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Democrats 2020

Kiss your orange moron's ass goodbye. He's gonna lose big.
You mean "bigly", right? :) In any case, he is not "my" orange moron.

You don't know what will happen by the election. The Democratic candidate might be somebody because of whom people will hold their nose and vote for Trump. As we have seen with Hillary, it doesn't take that many in the right states.
And he may not even be the one running - either by being impeached/removed, working out a deal to serve out his term but not run or simply by suffering a heart attack or stroke.

If you have to run against somebody like Nikki Haley, the whole playbook would have to be rewritten. Warren would lose her gender card for example.

All the stupid images you post here cannot help Trump win re-election.
No sir, a picture of Don Hector "Tio" Salamanca is NOT stupid. You take that back, or he will ring the bell furiously!

What is stupid is using gratuitous foreign language in service of a cult of personality a-la "Uncle" Joe Stalin.

Women are going to whip his ass out of office.
Perhaps. Perhaps not. It's still a long time until November 2020.
I am just saying Dems must not be all complacent and think that the election is a gimme. Especially about thinking that they can nominate a yellow dog and still win with ease.
Rashida Tlaib joins Ocasio-Cortez, Omar in endorsing Bernie Sanders - CNNPolitics
"I am endorsing Amo Bernie Sanders because he's not gonna sell us out," Tlaib says in the pre-recorded clip, noting her nickname for the senator. "He understands that it's not just about policies and about words, but it's going to be also about completely transforming the structures in place."
When Sanders took the stage, he was quick to compliment his newest endorser.

"Congresswoman Tlaib has been a leader," Sanders told the crowd in Detroit. "Rashida has been a leader in the fight for decent jobs, a leader in the fight for affordable housing, a leader in the fight for a clean border and she has shown that she is prepared to take on corporate greed and corruption and stand with the working class of this country."

"I will look to her for her leadership in Congress under a Sanders' administration," Sanders added.
Bernie Sanders on Twitter: ""I am endorsing Amo Bernie Sanders because he's not gonna sell us out. He understands that it's not just about policies and about words, but it's going to be also about completely transforming the structures in place." -@RashidaTlaib https://t.co/3SaGZeOUT7" / Twitter

It's also about this rabid socialist's anti semetic hatred of Israel. He says were he to win the White house, [ Apollo forbid ] he would remove all aid from Israel and give it to the terrorists in Gaza instead.

And then there is the issue of voter suppression, a tool that Republicans use and need to win elections.

I read yesterday that our new SOS in Georgia is just as bad as our old SOS in Georgia, the guy who is now our governor. The new guy is planning on removing over 300,000 voters from the rolls. I would be wiling to bet that most of these voters are either college students or they live in areas that are dominated by black votes. Both of those groups vote for the Democrats by a large margin. I seriously doubt that Georgia is the only state with this problem. This is a serious issue that concerns me as much as anything, including the propaganda put out by Fox and far right radio pundits.
If Trump has a heart attack and dies while glomping down a big mac, Republicans will claim him as a martyr, slain by the stress of a phony witch hunt.
And then there is the issue of voter suppression, a tool that Republicans use and need to win elections.

I read yesterday that our new SOS in Georgia is just as bad as our old SOS in Georgia, the guy who is now our governor. The new guy is planning on removing over 300,000 voters from the rolls. I would be wiling to bet that most of these voters are either college students or they live in areas that are dominated by black votes. Both of those groups vote for the Democrats by a large margin. I seriously doubt that Georgia is the only state with this problem. This is a serious issue that concerns me as much as anything, including the propaganda put out by Fox and far right radio pundits.

You are insinuating that ALL these Republicans 19 versus 15 Dems all won the White house by deceit?

And then there is the issue of voter suppression, a tool that Republicans use and need to win elections.

I read yesterday that our new SOS in Georgia is just as bad as our old SOS in Georgia, the guy who is now our governor. The new guy is planning on removing over 300,000 voters from the rolls. I would be wiling to bet that most of these voters are either college students or they live in areas that are dominated by black votes. Both of those groups vote for the Democrats by a large margin. I seriously doubt that Georgia is the only state with this problem. This is a serious issue that concerns me as much as anything, including the propaganda put out by Fox and far right radio pundits.

Did I say that? No. I mentioned that we have a huge problem with voter suppression in my state, although I've read that the Republicans in Florida and Ohio are also doing a pretty good job at making it harder for certain groups of folks to vote. I have no idea how much deceit occurred in other past elections.

