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Covid-19 miscellany

Anti-Maskers Ready to Start Masking—to Protect Themselves From the Vaccinated
An anti-vaccine conspiracy about the vaccinated are leading some anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to contemplate wearing a mask and social distance.

A conspiracy ripping through the anti-vax world may finally drive some anti-maskers to do the unthinkable: wear a mask and keep their distance.

The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—more or less says the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects. The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. The entirely baseless idea is a key cog in a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses.

Experts say the conspiracy is born from a fundamental misunderstanding of how vaccines work. It has been widely debunked and you can read about it here, here, and here, among other places.

There are a lot of real issues with real rare side effects and even poor high level coordination for cheap "orphan drug" treatments that may be possible for Covid. Fuck the governments for not having this is a very close second priority to vaccination. Who cares if there are not flashy new, still patented drugs for covid. The back catalogues of cheap, now generic medicine is truly mind blowing. Taxpayer money should be going to massive trials on promising candidates for all viral infections for the past decade at least, let alone covid.

Stick with this stuff, not bonkers shit like spike protein shedding.

In the back of their mind they know they are treated like shit, but then they fall for garbage that is not even possible to occur.
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These assholes are responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans... and they are getting worse.
Anti-Maskers Ready to Start Masking—to Protect Themselves From the Vaccinated
An anti-vaccine conspiracy about the vaccinated are leading some anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to contemplate wearing a mask and social distance.

A conspiracy ripping through the anti-vax world may finally drive some anti-maskers to do the unthinkable: wear a mask and keep their distance.

The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—more or less says the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects. The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. The entirely baseless idea is a key cog in a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses.

Experts say the conspiracy is born from a fundamental misunderstanding of how vaccines work. It has been widely debunked and you can read about it here, here, and here, among other places.

There are a lot of real issues with real rare side effects and even poor high level coordination for cheap "orphan drug" treatments that may be possible for Covid. Fuck the governments for not having this is a very close second priority to vaccination. Who cares if there are not flashy new, still patented drugs for covid. The back catalogues of cheap, now generic medicine is truly mind blowing. Taxpayer money should be going to massive trials on promising candidates for all viral infections for the past decade at least, let alone covid.

Stick with this stuff, not bonkers shit like spike protein shedding.

In the back of their mind they know they are treated like shit, but then they fall for garbage that is not even possible to occur.

I am vaguely interested to know why you imagine yourself qualified to consider your own non-mainstream ideas as not "bonkers shit", while correctly dismissing other such ideas.

The scientific consensus provides the best guidance for policy. If you are an epidemiologist, virologist, or pharmacologist, then the likelihood that a radical idea you have on how to do things better is correct is (surprisingly) quite low. If you're not one of those, it's essentially zero.
Well the next time a pandemic hits - well before any vaccines are ready, hitting the ground running with direct antiviral treatments and other medicines for infection side effects are needed now.

Treatment as a topic on this board and many other places is woefully neglected and even denigrated as not even worth putting a fraction of effort into compared to vaccines. And I think vaccines are fanfuckingtastic, I got mine.

But if a couple blockbuster brand new drugs under a fresh patent came along that were truly effective, the revolving door pharma folks now in government and NGOs shout it from the rooftops and I would be glad about that.

But are there current treatments not used because they are dirt cheap and the smart people in charge have cognitive biases against them as being old news and their proponents as idiots--hmm think about the doctor laughed at for suggesting that ulcers were caused by bacteria.
There are a lot of real issues with real rare side effects and even poor high level coordination for cheap "orphan drug" treatments that may be possible for Covid. Fuck the governments for not having this is a very close second priority to vaccination. Who cares if there are not flashy new, still patented drugs for covid. The back catalogues of cheap, now generic medicine is truly mind blowing. Taxpayer money should be going to massive trials on promising candidates for all viral infections for the past decade at least, let alone covid.

Stick with this stuff, not bonkers shit like spike protein shedding.

In the back of their mind they know they are treated like shit, but then they fall for garbage that is not even possible to occur.

You don't test drugs against conditions there's no reason to think they're going to work against. That's a huge waste of effort that could be better spent on promising candidates.

And there's no reason to think that the doctors haven't already tried all the promising candidates amongst the already-approved drugs. It's acceptable for a doctor to say "we have no standard treatment for your X. There is a drug Y which I think might help. Do you want to try it?" Docs can do this simply with the patient, no need for a formal test. Things that show promise at this level will get written up and be tested by more doctors.
It's been about 24 hours since I got my first shot, Moderna.

I'm sure I've been exposed to C19. I think I actually got sick from it. I expected some ill effects, like maybe a cold would have.

But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.
It's been about 24 hours since I got my first shot, Moderna.

I'm sure I've been exposed to C19. I think I actually got sick from it. I expected some ill effects, like maybe a cold would have.

But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.

Congrats. :)

By the way, did you get to pick the vaccine?
These assholes are responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans... and they are getting worse.

Get a grip fella.

The obsession with a handful of cranks on social media is bizarre. Particularly since the assholes that put infected patients in care homes and actually did kill hundreds of thousands never gets mentioned. Unless I mention it of course.
It's been about 24 hours since I got my first shot, Moderna.

I'm sure I've been exposed to C19. I think I actually got sick from it. I expected some ill effects, like maybe a cold would have.

But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.

Congrats. :)

By the way, did you get to pick the vaccine?

The local health department takes walk ins. Free, short, I was out of there in 45 minutes. Including the 15 minutes I had to wait in case of an adverse reaction. They use Moderna and I don't know enough to care.
It's been about 24 hours since I got my first shot, Moderna.

I'm sure I've been exposed to C19. I think I actually got sick from it. I expected some ill effects, like maybe a cold would have.

But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.

