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Democrats 2020

I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.
Whose math in that?

$500 million is a little over the US's population of 350 million people is only $1.43

You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.
Biden 16 points ahead of Sanders as AOC says she'll back Biden if he's the nominee | Daily Mail Online
  • 2020 hopeful Joe Biden now has a 16-point advantage over his rival Bernie Sanders nationally
  • A new Morning Consult survey has found that 54 per cent of potential Democratic voters support Biden over the 36 per cent who support Sanders
  • The new numbers come as one of Sanders' top surrogates, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said she would support Biden if he won the nomination
  • 'It's a two way street,' the New York Democrat said Thursday on 'Late Night with Seth Meyers,' explaining that Biden fans need to support Sanders if he wins
  • 51 per cent of Democratic primary voters now view Biden as the most electable Democrat after he won 10 Super Tuesday states and South Carolina
AOC blasts Democrats who won’t back a Sanders nomination | Fox News
“I’ve been concerned by some folks that say if Bernie’s the nominee, they won’t support him — and the other way around.”
— U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
I agree. That's good strategy. But it may be hard to inspire many voters with a candidate that they dislike. Will Biden try to reach out to Sanders voters if he wins? Will Sanders try to reach out to Biden voters if he wins?
A Man Unfurled A Nazi Flag And Shouted Jewish Slurs At A Bernie Sanders Rally
The incident comes at a time of increasing concern about the rise of white nationalism in the country and as Sanders runs to become the first Jewish president.

A man waving a Nazi flag and shouting “Heil Hitler” was kicked out of a rally for Bernie Sanders on Thursday, a shocking incident targeting the man running to be the first Jewish president.
Ruby Cramer on Twitter: "Sanders said he's seen plenty of protesters at his events — many of them Trump supporters — "but this was something different," he told reporters in Phoenix today, describing the swastika as "unspeakable" & the "most detestable symbol in modern history." https://t.co/zaNGWoybyE" / Twitter
Ruby Cramer on Twitter: ""I speak not only as a Jewish American — I think I can speak for the families of some 400,000 American troops who died fighting Nazism, fighting fascism — that it is horrific," he said. "It is beyond disgusting." https://t.co/zaNGWoybyE" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It is admittedly hard to see those who care about civility + toxicity (which I understand) sit in silence about the disturbing antisemitism emerging around Sen. Sanders. A pundit also compared him to a disease on national TV.
It’s disturbing. If you care, please care everywhere. https://t.co/hMSJ87Id52" / Twitter

The Hill on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC: "You can get all the votes you want against Trump, if you don't get the electoral college we will not get the presidency back." https://t.co/y0oUttZGwL" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Bernie’s strong record on trade, his exemplary performance with Latino voters, and his overwhelming support among folks making <$40k make him a stronger electoral college candidate.
He can put key Southwest states in play and is stronger in the industrial Midwest against Trump. https://t.co/wrYlN6wJI8" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@BernieSanders is also much, much stronger with independent voters who we will need in November.
He is a stronger candidate than Biden against Trump. I’m not just saying that because we align on progressive policy. I’m saying it because I believe it is true." / Twitter

Did Sexism — And Fear of Sexism — Keep Warren From Winning The Nomination? | FiveThirtyEight - not sure that I follow that.

Confidence Interval: The Bloomberg Campaign Isn’t Actually Ending | FiveThirtyEight - even if he is no longer candidate, he may still be financing the Democrats' campaign.
I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.
Whose math in that?

$500 million is a little over the US's population of 350 million people is only $1.43

It appears to have originated with this twit on Twitter. Apparently she is a "journalist" writing for WaPo among others. She already protected her tweets and added "I know I am bad at math" to her bio. LMAO!

Brian Williams, NYT's Gay criticized over math flub: 'Saddest clip in TV history'
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You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.

Don't beat yourself up too hard over it. People such as Brian Williams and NY Times opinion page writer Mara Gay fell for it too.

Yeah Brian, we are WAAAAY ahead of you on math. :D :tonguea: :banghead:

The state of math education in this country is truly abysmal. But what do you expect when the Left thinks that math is oppressive, colonialist and imperialist. :rolleyes:

View attachment 26464
You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.

Don't beat yourself up too hard over it. People such as Brian Williams and NY Times opinion page writer Mara Gay fell for it too.

Yeah Brian, we are WAAAAY ahead of you on math. :D :tonguea: :banghead:

The state of math education in this country is truly abysmal. But what do you expect when the Left thinks that math is oppressive, colonialist and imperialist. :rolleyes:

View attachment 26464

They what? Every leftist I've ever met has been pretty keen on math and science.
I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.
Whose math in that?

$500 million is a little over the US's population of 350 million people is only $1.43

You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.

That makes you just as good as Biden and other candidates.

They what? Every leftist I've ever met has been pretty keen on math and science.

Seattle Public Schools Will Start Teaching That Math Is Oppressive
New woke math curriculum said:
Students will be able to "identify the inherent inequities of the standardized testing system used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color," "explain how math has been used to exploit natural resources," and "explain how math dictates economic oppression."

That's Seattle for you, or as I like to call it, Northern Portlandia. :)
They what? Every leftist I've ever met has been pretty keen on math and science.

Seattle Public Schools Will Start Teaching That Math Is Oppressive
New woke math curriculum said:
Students will be able to "identify the inherent inequities of the standardized testing system used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color," "explain how math has been used to exploit natural resources," and "explain how math dictates economic oppression."

