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Democrats 2020

But who is "we"?
Editorial "we" I guess.
The nominating process is an internal matter of each party, at least in the US, so it would be up to the members of the Democratic party.
Well not so much members but anybody voting in the primaries. In most European countries it's actual, card-carrying members that decide. Not that that is free from shenanigans. A bunch of left-wing radicals for example joined Labour with express purpose of electing socialist Jeremy "nacho prime minister" Corbyn to leadership.
And for now, they're voting for Biden and Sanders in that order.
Yes, they are voting for Biden and Bernie. Are these two really the best Democratic Party has to offer? That's exactly my point - the process is bad if it produces such flawed results. The modern primary system goes back to what, 1972 I think? It's not written in the constitution. It can, and I think should, change. Alas, I think the DNC poobahs are likely to deform the system to be more likely to produce the same result - away from caucuses, and giving even more power to states like SC and machine bosses like Jim Clyburn. Under the DNC's preferred system, Biden would have been the nominee in early February.
Sanders is helping to steady the Democrat ship a bit, but the Democrat voter, on average, wants someone more moderate.

Moderate is good, but after all these primaries the best the Democratic establishment could come up with was Joe Freakin' Biden, the pinnacle of mediocrity?
We really need to rethink the nominating process, because it is clearly broken.

But who is "we"? The nominating process is an internal matter of each party, at least in the US, so it would be up to the members of the Democratic party. And for now, they're voting for Biden and Sanders in that order.

Well if you want to talk about the pillar of mediocrity, look no farther than Trump.

His famed "business acumen" is mostly bullshit. If he'd just stuck the money his daddy gave him into a low-fee market fund and left it there he'd be more wealthy than he claims. As for being a "real estate mogul," he's kind of a joke in the New York City scene. "Oh, but he was a wildly successful TV star!" Not hardly. The Apprentice made a splash at first, but it faded to middling status after awhile. Friend of mine was on season six, and it was on life support then. It was reinvented (not by Trump) as the "Celebrity Apprentice" and honestly the celebrities were not exactly A-list people. In fact the show recycled other reality "stars" to shore up the cast in later seasons.

"Joe Freakin Biden" has been a US Senator for a long time, was Vice President, and has a wealth of experience that Trump couldn't buy even if he was as rich as he thinks he is. And again, he's not.

If your measure of "who should be President" is sheer wealth, then Bloomberg is quite literally 54 times more qualified than Trump. Money aside, most of the Democratic contenders are more accomplished than Trump. Warren is a respected Harvard professor. Trump got into school because of his dad. Mayor Pete was a Naval Intelligence officer. Trump had "bone spurs." Steyer actually made his money. Trump failed upwards. I'm frankly at a loss to understand by which metric Trump isn't mediocre.
But who is "we"? The nominating process is an internal matter of each party, at least in the US, so it would be up to the members of the Democratic party. And for now, they're voting for Biden and Sanders in that order.

Well if you want to talk about the pillar of mediocrity, look no farther than Trump.

His famed "business acumen" is mostly bullshit. If he'd just stuck the money his daddy gave him into a low-fee market fund and left it there he'd be more wealthy than he claims. As for being a "real estate mogul," he's kind of a joke in the New York City scene. "Oh, but he was a wildly successful TV star!" Not hardly. The Apprentice made a splash at first, but it faded to middling status after awhile. Friend of mine was on season six, and it was on life support then. It was reinvented (not by Trump) as the "Celebrity Apprentice" and honestly the celebrities were not exactly A-list people. In fact the show recycled other reality "stars" to shore up the cast in later seasons.

"Joe Freakin Biden" has been a US Senator for a long time, was Vice President, and has a wealth of experience that Trump couldn't buy even if he was as rich as he thinks he is. And again, he's not.

If your measure of "who should be President" is sheer wealth, then Bloomberg is quite literally 54 times more qualified than Trump. Money aside, most of the Democratic contenders are more accomplished than Trump. Warren is a respected Harvard professor. Trump got into school because of his dad. Mayor Pete was a Naval Intelligence officer. Trump had "bone spurs." Steyer actually made his money. Trump failed upwards. I'm frankly at a loss to understand by which metric Trump isn't mediocre.

