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Democrats 2020

I only see Koy's posts when somebody makes the mistake of quoting him, but my God, the line about choosing a President being no different from hiring a competent applicant to do a job based on their resume is just dismally depressing meritocratic slop.
I only see Koy's posts when somebody makes the mistake of quoting him, but my God, the line about choosing a President being no different from hiring a competent applicant to do a job based on their resume is just dismally depressing meritocratic slop.

I only see Koy's posts when somebody makes the mistake of quoting him, but my God, the line about choosing a President being no different from hiring a competent applicant to do a job based on their resume is just dismally depressing meritocratic slop.


Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms. What makes someone an attractive candidate from the perspective of a hiring manager looking at performance metrics is not the same thing as what is good for the majority of people, and only someone who is basically insulated from the failures of American economic and foreign policy has the luxury of treating the situation like a job interview. And, of course, all the characteristics that are regarded as valuable for an interviewee are decided by such people, not by the poor, or by minorities who have been shut out of the political process for decades, or by the victims of military aggression abroad, or by young people who see an uncertain and chaotic future for themselves. They can all just shut up and get in line, because The Politics Knower has laid out a bulleted list of attributes that HR has decided are important for a president to have, and if we find such a candidate, all we have to do is make sure they are elected and everything will work out.

This frames the problem of politics as a matter of getting the right individuals into positions of power, rather than the problem of giving power to larger numbers of people who currently don't have any. It's inherently conservative, because the only criteria for evaluating a presidential hopeful through the lens of hiring someone to do a job is whatever the job has entailed thus far. Treating elections this way therefore solidifies the status quo, rather than questioning it.
Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms.

Says who? You seem to have a very limited perspective on the hiring process.
Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms.

Says who? You seem to have a very limited perspective on the hiring process.

On balance, the person who gets hired for a given job is the one who meets the qualifications stated in the position, not someone who says "hi, I want this job and I think all the things usually required of someone in this job should be changed, because they harm the general population and reward corrupt abuses of power"
I only see Koy's posts when somebody makes the mistake of quoting him, but my God, the line about choosing a President being no different from hiring a competent applicant to do a job based on their resume is just dismally depressing meritocratic slop.


Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms. What makes someone an attractive candidate from the perspective of a hiring manager looking at performance metrics is not the same thing as what is good for the majority of people, and only someone who is basically insulated from the failures of American economic and foreign policy has the luxury of treating the situation like a job interview. And, of course, all the characteristics that are regarded as valuable for an interviewee are decided by such people, not by the poor, or by minorities who have been shut out of the political process for decades, or by the victims of military aggression abroad, or by young people who see an uncertain and chaotic future for themselves. They can all just shut up and get in line, because The Politics Knower has laid out a bulleted list of attributes that HR has decided are important for a president to have, and if we find such a candidate, all we have to do is make sure they are elected and everything will work out.

This frames the problem of politics as a matter of getting the right individuals into positions of power, rather than the problem of giving power to larger numbers of people who currently don't have any. It's inherently conservative, because the only criteria for evaluating a presidential hopeful through the lens of hiring someone to do a job is whatever the job has entailed thus far. Treating elections this way therefore solidifies the status quo, rather than questioning it.

Treating elections this way therefore solidifies the status quo, rather than questioning it.

Which is what the system is set up to ensconce, the aristocracy's position in society.
Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms.

Says who? You seem to have a very limited perspective on the hiring process.

No, those doing the hiring do in my experience. They do not want thinkers, they select for mindless followers.
Because the qualifications for being good at a job are to carry out the functions of that job efficiently and without question, not to ask whether those functions should be different. You don't get hired by challenging the way things have been done, you get hired by accommodating the established norms. What makes someone an attractive candidate from the perspective of a hiring manager looking at performance metrics is not the same thing as what is good for the majority of people, and only someone who is basically insulated from the failures of American economic and foreign policy has the luxury of treating the situation like a job interview. And, of course, all the characteristics that are regarded as valuable for an interviewee are decided by such people, not by the poor, or by minorities who have been shut out of the political process for decades, or by the victims of military aggression abroad, or by young people who see an uncertain and chaotic future for themselves. They can all just shut up and get in line, because The Politics Knower has laid out a bulleted list of attributes that HR has decided are important for a president to have, and if we find such a candidate, all we have to do is make sure they are elected and everything will work out.

This frames the problem of politics as a matter of getting the right individuals into positions of power, rather than the problem of giving power to larger numbers of people who currently don't have any. It's inherently conservative, because the only criteria for evaluating a presidential hopeful through the lens of hiring someone to do a job is whatever the job has entailed thus far. Treating elections this way therefore solidifies the status quo, rather than questioning it.

Treating elections this way therefore solidifies the status quo, rather than questioning it.

Which is what the system is set up to ensconce, the aristocracy's position in society.

The centrists in government want to establish themselves as the permanent maintainers of order between the right and left extremes, and the way they do that is by shutting down criticism on the usual grounds of being too radical, too divisive, too uncivilized, too polarizing, etc. regardless of what the actual political landscape may be. They aren't interested in pushing an ideology and fighting to implement it, although their aversion to doing so has the ideological function of (again) preserving whatever ideology dominates in society.
As the situation pertains to Sanders, the criticisms have become increasingly desperate. First it was: to win, we need the support of women and minorities and Bernie doesn't appeal to them. Until Bernie appeals to them better than every other candidate. Then it was: we need a candidate with plans, and Bernie doesn't have plans. Until he does, and they are the most detailed and comprehensive ones by far. Then it was: we need somebody electable to beat Trump and Bernie doesn't beat Trump. Until he polls better than every other candidate in states that flipped from Obama to Trump. The only thing left is: he's too old. Until every other candidate with a shot in hell is in their 70's, as is the person we're trying to beat.

