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Democrats 2020

Jesus was telling his followers to leave homes and jobs and await the coming end of the world which was to be soon. Sitting around not worrying about food, drink or clothing made sense if one expected the end of this mortal world, soon, soon, soon. And a new kingdom of heaven to come into existence. Where those who gave all that stuff up would be rewarded 100 fold. Which did not happen as prophecized. Abandoning all to wait for the coming end is far different than being a good economic plan for the next 2000 years. But that was not what this was all about. It makes me laugh to see religious kook writing books about how to adopt Jesus business practices to running a business or corporation. Which have been common enough over the 30 years i have been kook watching.

Mark 10
29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "I've had it with billionaires who think the rules don't apply to them. https://t.co/CtpZQ4bouh" / Twitter
I've had it with billionaires who think the rules don't apply to them. I've had it with billionaires who think their money buys them something special. So, you know, they can call women "fat broads" and "horseface lesbians" and then just, when somebody complains, throw a little money on it and then put a gag in the woman's mouth. That's not right and that's not going to be our candidate for president of the United States of America.

I'll tell you another part of accountability. It's not enough to decide in the hours before you declare for president that maybe stop-and-frisk was a bad idea. I'm sorry. They knew exactly what communities they were targeting, what human beings they were targeting, and what color those human beings were. And in case they missed it on day one, when people got hurt, and told their stories. Crickets right up until he realized, "Gee, I was planning to buy a presidency and what could go wrong?" He figured he had the woman all gagged so they couldn't say anything -- couldn't say anything about harassment. But boy, what to do about all those Latinos and African Americans that got slammed over the hoods, that got slammed against the walls, that got humiliated, that were stopped repeatedly for doing what? Walking while Black? Uh, no. No. So he figures, "What does it take for a billionaire?" This is like a dang big deal. Not good enough. Not good enough.

I get it. I am not a woman of color. I have the privilege of never having been slammed into the wall by a police officer. I listen and I say, "When I am president of the United States, that is not going to happen to human beings in this country." Because we're in this fight together. The Democrats are getting down to the short strokes on how we're going to pick a nominee. Now we all know Mayor Bloomberg's view on this -- everyone else should drop out and he'll stay. He said Bernie could stay and he'll take out Bernie, but other than that, just the two of them, and the rest of us should just go away.


You really want to say, "Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, give Mitch McConnell a call and see how "tell him that woman to sit down and shut up" worked for him.

(Persist! Persist! Persist!)

All I can say is: We're just getting started. Understand this about Michael Bloomberg. He believes that because he's a billionaire, and this is really scary because if this is true, then either you have to be a billionaire or you have to spend 70% of your time sucking up to billionaires. So to me, what this election is all about is how we -- we take back the power -- how we, we take back our democracy -- we, we take back our country -- and we build an America that doesn't just work for a handful at the top. We build an America that works for everyone. LET'S DREAM BIG! FIGHT HARD! AND WIN!
Good slam on Mike Bloomberg. Even if what he did was to buy some women's silence about his misdeeds rather than put literal gags in their mouths.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Solo hay un camino: juntos.
Gracias, Nevada. https://t.co/chm5BBQrL2" / Twitter

There is only one way: together.
Thanks, Nevada.

With her endorsement of Bernie Sanders in Spanish.

Bernie Sanders leads Latino, Hispanic voters in Nevada: Entrance polls
In entrance polls, he was trouncing other candidates with Latino and Hispanic caucus-goers in Nevada, according to NBC News entrance polling results that showed him with 53% of the vote with that demographic in the seven-person race.

The entrance polls showed former Vice President Joe Biden at 16% of the Latino and Hispanic vote, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 9%, billionaire activist Tom Steyer with 8% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 7%.
Nevada is about 30% Hispanic, 10% black, and 10% Asian / Pacific Islander.

Bernie Sanders' Nevada win leaves Democrats worried about November
“No campaign has a grassroots movement like we do, which is another reason why we’re going to win this election," Sanders said after he ran away with the caucuses.