But who is "we"? The nominating process is an internal matter of each party, at least in the US, so it would be up to the members of the Democratic party. And for now, they're voting for Biden and Sanders in that order.

Well if you want to talk about the pillar of mediocrity, look no farther than Trump.

His famed "business acumen" is mostly bullshit. If he'd just stuck the money his daddy gave him into a low-fee market fund and left it there he'd be more wealthy than he claims. As for being a "real estate mogul," he's kind of a joke in the New York City scene. "Oh, but he was a wildly successful TV star!" Not hardly. The Apprentice made a splash at first, but it faded to middling status after awhile. Friend of mine was on season six, and it was on life support then. It was reinvented (not by Trump) as the "Celebrity Apprentice" and honestly the celebrities were not exactly A-list people. In fact the show recycled other reality "stars" to shore up the cast in later seasons.

"Joe Freakin Biden" has been a US Senator for a long time, was Vice President, and has a wealth of experience that Trump couldn't buy even if he was as rich as he thinks he is. And again, he's not.

If your measure of "who should be President" is sheer wealth, then Bloomberg is quite literally 54 times more qualified than Trump. Money aside, most of the Democratic contenders are more accomplished than Trump. Warren is a respected Harvard professor. Trump got into school because of his dad. Mayor Pete was a Naval Intelligence officer. Trump had "bone spurs." Steyer actually made his money. Trump failed upwards. I'm frankly at a loss to understand by which metric Trump isn't mediocre.


What you consider to be virtuous in a politican is very telling. Have you ever considered a career in the mafia? The Familias can give you that self satisfied high of "my guys are whooping their guys" much more reliably than any American president could.
Sanders is helping to steady the Democrat ship a bit, but the Democrat voter, on average, wants someone more moderate.

Moderate is good, but after all these primaries the best the Democratic establishment could come up with was Joe Freakin' Biden, the pinnacle of mediocrity?
We really need to rethink the nominating process, because it is clearly broken.
If I didn’t know better, you were logged into the wrong account.

Regardless, Biden is winning because of name recognition and the south isn’t very liberal. He isn’t my first or second choice, but he is an actual politician. I’m not a narcissist and think we need to fix a system when the person I support isn’t receiving the most votes.
You haven't noticed corporations like Ford and Toyota among many others either cancelled moving their manufacturing overseas, or building plants in the States to manufacture their goods, while under " The Appeaser In Chiefs" stints most were in the process or had moved either South to Mexico, or overseas to low taxing nations?

You only "notice" that on FOX News. Elsewhere...
View attachment 26381

And -
Ford announces 12,000 layoffs, five plant closures across Europe

Job Cuts at Ford Motor to Total 7,000 by August


Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin
Though no one in Washington will admit it, our nation's finances are in deep trouble. Spending is up, revenue is down, and this will only get worse.

Plant closures across Europe. Please pay attention!
You haven't noticed corporations like Ford and Toyota among many others either cancelled moving their manufacturing overseas, or building plants in the States to manufacture their goods, while under " The Appeaser In Chiefs" stints most were in the process or had moved either South to Mexico, or overseas to low taxing nations?

You only "notice" that on FOX News. Elsewhere...
View attachment 26381

And -
Ford announces 12,000 layoffs, five plant closures across Europe

Job Cuts at Ford Motor to Total 7,000 by August


Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin
Though no one in Washington will admit it, our nation's finances are in deep trouble. Spending is up, revenue is down, and this will only get worse.

Ford is on the brink of bankruptcy. If we get a hard recession I don't think they will survive.

While Toyota and Honda are selling record number of cars. Why do you think that is? Think that perhaps quality may have something to do with it?

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The “big lie” was Adolf Hitler’s term in Mein Kampf for the propaganda tactic of telling a lie so “colossal” that nobody would believe anyone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” Far from being specific to Nazism, this technique of political persuasion has been to varying degrees universal. These days, the masters of the “big lie” are the Leftists and those progressives who, addled by Trumpophobia, regularly promulgate whoppers that today’s internet can easily discredit.