Which is what the system is set up to ensconce, the aristocracy's position in society.

The centrists in government want to establish themselves as the permanent maintainers of order between the right and left extremes, and the way they do that is by shutting down criticism on the usual grounds of being too radical, too divisive, too uncivilized, too polarizing, etc. regardless of what the actual political landscape may be. They aren't interested in pushing an ideology and fighting to implement it, although their aversion to doing so has the ideological function of (again) preserving whatever ideology dominates in society.

There is a reason the entire thing runs on funding, and the myriad of ways funding determines policy.
A message from Tulsi Gabbard on Bhagavad Gita As It Is - YouTube - she explains her religious beliefs. When she served in Iraq, she had a strong risk of getting killed there. She claimed that it was a great consolation for her to believe that it would only be her physical body that would be dying, that her consciouness/soul/whatever would continue to exist.

Short-short summary of the Bhagavad Gita:

A certain Arjuna is preparing to go into battle, but some relatives of his are on the other side, which makes it more complicated. So he asks his chariot driver Krishna what to do. Krishna says not to worry because everybody gets reincarnated, and the only thing that will be dying in the upcoming battle will be people's bodies.
A message from Tulsi Gabbard on Bhagavad Gita As It Is - YouTube - she explains her religious beliefs. When she served in Iraq, she had a strong risk of getting killed there. She claimed that it was a great consolation for her to believe that it would only be her physical body that would be dying, that her consciouness/soul/whatever would continue to exist.

Short-short summary of the Bhagavad Gita:

A certain Arjuna is preparing to go into battle, but some relatives of his are on the other side, which makes it more complicated. So he asks his chariot driver Krishna what to do. Krishna says not to worry because everybody gets reincarnated, and the only thing that will be dying in the upcoming battle will be people's bodies.

That's the premise of the Gita, not a summary. :D
Kamala Harris shakes up flailing campaign - POLITICO
Kamala Harris is shaking up the top ranks of her presidential campaign, the latest sign her once-promising bid is failing to meet expectations.

The staff moves amount to a significant reorganization for a campaign that’s dropped so far in polls that it risks becoming a postscript in the Democratic primary. Harris’ light early-state schedule, hiccups on the trail and lack of consistency in delivering her message have consumed much of the attention and blame for her mounting struggles.
Disorganization? At least she doesn't brag about running the greatest campaign ever.

Her heavy reliance on the high-dollar fundraising and recent difficulty in the digital fundraising space speak to broader structural dynamics in the campaign. Harris’ decision to run as a pragmatist rather than appealing more forcefully to the party’s progressive wing — combined with slumping debate and campaign trail performances since mid-summer — have affected her ability to gain traction with small-dollar donors.

Harris, who as a result spent much of the third quarter raising money at private events, is trying to refocus her campaign around Iowa, where aides say she needs a top-three finish to claw back into contention. She’s nearly doubling the size of her Iowa operation, from 65 to 120 staffers, opening new offices and planning weekly visits to the state.
I've seen her called a corporate sellout, and that seems justified by what company she has chosen to keep.

Kamala Harris, Trailing Top Rivals, Raises $11.6 Million in Third Quarter - The New York Times - "The California senator raised about half of her total funds from digital fund-raising, a campaign spokesman said."
Ms. Harris’s third-quarter number is far below what some other candidates reported this week: Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., raised $19.1 million; Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced an eye-popping $25.3 million haul, the largest of any candidate this cycle. Two other top tier candidates, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. have yet to release their third-quarter totals.
The Bhagavad Gita is a long philosophical conversation between Arjuna and the avatar Krishna. While the notion of the immortality of the soul does come up, it is hardly the take away of the discourse. The major themes are the two ways a person can achieve enlightenment;righteous action and meditation. Arjuna, being a warrior was better suited to a life of righteous action than meditation, so he is advised to fight, because it was his duty, and that those he must kill die because their own choices, in this life and previous ones, led them to that point. There is also a lengthy discussion of the nature of reality.

The book "The Baghavad Gita As It Is" is a lengthy commentary on the (relatively short) original. It is the primary text of the Hare Krishna cult, written in the 20th century. I have never read the commentary, I am quite capable of understanding and interpreting the text myself. If that's all Gabbard got out of it, I wonder what the point of so much commentary is. The original is short, clear and remarkably well written for a religious text.

"During a campaign event yesterday evening, Sen. Sanders experienced some chest discomfort. Following medical evaluation and testing he was found to have a blockage in one artery and two stents were successfully inserted. Sen. Sanders is conversing and in good spirits. He will be resting up over the next few days," said Sanders’ senior adviser Jeff Weaver on Wednesday in a statement. "We are canceling his events and appearances until further notice, and we will continue to provide appropriate updates.”
I understand that this lady is regarded as worst than poison ivy by most posters to this thread. But this is what's expected should the Dems be successful in 2020.


1-9 are making a good case for the value of 10. Jesus Christ, I'm tired of seeing racist, classist crap spewed out as though it were a legitimate policy perspective.

Thinking 1-9 makes a good case for the value of 10 doesn't make you a participant in the racist, classist crap being spewed out as though any of it is a legitimate argument?
I understand that this lady is regarded as worst than poison ivy by most posters to this thread. But this is what's expected should the Dems be successful in 2020.


1-9 are making a good case for the value of 10. Jesus Christ, I'm tired of seeing racist, classist crap spewed out as though it were a legitimate policy perspective.

Thinking 1-9 makes a good case for the value of 10 doesn't make you a participant in the racist, classist crap being spewed out as though any of it is a legitimate argument?

No, why would it?
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