You are insinuating that ALL these Republicans 19 versus 15 Dems all won the White house by deceit?


Where did you get that from my post? I only mentioned that Georgia has had a huge problem with voter suppression in the most recent election, but I've also read that Florida and Ohio are two other states where the Republicans have used voter suppression to keep certain groups of people from voting. I guess it wouldn't bother you if you tried to vote and someone at the polls told you that because there was one typo on the ID used to vote, meant that you couldn't vote. Or, because you didn't vote in two recent minor elations, your name was removed from the rolls. Then, we have these antiquated voting machines that can be easily hacked. This leaves people wondering if their vote was even counted.

Oh wait. You live in a country where voting is mandatory. How nice. I do wish we had that system in the US, but we don't. Instead we have efforts by Republicans to keep black people and college students from voting because they tend to vote for Democrats by a wide margin. I've never seen such an abuse of this power as I did in our last Georgia election. Perhaps you didn't know that the same guy who ran for governor, was the same guy who was in charge of the voting system. He was asked to step down as SOS, since this seemed like an obvious conflict of interest, but refused. He and his ilk removed hundreds of thousands of poor minorities from the voting rolls for insane reasons. How do you think Republicans would feel if it was a Democrat who was running for governor yet also in charge of the voting system?
What Happened To The Kamala Harris Campaign? | FiveThirtyEight - not very successful recently.

Discusses these theories:

1. 2020 was never going to be her year in the first place
2. Biden and Warren are just really strong candidates
3. Harris has not run a good campaign
4. She’s a woman of color in a party wary of nominating someone who it feels won’t connect with white voters in the Midwest in the general election

KH looks like she could easily call herself white, and she has largely Caucasoid ancestry. But she's culturally black, it seems, a sort of inverse Oreo.

Would Elizabeth Warren Or Bernie Sanders Move To The Center Against Trump? | FiveThirtyEight

The article mentions these recent examples of presidential-election ticket balancing:

Not just that, but also
Clinton, Kerry and Obama, in particular, also made other choices — in terms of tone and messaging — to present themselves as more centrist in the general election. (This is admittedly more subjective and harder to measure.)
Then the article got into how the Democratic nominee might also do that.
All that said, there are also a couple of reasons to think the Democratic nominee in 2020 might make less of an “etch-a-sketch” effort than past nominees. The previous Democratic presidential nominees were all in some ways following a kind of “median voter’ model, imagining that there was a set of voters whose views were basically in between the positions of the Democrats and the Republicans. But there is a lot of evidence that moderate, swing and independent voters aren’t particularly centrist, but hold a lot of different views, some of which are conservative, some of which are liberal.
What AOC has called "saltine cracker" centrism: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talks Centrism on Pod Save America
“[The political establishment] thinks that running to the center, moderating our policies, being as close to a Saltine cracker as possible is what’s going to make us win elections... and I don’t think that that’s the case,” she said. “I think what animates non-voters is feeling like someone is really fighting for them.”

If Kamala Harris were not a well known person and got pulled over in a traffic stop, or was browsing in a retail establishment or trying to hail a cab, she’d definitely be seen and treated as a black woman, So that’s enough of how she’s some kind of reverse Oreo.

I don’t know if this was never going to be her year. Harris is more risky because she’s dark skinned and female. It isn’t only republicans who will never be able to bring themselves to vote for anyone who is female or has dark skin—and it’s not just Southerners or poorly educated people either.

I do hear a lot of people wishing to play it safe and make sure the nominee is someone who will beat trump. IMO, that’s the broad appeal of Biden. IMO, and yes I will admit that I read some stuff on Twitter, Bernie’s fans are as madly devoted to Bernie as Trump’s fans are. This is a pretty awful thing to say, but IMO, the Democrats’ best hope is if Bernie suffers another heart attack, this one fatal. He and Biden are just plain too old no matter how much anyone might like them or their political stances.

Harris is not a safe choice in this election. I like and admire her a great deal. I’d vote for her. She’s in my top 3 candidates. I don’t think she’ll get the nod.
I don’t know if this was never going to be her year. Harris is more risky because she’s dark skinned and female. It isn’t only republicans who will never be able to bring themselves to vote for anyone who is female or has dark skin—and it’s not just Southerners or poorly educated people either.
I think it may have been talking about reparations and the like. Also, she seemed a bit too heavy handed with quips than putting forth policy ideas. The targeted race stuff on Biden likely backfired.

