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Democrats 2020

I'm waiting for one of the Dem candidates to grow a pair and extend an offer to every single civil servant that Trump and his toadies have fired, to come back to work with a hefty raise if they're elected. And to loudly announce that if elected, they're going to summarily fire every person hired by Trump and his toadies. (Of course they can re-apply and be considered).

Of the 395 USDA Economic Research Service and National Institute for Food and Agriculture researchers and economists that were suddenly relocated from DC to Kansas last summer, 250 of them quit. They likely found other employment soon enough. I can only imagine what work is not getting done now. Filling their positions with qualified people will likely take years after Fuckhead is out of office.
I'm waiting for one of the Dem candidates to grow a pair and extend an offer to every single civil servant that Trump and his toadies have fired, to come back to work with a hefty raise if they're elected. And to loudly announce that if elected, they're going to summarily fire every person hired by Trump and his toadies. (Of course they can re-apply and be considered).

Of the 395 USDA Economic Research Service and National Institute for Food and Agriculture researchers and economists that were suddenly relocated from DC to Kansas last summer, 250 of them quit. They likely found other employment soon enough. I can only imagine what work is not getting done now. Filling their positions with qualified people will likely take years after Fuckhead is out of office.

That was the whole idea.

To that load of balderdash i present this.........................https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...ar-ahead-in-polls-that-doesnt-even-think-abo/

Hillary Clinton is so far ahead of Donald Trump in the race for the presidency that she no longer even feels the need to pay attention to the Republican nominee.

Buoyed by a double digit lead in some national polls, Mrs Clinton has said she is now looking past Mr Trump entirely, and will no longer counter allegations made by her rival.

"I don’t even think about responding to him anymore,” Mrs Clinton said when asked about Mr Trump’s charge that American media outlets are in cahoots with her presidential campaign.

Clinton received 2.87 million more votes than Trump did.

Again I ask. Who's in the WH today, Killery or the Trump? That figure is so dishonest that it doesn't merit a reply. Most of those 2.87 or whatever million came mainly from the socialist republics of New York, California and not from the people that matter. The Middle class quite Americans who will endorse the Trump even more strongly in November. Because surely they wouldn't vote for these Marxists clowns!

From left, Democratic presidential candidates former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., stand on stage Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, before the start of a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)
Joe Biden is always good for laughs, but there isn’t really any joke: he’s serious. On Sunday, he reminded us just how far around the bend he is when he called a female questioner in New Hampshire a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” Even Fox News, along with the rest of the establishment media, immediately rushed to his aid by claiming he was “joking,” but imagine what the uproar would have been if Trump had called anyone that. In any case, it’s important to remember that Crazy Joe is not alone: the Democratic candidates are all crazy.

The “dog-faced pony soldier” remark was not Old Joe’s first trip to the Crazy Rodeo. Last August, he was asked by a college student in Iowa how many genders there were. “There are at least three,” he answered, and when she asked him to explain, he shot back: “Don’t play games with me, kid.”

Three genders. Well, at least Joe is saner than those who insist there are seventy-three genders, or whatever the number is this week.

Affable but testy and thin-skinned, Joe has been just as testy on numerous other occasions, hardly a winning strategy for someone who is trying to ingratiate himself with voters. When another Iowa voter challenged him about his son Hunter’s highly questionable dealings in Ukraine, he grew increasingly agitated and finally responded heatedly to the portly questioner: “Look, Fat, look, here’s the deal…”

Strong Start: Joe Biden Starts NH Debate by Admitting He'll Lose New Hampshire
Dotty old Joe has also been given to nostalgic ramblings, as when he said: “And by the way, you know, I sit on the stand, and it’d get hot. I gotta lotta, I got hairy legs, that turn, that, that, that, that, that, that turn, uh, uh, um, blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair, mmm, come, come back up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap. And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap.”

Time to back away slowly, while smiling reassuringly at old Joe, hoping he doesn’t make any sudden moves. But where to turn?

Then there is Bernie Sanders, who really did win in Iowa until the Democratic National Committee (DNC) allegedly went to work, just like in 2016. Bernie is too far to the left, even for the Democrats, or at least wants to accomplish what they want to accomplish more quickly than they do. The DNC doesn’t want Bernie to be the nominee; hence the spectacularly inept attempt to steal Iowa away from him.

It’s easy to understand why the DNC hates and fears Sanders. In 1988, he and his new wife spent ten days in the Soviet Union on what he called “a very strange honeymoon.” According to the Washington Post, “he was enthralled with the hospitality and the lessons that could be brought home.”

In February 2019, video surfaced of Sanders in 1985 praising Fidel Castro in terms that sound very much like his political platform as a candidate for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination: “Way back in—what was it?—1961, they invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world and all of the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave their kids health care, totally transformed the society.” I thought Obama already did that here, but Bernie will certainly finish the job.

Well, at least Bernie’s not crazy, right? Sure – but after hundreds of millions of dead bodies, anyone who is still a doctrinaire Marxist is not exactly in full possession of his faculties. And after Bernie, there is Elizabeth Warren, who pretended to be an American Indian for decades and recently promised that she would have a “young trans person” select her Secretary of Education. It used to be that adults would teach and children would learn, but that is so pre-Greta Thunberg. In any case, why this noble squaw isn’t planning to have a young trans Native American vet her Education secretary, she did not explain.

Then there is Pete Buttigieg, who, judging from the chicanery pulled off on his behalf to make it seem as if he had won in Iowa, seems to be the Clintons’ choice. As Jim Treacher noted at PJ Media, Buttigieg tweeted Friday an image of himself accompanied by one of his portentous statements: “The Shape of Our Democracy Is the Issue That Affects Every Other Issue.”

