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Democrats 2020

Bernie was robbed. Probably.

So what?

So was Hillary.
So was Gore.
So was Gary Hart.

Your point?

Gary Hart kinda screwed himself over...while screwing Donna Rice. Remember what it was like when a Presidential candidate caught cheating would end his career? Good times.

Al Gore was quite possibly robbed, though he let the robbers get away when he conceded.

Hillary? Well she was done in by the Electoral vote, but she "lost" more than was "robbed."

Finally, Bernie. He wasn't robbed at all. His supporters overestimated their importance, and underestimated Biden's support. He just flat out lost. Twice.
Also, anybody who thinks the election results from tonight are anything close to legitimate is a rube, plain and simple. Even if they favor Bernie, they are simply not reflective of anything other than the opinions of people who are either misinformed about the virus or wantonly negligent about spreading it. Those are not the people who should be deciding our nominee under any circumstances.

Very much agree! We should abandon our democracy and adopt Chinese authoritarian type of government. I volunteer to be the Party Secretary!
NBC News projecting Biden wins Florida by a wide margin.

That's the game.

Now it's time for Sanders to get the fuck out. Which he probably will not do and therefore justifiably receive all the wrath due to him now and any residual from 2015, when he did the exact same thing.
I think Sanders knows his leverage will decrease in value in the near future, and with the situation we are facing in the US, he'll get on board. Biden will be sweet about it, platforms are merged, we move on to defeat the worst threat to America since the Nazis.
NBC News projecting Biden wins Florida by a wide margin. Illinois too close to call.

When you posted, the Illinois polls were still an hour from closing. it’s not too close now. It’s a runaway. In 2016, Sanders came within 2% of winning; now, Biden is ahead by 23% and is winning nearly every county.

It’s time.
The primaries are pretty much over. Bernie should gracefully bow out and hunker down like other 78 year olds with health problems are advised to do.
The primaries are pretty much over. Bernie should gracefully bow out and hunker down like other 78 year olds with health problems are advised to do.

C'mon Man! Stop the malarkey. AK, HI, and WY vote on 4/4. This ain't over.
NBC News projecting Biden wins Florida by a wide margin.

That's the game.

Now it's time for Sanders to get the fuck out. Which he probably will not do and therefore justifiably receive all the wrath due to him now and any residual from 2015, when he did the exact same thing.
I think Sanders knows his leverage will decrease in value in the near future, and with the situation we are facing in the US, he'll get on board. Biden will be sweet about it, platforms are merged, we move on to defeat the worst threat to America since the Nazis.

Sanders does have leverage. The longer he stays in, the harder it will be for Biden to win the general. So, are there deals behind the scenes for a concession? I hope it's "make Warren your VP and I'll concede."
Warren is too old for VP. The signs from Biden are pointing to Klobuchar.
I hope it's "make Warren your VP and I'll concede."
Why? Warren would be terrible. Too old - in her 70s. Too lefty. Not very likable. Would piss off Clyburn who saved Biden's ass. She hails from the same region as Biden (North East) so no regional/geographic diversity either, in addition to lack of racial diversity (ticket would be 1/2048 non-white).

Kamala is still the most likely choice. Barring her, Val Demings may be a dark horse, although her being black may be cancelled by her also being a cop. Especially among the BLM FTP crowd. But you know what? Fuck them!
Derec, don't quote me out of context. I did not write that sentence by itself. I did not speak to my opinion of Warren, only that Sanders may have leverage to get her a VP spot.
I think that Democrats should now stop bashing each other, because it just embarrasses them to carry on this nonsense. Sanders should now simply step back and give his support to Biden, who desperately needs to find a way to appeal to as many of Sanders' supporters as he can. There will be some (hopefully, small) number who refuse to vote for Biden, and he really can't do much about that. The pandemic crisis has overwhelmed any interest that the public might have had in further attempts to score political points. Some of his supporters want the struggle to go on, but they are alone in that. The public at large just isn't interested. All Sanders can do at this point is weaken the effort to remove Donald Trump in the general election, and I don't think he wants to see a repeat of 2016.
Derec, don't quote me out of context. I did not write that sentence by itself. I did not speak to my opinion of Warren, only that Sanders may have leverage to get her a VP spot.

You said that you hoped that this was what he would use his leverage for. That indicates that you hope Warren will be on the bottom of the Biden ticket. Are you saying that is not so?
Derec, don't quote me out of context. I did not write that sentence by itself. I did not speak to my opinion of Warren, only that Sanders may have leverage to get her a VP spot.

You said that you hoped that this was what he would use his leverage for. That indicates that you hope Warren will be on the bottom of the Biden ticket. Are you saying that is not so?

I see what you're getting at. Let me rephrase. I hope there's some kind of reason for Sanders staying in that is not related to a non-viable presidency such as a progressive vp, continuing to support left issues, etc. Warren is in fact decent, not super awesome sauce or terrible. It makes sense to have a center left coalition and warren works for that. Certainly not klobuchar. Biden can bring the center. Bernie and Warren can bring in the left. The VP is traditionally supposed to be an attack dog. Warren really proved it when she destroyed Bloomberg. Klobuchar has no energy and adds little value. Kamala Harris might work. I don't know enough about her.
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