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Poll Dem VP Pic: your choice?

Reflecting that a poll is included in the thread.

Democratic Vice President Pick

  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Gretchen Whimer

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cory Booker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chuck Schumer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Eric Swalwell

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Andy Beshear

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Common gay slang for "His Royal Cock", I'm surprised you don't know that.
HMMM. I saw Hillary Rodham Clinton, and figured it was a slight that he wasn't progressive. Swing and a miss.
That's what I thought too! But that didn't really make sense. I figured I was just out of the loop on gay kulcher.
Don't feel bad! HRC Gay isn't even in google search!
I'm presuming a corporate Democrat. Buttigieg is really sharp. But while he provides a foil for Harris, he doesn't provide the state of Indiana. We need to shore up the wall. And that means Gov Whitmer or Gov Shapiro. There is Sen. Hassan in New Hampshire, but I don't think that helps the ticket enough, also a Republican Governor.

Electoral-Vote.com had a list of a bunch of white males that could be the VP nomination, but no Whitmer. Whitmer feels like the right choice. If there is going to be racism and misogyny, then stuff it down their throat. I think VP Harris should become America's first Unapologetic Black President.
Yeah. If the Republicans can do awful and shameful shit, own it and wear it like a badge of honor, you’d think the Democrats could do what’s right and proper, own it and wear it like a badge of honor. So why does it feel like it would blow up in their faces?
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Common gay slang for "His Royal Cock", I'm surprised you don't know that.
HMMM. I saw Hillary Rodham Clinton, and figured it was a slight that he wasn't progressive. Swing and a miss.
Ah, basic political literacy. I was beginning to doubt the voting credentials of everyone in this thread, not recognizing the name of their own presidential pick 7 years ago, whose name is also helpfully reprinted in the poll above.
On paper, Pete is great. Extremely intelligent, well spoken but with little to no personal charisma. I also think, as horrible as it is to type this—being gay is just a step to far for mainstream America with a woman of color leading the ticket.

Whitmer is great but again: two women might be a bridge too far, as distressing as it is to type that.

Mark Kelly gives the old white guy vibe to south fears.

Bob Casey gives similar senior white man vibes plus he’s from PA.

I will because disappointed if Katie Porter isn’t scooped up for a prominent role
On paper, Pete is great. Extremely intelligent, well spoken but with little to no personal charisma. I also think, as horrible as it is to type this—being gay is just a step to far for mainstream America with a woman of color leading the ticket.

Whitmer is great but again: two women might be a bridge too far, as distressing as it is to type that.
As I noted before, I think owning the female ticket works better than the female lead on the ticket. The idea we need to balance the ticket via gender reinforces the misogyny. We are in a unique situation, historically. And Trump just trashes general political rules and decorum. So, this to me is a perfect time for a Harris-Whitmer candidacy. Shoring up Michigan, I think helps Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, while as shoring Pennsylvania just shores up Pennsylvania.
Mark Kelly gives the old white guy vibe to south fears.
My only concern with Kelly is that I think of Lloyd Bentsen. He completely and utterly pwned Quayle... to absolutely no effect.
I will because disappointed if Katie Porter isn’t scooped up for a prominent role
She is definitely not VP material yet.
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Common gay slang for "His Royal Cock", I'm surprised you don't know that.
HMMM. I saw Hillary Rodham Clinton, and figured it was a slight that he wasn't progressive. Swing and a miss.
Ah, basic political literacy. I was beginning to doubt the voting credentials of everyone in this thread, not recognizing the name of their own presidential pick 7 years ago, whose name is also helpfully reprinted in the poll above.
Oh, I was right?
Andy Beshear.
Offers the ticket nothing.

Why not?

Who? I follow politics, and have no idea who he is.

Read the link I just posted above. He is the 47-year-old governor of Kentucky, one of only two Democrats who hold statewide office there.
I think you missed the point.

I follow politics, and have never heard of this guy. The voters that really matter in November are not people who follow politics.

It's like you're at a party and you corner someone to tell them "look, you've never heard them, but you really should get into this band." I might give them a listen and say "wow, they really are great. Thanks for the suggestion!"