What does that mean? Nothing at all, of course, but it sounds good until you think about it for a second. Maybe that’s better than Joe’s lunatic ramblings, Bernie’s Communism, and Warren’s relentless pandering to minorities. Or maybe not. The Democrats today just aren’t offering any good or sane choices. Klobuchar? I won't call her crazy -- she might throw a lamp at me. It's going to be an interesting primary season.

Source: Robert Spencer and FrontPage
Oh goody, you've graduated to copy walls of text of somebody else's opinion. That's progress, I guess.
Oh goody, you've graduated to copy walls of text of somebody else's opinion. That's progress, I guess.

There's no way on the planet I could've put it any better myself than Mr Robert Spencer, which incidentally I sought permission to copy and paste, mainly in a Facebook group as well as here.
Oh goody, you've graduated to copy walls of text of somebody else's opinion. That's progress, I guess.

There's no way on the planet I could've put it any better myself than Mr Robert Spencer, which incidentally I sought permission to copy and paste, mainly in a Facebook group as well as here.
Now you are just blatantly trolling us.
Yeah, want gay and transgendered rights? Abortion? Immigration at all? Give Trump 4 more years of judicial appointments. What could possibly go wrong.

Vote for Bernie Sanders then. Not sure what point you're trying to make, as he is the one with the best policies on all of the above, unless you are retreating to your usual hidey hole of "the most popular politician, whose platform is favored by the most people, and who beats Trump in all the polls, isn't electable"
Yeah, want gay and transgendered rights? Abortion? Immigration at all? Give Trump 4 more years of judicial appointments. What could possibly go wrong.

Vote for Bernie Sanders then.
Yeah, that's the thing, you keep saying that. But your claim was that voting for any typical platform Democrat would harm people. I raised viable problems for protesting against the General Election Democrat Nominee.
Not sure what point you're trying to make,
Protesting against a General Election Democrat Nominee who isn't Bernie Sanders will almost certainly allow for a SCOTUS to rule that discrimination against people, as long as it is 'based on religious reasons', will be legal.

If Sanders is the nominee, I'll support him 100%. I'll also support Klobuchar 100%. She might not be as progressive, but we need to save what little is left of the Supreme Court. I'm not protesting a single Democrat for President because we've already lost too much.
Bernie supporter attempts to burn down Eureka, CA GOP office

Of course his attempt didn't work very well, they're not actually that good at political violence.
Actually they are, it is just that those that are aren't crazy enough to do stupid things like this.

No, they are crazy and stupid to enough do things like those in the article, they're just not that good at doing it. When they attempt violence they generally fail.
Bernie supporter attempts to burn down Eureka, CA GOP office

Of course his attempt didn't work very well, they're not actually that good at political violence.
Actually they are, it is just that those that are aren't crazy enough to do stupid things like this.

No, they are crazy and stupid to enough do things like those in the article, they're just not that good at doing it. When they attempt violence they generally fail.
The idiots commit acts of violence like this. The competent supporters do not.
Yeah, that's the thing, you keep saying that. But your claim was that voting for any typical platform Democrat would harm people. I raised viable problems for protesting against the General Election Democrat Nominee.
From the perspective of a centrist living a comfortable life, yes. My point is that the candidate with a record of defending that platform is the only one the others want, not the candidates who adopted the platform because of his movement.

Protesting against a General Election Democrat Nominee who isn't Bernie Sanders will almost certainly allow for a SCOTUS to rule that discrimination against people, as long as it is 'based on religious reasons', will be legal.
That's just not important to the people who have been harmed by both types of administrations. To them, being discriminated against because of religion isn't that different from being kicked off health insurance by an employer, or being denied social services because of unpaid school lunches, or having no credit because of student loans. Making gains in the culture war is not worth giving up the one advantage they have in the class war.

If Sanders is the nominee, I'll support him 100%. I'll also support Klobuchar 100%. She might not be as progressive, but we need to save what little is left of the Supreme Court. I'm not protesting a single Democrat for President because we've already lost too much.
The "we" in your sentence does not include the lion in that cartoon. There is a problem with non-Democrats running for President in the Democratic primary, and that problem comes down to policies and agendas, not affiliation. For a large portion of the population, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, or Biden would not be materially different than another four years of Trump, because like Trump, they have nothing to offer us that will improve our lives and no record of defending us against our actual enemies. Instead, they have records of collaborating with our enemies and making our lives worse. They represent as much of what is wrong about the country and its direction as the Republicans who they placate and coddle at every turn, and we aren't listening anymore when you say we don't know what's good for us. Actions, principles, policy ideals, and class allegiances are paramount. Aesthetics, demeanor, temperament, identity, and party alignment are dispensable by comparison.
Yeah, want gay and transgendered rights? Abortion? Immigration at all? Give Trump 4 more years of judicial appointments. What could possibly go wrong.

Vote for Bernie Sanders then. Not sure what point you're trying to make, as he is the one with the best policies on all of the above, unless you are retreating to your usual hidey hole of "the most popular politician, whose platform is favored by the most people, and who beats Trump in all the polls, isn't electable"

Not sure why you keep conflating primary behavior with general election behavior.

If Sanders is the nominee, most non Sanders primary voters are behind him because he is better than trump. I will vote Blue if Sanders is top of blue ticket.

Many have said this to you. So what is YOUR point? That if Sanders doesn’t win you’re not going to help stop Trump? Because why, you don’t want gay and transgendered rights? Abortion? Immigration at all? Give Trump 4 more years of judicial appointments. What could possibly go wrong.
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