More moderate candidates were already fighting about who should step aside to allow one person to try to consolidate the vote against him.
They seem like they're running scared.
The way I see it is that there are so many moderate progressives who are up against Bernie and that means that the moderate progressive lane is very divided, making it easy for the most progressive candidate to win. Since none of the others are showing any signs of leaving the race after Nevada, I fully expect Sanders to continue to win delegates.

Can he beat Trump? I'm still extremely skeptical of that, but sometimes I think since nobody seemed to think that Trump could become president, I suppose it may be possible to elect Sanders. I hope he has enough sense to choose a much younger, more pragmatic person to run as his VP.

But, those who support Sanders the most, need to really work hard to convince other less progressive voters to vote for him. I'm not a Sanders supporter but I keep telling my neighbor, a life long Democrat who despises Sanders, that she MUST vote for him if he is the nominee. She told me yesterday that she would need to take two Valium and then try not to think about it too much about it if she has to vote for Sanders. I told her not to look at the names, but just go Dem, right down the line. :D

And, the two of us have convinced her poor middle aged friend who has never voted in her entire life to register this week. She did it. So, if two old ladies who don't like Sanders are working to get more disenfranchised people in Georgia to vote blue no matter who, I hope you younger, more energetic Dems will do a lot more than us.

I'm actually much more concerned about the House and the Senate than I am the presidential race. There are a lot of people who believe that Sanders will cause the Dems to lose both. I have no idea if that is true. It's really too early to make such a prediction, but I am planning on telling everyone I know to vote in the Georgia Democratic primary and try to choose the Senate candidate who seems to have the best chance of defeating the Republican candidate. My district is very gerrymandered and very conservative so there is no chance that my district will be won by a Democrat, if one even runs in my district. Most of the time, the Republican runs unopposed.
My district is very gerrymandered and very conservative so there is no chance that my district will be won by a Democrat, if one even runs in my district. Most of the time, the Republican runs unopposed.

Isn't "very gerrymandered and very conservative" kind of an oxymoron? I though the idea was to gerrymander every district so that most of them have a slightly Republican majority, and a few of them contain all the Democrats.
Great job getting an elderly person to resign herself to the cold hard facts of the matter! If one out of ten Democrats could do that, the election would be a slam dunk.
My district is very gerrymandered and very conservative so there is no chance that my district will be won by a Democrat, if one even runs in my district. Most of the time, the Republican runs unopposed.

Isn't "very gerrymandered and very conservative" kind of an oxymoron? I though the idea was to gerrymander every district so that most of them have a slightly Republican majority, and a few of them contain all the Democrats.
Great job getting an elderly person to resign herself to the cold hard facts of the matter! If one out of ten Democrats could do that, the election would be a slam dunk.

The problem is that I live in a black majority town, and while I have quite a few nice black neighbors that moved into my side of town in the last few years, (. Yay!) the town is still fairly divided racially and economically. One side is more middles class/upper class and white, while the other side is mostly poor or lower middle class and black. I know of both poor black and poor white folks who never vote. If my entire town was in the same district, it would likely be Democratic, but instead it's been divided up so that my mostly white side of town, is mixed with some very rural areas that are very white and mostly very conservative.

Democrats gerrymander as well, but since we've had Republicans in control here since 2004, I think, the Repugs have been the ones doing the most gerrymandering.
Great job Bernie!

Jolly: this must be a bad day for you. You can't condemn the knuckedragging Americans today as much!

It's ok. I can still condemn you, Harry.

I have been hoping for Bernie to win for years. It could be a sign of great progress in the US. An indicator that the people are going to rise and transform the nation into one that puts the people first.
Good slam on Mike Bloomberg. Even if what he did was to buy some women's silence about his misdeeds some joke he told rather than put literal gags in their mouths.

Luckily, going scorched Earth negative like she did wasn't rewarded by the Nevada voters. And now she is making fun of Bloomberg's height. Not a good look for somebody who until now has said that she was the "unity candidate". Being a unity candidate and trying to destroy your opponents do not go hand in hand.

