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Democrats 2020

Bernie Sanders To 'Assess' Campaign After More Primary Losses : NPR - he is reportedly "having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign," according to a top aide.

Seems like what happened with Elizabeth Warren after Super Tuesday, or Kamala Harris or Marianne Williamson earlier.

But on the bright side for the Left, Marie Newman successfully primaried 8-term incumbent Dan Lipinski, in a victory much like AOC vs. Joe Crowley in 2018. This is after Jessica Cisneros failed to primary 8-term incumbent Henry Cuellar two weeks earlier.

I don't think that Bernie was rejected for his policies. He just wasn't considered a good fit for the general election. More people had faith that Joe Biden would be the strongest candidate against Trump. If it came down to a contest between Biden and Sanders, I definitely agreed with that calculation, but I never believed he was our strongest candidate for the general. Anyway, the decision has really been made by the majority of the Democratic base, so we need to move on and prepare for a very difficult struggle to remove the president who is arguably the worst in US history.

I believe that progressive candidates in downballot races will stand a better chance with Biden at the head of the ticket than Sanders. If changes are going to take place at the top of the ticket in the future, we need to broaden out the lower ranks with progressive candidates. We are heading into a deep economic recession, if not an actual depression, so people are craving stability, not revolution.

Without the prosecutor histories (and their decisions made) of Harris and Klobuchar they could have gone a lot further.

Only prosecutors/DAs who are a bit hated by cops without being extreme as the loony current San Francisco one should run for president.
Bernie Sanders To 'Assess' Campaign After More Primary Losses : NPR - he is reportedly "having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign," according to a top aide.

Seems like what happened with Elizabeth Warren after Super Tuesday, or Kamala Harris or Marianne Williamson earlier.

But on the bright side for the Left, Marie Newman successfully primaried 8-term incumbent Dan Lipinski, in a victory much like AOC vs. Joe Crowley in 2018. This is after Jessica Cisneros failed to primary 8-term incumbent Henry Cuellar two weeks earlier.

I don't think that Bernie was rejected for his policies. He just wasn't considered a good fit for the general election. More people had faith that Joe Biden would be the strongest candidate against Trump. If it came down to a contest between Biden and Sanders, I definitely agreed with that calculation, but I never believed he was our strongest candidate for the general. Anyway, the decision has really been made by the majority of the Democratic base, so we need to move on and prepare for a very difficult struggle to remove the president who is arguably the worst in US history.

I believe that progressive candidates in downballot races will stand a better chance with Biden at the head of the ticket than Sanders. If changes are going to take place at the top of the ticket in the future, we need to broaden out the lower ranks with progressive candidates. We are heading into a deep economic recession, if not an actual depression, so people are craving stability, not revolution.

Without the prosecutor histories (and their decisions made) of Harris and Klobuchar they could have gone a lot further.

Only prosecutors/DAs who are a bit hated by cops without being extreme as the loony current San Francisco one should run for president.

Agreed. Tough minded women should not be allowed to run for office. They should only run if they have a history of meekly supporting their husbands and running a nifty household.
Without the prosecutor histories (and their decisions made) of Harris and Klobuchar they could have gone a lot further.

Only prosecutors/DAs who are a bit hated by cops without being extreme as the loony current San Francisco one should run for president.

Agreed. Tough minded women should not be allowed to run for office. They should only run if they have a history of meekly supporting their husbands and running a nifty household.

This got a lot of play:


Only this stuff and rumors of her odd treatment of staff were negative to a lot of people. Her questionings in the senate were quite intelligent and professional. More charismatic than most.
Bernie Sanders To 'Assess' Campaign After More Primary Losses : NPR - he is reportedly "having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign," according to a top aide.

Seems like what happened with Elizabeth Warren after Super Tuesday, or Kamala Harris or Marianne Williamson earlier.

But on the bright side for the Left, Marie Newman successfully primaried 8-term incumbent Dan Lipinski, in a victory much like AOC vs. Joe Crowley in 2018. This is after Jessica Cisneros failed to primary 8-term incumbent Henry Cuellar two weeks earlier.

I don't think that Bernie was rejected for his policies. He just wasn't considered a good fit for the general election. More people had faith that Joe Biden would be the strongest candidate against Trump. If it came down to a contest between Biden and Sanders, I definitely agreed with that calculation, but I never believed he was our strongest candidate for the general. Anyway, the decision has really been made by the majority of the Democratic base, so we need to move on and prepare for a very difficult struggle to remove the president who is arguably the worst in US history.

I believe that progressive candidates in downballot races will stand a better chance with Biden at the head of the ticket than Sanders. If changes are going to take place at the top of the ticket in the future, we need to broaden out the lower ranks with progressive candidates. We are heading into a deep economic recession, if not an actual depression, so people are craving stability, not revolution.