Harris is not a safe choice in this election.
Safe in the sense of institutionally safe. No one on Wall Street "feared" here.
I like and admire her a great deal. I’d vote for her. She’s in my top 3 candidates. I don’t think she’ll get the nod.
Very much not so now. She had a great debate, went up a bit. But then stalled and is now in the downward death spiral, campaign-wise.
If Kamala Harris were not a well known person and got pulled over in a traffic stop, or was browsing in a retail establishment or trying to hail a cab, she’d definitely be seen and treated as a black woman, So that’s enough of how she’s some kind of reverse Oreo.
She doesn't look very "black" to me. She's very light-skinned, but if some pictures from her childhood are any guide, she has woolly hair. So the straight hair that we see her having is likely straightened, something that many black women do. I think that she could easily pass as white if she wanted. But she's black in a cultural sense, and by ancestry, she's mixed-race.
If Kamala Harris were not a well known person and got pulled over in a traffic stop, or was browsing in a retail establishment or trying to hail a cab, she’d definitely be seen and treated as a black woman,
Do you have any evidence she ever had problems with any of those things in the past?
So that’s enough of how she’s some kind of reverse Oreo.
We are just pointing out that she made a mistake with her fake-ass "blacker than thou" routine.

I don’t know if this was never going to be her year. Harris is more risky because she’s dark skinned and female.
Kamala Harris is DEFINITELY NOT dark skinned. Redbone maybe. Hell, on this photo she doesn't appear much darker than her white husband.
Could pass for Italian or something.
It isn’t only republicans who will never be able to bring themselves to vote for anyone who is female or has dark skin—and it’s not just Southerners or poorly educated people either.
Obama got more white votes than Kerry. He won the predominately white Midwestern states lilly-white Hillary lost. I do not see Kamala's ethnic background being a detriment. It is strategic failure of not positioning herself where her strengths are that doomed her campaign.

I do hear a lot of people wishing to play it safe and make sure the nominee is someone who will beat trump. IMO, that’s the broad appeal of Biden.
That is a big part of his appeal, yes.

IMO, and yes I will admit that I read some stuff on Twitter, Bernie’s fans are as madly devoted to Bernie as Trump’s fans are. This is a pretty awful thing to say, but IMO, the Democrats’ best hope is if Bernie suffers another heart attack, this one fatal. He and Biden are just plain too old no matter how much anyone might like them or their political stances.
Which is why Harris should have positioned herself where she would have been more comfortable anyway - in the same lane as Biden, but much more youthful and with fewer gaffes.

Harris is not a safe choice in this election. I like and admire her a great deal. I’d vote for her. She’s in my top 3 candidates.
I don't think there is such a thing as "a safe choice" - there are risks with any nominee. Certainly in this field there is nobody who could be described that way. Not even Biden is safe with his gaffes and age.

I don’t think she’ll get the nod.

At this point it's unlikely. But that wasn't inevitable.


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And then there is the issue of voter suppression, a tool that Republicans use and need to win elections.

I read yesterday that our new SOS in Georgia is just as bad as our old SOS in Georgia, the guy who is now our governor. The new guy is planning on removing over 300,000 voters from the rolls. I would be wiling to bet that most of these voters are either college students or they live in areas that are dominated by black votes. Both of those groups vote for the Democrats by a large margin. I seriously doubt that Georgia is the only state with this problem. This is a serious issue that concerns me as much as anything, including the propaganda put out by Fox and far right radio pundits.

Here is an article on it.

Georgia plans to remove over 300,000 inactive voters from its rolls
NBC News said:
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office said that it plans to send notices to voters who have been inactive for the past couple of elections and the notice will come with a paid return postage to give voters the opportunity to remain active. The notices will be sent out in November and people have 30 days to return the notice.

It's not so much the boogeyman of "voter suppression" but removing inactive registrations. Those affected get a notice and if they reply, they stay on. Seems neither nefarious nor targeting any particular demographics.
And then there is the issue of voter suppression, a tool that Republicans use and need to win elections.

I read yesterday that our new SOS in Georgia is just as bad as our old SOS in Georgia, the guy who is now our governor. The new guy is planning on removing over 300,000 voters from the rolls. I would be wiling to bet that most of these voters are either college students or they live in areas that are dominated by black votes. Both of those groups vote for the Democrats by a large margin. I seriously doubt that Georgia is the only state with this problem. This is a serious issue that concerns me as much as anything, including the propaganda put out by Fox and far right radio pundits.

