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Democrats 2020


"During a campaign event yesterday evening, Sen. Sanders experienced some chest discomfort. Following medical evaluation and testing he was found to have a blockage in one artery and two stents were successfully inserted. Sen. Sanders is conversing and in good spirits. He will be resting up over the next few days," said Sanders’ senior adviser Jeff Weaver on Wednesday in a statement. "We are canceling his events and appearances until further notice, and we will continue to provide appropriate updates.”
I do hope the best for him and his family. Campaigning and governing at the top takes a toll. Just look at the before/afters of W and Obama. Sanders should concentrate on his health and doing his best to keep the liberal wing at the table.
Politico said:
Her heavy reliance on the high-dollar fundraising and recent difficulty in the digital fundraising space speak to broader structural dynamics in the campaign. Harris’ decision to run as a pragmatist rather than appealing more forcefully to the party’s progressive wing — combined with slumping debate and campaign trail performances since mid-summer — have affected her ability to gain traction with small-dollar donors.
I disagree with the bolded. In fact, it is completely backward. Kamala Harris has been a strong candidate on paper, and her natural fit was the moderate/pragmatic lane. But instead of playing to her strengths, she and her campaign decided to pivot hard left by attacking Biden on busing and calling for a ban on fracking. If her handlers think that moving even further to the left is a good idea, she is toast.
I think she moved to the left because she and/or her campaign thought that the moderate lane was blocked by Biden. However, Biden's support is soft and he is old, and as we have seen with Bernie, a health scare can happen at any time.

I've seen her called a corporate sellout, and that seems justified by what company she has chosen to keep.
I definitely think a moderate candidate will fare a lot better in the important swing states in the mid-west and also in Florida. As Hillary (who ran a campaign further to the left than she gets credit for) has shown, running up the score in states like California will get you nothing except popular vote. And popular vote and about three fiddy will get you a coffee at Starbucks.
The general election will not be won on busing, reparations, banning fracking or confiscating guns.
I understand that this lady is regarded as worst than poison ivy by most posters to this thread. But this is what's expected should the Dems be successful in 2020.


1-9 are making a good case for the value of 10. Jesus Christ, I'm tired of seeing racist, classist crap spewed out as though it were a legitimate policy perspective.

You mean ALL the Dem hopefuls are now telling porky pies, and none of the policy statements made by these wackos will ever be implemented?
I definitely think a moderate candidate will fare a lot better in the important swing states in the mid-west and also in Florida. As Hillary (who ran a campaign further to the left than she gets credit for) has shown, running up the score in states like California will get you nothing except popular vote. And popular vote and about three fiddy will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

The general election will not be won on busing, reparations, banning fracking or confiscating guns.

Actually the election will be won because the democratic candidates will continue to attract public education over charter schools, justice for blacks and indians,limiting destruction of water tables and sensible gun constraints. Those and continued advocacy of better healthcare measures like competitive drug pricing, adding public option to for profit policies and increasing range of medicare down to 45 to 50 year olds, the push back toward moving toward being more inclusive and less tribal. Pile that on top of many being convinced Trump is in it only for his own aggrandizement and we have a landslide forming.

Yes they will shift toward the center but they will keep their adherents to progressive reform in tow. On the other hand Trump is getting too toxic for many so republicans will have difficulty getting their people to the polls when it looks like a nice safe moderate is running against mr Iloveme.

Look at the business news. We're going into a Trump Tariff caused recession.
It will still be a It's the economy stupid kind of election. If the unemployment and growth figures all hold up, the Trumpet will be a shoe in. There's no such thing as a Trump caused recession.........yet! For the first time in decades, I'm buying manufactured goods like alkaline batteries for example made in the USA instead of China.
It will still be a It's the economy stupid kind of election. If the unemployment and growth figures all hold up, the Trumpet will be a shoe in. There's no such thing as a Trump caused recession.........yet! For the first time in decades, I'm buying manufactured goods like alkaline batteries for example made in the USA instead of China.

If it were just about the economy, Trump’s polling wouldn’t have sat stagnant at about 40% his entire time in office.
It’s not just about the economy. Some people are looking not only at their wallets but at the world they want their children to grow up in.

Trump is most odious.
It will still be a It's the economy stupid kind of election. If the unemployment and growth figures all hold up, the Trumpet will be a shoe in. There's no such thing as a Trump caused recession.........yet! For the first time in decades, I'm buying manufactured goods like alkaline batteries for example made in the USA instead of China.

If it were just about the economy, Trump’s polling wouldn’t have sat stagnant at about 40% his entire time in office.
It’s not just about the economy. Some people are looking not only at their wallets but at the world they want their children to grow up in.

