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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
PETE. For fuck's sake. Pete Buttigieg. No one articulates the very heart of issues and Republicans' utter failure in all areas like Pete. It's way more than just historic to put Pete on the ticket as VP.

I love Whitmer, but does she really have that much recognition? Hilary and Michelle are both huge Nos, not because I wouldn't support that shit with all of my being, but because absolutely neither of them would, if for different reasons, I'm sure.

It's gotta be Pete. He's got the affluent white man thing going for him AND he absolutely thrives on engaging Republicans and calmly, clearly taking their immorality to task.
I hope not, he's an HRC gay, not a queer gay. I mean perhaps my people like him now but haven't told me? It is true that I am out of all loops. idk. More cotton candy, imo, no offense to you, my dear Floof.

IF Pete had been behind any major improvements to infrastructure, then, maybe he'd be good for ... wait, he hasn't done a daggone thing. Maybe he should be Veep after all. (snide, I know)
I hope not, he's an HRC gay, not a queer gay. I mean perhaps my people like him now but haven't told me? It is true that I am out of all loops. idk. More cotton candy, imo, no offense to you, my dear Floof.
Our people are guardedly neutral about Pete, but absolutely adore his husband (and the dog).

chasten and pete.png
I was thinking, putting Gay Pete on with Black Female Kamala was a bridge too far. Now after skimming the linked article, maybe not. Buttigieg may have built that bridge.

Secretary Buttigieg and USDOT’s accomplishments: Three-year anniversary

A 175 minute read put out in select bite size morsels and the fact that he is no stranger to Fox News, it could work. I'd sure like to see him in there.
The worst of the worst insults Trump and Trump-like creatures have to offer up about the Dem candidates and their significant others can be shown in all their ugliness.
The favorite in Polymarket betting is Roy Cooper -- not yet mentioned in the thread!

He is the popular 2-term Governor of North Carolina, a very key swing state. He served as his state's Atty-Gen for 16 years and was Majority Leader of the state Senate, so he has experience! I clicked on two YouTubes to hear his speaking voice. He doesn't have the oratory skill of Obama, or even Biden. But maybe calm intelligence is what we need.
I would like the record to show, I voted for Magic Brownies, not Swalwell.
PETE. For fuck's sake. Pete Buttigieg. No one articulates the very heart of issues and Republicans' utter failure in all areas like Pete. It's way more than just historic to put Pete on the ticket as VP.

I love Whitmer, but does she really have that much recognition? Hilary and Michelle are both huge Nos, not because I wouldn't support that shit with all of my being, but because absolutely neither of them would, if for different reasons, I'm sure.

It's gotta be Pete. He's got the affluent white man thing going for him AND he absolutely thrives on engaging Republicans and calmly, clearly taking their immorality to task.
I hope not, he's an HRC gay, not a queer gay. I mean perhaps my people like him now but haven't told me? It is true that I am out of all loops. idk. More cotton candy, imo, no offense to you, my dear Floof.

IF Pete had been behind any major improvements to infrastructure, then, maybe he'd be good for ... wait, he hasn't done a daggone thing. Maybe he should be Veep after all. (snide, I know)
What is an "HRC Gay"? It will be Whitmer. Popular vote doesn't count. Harris is a little ahead in popular vote but losing in swing states. If we lose Michigan, we lose the race to Trump.
I'm presuming a corporate Democrat. Buttigieg is really sharp. But while he provides a foil for Harris, he doesn't provide the state of Indiana. We need to shore up the wall. And that means Gov Whitmer or Gov Shapiro. There is Sen. Hassan in New Hampshire, but I don't think that helps the ticket enough, also a Republican Governor.

Electoral-Vote.com had a list of a bunch of white males that could be the VP nomination, but no Whitmer. Whitmer feels like the right choice. If there is going to be racism and misogyny, then stuff it down their throat. I think VP Harris should become America's first Unapologetic Black President.
PETE. For fuck's sake. Pete Buttigieg. No one articulates the very heart of issues and Republicans' utter failure in all areas like Pete. It's way more than just historic to put Pete on the ticket as VP.

I love Whitmer, but does she really have that much recognition? Hilary and Michelle are both huge Nos, not because I wouldn't support that shit with all of my being, but because absolutely neither of them would, if for different reasons, I'm sure.