4th place in Nevada with no delegates after 3rd and 4th in Iowa and NH do not bode well for Warren's viability. She should drop out. At this rate, she will not even win Massachusetts!
I'm not a Sanders supporter but I keep telling my neighbor, a life long Democrat who despises Sanders, that she MUST vote for him if he is the nominee. She told me yesterday that she would need to take two Valium and then try not to think about it too much about it if she has to vote for Sanders. I told her not to look at the names, but just go Dem, right down the line.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I detest what Sanders' team has done. They are pushing the exact same "anyone but Trump" button to support Sanders' candidacy that a significant percentage of them refused to push in 2016.

They fucked the world over in 2016 because of voting their "conscience" (whatever the fuck that childish nonsense means) and are now pushing for a complete repudiation of voting on principle.

Now that we screwed the pooch, we want you all to pretend it never happened and to do what you all tried to get us to do in 2016, but we refused to do. We know YOU will do it, because you're all actually knowledgeable about the process, while WE just worship a false messiah.

Our own basket of deplorables.
Great job Bernie!

Jolly: this must be a bad day for you. You can't condemn the knuckedragging Americans today as much!

It's ok. I can still condemn you, Harry.

I have been hoping for Bernie to win for years. It could be a sign of great progress in the US. An indicator that the people are going to rise and transform the nation into one that puts the people first.

Then I hope you won't be too disappointed if he loses. It's been projected by some very intelligent, experienced political junkies, that Sanders would lose between 40 and 44 states if he's the nominee. I certainly hope that's not the case, but it could be. Can Sanders win in any swing states or any of the states like mine which are gradually becoming more progressive? I have grave concerns about that.

I'm already reading Democrats comments in WaPo who are swearing they won't vote for him if he becomes the nominee. Some say they will stay home, while others say they will leave the presidential vote blank. Sanders has a lot of work to do if he expects to become more popular with voters who are less progressive and/or more centrist that he seems to be. I don't think you really understand the culture here very well, as evidenced by some of your comments. You probably don't realize all of the baggage that Sanders has that will be used by Republicans to try and defeat him. Will that work? Nobody knows for sure.

US Americans love choices and Sanders is determined to take away some of those choices. I don't think he will accomplish his goals, but many people are too emotional when it comes to voting, so when they hear his plans, they shriek in horror. I'm more pragmatic. I will vote for the better candidate or in this case, the lesser of two evils. :D The platform matters little to me in this election. I'm more interested in who I think can win, and who can get things done. I don't see Sanders as that person. If he does become the nominee, I certainly hope I am wrong. I've voted so many times for people who I didn't like, only to watch them go down in defeat. This election is more important than any in my lifetime, so I can only hope that a candidate who I see as less than ideal, will still have a chance at victory.

I also think it's very stupid if those who don't want Sanders decide not to vote at all. I felt the same way about Sanders supporters who voted third party in the 2016 election. I personally know several of them, so this is a possibility. I was hoping there would be a candidate who would be able to unite Democrats. I no longer see that as a possibility.

Like most Americans, I can't wait until this mess is over. It's taking too long and freaking out too many people.
Is there any credible evidence that third party voting caused Trump's electoral college win, or is that just the DNC's answer to Trump's own conspiracy theory about uncounted millions of illegal voters? It's certainly incredible to blame Bernie himself, who campaigned vigorously on Clinton's behalf in the intervening months before the election at the cost of losing the confidence of many in his own disappointed voter base.

