants. It is also a risk for third parties not involved in that behavior. And it will probably kill some such third parties, who will get COVID from some of the people involved, or from a chain of contagions traceable to some of them.

2. From what you say, they will drive their bikes while drunk. That is also wrongful behavior. It endangers third parties, including participants in the event who are not drunk but can be hit, and third parties that might be just crossing the street (at least, if they drive drunk outside their packs of motorcycles, which is a significant possibility if someone is driving while drunk).

3. Obviously, they should not start that sort of browl, either.

4. Finally, if they have people in charge (e.g., children they have to sustain, educate, etc.), they should not be taking such risks on their own lives, either (if they do not have people in charge, it's more complicated, depending on the case).

Now, individual participants may perhaps reduce the risks you cite, e.g., by not drinking and driving carefully. However, if they are not wearing masks, and on top of that are not respecting social distancing, they are still endangering both themselves and third parties significantly (to the point that they will kill some people, including third parties), while the cost of not participating until there is herd immunity is just very low.

Twizzle said:
Stay home. Don’t leave your house. Ever.
That is an attack, but it does not address the substance of my point. Obviously, I do leave home, and go to the supermarket and to buy other things I need. I never go without a mask, not just because it's a felony to be maskless (though it's no longer enforced), but because it's a significant risk for others, and the cost of wearing one is just very low.
Florida is open baby !!

More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with a defiant message for President Joe Biden and his national mask mandate: 'This is America, you can't tell us what to do.' The famed Spring Break mecca pushed ahead with its 80th annual Bike Week despite fears it could spawn a Covid-19 superspreader event. DailyMail.com joined the giant rally as leather-clad motorcyclists from every state in the nation cruised down Main Street for a raucous party on two wheels. Virtually nobody wore a mask or practiced social distancing as tattooed revelers packed into bars to sing along to REO Speedwagon covers and kick back with $3 beers.


This is going to upset the control freaks !

The last such event infected enough people it could be detected.

Of course, that's the Daily Fail, now I'm not sure there is a place called Daytona.
It's neither of those:

First, it is not nonsense: the actions taken by a bunch of people put themselves and other people at significan risk of dying or suffering serious long-lasting consequences, whereas refraining from said actions has a very low cost. In that regard, the case is analogous. As to how big the risk is, it varies in the case of the AK47s because it depends on how many bullets are fired, so one can tune it to whatever the COVID risk is (which probably will kill some people, including third parties not involved in the behavior in question).

Don’t waste your time and bandwidth on such nonsense because I pay no attention to it. Stick to realities.
Florida is open baby !!

More than 300,000 bikers rolled into Daytona Beach this week with a defiant message for President Joe Biden and his national mask mandate: 'This is America, you can't tell us what to do.' The famed Spring Break mecca pushed ahead with its 80th annual Bike Week despite fears it could spawn a Covid-19 superspreader event. DailyMail.com joined the giant rally as leather-clad motorcyclists from every state in the nation cruised down Main Street for a raucous party on two wheels. Virtually nobody wore a mask or practiced social distancing as tattooed revelers packed into bars to sing along to REO Speedwagon covers and kick back with $3 beers.


This is going to upset the control freaks !

The last such event infected enough people it could be detected.

Of course, that's the Daily Fail, now I'm not sure there is a place called Daytona.

There are plenty of sources, with very different ideological preferences. Purely for example:




It's neither of those:

First, it is not nonsense: the actions taken by a bunch of people put themselves and other people at significan risk of dying or suffering serious long-lasting consequences, whereas refraining from said actions has a very low cost. In that regard, the case is analogous. As to how big the risk is, it varies in the case of the AK47s because it depends on how many bullets are fired, so one can tune it to whatever the COVID risk is (which probably will kill some people, including third parties not involved in the behavior in question).

Don’t waste your time and bandwidth on such nonsense because I pay no attention to it. Stick to realities.

I do stick to realities. You just do not understand that, maybe just because you choose not to pay attention (or maybe your ideology would block it anyway; I do not know).

As I explained, the analogy is not even needed (though it was apt as explained above). I gave the arguments independently of it. But there is no reply on your part, either.
I do stick to realities.

AK47s is not reality.

You just do not understand that, maybe just because you choose not to pay attention (or maybe your ideology would block it anyway; I do not know).

I understand the science and data and the associated risks.

As I explained, the analogy is not even needed
No analogy is needed, particularly anything that uses AK47 and bullets. That is silly.

But there is no reply on your part, either.

I can’t and won’t address such nonsense as AK47 etc.
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