What the Democrats need is not "you've never heard of them, but you really should get into this band." They need someone with instant name recognition. "Oh yeah, I've heard of that guy."

They have just over 3 months to solidify a ticket. They don't have the time to get voters to listen to that one album that a fraction of the audience thinks is genius.

Quite often veep picks are people most people haven’t heard of. Sometimes that is an advantage. How many people have heard of J.D. Vance?
Me. Bought the book, too, before anyone heard of any political ambitions on his part. He writes well, is intelligent but apparently quite willing to say any fucked up thing that will get him a vote it place on the ticket. Huge fear is that he someday makes it into the White House. Going for him: He’s got very solid working class credentials. Downside is that he has the same working class pull yourself up by the bootstraps cause ain’t nobody coming to help me reality that my parents had and passed on to their kids and I’m here to tell you that strategy leads to survival but not to thriving. But he will definitely resonate with a lot of working class people.

On the downside, he really has pissed off a bunch of people with closer, more authentic Appalachian roots.

Oh, and Vance is his mother’s family name that he took to give him some hillbilly cred. Some people resent that he inflated that part of his family tree. Puts me in mind of my oldest son, raised by an academic father and a bookworm mother who spent a few years trying to pretend he was working class because he grew up in a working class town. My son grew up, got some actual experience in life, including meeting and working with some people who grew up much rougher than he did and discovered that, as he put it, there are those who were never virgins—they were born fucked.

I even get the exaggeration of humble beginnings. I trot out my best Midwest twang and start talking about how squirrels sure are good eatin’ when my big city born and raised husband gets too uppity big city sophisticated bs on me. But that’s a private joke, not much reflection of reality. Hubby has learned to recognize crops in fields and cows at a far distance and to have a healthy respect for farm equipment. I think I read enough to know which fork to use and know more about art and literature and theater than he does.
On paper, Pete is great. Extremely intelligent, well spoken but with little to no personal charisma. I also think, as horrible as it is to type this—being gay is just a step to far for mainstream America with a woman of color leading the ticket.

Whitmer is great but again: two women might be a bridge too far, as distressing as it is to type that.
As I noted before, I think owning the female ticket works better than the female lead on the ticket. The idea we need to balance the ticket via gender reinforces the misogyny. We are in a unique situation, historically. And Trump just trashes general political rules and decorum. So, this to me is a perfect time for a Harris-Whitmer candidacy. Shoring up Michigan, I think helps Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, while as shoring Pennsylvania just shores up Pennsylvania.
Mark Kelly gives the old white guy vibe to south fears.
My only concern with Kelly is that I think of Lloyd Bentsen. He completely and utterly pwned Quayle... to absolutely no effect.
I will because disappointed if Katie Porter isn’t scooped up for a prominent role
She is definitely not VP material yet.
Of course I know that bypassing Whitmer is largely based on misogyny. FFS I’ve lived that shit a lot more years than you’ve been alive. Wish it did not matter but winning matters more than making a point.

Mark Kelly has some good cred, is strongly anti-unrestricted gun —and is from the western part of the US so geographically does not bring balance.

Neither gender nor geography should matter but they do. I know I mentioned Kelly but I mentioned him specifically because I’ve seen his name come up all over the place. Name recognition helps.
Um … the vote percentages add up to more than 117 percent? :unsure:
What is an "HRC Gay"?
Common gay slang for "His Royal Cock", I'm surprised you don't know that.
HMMM. I saw Hillary Rodham Clinton, and figured it was a slight that he wasn't progressive. Swing and a miss.
Ah, basic political literacy. I was beginning to doubt the voting credentials of everyone in this thread, not recognizing the name of their own presidential pick 7 years ago, whose name is also helpfully reprinted in the poll above.
Oh, I was right?
Thing is, to straight liberals, "progressivism" is a mask they can take on or off depending on who they need to impress at the moment. A trans person is stuck in their "progressive" trans body whether it is popular or not, and their civil rights are either upheld or denied. Someone like Pete, who is openly gay but otherwise not obviously "queer" nor especially commited to the cause of defending minority rights against Trump's assaults as near as anyone can tell, is especially palatable to a straight white liberal who wants cred for supporting gays but isn't ready for the challenge of accepting a lifestyle radically different from their own. For the most part the queer community cheers Pete on when good things happen to him, but trust is a bigger ask, for a community that has been stabbed in the back almost more often than the front for the last two centuries. That goes double for queer people who aren't white Christian men in stable marriages, and thus have no hope of following his particular path to social legitimacy. I'm sure we'd all vote for him if his name was on the ticket, people are just kind of wary of his concession-first approach to politics.
I'm presuming a corporate Democrat. Buttigieg is really sharp. But while he provides a foil for Harris, he doesn't provide the state of Indiana. We need to shore up the wall. And that means Gov Whitmer or Gov Shapiro. There is Sen. Hassan in New Hampshire, but I don't think that helps the ticket enough, also a Republican Governor.

