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Covid-19 miscellany

That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.
The irony here in "stay in your lane" is that those not wearing masks or getting vaccinated are the ones swerving into other people's lanes... all the while honking their horn and cursing at the others to get out of their way.

People who don't want to take basic precautions are the ones who should stay home. Not the bulk of society trying to get back to normal, get the economy going again, doing the right thing to protect the most vulnerable...

You stay home and leave us out of your Ted Nugent b.s..
That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.
The irony here in "stay in your lane" is that those not wearing masks or getting vaccinated are the ones swerving into other people's lanes... all the while honking their horn and cursing at the others to get out of their way.

Fauci is a joke;

Dr Fauci flip-flops again! Top infectious disease expert says outdoor COVID transmission is 'low' and updated mask guidelines due to be released by the CDC will exercise 'common sense'


Zero credibility.

The Daily Fail has zero credibility.

That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.

Do you have the same attitude towards drunk drivers?

"If you're scared of sharing your lane with drunken drivers, putting you at risk for their freedumb, just stay home"?

Maybe you do, it's hard to tell from your posts.

Love the comparison.
Well, the arbitrary number here is 2 meters, so close. But yes, 'social distancing' is not just 2 meters. It's to... keep social distancing!
In general, just reducing one's meatspace interactions with other people, and keeping the greatest distance one can in those interactions, is clearly better than not doing so in re: covid. That's social distancing, no numbers.

That said, obviously 2 meters is better than 1 to reduce the risk. And 3 is better than 2, etc., all other things equal.

All things being equal? Stay home and stop lecturing and finger wagging.

This post keeps popping up for me as the top in the page, and I still am so surprised that someone would make such a remarkably inappropriate post to a person living in Brazil, where the outbreaks are so severe and the hospitals so overloaded.

It seems like such a callous “let them eat cake” kind of bravado.
The story mentioned a 14 hour drive if I recall. Partly in Canada. But a boat may also be involved. I wonder how she got into Canada. The borders are closed. I'd not put it passed her to crash the gates. That would make a good news story. Crazed anti-mask state legislator busts through Canadian customs because he's banned from flying.
TSwizzle said:
That is fine for you but there is no need to scold and harangue people who don't. Stay in your lane.
No, I do not "scold and harangue" people. It is a discussion board, and if you post and I disagree with you, I may choose to respond to your posts and make my case in a civil manner. This is expected behavior here, where you choose to post of your own free will.
TSwizzle said:
It's not that they disagree with me, they deliberately misrepresent my position and continue to do so despite being corrected several times.
No, that is not what I do. I never misrepresented your position deliberately. And if I ever misunderstood it, then you can just let me know and I will correct my interpretation of it, but so far, I do not see any misrepresentations on my part. Rather, I'm making my case some of the times when I disagree with you, whereas you accuse me of "scold and harangue" people, etc.

Now when others do that to you, it's fair to complain about them.

TSwizzle said:
Some masks are better than other no doubt. But the vast majority of "face coverings" (bandanas, ill fitting etc) I see are ineffective and just for some it the wearing of a face mask is tribal, religious or virtue signaling. The mask is the MAGA hat of the left. It's a considerable inconvenience however I wear them where I have to. Outside, I never have worn them. Most people don't wear them outside and nobody says anything. Nobody yells "wear a fucking mask". Wearing a mask outside just signals your stupidity.
How is it a significant inconvenience to wear a mask outside?

Over here, it's a felony not to wear one, but that is no longer enforced, and an increasing number of people stopped wearing them, as they also stopped abiding by the ban on meetings in private closed placed. Together with the government's early relaxations of the restrictions, predictably the ICUs are near collapse. So, scared, recently the government has been trying to catch up with new restrictions, but too little too late and too many people rebelling. Unless they manage to stop people from moving, meeting, etc., in a serious manner (and hopefully to actually wear face masks, and properly), they will collapse, and they will have to turn down people, and the already extremely high numbers of covid fatalities will go even higher. It's close to 100% ICU occupation in some places.

TSwizzle said:
That's under your control but the 6ft was arbitrary, made up. People need to get on with their lives. the schools need to be opened, businesses need to be allowed to operate.
Sure, I'm not saying 6 feet (again, here it's not 6 feet, but 2 meters). It's about keeping social distance as explained.

