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Covid-19 miscellany

How is it a significant inconvenience to wear a mask outside?

Not only is it inconvenient it's unnecessary as most sensible people know.
Outdoors, the risk from aerosols is far lower than indoors.

The risk is negligible. Even the CDC has acknowledged that.

But if you're walking down the street, there are people coming in the other direction, talking, breathing heavily (running, for example), and sometimes even coughing. That can hit you with larger droplets. And you can hit them. A good mask will stop the vast majority of those, both incoming and outgoing (adding a shield will help as well, even if the latter is useless against aerosols; masks work against them too and indoors, of course with limitations).

Frankly, I would be more concerned about this;

A woman was killed when an apparently suicidal man jumped off a parking structure and landed on her in downtown San Diego, police said. The woman was walking with a man in the East Village neighborhood Sunday evening when she was hit, said police Sgt. Dave Yu. She died at the scene.

Joe Rogan is a moron, at least on this subject. The young and healthy may get the virus and come through unscathed but could also spread the virus to those who cannot be vaccinated and give opportunity for the virus to mutate.

and not only that, but they give the virus a few million more dice rolls to see if they can hit the "new strain" jackpot that will set us all back to day 1 new pandemic for ANOTHER year.

Well the vaccination has already but selective pressure on the virus for variants that do better with it. So, this is almost like the whole planet is one person and needs to finish the course and all get vaccinated up to a certain degree level say 85%.

A healthy 21 year old may have done great with the original strain and him passing THAT on is not such a big deal. But passing on a vaccination aided variant is a big deal.

Vaccination is in for a penny in for a pound.
Why not have people with strongly verified cases of Covid-19 NOT get vaccinated so that non infected people can be more quickly?

This is a triage situation and we are not doing triage because why?

This is what makes suspicious people think that this is all about the $$$$$$ at worst and government overreaction at best.

Get a very small increase in already decent protection for the previously infected, while having ZERO added protection for the non infected who are not getting the vaccine yet because a recovered person got their vaccine instead. Also if a nasty vaccine reaction happens in a covid recovered person that is going to give terrible word of mouth that is not politically motivated.

Also for the minor increase of protection they have to take all of the risk of the vaccination, which may be more because their body already knows what the virus is and damage from immune over reaction can occur.

Screenshot from 2021-04-28 08-33-52.png

Screenshot from 2021-04-28 08-34-08.png
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.

And even a few Covid recovereds saying that the vaccine was way worse than Covid is adding to this hesitancy.
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.

And even a few Covid recovereds saying that the vaccine was way worse than Covid is adding to this hesitancy.

I know a couple people that had covid but their sense of taste and smell never fully returned until just shortly after getting vaccinated.
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.

And even a few Covid recovereds saying that the vaccine was way worse than Covid is adding to this hesitancy.

I know a couple people that had covid but their sense of taste and smell never fully returned until just shortly after getting vaccinated.

Yes, that also happens and this really needs investigation
So many people's brains are completely shut down regarding nuance and tradeoffs with this issue. It is just so pathetic.

Not immunity passports, only vaccine passports.

If an immune person from previous infection can't get an immunity passport but has to get two jabs for a vaccine passport and gets a serious long term problem from that, this is breaking the social contract against him and inflicting unneeded harm.

Is there some level of corruption going on? Everyone is willing to admit that corruption is happening somewhere else or many years ago. But few are willinng to admit it may be happening here and now and they are being hoodwinked.

Yes, COVID-19 Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction


Vascular effects. Erectile function is a predictor of heart disease, so we know that the vascular system and reproductive system are connected. We also know that COVID-19 can cause hyperinflammation throughout the body, especially in the heart and surrounding muscles. Blood supply to the penis can become blocked or narrowed as a result of a new or worsened vascular condition caused by the virus.

Helluvua price to pay to eschew a vaccine.
Big Pharma is fighting for tight control over Covid-19 vaccine production, limiting availability worldwide while reaping billions.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN’S administration is being asked to punish Hungary, Colombia, Chile, and other countries for seeking to ramp up the production of Covid-19 vaccines and therapeutics without express permission from pharmaceutical companies.

The sanctions are being urged by the drug industry, which has filed hundreds of pages of documents to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative outlining the alleged threat posed by any effort to challenge “basic intellectual property protections” in the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The drug industry has sharply criticized any attempt to share vaccine patents or the technological knowledge needed to manufacture them, despite global need. According to one estimate, wealthy countries representing just 16 percent of the world’s population have already secured more than half of all Covid-19 vaccine contracts. And current projections show that much of the middle-income and developing world will not achieve widespread vaccinations for years. Some projections predict that low-income countries such as Mali, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe may not achieve significant levels of vaccination until early 2024.
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.

And even a few Covid recovereds saying that the vaccine was way worse than Covid is adding to this hesitancy.

And? Is anybody who's had both even saying that?

I've had both, the disease was much worse.
That last statement is true. And the main vaccination problem in the US is not vaccine availability, it's vaccine hesitancy.

And even a few Covid recovereds saying that the vaccine was way worse than Covid is adding to this hesitancy.

And? Is anybody who's had both even saying that?

I've had both, the disease was much worse.

If you were assured a rock solid assurance of an immunity passport, recognized in all nations from having verified covid would you have gotten the vaccine?

This has people who felt worse from vaccine than Covid


Greedy vile bastards.
Every additional case of COVID is a risk to be the case that creates a mutant that comes back more lethal than before.
There is NO amount of money that is worth slowing down global recovery.

Hmmm, would these greedy vile bastards also do a back channel push with their revolving door government officials for two vaccine shots for people who have had already covid?
When you care about people, and when you are capable of doing math, the insanity of saying that "masks outdoors are unnecessary" becomes readily apparent.

What math are you talking about?

The point is that just being outdoors isn't enough to provide isolation in that kind of population density. Compare that to the situation I was describing where I was very often the only person in a whole square mile.
How is it a significant inconvenience to wear a mask outside?

Not only is it inconvenient it's unnecessary as most sensible people know.

Like wearing shoes and a shirt in a restaurant... are you calling me gross? how dare you... my individual freedoms will not be infringed by your irrational fear of my chest hairs and the condition of my toes (it's much better now that I did the Lamisil thing).

I don't give a hoot about the chest hairs.

If I choose to take a shit in the middle of a PUBLIC street that I pay taxes to maintain, then how dare you infringe my personal freedom!

Just make sure to apply normal wilderness standards. You can't meet the standards for burying it which means you do it in a bag and take it with you.
Frankly, I would be more concerned about this;

A woman was killed when an apparently suicidal man jumped off a parking structure and landed on her in downtown San Diego, police said. The woman was walking with a man in the East Village neighborhood Sunday evening when she was hit, said police Sgt. Dave Yu. She died at the scene.


Someone catches covid outdoors--not news because it's too common.

A jumper takes out someone on the ground--nationwide news because of how rare it is.
TSwizzle said:
The risk is negligible. Even the CDC has acknowledged that.

As long as people are close to each other (and they are when there is high population density, or in gatherings outdoors), the virus gets passed on.

TSwizzle said:
Frankly, I would be more concerned about this;
How do you explain the pressure on health care systems, the collapse in some places (e.g., India), etc.?

The fact is that people are getting infected mostly indoors, also outdoors (gatherings, streets pack with people), and dying in high numbers. It's a lot better over there thanks to vaccines, of course, even though the US is not out of the woods yet.
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