Without the prosecutor histories (and their decisions made) of Harris and Klobuchar they could have gone a lot further.

Only prosecutors/DAs who are a bit hated by cops without being extreme as the loony current San Francisco one should run for president.

I don't think that their backgrounds as prosecutors did much to hurt them. In fact, it probably would have increased their popularity, if more of the voting base had actually been made more aware of that background. As it happened, certain groups among progressives were showered with viral stories about incidents in Harris's background that had been failed controversies among voters during her Senate campaign. The problem with all three women candidates was that they were women. Joe Biden was seen as more electable, especially within the important African American segment of the party base. Biden was admired by many for his aggressiveness, as a lot of Democrats wanted someone who could stand up to Trump's "macho man" routine. It is hard to forget when Donald Trump tailgated Hillary Clinton around a stage during one so-called "debate", and she made very little effort to get him to back off. Too many Americans are just more comfortable with a "Daddy" figure than a "Mommy" figure, when it comes to picking a president. Trump would not dare trying the tailgating tactic with Biden.
Wait, do people really think that the results of the elections so far are indicative of people's policy preferences and not massive low-income voter suppression and an unprecedented public health emergency?

On Tuesday, the generational divide was in full swing. The boomers, who believe they cannot die and owe nobody anything as long as they get theirs, came out in droves to vote for the candidate who said he'll veto Medicare for all even if it passes Congress. The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

And before anybody jumps down my throat, I was ready to say exactly the same thing if Bernie came out the winner due to young people being less scared of the virus and older folks staying home. A normal, functioning democracy doesn't tell people to stay out of public spaces and simultaneously hold public elections. There were stories of voting centers shut down at the last minute, understaffed, lacking sanitizer or wipes (prompting people to literally turn and leave for fear of their health), and malfunctioning/broken scanners. Not to mention, the exit polls of every state were skewed heavily in favor of the same candidate, compared to the official counts.

What I'm trying to say is: if all of this was happening in a Latin American country with ample natural resources, the UN would already be involved and we'd be reading 896 articles a day about the need for regime change.
Wait, do people really think

That we're seeing the EXACT same reaction to Sanders that we did in 2016, thus conclusively proving it's all about him and nothing else? Yes.

And do we also think that the Sanders bots will all continue to sing the same "he was too much for the corporatocracy/establishment/elite so they rigged the election against him" song they've never stopped singing? Yes.

And do we also think that another significant percentage of Sanders bots will arrogantly/stupidly either not vote or will actually vote for Trump AGAIN out of spite, because that's how profoundly arrogant/stupid they are? Yes.
if all of this was happening in a Latin American country with ample natural resources, the UN would already be involved and we'd be reading 896 articles a day about the need for regime change.

Okay, the UN isn't involved (yet) but we definitely have the 896 articles a day about the need for regime change. And they're right.
Wait, do people really think that the results of the elections so far are indicative of people's policy preferences and not massive low-income voter suppression and an unprecedented public health emergency?

On Tuesday, the generational divide was in full swing. The boomers, who believe they cannot die and owe nobody anything as long as they get theirs, came out in droves to vote for the candidate who said he'll veto Medicare for all even if it passes Congress. The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

And before anybody jumps down my throat, I was ready to say exactly the same thing if Bernie came out the winner due to young people being less scared of the virus and older folks staying home. A normal, functioning democracy doesn't tell people to stay out of public spaces and simultaneously hold public elections. There were stories of voting centers shut down at the last minute, understaffed, lacking sanitizer or wipes (prompting people to literally turn and leave for fear of their health), and malfunctioning/broken scanners. Not to mention, the exit polls of every state were skewed heavily in favor of the same candidate, compared to the official counts.

What I'm trying to say is: if all of this was happening in a Latin American country with ample natural resources, the UN would already be involved and we'd be reading 896 articles a day about the need for regime change.

Yep, voter turnout is low in America. Lots of probably in our democratic system. I'd still take it over China's system any day of week!
The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

LOL, the younger generation are all on spring break at the beach. But keep spinning; laughter is the best medicine, or so the Republicans told us while they were trying to torpedo Obamacare.
The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

LOL, the younger generation are all on spring break at the beach. But keep spinning; laughter is the best medicine, or so the Republicans told us while they were trying to torpedo Obamacare.

Yea, we should give the kids partying on the beach today the keys to the government. Older people are too dumb to trust anymore!
Wait, do people really think that the results of the elections so far are indicative of people's policy preferences and not massive low-income voter suppression and an unprecedented public health emergency?