It's gotta be Pete. He's got the affluent white man thing going for him AND he absolutely thrives on engaging Republicans and calmly, clearly taking their immorality to task.
I hope not, he's an HRC gay, not a queer gay. I mean perhaps my people like him now but haven't told me? It is true that I am out of all loops. idk. More cotton candy, imo, no offense to you, my dear Floof.

IF Pete had been behind any major improvements to infrastructure, then, maybe he'd be good for ... wait, he hasn't done a daggone thing. Maybe he should be Veep after all. (snide, I know)
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Right? I don’t know why someone’s sexual preference is germane to government whatsoever, anyhow. Is there concern that gay people will stay home because a VP candidate isn’t their “brand” of gay? Is Donald Trump closer to their brand? (he IS obviously repressed somehow).
I’d like Pete to be President, but fear that there is a contingent of those mythical “swing voters” who simply won’t vote for someone they think is gay, let alone an openly gay person.
PETE. For fuck's sake. Pete Buttigieg. No one articulates the very heart of issues and Republicans' utter failure in all areas like Pete. It's way more than just historic to put Pete on the ticket as VP.

I love Whitmer, but does she really have that much recognition? Hilary and Michelle are both huge Nos, not because I wouldn't support that shit with all of my being, but because absolutely neither of them would, if for different reasons, I'm sure.

It's gotta be Pete. He's got the affluent white man thing going for him AND he absolutely thrives on engaging Republicans and calmly, clearly taking their immorality to task.
I hope not, he's an HRC gay, not a queer gay. I mean perhaps my people like him now but haven't told me? It is true that I am out of all loops. idk. More cotton candy, imo, no offense to you, my dear Floof.

IF Pete had been behind any major improvements to infrastructure, then, maybe he'd be good for ... wait, he hasn't done a daggone thing. Maybe he should be Veep after all. (snide, I know)
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Right? I don’t know why someone’s sexual preference is germane to government whatsoever, anyhow. Is there concern that gay people will stay home because a VP candidate isn’t their “brand” of gay? Is Donald Trump closer to their brand? (he IS obviously repressed somehow).
I’d like Pete to be President, but fear that there is a contingent of those mythical “swing voters” who simply won’t vote for someone they think is gay, let alone an openly gay person.
I can't speak for the LGBTQ community (can any one person really declare that Pete isn't "one of us"?) but the sad fact is that America is still a pretty bigoted country.

Remember how people thought Obama getting elected somehow "ended" racism? It didn't. In fact it brought it back with a vengeance, and his successor was embraced (and returned the embrace) by racists who were empowered thinking he had their backs. Yeah, it's been a long time since Ellen came out on TV, but when I think of my former home state of Michigan, and more specifically my small hometown, that homophobia that's been put on the back burner will come roaring back if Pete is on the ticket. That sucks, because I think he's abundantly competent and particularly eloquent, but the sad reality is that much of America isn't ready for a Black woman President AND a gay VP.

I looked at the choices on Electoral-vote.com, and on paper, Senator Kelly is a solid pick, but as I mentioned before, he has the charisma of a potato. Whitmer is a very polarizing figure in Michigan. Yes, she won her race, but also has people who literally plotted to kill her. The other Democrats listed (and Whitmer, if we're being honest) don't have the sort of national prominence that's needed to shore up the ticket. Remember, Harris did not do well as a Presidential candidate, and has not exactly been a ground-breaking VP. Biden really should have stuck to his pledge to be a one term proposition, and spent the last 3 years preparing Harris as a successor.

I was intrigued by the suggestion of a "unity" candidate. They listed Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, and Evan McMullen as possible picks. Of those three, I'd say Cheney brings the biggest name recognition, but I can't get past the last Vice President Cheney. I follow some "never Trumper"/former Republican outfits like The Bulwark and The Lincoln Project, and if they're any indication the "never Trumpers" are fired up about beating Trump again. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head, but a prominent, moderate Republican whom Trump hates would be an interesting choice.
The favorite in Polymarket betting is Roy Cooper -- not yet mentioned in the thread!

He is the popular 2-term Governor of North Carolina, a very key swing state. He served as his state's Atty-Gen for 16 years and was Majority Leader of the state Senate, so he has experience! I clicked on two YouTubes to hear his speaking voice. He doesn't have the oratory skill of Obama, or even Biden. But maybe calm intelligence is what we need.
And no one has ever heard of him.
Nobody is bringing up Dean Phillips. Maybe its time to give him a second look.

Roy Cooper isn't well known enough, but at least has a shot based on his Geographic proximity. You want to consider some dude no one including his family knows about his Dem primary run?
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