Electoral-Vote.com had a list of a bunch of white males that could be the VP nomination, but no Whitmer. Whitmer feels like the right choice. If there is going to be racism and misogyny, then stuff it down their throat. I think VP Harris should become America's first Unapologetic Black President.
Yeah. If the Republicans can do awful and shameful shit, own it and wear it like a badge of honor, you’d think the Democrats could do what’s right and proper, own it and wear it like a badge of honor. So why does it feel like it would blow up in their faces?
Because it would.
Nobody can outdo Trump when it comes to awful and shameful shit. He spews the awfullest shamefullest shit the world - the UNIVERSE -has ever seen.
Make it an awful shameful shit contest and you’ve forfeited in advance.
Andy Beshear.
Offers the ticket nothing.

Why not?

Who? I follow politics, and have no idea who he is.

Read the link I just posted above. He is the 47-year-old governor of Kentucky, one of only two Democrats who hold statewide office there.
I think you missed the point.

I follow politics, and have never heard of this guy. The voters that really matter in November are not people who follow politics.

It's like you're at a party and you corner someone to tell them "look, you've never heard them, but you really should get into this band." I might give them a listen and say "wow, they really are great. Thanks for the suggestion!"

What the Democrats need is not "you've never heard of them, but you really should get into this band." They need someone with instant name recognition. "Oh yeah, I've heard of that guy."

They have just over 3 months to solidify a ticket. They don't have the time to get voters to listen to that one album that a fraction of the audience thinks is genius.

Quite often veep picks are people most people haven’t heard of. Sometimes that is an advantage. How many people have heard of J.D. Vance?
Me. Bought the book, too, before anyone heard of any political ambitions on his part. He writes well, is intelligent but apparently quite willing to say any fucked up thing that will get him a vote it place on the ticket. Huge fear is that he someday makes it into the White House. Going for him: He’s got very solid working class credentials. Downside is that he has the same working class pull yourself up by the bootstraps cause ain’t nobody coming to help me reality that my parents had and passed on to their kids and I’m here to tell you that strategy leads to survival but not to thriving. But he will definitely resonate with a lot of working class people.

On the downside, he really has pissed off a bunch of people with closer, more authentic Appalachian roots.
Dude isn't even from Appalachia. When I read he was from Middletown, I was confused. Middletown isn't in its heyday, but the city isn't part of Appalachia. It isn't really even rural. It more like Youngstown than Appalachia.

And for a little trivia Middletown's airport is where Sarah Palin was flown into to get debut'd as the worst political decision the right-wing would make for a few years.
I'm presuming a corporate Democrat. Buttigieg is really sharp. But while he provides a foil for Harris, he doesn't provide the state of Indiana. We need to shore up the wall. And that means Gov Whitmer or Gov Shapiro. There is Sen. Hassan in New Hampshire, but I don't think that helps the ticket enough, also a Republican Governor.