On Tuesday, the generational divide was in full swing. The boomers, who believe they cannot die and owe nobody anything as long as they get theirs, came out in droves to vote for the candidate who said he'll veto Medicare for all even if it passes Congress. The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

And before anybody jumps down my throat, I was ready to say exactly the same thing if Bernie came out the winner due to young people being less scared of the virus and older folks staying home. A normal, functioning democracy doesn't tell people to stay out of public spaces and simultaneously hold public elections. There were stories of voting centers shut down at the last minute, understaffed, lacking sanitizer or wipes (prompting people to literally turn and leave for fear of their health), and malfunctioning/broken scanners. Not to mention, the exit polls of every state were skewed heavily in favor of the same candidate, compared to the official counts.

What I'm trying to say is: if all of this was happening in a Latin American country with ample natural resources, the UN would already be involved and we'd be reading 896 articles a day about the need for regime change.

Yep, voter turnout is low in America. Lots of probably in our democratic system. I'd still take it over China's system any day of week!

Chinese policy is the result of massive and intensive polling combined with trials (called "pilots") run all over the nation on the smaller scale, such that enough data can be generated to convince people that a solution is working or not working. This can take years or decades, and is preferable to a popularity contest because it uses the scientific method. This is why voter participation in Chinese elections is and always has been higher than America's; evidently, they believe their votes count.
Wait, do people really think that the results of the elections so far are indicative of people's policy preferences and not massive low-income voter suppression and an unprecedented public health emergency?

On Tuesday, the generational divide was in full swing. The boomers, who believe they cannot die and owe nobody anything as long as they get theirs, came out in droves to vote for the candidate who said he'll veto Medicare for all even if it passes Congress. The younger generation listened to the WHO and CDC and stayed home. In no universe is this a remotely representative sampling of the population.

And before anybody jumps down my throat, I was ready to say exactly the same thing if Bernie came out the winner due to young people being less scared of the virus and older folks staying home. A normal, functioning democracy doesn't tell people to stay out of public spaces and simultaneously hold public elections. There were stories of voting centers shut down at the last minute, understaffed, lacking sanitizer or wipes (prompting people to literally turn and leave for fear of their health), and malfunctioning/broken scanners. Not to mention, the exit polls of every state were skewed heavily in favor of the same candidate, compared to the official counts.

What I'm trying to say is: if all of this was happening in a Latin American country with ample natural resources, the UN would already be involved and we'd be reading 896 articles a day about the need for regime change.

Yep, voter turnout is low in America. Lots of probably in our democratic system. I'd still take it over China's system any day of week!

Chinese policy is the result of massive and intensive polling combined with trials (called "pilots") run all over the nation on the smaller scale, such that enough data can be generated to convince people that a solution is working or not working. This can take years or decades, and is preferable to a popularity contest because it uses the scientific method. This is why voter participation in Chinese elections is and always has been higher than America's; evidently, they believe their votes count.

Cool Aide alert! Would you say that the secret policy and not wanting to be "disappeared" has anything to do with the nirvana in China?
Another one bites the dust. An Important Announcement - TULSI 2020 - also Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 on Twitter: "Important announcement. From Oahu, Hawaiʻi. #StandWithTulsi https://t.co/XcHshtgVYA" / Twitter
I know Vice President Biden and his wife and am grateful to have called his son Beau a friend who also served in the National Guard. Although I may not agree with the Vice President on every issue, I know that he has a good heart and is motivated by his love for our country and the American people. I'm confident that he will lead our country guided by the spirit of aloha — respect and compassion — and thus help heal the divisiveness that has been tearing our country apart.
She then endorsed him.
I want to extend my best wishes to my friends Senator Bernie Sanders, his wife Jane, Nina Turner and their many supporters for the work they’ve done. I have a great appreciation for Senator Sanders’ love for our country and the American people and his sincere desire to improve the lives of all Americans.
So she might have endorsed Bernie Sanders if he had seemed viable?

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard still running in 2020 presidential primaries
Stephon Adams, political action chair of UF’s NAACP, said he understands the need for minority and female representation in the election — but he doesn’t see Gabbard as a strong contender against President Donald Trump.

“It would be nice to put a female opponent up there, but we haven’t found a female opponent that’s very much a tough rider,” the 21-year-old said.
Her mother is a honky and her father is mixed Samoan / honky. Thus, she's largely honky. Much like Kamala Harris, who is "black".

Neal Milner: Tulsi Gabbard Has Become Irrelevant To Hawaii - "We need to stop obsessing on why she’s running for president. It undermines our political process to give her celebrity status."
She is not big on obligations. Tulsi has refused to carry out the only important ongoing obligation she has to the people of Hawaii when she refuses to resign her congressional seat, toting up the worst absentee record in the House of Representatives.

Hawaii’s voters used to have a decent relationship with Gabbard, but she’s changed. As a result, this relationship has now become toxic. Let’s not stay in this now flawed relationship because we naively think we can change her back.
Honky, I like that, Lpetrich. She also has some dot-head I guess.

But seriously, her stance on Modi has been interesting.
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