That's Seattle for you, or as I like to call it, Northern Portlandia. :)

Well, math has indeed been used for those purposes. I'm sure they haven't stopped teaching math, though. I note that Seattle is proposing an expansion of their existing math program, whereas the author of your article proposes ceasing math education altogether. Is he a woke leftist?
Well, math has indeed been used for those purposes.
And if math hadn't been used to for example "exploit natural resources" our modern world would have been impossible. Including the school building and the iPhones these miseducators use (I assume they are the type to waste money on Apple products).

The point is that they are trying to politicize math education, and predictably in the far left direction. Standardized testing is controversial, but they make a pronouncement form on high that it is "oppressing marginalizing people" from on high as if it was an incontrovertible fact. That would be wrong to do even in social studies class, but it is completely out of place in math class.

I'm sure they haven't stopped teaching math, though.
If precious classroom time is wasted on nonsensical woke SJW indoctrination, less time is left for actual math education.
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Well, math has indeed been used for those purposes.
And if math hadn't been used to for example "exploit natural resources" our modern world would have been impossible. Including the school building and the iPhones these miseducators use (I assume they are the type to waste money on Apple products).

The point is that they are trying to politicize math education, and predictably in the far left direction. Standardized testing is controversial, but they make a pronouncement form on high that it is "oppressing marginalizing people" from on high as if it was an incontrovertible fact. That would be wrong to do even in social studies class, but it is completely out of place in math class.

I'm sure they haven't stopped teaching math, though.
If precious classroom time is wasted on nonsensical woke SJW indoctrination, less time is left for actual math education.

They, of course, have done no such thing. That's social conservatives you're thinking of, who routinely who insist that every word in a book must be taken as literal, uncontested truths. That's obviously not the goal of a few learning outcomes in an optional addendum, unless some teacher were to make it so. That sort of blinkered, unquestioning thinking is par for the course in the Trump camp, and if you're trying to convince me that his blanket defunding of any kind of education and unabashed promotion of "faith schools" with no math standards at all somehow does less damage to STEM literacy than a classroom discussion about the history of mathematics would, you have a lot of convincing to do.

Frankly, aside from angry conservatives on the internet, I doubt anyone is even going to read this document. Public teachers do not in fact have time to explore "sample curricula" that won't be on the standardized test. Again thanks to the decade and a half long Republican agenda of tests and memorization over teachers and dialogue. How's that working out for our students?

Nor is it likely that encountering or not encountering a critical theory of math education would have any bearing whatsoever on whether some news commentator happens to remember to carry a zero or not. I would bet you a strong sum of money that none of the people involved have ever so much as heard of critical pedagogical theory.
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You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.

Don't beat yourself up too hard over it. People such as Brian Williams and NY Times opinion page writer Mara Gay fell for it too.

Yeah Brian, we are WAAAAY ahead of you on math. :D :tonguea: :banghead:

The state of math education in this country is truly abysmal. But what do you expect when the Left thinks that math is oppressive, colonialist and imperialist. :rolleyes:

View attachment 26464

They what? Every leftist I've ever met has been pretty keen on math and science.

Oh, I'm keen on math and science. I was balls-to-the-walls grade A number one in my mechanical drawing classes. Won several awards for my work. I would have loved to have been an architect or an engineer. But I couldn't even handle algebra, let alone the higher maths.
They what? Every leftist I've ever met has been pretty keen on math and science.

Oh, I'm keen on math and science. I was balls-to-the-walls grade A number one in my mechanical drawing classes. Won several awards for my work. I would have loved to have been an architect or an engineer. But I couldn't even handle algebra, let alone the higher maths.

I was obliged by my disciplinary goals to get on to the statistics track from upper division onward, but I always enjoyed mathematics, especially geometry and trig. Would have liked to continue if I'd ever had the time and free units. Derec is wrong about most things, but it is true that we could be doing much better as a nation when it comes to math education (and valuation).
Why don't young people vote? I've read as many as 80% intend to. They love to argue the issues. Their young minds are energized and ready to go. But their turnout is abysmal. I thought they were just apathetic creatures with their noses stuck in their phones. Turns out, I was being dismissive of all they are dealing with in their lives. They have much the same problems with voting as others do that get much more recognition in the media: lack of transportation, unstable addresses, possibly issues with id requirements, registration intentionally made difficult and whatever else a state may throw at them. But they have the added burden of turning into adults. Of learning how to navigate the adult world. They need to start to solve adult problems on their own that we've all been dealing with for years: dealing with issues with various companies and government agencies. They are going into all this blind. Most won't ask mom or dad for help. After all, this adult thing is what they have been waiting for their entire lives. But with no experience, they haven't the clues we have, what possible documentation and information they may need going in to solve these problems. Hell, many of them do not even have their Social Security number memorized yet. Imagine needing your SSN and having to call your mom because they're asking about some card and does she have it. Everything takes twice as long and is twice as frustrating.
And now, here is voting. Dealing with more government stuff but this is not required of them. It's easy to see why they might just skip it. They'll vote next time.

Are we doing all we can to get them to the polls the first time they are eligible?


I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.
Whose math in that?

$500 million is a little over the US's population of 350 million people is only $1.43

You're right. I didn't think it through.

I've said it before, I suck at math.
Careful, with math gaffes like that, the Trump Admin could be at your door with a job at the Treasury... or the Fed. ;)
Linda Sarsour, however, supports BS. She says that she'd reluctantly support JB, and that she may draw the line at Mike Bloomberg.
That is truly an endorsement of Mike Bloomberg! If the Cockroach is against him, he might be doing something right!
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