Electoral-Vote.com had a list of a bunch of white males that could be the VP nomination, but no Whitmer. Whitmer feels like the right choice. If there is going to be racism and misogyny, then stuff it down their throat. I think VP Harris should become America's first Unapologetic Black President.
Yeah. If the Republicans can do awful and shameful shit, own it and wear it like a badge of honor, you’d think the Democrats could do what’s right and proper, own it and wear it like a badge of honor. So why does it feel like it would blow up in their faces?
Because it would.
Nobody can outdo Trump when it comes to awful and shameful shit.
Make it an awful shameful shit contest and you’ve forfeited in advance.
The goal isn't to be awful, it is to let them be awful and broadcast it abroad to the electorate. This is what the GOP thinks of you as women, as African Americans, this is what they think of your daughters.
On paper, Pete is great. Extremely intelligent, well spoken but with little to no personal charisma. I also think, as horrible as it is to type this—being gay is just a step to far for mainstream America with a woman of color leading the ticket.

Whitmer is great but again: two women might be a bridge too far, as distressing as it is to type that.
As I noted before, I think owning the female ticket works better than the female lead on the ticket. The idea we need to balance the ticket via gender reinforces the misogyny. We are in a unique situation, historically. And Trump just trashes general political rules and decorum. So, this to me is a perfect time for a Harris-Whitmer candidacy. Shoring up Michigan, I think helps Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, while as shoring Pennsylvania just shores up Pennsylvania.
Mark Kelly gives the old white guy vibe to south fears.
My only concern with Kelly is that I think of Lloyd Bentsen. He completely and utterly pwned Quayle... to absolutely no effect.
I will because disappointed if Katie Porter isn’t scooped up for a prominent role
She is definitely not VP material yet.
Not suggesting Porter as VP but she needs to be in a prominent position.

Whitmer joining the ticket almost assures MI will have a GOP governor when that ejection cycle comes around ( too lazy to look it up now).

If you want to blow some minds, how about AOC? Very very smart, articulate, east coast, working class. Let’s own the female/POC thing!
On paper, Pete is great. Extremely intelligent, well spoken but with little to no personal charisma. I also think, as horrible as it is to type this—being gay is just a step to far for mainstream America with a woman of color leading the ticket.

Whitmer is great but again: two women might be a bridge too far, as distressing as it is to type that.
As I noted before, I think owning the female ticket works better than the female lead on the ticket. The idea we need to balance the ticket via gender reinforces the misogyny. We are in a unique situation, historically. And Trump just trashes general political rules and decorum. So, this to me is a perfect time for a Harris-Whitmer candidacy. Shoring up Michigan, I think helps Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, while as shoring Pennsylvania just shores up Pennsylvania.
Mark Kelly gives the old white guy vibe to south fears.
My only concern with Kelly is that I think of Lloyd Bentsen. He completely and utterly pwned Quayle... to absolutely no effect.
I will because disappointed if Katie Porter isn’t scooped up for a prominent role
She is definitely not VP material yet.
Not suggesting Porter as VP but she needs to be in a prominent position.

Whitmer joining the ticket almost assures MI will have a GOP governor when that ejection cycle comes around ( too lazy to look it up now).

If you want to blow some minds, how about AOC? Very very smart, articulate, east coast, working class. Let’s own the female/POC thing!
I think AOC is running for Schumer's job when he retires.

Whitmer is term limited, so I don't see the risk.
I'm presuming a corporate Democrat. Buttigieg is really sharp. But while he provides a foil for Harris, he doesn't provide the state of Indiana. We need to shore up the wall. And that means Gov Whitmer or Gov Shapiro. There is Sen. Hassan in New Hampshire, but I don't think that helps the ticket enough, also a Republican Governor.

Electoral-Vote.com had a list of a bunch of white males that could be the VP nomination, but no Whitmer. Whitmer feels like the right choice. If there is going to be racism and misogyny, then stuff it down their throat. I think VP Harris should become America's first Unapologetic Black President.
Yeah. If the Republicans can do awful and shameful shit, own it and wear it like a badge of honor, you’d think the Democrats could do what’s right and proper, own it and wear it like a badge of honor. So why does it feel like it would blow up in their faces?
Because it would.
Nobody can outdo Trump when it comes to awful and shameful shit.
Make it an awful shameful shit contest and you’ve forfeited in advance.
The goal isn't to be awful, it is to let them be awful and broadcast it abroad to the electorate. This is what the GOP thinks of you as women, as African Americans, this is what they think of your daughters.
Sorry! Going too fast, I misread it.
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