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Democrats 2020

As a card carrying member of the Church of the SubGenius, I am proud of my yeti heritage. Why do so many people get angry when I fill in Race________ as hominid?
If all this is true, and I have little doubt it's at least 90% factual, then America is heading for disaster should this woman be chosen and win the Presidency.


You're wrong because if she should become president, she won't be able to get her Medicare for All passed. Even left leaning economists like Paul Krugman have written as to why this won't happen. So, nobody should be afraid to vote for Warren if she becomes the nominee. She has compromised with both sides of the isle and I assume that she damn well knows that her plans are aspirational, not realistic. And, since you live in a country that already has UHC, why the fuck do you care if the US is able to improve it's health care system so that we all have decent access to care? There are many ways to accomplish that besides Medicare for All, so I'm not concerned about some of Liz's goals. She's smart enough to know that one can have goals and plans, but no president ever gets everything they want. Anyone would be a vast improvement over the sociopath that currently occupies the WH.
If all this is true, and I have little doubt it's at least 90% factual, then America is heading for disaster should this woman be chosen and win the Presidency.


You're wrong because if she should become president, she won't be able to get her Medicare for All passed. Even left leaning economists like Paul Krugman have written as to why this won't happen. So, nobody should be afraid to vote for Warren if she becomes the nominee. She has compromised with both sides of the isle and I assume that she damn well knows that her plans are aspirational, not realistic. And, since you live in a country that already has UHC, why the fuck do you care if the US is able to improve it's health care system so that we all have decent access to care? There are many ways to accomplish that besides Medicare for All, so I'm not concerned about some of Liz's goals. She's smart enough to know that one can have goals and plans, but no president ever gets everything they want. Anyone would be a vast improvement over the sociopath that currently occupies the WH.

In Aussie we do have a universal Medicare system paid for by a Medicare levy of 2% of salary I think. Which means the higher the salary, the higher the levy paid. But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium. ATM, I think around 40-45% of the population still have private cover, but that number it's shrinking by the month. The trouble with the Medicare system are the waiting periods for elective surgery which can stretch to many years in some cases. My Mrs had to wait 2 years for a knee replacement. But the whole procedure including after care cost us zilch.

The case that there's no such thin as a free lunch still applies!
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But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium.

You were getting fucking screwed over, dude. My private insurance costs me $680 for the year. It gives me a private room if I need to go to hospital, I get a free set of glasses every year (so long as they are under $400) and my dental appointments are paid for.
By the way, all your experience shows is that Medicare is not perfect, but it's a fuckload better than nothing. You would have been paying at least a six figure sum for your missus' knee in the US.
But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium.

You were getting fucking screwed over, dude. My private insurance costs me $680 for the year. It gives me a private room if I need to go to hospital, I get a free set of glasses every year (so long as they are under $400) and my dental appointments are paid for.
By the way, all your experience shows is that Medicare is not perfect, but it's a fuckload better than nothing. You would have been paying at least a six figure sum for your missus' knee in the US.

Take note that this is for a single's cover...............For example, the average cost of private health insurance for a Basic Hospital plan for a single adult living in NSW is around $96.30 to $120.24 per month, while Extras only costs between $14.30 and $29.61 per month (October 2019).5 days ago
But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium.

You were getting fucking screwed over, dude. My private insurance costs me $680 for the year. It gives me a private room if I need to go to hospital, I get a free set of glasses every year (so long as they are under $400) and my dental appointments are paid for.
By the way, all your experience shows is that Medicare is not perfect, but it's a fuckload better than nothing. You would have been paying at least a six figure sum for your missus' knee in the US.

Take note that this is for a single's cover...............For example, the average cost of private health insurance for a Basic Hospital plan for a single adult living in NSW is around $96.30 to $120.24 per month, while Extras only costs between $14.30 and $29.61 per month (October 2019).5 days ago

So there you go. You have what Americans want, UHC. And, btw, while I've not known of anyone how had to wait 2 years for a Knee replacement, I've known plenty of people who had to wait several months for that surgery. And, as boomer doctors retire, with or without UHC, I am afraid that waiting periods will get longer here for elective surgery. I'm not a fan of Medicare for All. I think there are better ways to transition to UHC, and the polls I've read reveal that far less than 50% of Americans support Medicare for All. I'd like to see us get our drug prices lowered and do something about the insane amount of fraud and abuse that is already present in the current Medicare system. But, I digress.
But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium.

