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Democrats 2020

The Dems consolidating around one candidate is exactly what the Republicans should have done in ‘16, then we wouldn’t be in the pickle were in now. We’d be fighting off Jeb.

Jeb Bush? Another member of the Bush family? He would have been a heck of a lot better than Trump. Maybe as good as George Bush I, but at worst no worse than George Bush II, I think.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Bernie Sanders is the stronger candidate - YouTube - the full AOC interview. She expects BS to do well in the northern Midwest, the Rust Belt states. She ducked the question of why young people didn't turn out very much, turning to how many delegates California got. She also said that BS does not pursue big money, and that many of the winners in 2018 didn't do so either - even the more conservative ones. She wants to avoid a brokered convention, because she is concerned about how divisive it may be. This can be done by some candidate getting a majority of pledged delegates, soemthing that will avoid the superdelegates going into action.

Getting more voters was a strategy that worked for AOC in her primary election, but it hasn't been very successful for young voters, what BS hoped. But overall, it is a good one. An important part, I think, is to give people a reason to come out and vote, a positive reason instead of how horrible the other candidate is. Hillary Clinton was rather lacking in that, while Trump had plenty of that. A very ugly leadership vision, it must be conceded, but a vision nevertheless. AOC also offered a leadership vision, but IMO a very positive one, a sort of very kindly social democracy.
Sanders has said that if Biden has only a plurality lead in delegates going into the convention, he will accept that Biden won.
Even though I wasn't supporting her exactly, I am a bit disheartened to see the last woman leave the effective ballot. Once again, we're left with three politically neoliberal white male septuagenarian Northeasterners to choose from. What a choice! And people say privilege is dead...
Even though I wasn't supporting her exactly, I am a bit disheartened to see the last woman leave the effective ballot. Once again, we're left with three politically neoliberal white male septuagenarian Northeasterners to choose from. What a choice! And people say privilege is dead...
There is one young woman from Far West still running.
Even though I wasn't supporting her exactly, I am a bit disheartened to see the last woman leave the effective ballot. Once again, we're left with three politically neoliberal white male septuagenarian Northeasterners to choose from. What a choice! And people say privilege is dead...
There is one young woman from Far West still running.
View attachment 26444

So is Warren, technically speaking. Hence my qualifier.
The Fight Goes On - Team Warren - Medium
We have shown that it is possible to build a grassroots movement that is accountable to supporters and activists and not to wealthy donors — and to do it fast enough for a first-time candidate to build a viable campaign. Never again can anyone say that the only way that a newcomer can get a chance to be a plausible candidate is to take money from corporate executives and billionaires. That’s done.

We have also shown that it is possible to inspire people with big ideas, possible to call out what’s wrong and to lay out a path to make this country live up to its promise.

We have also shown that race and justice — economic justice, social justice, environmental justice, criminal justice — are not an afterthought, but are at the heart of everything that we do.

We have shown that a woman can stand up, hold her ground, and stay true to herself — no matter what.

We have shown that we can build plans in collaboration with the people who are most affected. ...

So if you leave with only one thing, it must be this: Choose to fight only righteous fights, because then when things get tough — and they will — you will know that there is only one option ahead of you: Nevertheless, you must persist.
Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "Our work continues, the fight goes on, and big dreams never die. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. https://t.co/28kyKe777L" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today is a hard day for so many people who love and respect @ewarren and admire her campaign - and I include myself in that.
Elizabeth Warren is a progressive lion, a champion for working families, and her commitment to inclusivity is exemplary. Thank you for being a role model. https://t.co/E9iZzo4Dwt" / Twitter

Thanx to AOC for not being some obnoxious "Bernie Sis".

What you consider to be virtuous in a politican is very telling. Have you ever considered a career in the mafia? The Familias can give you that self satisfied high of "my guys are whooping their guys" much more reliably than any American president could.

As far as I can tell, Trausti said nothing about what he considers virtuous in a politician. He was saying that Trump is not stupid, not that he is virtuous as a politician. A person may be corrupt as it gets and have not a hair of stupid.
Derec said:
Well not so much members but anybody voting in the primaries.
Point taken about the voters (my bad for not making that distinction), though when it comes to rethinking the nominating process, I would have thought that party members get to decide in accordance to some party statutes. But I might be mistaken, I'm not an expert in that.
Derec said:
Are these two really the best Democratic Party has to offer?
In terms of qualifications to be POTUS, or chances of beating Trump?
The latter, probably not, but it's difficult to see how it could be otherwise, as the primaries have a different electorate.
The former, certainly not, but isn't that always the case?
I mean, of a pool of so many people, it's extremely improbable that the most qualified will be picked in an election. Chances are the most qualified to govern will not even run, and further, is not even known.
Derec said:
Are these two really the best Democratic Party has to offer?