Did I say that? No. I mentioned that we have a huge problem with voter suppression in my state, although I've read that the Republicans in Florida and Ohio are also doing a pretty good job at making it harder for certain groups of folks to vote. I have no idea how much deceit occurred in other past elections.

You are insinuating that ALL these Republicans 19 versus 15 Dems all won the White house by deceit?


Where did you get that from my post? I only mentioned that Georgia has had a huge problem with voter suppression in the most recent election, but I've also read that Florida and Ohio are two other states where the Republicans have used voter suppression to keep certain groups of people from voting. I guess it wouldn't bother you if you tried to vote and someone at the polls told you that because there was one typo on the ID used to vote, meant that you couldn't vote. Or, because you didn't vote in two recent minor elations, your name was removed from the rolls. Then, we have these antiquated voting machines that can be easily hacked. This leaves people wondering if their vote was even counted.

Oh wait. You live in a country where voting is mandatory. How nice. I do wish we had that system in the US, but we don't. Instead we have efforts by Republicans to keep black people and college students from voting because they tend to vote for Democrats by a wide margin. I've never seen such an abuse of this power as I did in our last Georgia election. Perhaps you didn't know that the same guy who ran for governor, was the same guy who was in charge of the voting system. He was asked to step down as SOS, since this seemed like an obvious conflict of interest, but refused. He and his ilk removed hundreds of thousands of poor minorities from the voting rolls for insane reasons. How do you think Republicans would feel if it was a Democrat who was running for governor yet also in charge of the voting system?

And I was pointing out that GOP have won the White house on more occasions than the Dem Party throughout American history. Since you seem to think that the only way GOP wins is by cheating, were all those past GOP wins by cheating?
No Angelo. Stop putting words in my fingers. I never said that all past elections that were won by Republicans were due to voter suppression. I only said that Republicans have been using this technique recently in some elections.

I'm familiar with what Derec posted, as I read that same article prior to posting, but the article doesn't tell the entire story. For example, when the rolls are purged, many currently active voters are removed by mistake without their knowledge. And, they do target certain areas when they purge the rolls. There have been many articles about how both college students and racial minorities have been targeted. Both of these groups tend to vote for Democrats. Plus, preventing people from voting because there is one letter misspelled on their registration is an example of voter suppression.

And, todays Republicans are nothing like past Republicans. Republicans used to be willing to compromise and work with Democrats. They used to have some integrity. Nixon even started the EPA and considered working toward some type of UHC, but it didn't get anywhere. Ike was the Republican president who warned us about the dangers of building up the military industrial complex. Those two were presidents during my childhood. The current Republican Party bears no resemblance to what it was in the past.
No Angelo. Stop putting words in my fingers. I never said that all past elections that were won by Republicans were due to voter suppression. I only said that Republicans have been using this technique recently in some elections.

I'm familiar with what Derec posted, as I read that same article prior to posting, but the article doesn't tell the entire story. For example, when the rolls are purged, many currently active voters are removed by mistake without their knowledge. And, they do target certain areas when they purge the rolls. There have been many articles about how both college students and racial minorities have been targeted. Both of these groups tend to vote for Democrats. Plus, preventing people from voting because there is one letter misspelled on their registration is an example of voter suppression.

And, todays Republicans are nothing like past Republicans. Republicans used to be willing to compromise and work with Democrats. They used to have some integrity. Nixon even started the EPA and considered working toward some type of UHC, but it didn't get anywhere. Ike was the Republican president who warned us about the dangers of building up the military industrial complex. Those two were presidents during my childhood. The current Republican Party bears no resemblance to what it was in the past.

The very same thing can be said about the Democratic Party. It bears no resemblance to the party of a JFK, or even the Clinton years. What is masquerading as the Democratic Party today are a truckload of far left and Obama like appeasement wackos that given the chance would bankrupt America alla Venezuela route within a very short time.
And I was pointing out that GOP have won the White house on more occasions than the Dem Party throughout American history. Since you seem to think that the only way GOP wins is by cheating, were all those past GOP wins by cheating?

Yes. Firstly through gerrymandering. Then by voter disenfranchisement. Finished offed with bottomless election funds so the average voter becomes irrelevant.
And I was pointing out that GOP have won the White house on more occasions than the Dem Party throughout American history. Since you seem to think that the only way GOP wins is by cheating, were all those past GOP wins by cheating?
1) The GOP has won the popular vote once since 1992.
2) The Republican Party is not the Party that Lincoln and Roosevelt were members of.
No Angelo. Stop putting words in my fingers. I never said that all past elections that were won by Republicans were due to voter suppression. I only said that Republicans have been using this technique recently in some elections.

