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Democrats 2020

Because not every voter is a male whitebread racist. Without ethnic minorities favoring the Dems they have no chance in 2020.
I think Dems should nominate the best candidate irrespective of race. You think whitey need not apply. You are the racist!
By the way, white people voted for Obama. Blacks and other minorities voted for white candidates. Your obsession about how "brown" candidates are is telling!

why has Bernie adopted that label?

Two possibilities:
1) That was and remains a big mistake
I think that is true.
2) He never intended to win anything, but has been softening up the electorate to the idea that this society would be better of with a more socialist arrangement than what we have now.
Socialism means public (i.e. probably state control in practice) control of means of production. It does not mean "a somewhat more generous social safety net".

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I'm pretty sure that AOC and her boyfriend give less than zero fucks what anyone thinks about their relationship and/or sexuality.
That may be so, but it was still Elixir who assumed she was a lesbian for some reason.
t may be just me, but I see a difference: I wasn't praising her looks so much as pointing out that her good looks ARE part of her appeal for some people, and certainly for the media.
I think it is a distinction without a difference. You brought up her looks in the first place.

I see that as different than criticizing anything about her looks, which you did, especially when you chose words that are specifically used to criticize women who (some) men disagree with.
So now it's verboten to use the adjective "crazy" with reference to a woman? I am sure you have no problem when that adjective is used for a man ...

Loren does it, you do it. You imply that a woman is too emotional or crazy or, (mostly Loren) too religious to be taken seriously.
I think it varies from individual to individual. Some women are crazy. Some men are crazy. Some women are too religious. So are some men. Why should women get a pass?
And I think on average it is true that women tend to be more emotional than men. Again, that would be means only, with high degree of variance as to where individuals land. But I also think leaders, men or women, that are too emotional can be detrimental to their countries.

Even when it is the men who are melting down (as in the case of AOC who maintains her cool while others lose their shit big time).
Being overly emotional is bad regardless of the gender. Again, you do not want certain adjectives to be used for women even if applicable. Why?

Which would be still different than if you or someone else suggested that she's deliberately capitalizing on her looks or her sexuality.
And if she were, would it be "misogynist" to point it out? By the way, that applies to Kamala Harris when she fucked Willie Brown for career advancement. And yet she has the gall to look down on honest sex workers. :rolleyes:

What I find appealing about AOC is that she's smart, articulate, wicked clever, funny, is able to poke fun at herself--and toss shade right back at those who try to throw shade on her--and I think she's really just herself. She isn't trying to be some media darling prepacked political princess. She ain't nobody's princess....
I really don't see it. You say smart. But how can anybody smart with an economics degree embrace socialism? And despite that economics degree she was waiting tables before she won her congress seat. Hmm.

Had much more to do with the perception that they were/are out of touch rich guys who spend money on trivial things...
That is part of it too, but it focused on appearance: weight, hair, clothing. And yet if anybody comments on a female politician's appearance they get accused of "misogyny". Double standards again.

Trump is horribly criticized for his hair but more that it seems like a ridiculous failure to accept reality with grace and just get on with life...
Again, it's a comment about his appearance that you think is perfectly fine, because it is addressed at a man. Talking about Bernie's crazy, unruly hair was considered fine too. But if anybody dared make fun of Hillary's hair, I am sure you'd flip out ...

How about you find me a quote of you referring to any white male as having crazy eyes or something similar and I'll agree that I wasn't fair.
There is white female Michelle Bachmann for one. That's 50% of your criteria right there. And while I don't recall seeing any male politicians with crazy eyes, I am sure I have made fun of Dennis Kucinich's ears back in the day. That's just as good, surely.

I think she is an expressive person and given a continuous stream of images, it is impossible not to find some that are unflattering. I also think she gives fewer shits about how she looks than does the media.
That explains her expensive wardrobe I am sure ...

Can you think of any white male who you would term as taking 'crazy eyes' photos? Or that you would deem overly excited during interviews?
If their eyes did what AOC's were doing in those photos, I surely would. Can you think of one to whom that applies?