I get that there were many third party voters in the swing states, but that's hardly unusual for a swing state. Bernie's strategy in both 2016 and 2020 has leaned heavily on attracting new voters to the polls, not winning over lifelong Democrats who would have voted for Hillary if not for him. It's part of what won him Nevada just now: giving a shit about new Latinx and younger votes considered irrelevant to other candidates, because in the past they either weren't a major deciding factor, or were assumed to simply belong to the Democrats somehow. Suggesting that Hillary would surely have won the same not very committed people over if Sanders weren't there is groundless hubris in my opinion.
I'm not a Sanders supporter but I keep telling my neighbor, a life long Democrat who despises Sanders, that she MUST vote for him if he is the nominee. She told me yesterday that she would need to take two Valium and then try not to think about it too much about it if she has to vote for Sanders. I told her not to look at the names, but just go Dem, right down the line.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I detest what Sanders' team has done. They are pushing the exact same "anyone but Trump" button to support Sanders' candidacy that a significant percentage of them refused to push in 2016.

They fucked the world over in 2016 because of voting their "conscience" (whatever the fuck that childish nonsense means) and are now pushing for a complete repudiation of voting on principle.

Now that we screwed the pooch, we want you all to pretend it never happened and to do what you all tried to get us to do in 2016, but we refused to do. We know YOU will do it, because you're all actually knowledgeable about the process, while WE just worship a false messiah.

Our own basket of deplorables.

That's just how Putin wants you to feel. The only way to beat Putin is to have the presence of mind to do what needs to be done. This is information warfare and Putin will use our own media to supply all the woe needed to continue to divide us.

I will support and vote for Bernie if and when the time comes. If nothing else, we'll at least have adherence to the rule of law. In these times, that's enough.
It's not just bros: Sanders wins with a diverse coalition

Put "Bernie Bros" on the back-burner.

It's the army of sobrinos and sobrinas — the Spanish words for nephews and nieces — who should strike fear in the hearts of Bernie Sanders' rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination and party elites after he ran up the score among Latino voters in the Nevada caucuses Saturday. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and other Latino backers of Sanders refer to him fondly as their "tío," or uncle.

Sanders was the choice of 54 percent of Hispanic caucus-goers Saturday on his way to steamrolling to the most convincing victory of the primary season, according to an NBC entrance poll. His closest competitor, former Vice President Joe Biden, racked up 14 percent, with no other candidate cracking double digits.
Now that we screwed the pooch,
It was Hillary being a poor candidate, combined with her hubris and the staggering level of incompetence in her campaign that screwed the pooch.

Don't put that on Sanders!

Do you really think that she was a "poor candidate" with a "staggering level of incompetence"? That seems pretty harsh. Sure, she lost the states. Should have defended Wisconsin better. But she did get the third most votes of any candidate in American history. Is that really staggerating incompetence?
Now that we screwed the pooch,
It was Hillary being a poor candidate, combined with her hubris and the staggering level of incompetence in her campaign that screwed the pooch.

Don't put that on Sanders!

Do you really think that she was a "poor candidate" with a "staggering level of incompetence"? That seems pretty harsh. Sure, she lost the states. Should have defended Wisconsin better. But she did get the third most votes of any candidate in American history. Is that really staggerating incompetence?

That, I would agree with. She made missteps, but there have been far more embarrassing presidential bids. You know ones that didn't end in taking the popular vote by a heady margin.
Great job Bernie!

Jolly: this must be a bad day for you. You can't condemn the knuckedragging Americans today as much!

It's ok. I can still condemn you, Harry.

I have been hoping for Bernie to win for years. It could be a sign of great progress in the US. An indicator that the people are going to rise and transform the nation into one that puts the people first.

Good deal! I know that the need to feel culturally superior is very luring!
Okay, so Sanders momentum is growing. Super Tuesday will be the day to see if he gets to the point of consolidation.

Sanders isn’t my first pick, as he is very old, not great health, has a ‘socialist’ label vulnerability, and some of his supporters are fucking nuts and could provide Trump a narrative to bash Sanders into a pulp.

His platform is otherwise sound and his victory in Nevada is showing a more widespread spectrum of support.

So the question for me is who do you put on the ticket to ice this cake? He needs icing, a bit of it: a statesman due to his health, some demographic pleasers, and someone to make people who might not be energetic to him energetic to that ticket.
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