I'm familiar with what Derec posted, as I read that same article prior to posting, but the article doesn't tell the entire story. For example, when the rolls are purged, many currently active voters are removed by mistake without their knowledge. And, they do target certain areas when they purge the rolls. There have been many articles about how both college students and racial minorities have been targeted. Both of these groups tend to vote for Democrats. Plus, preventing people from voting because there is one letter misspelled on their registration is an example of voter suppression.

And, todays Republicans are nothing like past Republicans. Republicans used to be willing to compromise and work with Democrats. They used to have some integrity. Nixon even started the EPA and considered working toward some type of UHC, but it didn't get anywhere. Ike was the Republican president who warned us about the dangers of building up the military industrial complex. Those two were presidents during my childhood. The current Republican Party bears no resemblance to what it was in the past.

The very same thing can be said about the Democratic Party. It bears no resemblance to the party of a JFK, or even the Clinton years. What is masquerading as the Democratic Party today are a truckload of far left and Obama like appeasement wackos that given the chance would bankrupt America alla Venezuela route within a very short time.

Wrong again. The Democratic Party has always been a very diverse party. It's always contains those from the far, middle and center left as well as a few that might be considered right of center. In 1972, George McGovern was the Democratic candidate. In some ways, McGovern was as far to the left as today's far left candidates. Unfortunately, he lost in a landslide. Being young and idealistic, I voted for him, as he certainly was a much better and more honest candidate compared to Nixon. It was the fist time I was old enough to vote because the voting age was 21 until, thanks to boomer activism during the Viet Nam War, it was lowered to 18. What many of us, now older adults, learned from that experience, is that center left or left of center candidates have a much better chance of winning national elections that do far left candidates. The Democratic Party is still mostly made up of moderates. It's just that those who are the furthest left are also the most vocal these days. That doesn't mean they will win in 2020. Even if one does, their idealistic plans will never become law, so I have no problem voting for the candidate who wins the primaries.

And, Obama was never that far left. He was center left, but unlike our current president, he tried to represent the entire country and not just his base. That was used against him by both the Republicans who obstructed him at every turn and the more left leaning Democrats who felt he wasn't progressive enough to please them. Unless it was pure racism, I have never understood why so many people on the right despised Obama so much. He was one of the most dignified and honest presidents in my life time. He was certainly overly optimist about what he thought he could accomplish and perhaps too naive and inexperienced. But compared to most presidents, he wasn't deeply flawed. Obama was the one presidency that was scandal free, despite what some Republicans claim. The Republicans tried to pin scandals on him or his administration but could never come up with the evidence to support their claims. Benghazi is the example I remember best. I watched almost all 11 hours of the Republicans badgering Clinton. She had good answers for every one of their concerns and they finally gave up, after seemingly realizing that they had nothing on her. And, unlike the orange menace, Obama never let personal criticisms make him act like a spoiled child. He was better than that.

Neither of the parties has ever been close to perfect and no president has ever been close to perfect. Humans never are. But, nothing has ever come close to the incompetence and corruption of the current president. He has no respect and little understanding of the rule of law, or the constitution. The fact that the entire Republican Party allows him to get away with such corruption and incompetence is disgusting.

Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. I personally wanted him to resign, but still felt he was better than his opponents. He wasn't a terrible president, despite his personal flaws. He realized that in order to get anything done, he had to compromise. I didn't like some of the things that were passed during his presidency, but I watched a lot of Congress live on CSPAN and I can tell you that if we had a Republican president during those years, things would have been much worse. Compromise is how you make progress, but that seems to be something that those on both ends of the spectrum no longer respect.
Beto has officially dropped out of the race. The next questions are, who will he endorse, and who will his voters go to now?


Beto O’Rourke has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race.

“Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively,” O’Rourke said on Twitter Friday. “In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee.

People close to O’Rourke told The New York Times they don’t expect him to run for Senate, yet he notably made no such promise in his post on Friday.

In mid-August, the Houston Chronicle encouraged O’Rourke to do so, publishing an editorial titled “Beto, come home. Texas needs you.” The paper applauded his outspoken and forthright response to a mass shooting at a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso.


What is next for Beto remains to be seen.
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