Congrats. :)

By the way, did you get to pick the vaccine?

The local health department takes walk ins. Free, short, I was out of there in 45 minutes. Including the 15 minutes I had to wait in case of an adverse reaction. They use Moderna and I don't know enough to care.
I see. I asked because I was told people in some Miami got to choose. But the Moderna vaccine is excellent. So is Pfizer/BioNTech's. Johnson&Johnson's is good.
It's been about 24 hours since I got my first shot, Moderna.

I'm sure I've been exposed to C19. I think I actually got sick from it. I expected some ill effects, like maybe a cold would have.

But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.

I arm was sore on my first dose of Pfizer. A bit more sore than a flue shot but not a lot more. I may have been a bit less energetic two days after. Don't know if it was the vaccine or just normal variability in my energy level.

I had virtually no noticeable side effects after my 2nd shot. My arm was less sore than with a regular flu shot. I consider that next to nothing.

Tomorrow will be two weeks from the second shot. Yabadabadoo.
But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.
Let me put a little damper on the celebration. No reaction is not exactly a great thing. It means immune system is not working very well. Old people are less likely to have a reaction because of it.
You probably are going to get immunity anyway, but less durable.
But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.
Let me put a little damper on the celebration. No reaction is not exactly a great thing. It means immune system is not working very well. Old people are less likely to have a reaction because of it.
You probably are going to get immunity anyway, but less durable.[1]
[1] Gut

Seychelles isn't providing a happy narrative for either the Chinese vaccine and/or AstraZenica.vaccine.
article said:
Nowhere have the consequences been clearer than in Seychelles, which relied heavily on a Sinopharm vaccine to inoculate more than 60% of its population. The tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar and with a population of just over 100,000, is battling a surge of the virus and has had to reimpose a lockdown.

Among the vaccinated population that has had two doses, 57% were given Sinopharm, while 43% were given AstraZeneca. Thirty-seven percent of new active cases are people who are fully vaccinated, according to the health ministry, which did not say how many people among them had the Sinopharm shot.
That works to about 50% benefit. Of course, if one of the vaccinations is failing compared to the other, it is much lower than 50%.

article said:
Wavel Ramkalawan, the president of Seychelles, defended the country’s vaccination program, saying that the Sinopharm and AstraZeneca vaccines have “served our population very well.” He pointed out that the Sinopharm vaccine was given to people ages 18-60, and in this age group overall, 80% of the patients who needed to be hospitalized were not vaccinated.
“People may be infected, but they are not sick. Only a small number are,” he told the Seychelles News Agency. “So what is happening is normal.”
"Normal", you mean "not as advertised". There is currently no breakdown on who was vaccinated with what and still got infected.

If there is any silver lining, this is great news for Pfizer, which provided vaccines for Israel.
article said:
Scientists say breakthrough infections are normal because no vaccine is 100% effective. But the experience in Seychelles stands in stark contrast to Israel, which has the second-highest vaccination coverage in the world and has managed to beat back the virus. A study has shown that the Pfizer vaccine that Israel used is 94% effective at preventing transmission. On Wednesday, the number of daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in Seychelles stood at 2,613.38, compared to 5.55 in Israel, according to The World In Data project.
But Seychelles and WHO need to find out what vaccine isn't working at transmission, because preventing transmissions is crucial! Yes, we save lives short term regardless, if the vaccine mitigates the symptoms, but more people infected means more mutations. So if the vaccine isn't stopping transmission, those with that vaccine need masks still.
But, nothing. Easy-peasy. I can barely feel the spot I got jabbed.
Let me put a little damper on the celebration. No reaction is not exactly a great thing. It means immune system is not working very well. Old people are less likely to have a reaction because of it.
You probably are going to get immunity anyway, but less durable.[1]
[1] Gut


I don't know enough about this to discuss anything but personal anecdotes.
But that made no sense to me.
The Seychelles data should be taken with a grain of salt. A lot of those people were not fully vaccinated. Letting your guard down the day you get your first shot is a good way to get infected!

Last night I had a thought about the disease:

We call it "Covid-19" but the actual pathogen isolated in 2019 is extinct, it's the European variant that infected the world, now combined with additional variants. Shouldn't it be Covid-20 by now?
The Seychelles data should be taken with a grain of salt. A lot of those people were not fully vaccinated. Letting your guard down the day you get your first shot is a good way to get infected!

Last night I had a thought about the disease:

We call it "Covid-19" but the actual pathogen isolated in 2019 is extinct, it's the European variant that infected the world, now combined with additional variants. Shouldn't it be Covid-20 by now?

No...it's more like a hierarchy. Covid 19 was very new having allegedly come from bats. New variants are small changes, like Windows 10 versus a patch like 10.001.332ffjjslslalc. Windows 12 would be a completely newly derived strain.
The Seychelles data should be taken with a grain of salt. A lot of those people were not fully vaccinated. Letting your guard down the day you get your first shot is a good way to get infected!

Last night I had a thought about the disease:

We call it "Covid-19" but the actual pathogen isolated in 2019 is extinct, it's the European variant that infected the world, now combined with additional variants. Shouldn't it be Covid-20 by now?

No...it's more like a hierarchy. Covid 19 was very new having allegedly come from bats. New variants are small changes, like Windows 10 versus a patch like 10.001.332ffjjslslalc. Windows 12 would be a completely newly derived strain.

I am seeing stuff about t-cell cross immunity with covid-19. So was everyone starting from 0% initial adaptive immunity?


I don't know enough about this to discuss anything but personal anecdotes.
But that made no sense to me.
Are you talking to me or to Jimmy Higgins?
I merely reported what doctors say and what DOES make sense to me.
Old people do tend to have lesser reaction to vaccine and the reason IS in fact what I said it is.
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