You were getting fucking screwed over, dude. My private insurance costs me $680 for the year. It gives me a private room if I need to go to hospital, I get a free set of glasses every year (so long as they are under $400) and my dental appointments are paid for.
By the way, all your experience shows is that Medicare is not perfect, but it's a fuckload better than nothing. You would have been paying at least a six figure sum for your missus' knee in the US.

I know a woman, cancer survivor, who pays over $2000 per month for insurance (silver plan BTW) with a $6000 deductible. Maybe Angelo would prefer that.
How The 15 Percent Threshold For Primary Delegates Could Winnow The Field | FiveThirtyEight - Democrats allocate delegates proportionally, and in proportional-representation electoral systems, there is usually a threshold that a party has to reach before it will be seated. That threshold is typically 3% to 5% in nations that use PR.

Heather Rose 🏳️*🌈 on Twitter: "Narrator: In the end, it was not new to her.
Kamala Harris has in fact, been on a drill team. Sources can confirm 🔥😂
#ForTheCulture #HBCU #Khive https://t.co/F5Wttszfup" / Twitter

Showing her with several other people doing a march sort of dance. She is wearing a black shirt, a dark gray jacket, and blue jeans. She is wearing completely-enclosing black shoes, like some of her fellow dancers, instead of businesswoman shoes that expose the tops of her feet.

Kamala Harris on Twitter: "Iowa, that was fun. #LJ19 https://t.co/0ZqIGjRaNP" / Twitter
More of that drum-major march. Also shows her on stage wearing a bluish-gray pantsuit.

BlackWomenViews on Twitter: "Our girl #KamalaHarris CRUSHED it at #LJ19 delivering her best speech of the campaign! If you are fired up and ready to go chip in a couple of bucks now!!! #JusticeIsOnTheBallot #ForThePeople #KHive #Kamala2020 https://t.co/2mek14lDJH" / Twitter
Another picture from there.

Kamala Harris on Twitter: "Nothing like an inspiring church service on your birthday. Thanks for the warm welcome Brookland Baptist Church. https://t.co/fVNYOk01zh" / Twitter
She's shown up in other churches in her campaigning.

CSPAN on Twitter: "Sen. @KamalaHarris: "With faith in God, with fidelity to country, and with the fighting spirit I got from my mother, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States."
Full video here: [url]https://t.co/qPadtK25Pr
https://t.co/rCIwj2NpGW" / Twitter[/url]
As if that entity will fix the election for her.
But in conjunction to that we also have a private health system where I was paying $220AUD per fortnight for basic hospital cover before I pulled out because I simply couldn't afford to pay the ridicules premium.

You were getting fucking screwed over, dude. My private insurance costs me $680 for the year. It gives me a private room if I need to go to hospital, I get a free set of glasses every year (so long as they are under $400) and my dental appointments are paid for.
By the way, all your experience shows is that Medicare is not perfect, but it's a fuckload better than nothing. You would have been paying at least a six figure sum for your missus' knee in the US.

I know a woman, cancer survivor, who pays over $2000 per month for insurance (silver plan BTW) with a $6000 deductible. Maybe Angelo would prefer that.

If he could, I'm sure that he would prefer our much quicker, superior method of delivering the world's best health care, and he would be delighted to pay the full cost. I have a friend who just had most of his colon removed when he went to the hospital for emergency care, where he was misdiagnosed. Luckily they discovered the cancer after they got him into surgery, but they managed to puncture his lung and nick his spleen in the process. He now seems to be recovering, despite the shock to his system when he got the first bill for the lung-puncturing spleen-nicking surgery--$250,000 USD. The bill wasn't actually a bill, but a summary of charges, and this one scared the bejeebers out of him when it said that Medicare would only cover $35K of it and had denied coverage for the rest. It took him a while to discover the small print in a footnote that told him he did not have to pay the difference, because Medicare wouldn't allow it. (That's how we like to do things in the US--a paperstorm of things that look like bills but aren't really. They just document the struggle between insurance carriers, health providers, and the government over how large the bill should be and who should end up paying. The surgeon apparently felt cheated out of over $200K by the government.)