Of course, from the Russian collusion fabrication to the Ukraine “quid pro quo,” the Dems have publicized numerous lies and distortions of facts. Now they’re at it again with hysterical attacks on Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. During the last debate, Mike Bloomberg charge that Trump “defunded Centers for Disease Control, CDC, so we don’t have the organization we need,” a lie seconded by Joe Biden who added, “He cut the funding for the entire effort.” As the New York Post, commented, “It’s a lie that can only sow fear: The CDC budget is higher than when Trump took office. Same for the National Institutes of Health. And top career officials from both have been working with the White House for weeks to direct the US response.” This lie was so “colossal” that the AP––which was so skewed toward Democrats during Obama’s tenure that wags said AP stood for “administration’s press”–– ran a headline that read, “AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness.”
Biden isn't a natural idiot, but I am very concerned about his current state of mind.

I'm not terribly concerned. He's been a gaffe machine for awhile, but I don't know if it's necessarily getting worse. It's just the same old Joe.

He's had a stuttering problem since he was a child. I think a lot of his gaffes are because of that. Concentrating more on getting the words out right instead of concentrating on the right words. That's a luxury non-stutterers take for granted.

If you listen to him speak in a small venue where he can be more at ease, he can speak without hardly missing a beat.
https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/03/progressive-big-lies-bruce-thorntonBruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

"Shillman" is an appropriate title. Who the fuck do you think owns Frontpagemag? Are you that ignorant? This is like Allan Jones going on Sky News saying, "I heard this radio presenter on 2GB, you need to listen to what he has to say!"

Man, that article was a worthless piece of shit. The only real source it cited was the Heritage Foundation, which is as reliable as North Korean State news. I'd explain to you what an echo chamber is, but I feel as though I'm wasting my time.
I should clarify that problems or no, I still think Joe Biden would make an excellent president. He's smart, fair, committed, and though ambitious I never got the impression that he craves power for its own sake. I'm just deeply worried that he's not going to get the chance to prove that. He's exactly the wrong kind of person to send against an opponent whose primary strength is flustering people, exploiting their personal flaws, and directing attention away from their own actions.

What you consider to be virtuous in a politican is very telling. Have you ever considered a career in the mafia? The Familias can give you that self satisfied high of "my guys are whooping their guys" much more reliably than any American president could.

In this instance, it's more a case of "I don't have words, so I'll use someone else's...even though they didn't say the words."


I'll save you the read...Eastwood said no such thing. A Massachusetts state rep wrote the words in an editorial, and then the Massachusetts Republican Party posted it on their Facebook page next to a picture of Eastwood with yet another fake quote.

People sure are gullible.
I should clarify that problems or no, I still think Joe Biden would make an excellent president. He's smart, fair, committed, and though ambitious I never got the impression that he craves power for its own sake. I'm just deeply worried that he's not going to get the chance to prove that. He's exactly the wrong kind of person to send against an opponent whose primary strength is flustering people, exploiting their personal flaws, and directing attention away from their own actions.
But does Bonespurs have anything else to throw at Biden, anything that he hasn't already heard from the idiot? Biden will be prepped and practiced with whatever strategy they've settled on, with the best responses to whatever Twitler hack job they can expect.
Some test debates, a few sparring matches with a drunk heckler on open-mic night, lock him in a closet with an agitated howler monkey.

And if Trump comes up with anything original, slap him down with a quote. 'Tell us again how the virus is a hoax?' or 'Did that check from Mexico clear, yet?'
Another one bites the dust. Elizabeth Warren Ends 2020 Presidential Campaign: Live Updates - The New York Times - "Ms. Warren, a senator and former law professor, staked her campaign on fighting corruption and changing the rules of the economy."
”I know that when we set out, this was not the call you ever wanted to hear,” Ms. Warren said on the call. “It is not the call I ever wanted to make.”