Maybe stay off of reddit?
The point is that the "crazy eyes" identification has nothing to do with skin color, eye color, party identification, or even gender as both were compared to a man, regarding what their eyes looked like. And yet you are trying to make it about race and gender for some reason.
I think it is a distinction without a difference. You brought up her looks in the first place.

Go right ahead: cling to that pointless stance.

So now it's verboten to use the adjective "crazy" with reference to a woman? I am sure you have no problem when that adjective is used for a man ...

Never occurred to me that I had the power to forbid you from doing anything. Also pretty sure you won't find a lot of female posters calling men crazy. Nor do many men call women crazy. Just a certain kind of man. Usually talking about a woman who isn't subservient.

I think it varies from individual to individual. Some women are crazy. Some men are crazy. Some women are too religious. So are some men. Why should women get a pass?
Not what I was saying. But please, feel free to back up your point by showing me examples of you calling men crazy or too religious.

And I think on average it is true that women tend to be more emotional than men. Again, that would be means only, with high degree of variance as to where individuals land. But I also think leaders, men or women, that are too emotional can be detrimental to their countries.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Just as I am entitled to point out that you and some others are fond of terming women crazy or overly emotional or religious or whatever you think will make them seem less reliable. With no particular evidence of such and no real standards except that she be female.

Being overly emotional is bad regardless of the gender. Again, you do not want certain adjectives to be used for women even if applicable. Why?

Misrepresenting me again. Why?

Which would be still different than if you or someone else suggested that she's deliberately capitalizing on her looks or her sexuality.
And if she were, would it be "misogynist" to point it out? By the way, that applies to Kamala Harris when she fucked Willie Brown for career advancement. And yet she has the gall to look down on honest sex workers. :rolleyes:

OK, so now here's where you try to shift focus to who another woman dated.....25 years ago? FFS, Derec. Do you think that Brown also fucked Pelosi, Feinstein and Newsom, whose careers he also helped? FFS, Derec, I've volunteered for campaigns, introduced people who were running to others who might donate and who would be in a position to help them. I wasn't fucking any of them.

The fact that you cannot separate a woman dating anyone from prostitution speaks volumes about about you and your world view.

I really don't see it. You say smart. But how can anybody smart with an economics degree embrace socialism? And despite that economics degree she was waiting tables before she won her congress seat. Hmm.

Hopefully, you don't let waitstaff at the eateries you frequent know how little you think of their intelligence...They have the power to spit in your food before serving it to you, you know. Yep: even at McDonald's.

I'm sure you don't see her as smart. She's a woman. How smart could she be?

Had much more to do with the perception that they were/are out of touch rich guys who spend money on trivial things...
That is part of it too, but it focused on appearance: weight, hair, clothing. And yet if anybody comments on a female politician's appearance they get accused of "misogyny". Double standards again.

Commenting on a man's looks is rarely misogyny.

Trump is horribly criticized for his hair but more that it seems like a ridiculous failure to accept reality with grace and just get on with life...
Again, it's a comment about his appearance that you think is perfectly fine, because it is addressed at a man. Talking about Bernie's crazy, unruly hair was considered fine too. But if anybody dared make fun of Hillary's hair, I am sure you'd flip out ...

Who said I think it's fine to comment on Donald Trump's appearance or hairstyle? Actually, I find it very frustrating because there are so many more substantive things that need to be criticized. Speaking about his ridiculous hair or spray tan or stupidly long ties is just a distraction from the genuine harm he is doing on a daily basis.

How about you find me a quote of you referring to any white male as having crazy eyes or something similar and I'll agree that I wasn't fair.
There is white female Michelle Bachmann for one. That's 50% of your criteria right there. And while I don't recall seeing any male politicians with crazy eyes, I am sure I have made fun of Dennis Kucinich's ears back in the day. That's just as good, surely.

So, you can't do it. I thought not.

I think she is an expressive person and given a continuous stream of images, it is impossible not to find some that are unflattering. I also think she gives fewer shits about how she looks than does the media.
That explains her expensive wardrobe I am sure ...