And, oh yes, our friend is a Trump supporter who would prefer that the government not interfere with his health care options. So he might sympathize with angelo's thoughts on the subject.
Buttigieg is competitive in Iowa now.

rcp iowa 11-4-19.JPG
It doesn't look like Iowa will have a real winner. Someone gets 25% of vote isn't a mandate, except in Italian politics.

Hillary Clinton had about 50% (so did Sanders), Obama was near 40%, Kerry had 40%, Gore over 60%. A tight three-way in 1988 still had Gephardt above 30%, though that is hardly a notable victory. This is more akin to the GOP in 2016 where Cruz won with under 28% of the vote. Santorum won with 25% of the vote in 2012. Clearly... winning Iowa isn't everything.
Oops about what I posted.

I looked for stuff on Pete Buttigieg qualifying for the December debate, and I got stuff on Kamala Harris qualifying. So it will be Biden, Sanders, Warren, and Harris for sure.
Kamala Harris just told us the US isn't ready for a black woman as president.

Kamala Harris: “Is America ready for a woman of colour to be president?”

The problem is ... she's in the Democratic Primary at this time, not the general election. She's saying that the race she is in is one where the voters aren't ready for a black woman. She's calling her fellow Democrats racist and sexist.
One Year From Election, Trump Trails Biden but Leads Warren in Battlegrounds

This is what I have been saying. Anybody who thinks 2020 will be a cakewalk for Democrats is in for a rude awakening. And it doesn't matter if Warren is popular with the base or can run up the score in California and Massachusetts. In the Electoral College system, you need to win the battleground states, and it is doubtful she will do that.

Electability matters. And swinging for the fences on very left-wing ideas like M4A, banning fracking, veto power to Indian tribes over US energy infrastructure or so-called "reparations" for blacks is going to leave Warren vulnerable to attacks probably eroding her support in swing states even more than current polls show.
Kamala Harris just told us the US isn't ready for a black woman as president.
She just doesn't get it. Her downfall began because she played the race card way too hard ("that little girl was me"). Now she is doing it again. As we say in the South, bless her heart.
I should have read further.

Kamala Harris qualifies for December primary debate - POLITICO - Pete Buttigieg also qualified, making JB, BS, EW, PB, and KH in the December 19 debate. But the Democratic National Committee will have to certify the participants on Dec 12.

Maybe one more, but six should be about as many as we need this soon ahead of Iowa. Sixth qualifier should be Yang, but it will probably be Klobuchar or Steyer. :(

Speaking of debates, DNC foolishly decided to host the 5th debate at Tyler Perry studios. Tyler Perry is a talentless hack that made a lot of money with movies where he dresses up like a woman that only black people watch. Black people already vote Democratic at >90% rates. They are not the ones that need to be reached. It would have been better to go to a diverse but academically reputable campus like Georgia Tech or Emory. Or maybe the new arts center in Sandy Springs or the Infinite Energy Center in Gwinnett County if more seats were needed (not sure how many seats the TPS venue has anyway). That's where you find people that Democrats need to speak to and persuade. Not at Winston Jerome Tyler Perry Studios south of I-20, for fuck's sake! They already vote Democratic.
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It doesn't look like Iowa will have a real winner. Someone gets 25% of vote isn't a mandate, except in Italian politics.

Hillary Clinton had about 50% (so did Sanders), Obama was near 40%, Kerry had 40%, Gore over 60%. A tight three-way in 1988 still had Gephardt above 30%, though that is hardly a notable victory. This is more akin to the GOP in 2016 where Cruz won with under 28% of the vote. Santorum won with 25% of the vote in 2012. Clearly... winning Iowa isn't everything.

One thing about Iowa. Iowa caucuses do not report raw vote total, which is what the polls ask for. The percentages listed as results are actually state delegates. And in local caucus rooms, you need 15% to be viable. Which means the only way somebody can have >0% is to have >15% in some of the local caucuses and to actually gain delegates. That leads to many single digit candidates going to zero or near zero and their support largely or wholly going to more viable candidates. Biden in 2008 had 4% in polling but got 0.9% in the end.
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