Trump is most odious.

I agree with Angelo that most people do vote on economic issues. People want to work and retire and maintain their way of life. I think that dems can make a solid case that the economy would continue, even stronger, with many of the democratic tweaks that are being proposed. But we have to be careful. If we get cocky, and nominate a person who will damage, we're going to lose. The people in the middle aren't going to elect a person promising to force people to sell 50% of their assets to pay a tax because this would drop the value of their 401k overnight.
Trump is damaging the economy. Massive tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations are burying us in trillion dollar deficits. And the dumb ass wants more tax cuts. His trade war is driving some farmers out of business. Wage inequality still has not been addressed. The GOP still does not support a living wage for the working poor.

The dumb ass red necks don't care, but a lot of other people do. For example, generation Z voters, just now being able to vote, only support Trump with a 33% approval rating. HP is going to slash 9,000 jobs. If we slide into a recession, expect a lot more jobs to be slashed as companies weather the downturn but cutting back employment. Trump and crew have no soft landing plans in place for the inevitable. Yeah, unemployment is low, but a lot of jobs are still piss poor. How many here would like to work in an Amazon warehouse?
I agree with Angelo that most people do vote on economic issues. ... The people in the middle aren't going to elect a person promising to force people to sell 50% of their assets to pay a tax because this would drop the value of their 401k overnight.

How would that happen?
The dumb ass red necks don't care, but a lot of other people do.

I disagree. I think the "dumb ass red necks" are among those most passionately concerned with the economy.
The problem is that they're dumb ass red necks, and are prone to believing their tangerine tyrant when he tells them that they're SOOOoooo much better off than they were under Obama. Repeat that a few hundred times and it becomes a certified fact in the echo chamber of alt-white politics. At that point, there is zero chance that they're EVER going to vote for any libtard commie dumbocrat.
Rupert Murdoch has stupidified the American electorate to a degree that renders almost 40 percent of it totally mindless, lobotomized and robotically responsive to whatever scary conspiracy "theory" Faux Nooz wants to cook up and shove down their throats.
It will still be a It's the economy stupid kind of election.

It will be. The problem is, back then the "stupid" being referred to was Bush. Today the "stupid" are the Trump supporters. So, for example:

If the unemployment and growth figures all hold up, the Trumpet will be a shoe in.

They already don't "hold up": US has half a million fewer jobs than believed after big government revision and The Dow Is Down Again Because Economic Growth Is Still a Worry are just two examples.

There's no such thing as a Trump caused recession.........yet!

Nonsense. Recessions don't "start" on a dime. They are the ripple effects of actions already taken, such as Trump's disastrous trade policies and the Republicans raping the tax code.

For the first time in decades, I'm buying manufactured goods like alkaline batteries for example made in the USA instead of China.

You have always had the option of buying alkaline batteries made in the USA. The Duracells made in China are counterfeits, so if you've been buying them all this time, well....see my first observation.
It will be. The problem is, back then the "stupid" being referred to was Bush. Today the "stupid" are the Trump supporters. So, for example:

They already don't "hold up": US has half a million fewer jobs than believed after big government revision and The Dow Is Down Again Because Economic Growth Is Still a Worry are just two examples.

There's no such thing as a Trump caused recession.........yet!

Nonsense. Recessions don't "start" on a dime. They are the ripple effects of actions already taken, such as Trump's disastrous trade policies and the Republicans raping the tax code.

For the first time in decades, I'm buying manufactured goods like alkaline batteries for example made in the USA instead of China.

You have always had the option of buying alkaline batteries made in the USA. The Duracells made in China are counterfeits, so if you've been buying them all this time, well....see my first observation.

The manufacturing sector is already in recession. Service sector will be soon to follow.
I agree with Angelo that most people do vote on economic issues. ... The people in the middle aren't going to elect a person promising to force people to sell 50% of their assets to pay a tax because this would drop the value of their 401k overnight.

How would that happen?

Warren and Bernie want to dramatically increase the taxes on wealth. Bernie wants to tax wealth at 50%. I guess that means tax at 50% of it's value. Well, market value is a value at a specific time. Secondly, value does not equal cash. The only way to get cash out of stocks is to sell it. Guess what happens when Bezos sells 50% of his Amazon stock? The stock will fall like a rock. Most retirement portfolios rely on stocks. Dramatically increasing wealth taxes will wipe out many people's retirement.
Silly, the wealth tax isn't about raising money.

Sure, some idiots thing the wealthy sit around on large piles of cash, but most people realize the wealthy are asset rich.

Those who realize that the wealthy are asset rich and STILL want a net worth or wealth tax want to destroy the wealth. It isn't about jealousy or greed, it is about envy.
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