The clothes she wore for a photo shoot? lololol. You know she wasn't given those clothes, right? And you realize that she's young and pretty and wears clothes well, making bad stuff look good plus she's not dumb and certainly knows how to shop. Plus NYC is a long ways away from strip malls in GA.

I've never worn clothes well, not even when I was very thin. On the other hand, I know people who can put on...practically a burlap bag and make it look expensive. She's like that.

Can you think of any white male who you would term as taking 'crazy eyes' photos? Or that you would deem overly excited during interviews?
If their eyes did what AOC's were doing in those photos, I surely would. Can you think of one to whom that applies?

Do your own research.

The point is that the "crazy eyes" identification has nothing to do with skin color, eye color, party identification, or even gender as both were compared to a man, regarding what their eyes looked like. And yet you are trying to make it about race and gender for some reason.

Um, you are the one who identifies women with 'crazy eyes.' They happen to be women most would consider attractive and who reached positions of power. So far, I haven't seen a single example from you calling a man's eyes crazy.

But go ahead. Cling to your position. You and Trump!
Bernie Sanders for President in 2020: Senator preparing to TAKE ON Trump for White House | World | News | Express.co.uk

Who is running for president in 2020? Here's a look at where some potential candidates stand - ABC News

Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker, Julian Castro, John Delaney, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Richard Ojeda, Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, Eric Swalwell, Elizabeth Warren

My money is on Gillibrand, Beto, and Harris. Although there are a few who I don't know yet!
2/10. Would not bang (except doggy style).

She is not exactly "ugly", but not good looking either (and not because she is "brown" but because of the bulging eyes). 6/10 - would bang.

AOC will be so happy to hear that she has moved up in Derec's cringey, TMI personal rankings.

I'm still pushing for Avenatti. He's got that lefty wealth re-distribution thing down pat.


Barela vs. Avenatti
Go right ahead: cling to that pointless stance.
It's not pointless, it's the reality.

Do your own research.
You implied that there were male politicians for whom this adjective applies. So you name them.

Um, you are the one who identifies women with 'crazy eyes.'
Wrong. I identify two individuals who happen to be women with "crazy eyes".

They happen to be women most would consider attractive and who reached positions of power.
And they also both have extremist ideas, but in opposite direction.

So far, I haven't seen a single example from you calling a man's eyes crazy.
Two data points do not a trendline make.

You and Trump!
:rolleyes: I don't even like the guy. But speaking of him, the left is making a lot of hay out of making fun of his appearance and some unfortunate photos he took. Why is that fair game, but appearance and unfortunate photos of a woman are not?

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Starbucks-cum-election-breaker? I think not. Howard Schultz is no Teddy Roosevelt.

He may not be Teddy Roosevelt, but he would probably be more successful than Nader. He may even do better than Perot if Dems manage to nominate somebody who alienates the independents.

And remember that Nader had quite a big impact in 2000. The question is, whom will Schultz steal votes from more? A lot will depend on whom Dems nominate.
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Because not every voter is a male whitebread racist. Without ethnic minorities favoring the Dems they have no chance in 2020.
Um, why do you think the Dems need to nominate a "person of color" to be favored by minorities?

That is a very interesting question when you stop to think about it.
A guide to pronouncing 2020 candidates' names - CNNPolitics
  • Pete Buttigieg - "boot-edge-edge," "boot-tuh-judge", "Buddha Judge."
  • Kamala Harris - "comma-la"
  • Kirsten Gillibrand - "KEER-sten JILL-uh-brand"
  • Julián Castro - "hoo-lee-AHN," not "JOO-lee-in"
  • Amy Klobuchar - "KLOW-buh-shar"
  • Sherrod Brown - "Sher-uhd"
  • Eric Garcetti - "Gar-set-ee"
  • Richard Ojeda - "oh-JED-ah" instead of "oh-HEED-ah"
  • Beto O'Rourke - "BEH-toe"
  • Mitch Landrieu - "lan-droo"
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