As for the rest, maybe over there where you have vaccines, but slowly and with strict protocols, since you do not have herd immunity yet.

Over here, the schools need to be closed again, but when the federal government try to close them again, the local government resisted and disobeyed. The issue is now before the supreme court. In the meantime, children keep going to school, which makes public transportation even more crowded. Of course, even without that, it's ridiculously crowded because the ban for anyone but essential personnel is no longer enforced. Result? A devastating second wave, with record numbers of cases and fatalities. Businesses are open. Some need to be closed, but selectively. The government is closing everything at 7 pm. Result? People get concentrated in supermarkets in a shorter window, since they need food anyway. And in bars because - just because they want to gather. Supermarkets should be allowed 24/7 which would make them less crowded, and bars and restaurants should be closed 24/7 except for deliveries. But again, it's not happening. The government is trying to close everything more or less equally - so partially -, which is pretty bad as what needs to be closed 24/7 remains open and vice versa. And we also have the lack of compliance by much of the public. Results? The dead are piling up, and so are those who survive with pretty bad long lasting side effects.
Well, the arbitrary number here is 2 meters, so close. But yes, 'social distancing' is not just 2 meters. It's to... keep social distancing!
In general, just reducing one's meatspace interactions with other people, and keeping the greatest distance one can in those interactions, is clearly better than not doing so in re: covid. That's social distancing, no numbers.

That said, obviously 2 meters is better than 1 to reduce the risk. And 3 is better than 2, etc., all other things equal.

All things being equal? Stay home and stop lecturing and finger wagging.

This post keeps popping up for me as the top in the page, and I still am so surprised that someone would make such a remarkably inappropriate post to a person living in Brazil, where the outbreaks are so severe and the hospitals so overloaded.

It seems like such a callous “let them eat cake” kind of bravado.

Wait, isn't "staying home" effectively a "lockdown" or "shelter in place", something California authoritarians have been banging on about for almost a year ?
Wait, isn't "staying home" effectively a "lockdown" or "shelter in place", something California authoritarians have been banging on about for almost a year ?

It's about using judgement.

Keeping exposure to the minimum and using protection when you must go out is common sense. A trip to the grocery or pharmacy is essential. Churches and bars are not. When you do go out, use the precautions easily available like masks and sanitizer.

Ted Nugent didn't just make himself ill. He probably spread C19 to bunch of other folks first.

How is it a significant inconvenience to wear a mask outside?

Not only is it inconvenient it's unnecessary as most sensible people know.

It's about using judgement. I run the dog through the woods regularly. I don't wear a mask. I'm sitting in the yard right now. The only person within 100' is my vaccinated mother-in-law. I don't need a mask.
But not all outdoor settings are that socially distant. So saying "masks outdoors are unneccessary" is simply not sensible.
article said:
A private school in the fashionable Design District of Miami sent its faculty and staff a letter last week about getting vaccinated against Covid-19. But unlike institutions that have encouraged and even facilitated vaccination for teachers, the school, Centner Academy, did the opposite: One of its co-founders, Leila Centner, informed employees “with a very heavy heart” that if they chose to get a shot, they would have to stay away from students.

In an example of how misinformation threatens the nation’s effort to vaccinate enough Americans to get the coronavirus under control, Ms. Centner, who has frequently shared anti-vaccine posts on Facebook, claimed in the letter that “reports have surfaced recently of non-vaccinated people being negatively impacted by interacting with people who have been vaccinated.”
That's right folks. A school run by anti-vaxxers say that if a teacher has gotten vaccinated, they can't teach. I'll give you time to lift the jaw off the floor.

“Even among our own population, we have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person,” she wrote, repeating a false claim that vaccinated people can somehow pass the vaccine to others and thereby affect their reproductive systems. (They can do neither.)
Yes... the first thing that comes to mind is that person got three people pregnant, but humorous retorts aside...

I'm feeling more and more like Farnsworth regarding Covid and the stupidity being demonstrated by so many Americans about it.


I don't know what's in the vaccine. *drinks diet coke*
It is a conspiracy to track people. *pockets smart phone in purse*
I'm just waiting to see how safe the vaccine is.
Wah my freedumb!!!
You have GOT to be kidding me. I thought I had heard it all...until now. And this woman owns a school where parents pay many thousands of dollars to send their kids? Unbelievable.

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