No. They’re what the voters seem to want.
The party doesn’t get to decide who’s still standing after Super Tuesday, despite the whiney people claiming that they do.
Bernie is supposed to have this massive youth-driven machine. Now when faced with the facts that there is not a big massive outpouring of yoouthful votes, he says,

Bernie Sanders: (09:37) said:
So if you might want to ask me maybe as a followup question, have we been as successful as I would hope in bringing young people in? And the answer is no, we’re making some progress. But historically everybody knows that young people do not vote in the kind of numbers that older people vote in. I think that will change in the general election, but I am honest with you, we have not done as well in bringing young people in the political process. It is not easy. Yes?

WHo could have predicted that would not be easy? Oh, who?
Now, I wish there WERE a huge outpouring of youthful voters (my two GenZers will vote), but Bernie was wrong in claiming he had the capacity to bring that. He’s claimed it many times, but he’s failed to bring it many times so far.

I like him better than Biden, but how will he win more delegates if he can’t get the votes out?

What you consider to be virtuous in a politican is very telling. Have you ever considered a career in the mafia? The Familias can give you that self satisfied high of "my guys are whooping their guys" much more reliably than any American president could.

In this instance, it's more a case of "I don't have words, so I'll use someone else's...even though they didn't say the words."


I'll save you the read...Eastwood said no such thing. A Massachusetts state rep wrote the words in an editorial, and then the Massachusetts Republican Party posted it on their Facebook page next to a picture of Eastwood with yet another fake quote.

People sure are gullible.

Yet Eastwood is a Trump and a strong GOP supporter. Remember he invited Obuma to a debate which he failed to show up at, so Eastwood debated a chair meant for Obuma.

A couple of days old, but still very relevant.

The short version of last night: It was the biggest setback for socialism since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Today’s Morning Jolt surveys the political landscape after Super Tuesday’s earthquake wiped out Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren and left Bernie Sanders in really rough shape. That Joe Biden nomination that looked so unlikely just a week ago now looks extremely plausible.

The Worst Beating of a Socialist Since Rocky Fought Ivan Drago
From nearly a year ago:

Madam President? Five Candidates on What It Will Take to Shatter the Most Stubborn Glass Ceiling | Vogue - showing a picture of Senator Amy Klobuchar, Representative Tulsi Gabbard, and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris all together looking all chummy.

Marianne Williamson Is Not Happy With Vogue for Snubbing Her noting Marianne Williamson on Instagram: “You might have noticed who’s not in this picture.”

The candidates' runs lasted:
  • Tulsi Gabbard: 2019-01-11 -
  • Kamala Harris: 2019-01-21 - 2019-12-02
  • Marianne Williamson: 2019-01-28 - 2020-01-10
  • Elizabeth Warren: 2019-02-09 - 2020-03-05
  • Amy Klobuchar: 2019-02-10 - 2020-03-02
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: 2019-03-17 - 2019-08-28
or by ending,
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: 2019-03-17 - 2019-08-28
  • Kamala Harris: 2019-01-21 - 2019-12-02
  • Marianne Williamson: 2019-01-28 - 2020-01-10
  • Amy Klobuchar: 2019-02-10 - 2020-03-02
  • Elizabeth Warren: 2019-02-09 - 2020-03-05
  • Tulsi Gabbard: 2019-01-11 -
TG is still in the race, even though she has gotten only one delegate so far, a favorite-daughter one.
Bernie Sanders Is Receiving 21 Times As Much Positive Russian Media Coverage As Joe Biden, Analysis Shows
Could some of the Bernie Bros be Russian professional trolls?

Bernie Sanders and the Myth of Low Youth Turnout in the Democratic Primary
13% of total voters, not 13% of young people

It simply means that other age groups turned out in greater proportions to their share in the population, which lines up with all historical data (65+ age voters are 20% of the registered voting population, but formed 25% of the turnout, 37% in Colorado). 18–27 year olds are 16% of the registered voting population, and being 13% of election day voters is not bad at all. [Say, 30% of young people turned out to vote but formed only 13% of total votes] It matches 2018 mid-term election levels, which were considered good.
Only a little bit of decline.

The Hill on Twitter: "Sen. @KamalaHarris: "Look at what's happened. Look at what's happened. There are no women currently in this race." [url]https://t.co/K4brLkv1rv https://t.co/MmQ02LdA0r" / Twitter[/url]

Several people corrected her by pointing out Tulsi Gabbard. But TG has not been very prominent.
I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.

Imagine how that would have changed the face of this nation.
I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.

Imagine how that would have changed the face of this nation.

Match check. He has $60B. So he could give everyone 1,000,000 pennies and have half his money left but that's $10,000 each. $20000 if he gives up all his money.

I don't know how many people voted in Super Tuesday, but maybe that is the right order of magnitude, like he could have given each voter in Super Tuesday $1,000,000 of his wealth and had $30B left. Maybe.
I just saw something. Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his campaign. He could have given every man, woman, and child in this country a million dollars and have money left over.
Whose math in that?

$500 million is a little over the US's population of 350 million people is only $1.43
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