She entered the race railing against the corrosive power of big money, and one long-term consequence of her campaign is that Ms. Warren demonstrated that someone other than Senator Bernie Sanders, and his intensely loyal small-dollar donors, could fund a credible presidential campaign without holding fund-raisers.
The NYT article stated that she is still thinking about who to endorse.
Ms. Warren’s political demise was a death by a thousand cuts, not a dramatic implosion but a steady decline. Last October, according to most national polls, Ms. Warren was the national pacesetter in the Democratic field. By December, she had fallen to the edge of the top tier, wounded by a presidential debate in October where her opponents relentlessly attacked her, particularly on her embrace of “Medicare for all.”
Something like Kamala Harris's decline, and also Marianne Williamson's.

ZiprHead's article with a titled link: 2020 election: Elizabeth Warren ends her presidential campaign - no word there either on who she will endorse.
Another one bites the dust. Elizabeth Warren Ends 2020 Presidential Campaign: Live Updates - The New York Times - "Ms. Warren, a senator and former law professor, staked her campaign on fighting corruption and changing the rules of the economy."
”I know that when we set out, this was not the call you ever wanted to hear,” Ms. Warren said on the call. “It is not the call I ever wanted to make.”

She entered the race railing against the corrosive power of big money, and one long-term consequence of her campaign is that Ms. Warren demonstrated that someone other than Senator Bernie Sanders, and his intensely loyal small-dollar donors, could fund a credible presidential campaign without holding fund-raisers.
The NYT article stated that she is still thinking about who to endorse.
Ms. Warren’s political demise was a death by a thousand cuts, not a dramatic implosion but a steady decline. Last October, according to most national polls, Ms. Warren was the national pacesetter in the Democratic field. By December, she had fallen to the edge of the top tier, wounded by a presidential debate in October where her opponents relentlessly attacked her, particularly on her embrace of “Medicare for all.”
Something like Kamala Harris's decline, and also Marianne Williamson's.

ZiprHead's article with a titled link: 2020 election: Elizabeth Warren ends her presidential campaign - no word there either on who she will endorse.

She will endorse something like "a sustainable future for all Americans" or something rather than backing any candidate. Or Biden
Hear Ocasio-Cortez's explanation for Biden's over-performance - she argued that Joe Biden came in with low expectations, and that some of the more moderate and conservative candidates quit just in time to endorse him. She also argued that Bernie Sanders will help deliver Latino voters in the main election, voters in states like NV, AZ, and CO. It must be noted that AOC did her part there, by taking part in a Bernie-Sanders campaign town hall -- in Spanish.

What is Tulsi Gabbard doing? I checked. 'The View' laughs off Tulsi Gabbard after she won delegate on Super Tuesday: 'Put a fork in it!' | Fox News - a single delegate in American Samoa, as a favorite daughter.

Gabbard attacks Warren as 'fake indigenous woman of color' | TheHill

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 on Twitter: ".@DanaPerino I'm not quite sure why you're telling FOX viewers that Elizabeth Warren is the last female candidate in the Dem primary. Is it because you believe a fake indigenous woman of color is "real" and the real indigenous woman of color in this race is fake? https://t.co/VKCxy2JzFe" / Twitter

From  Tulsi Gabbard
Gabbard was born on April 12, 1981, in Leloaloa, Maoputasi County, on American Samoa's main island of Tutuila.[26][27] She was the fourth of five children born to Mike Gabbard and his wife Carol (née Porter) Gabbard.[28] In 1983, when Gabbard was two years old, her family moved to Hawaii, where her family had lived in the late 1970s.[29][30][31]

Gabbard was raised in a multicultural household.[32][33][34][35] Her mother was born in Indiana and grew up in Michigan.[36] Her father was born in American Samoa and lived in Hawaii and Florida as a child;[30][37] he is of Samoan and European ancestry.[35]

So TG is largely honky, though EW is mostly honky.
Hear Ocasio-Cortez's explanation for Biden's over-performance - she argued that Joe Biden came in with low expectations, and that some of the more moderate and conservative candidates quit just in time to endorse him. She also argued that Bernie Sanders will help deliver Latino voters in the main election, voters in states like NV, AZ, and CO. It must be noted that AOC did her part there, by taking part in a Bernie-Sanders campaign town hall -- in Spanish.

The Dems consolidating around one candidate is exactly what the Republicans should have done in ‘16, then we wouldn’t be in the pickle were in now. We’d be fighting off Jeb.

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