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Democrats 2020

What exactly? Remember, even Obama and Cersei Hillary were against gay marriage until relatively recently.

Again, it is important to know what exactly. There is a lot of territory between the two insane extremes of "full human from zygote stage" and "should be able to abort a healthy full term fetus".
3. She's been endorsed by David Duke. Sure, she rejected that endorsement and sure, it could be a set up to tarnish her but still...
When did that happen and in what context?
4. Her Islamophobia
What "islamophobia"? Apart from the fact that this is that such allegations are usually bogus, she is anti-Israel. She called the violent riots at Israel-Gaza border where Hamas-inspired rioters are throwing bombs and trying to breach the border "peaceful protesters" and condemned Israel for defending itself.
5. She endorsed Bernie Sanders, resigning her position to do so.
Who is against the Queen (Cersei, aka Hillary) will die!
6. She endorsed Keith Ellison
So much for "islamophobia" I guess ...
7. She's had some run ins with the ethics committee re: her meeting with Assad and also her self-promotion using images while in uniform.
The Assad thing is definitely bad.
8. Her ties with the Hare Krishnas is concerning
Again, need more detail.
9. Her dedication to religious freedom/freedom from religion is.....questionable/transactional.
10. Everything in her career seems calculated and at the same time, to be indicative of sloppy thinking and a great deal of transactional positioning. I see nothing sincere or hard working or thoughtful about her.
I would nominate
9. Her opposition to DAPL. Pipelines are best way to move large quantities of oil and we still need oil, contrary to GND pipe dreams.
10. Her opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope because it offends some Hawaiian creationists.

I think she's pretty and she's pretty ambitious.
This is the second time you have focused on the attractiveness of a female politician. But I have to agree with you this time. She is good looking.

I honestly don't understand why anyone takes her seriously at all. To me, she's rather the equivalent of a Democratic or 'Democratic' Sarah Palin. Blech.

Perhaps. Far-away state, weird beliefs, attractive.
I do not think she has any chance of going far in the nomination, but I could see Biden (in the unlikely case he wins) could decide to choose her as his running mate.

Biden's not an idiot and he's not likely to be led by some misplaced sense of loyalty to his betters who want to tell him what to do.

As for the rest--google it.

Yes, I understand that people's thinking and beliefs evolve over time. Mine have and I'm sure that's true of many people. Maybe most people. But for her, everything I read about her tells me she simply adopts whichever position will get her somewhat closer to power. Honestly, her resume is full of some weird ass religious stuff that I really, really don't trust. And I don't mind people who hold strong religious beliefs. I think that she's new age-ier than any other new age nutcase I know--and I know more than a few. Seriously she reminds me of people I knew in the 70's who pretended to be all mellow and accepting and all that shit but what they really were were power hungry fuzzy thinkers. Who now vote Republican.
So, y'all are happy about a clueless non Democrat as a possible Democratic candidate. Bernie has lots of ideas but never explains how they will come to pass. Go back and look at what he's accomplished over the many years he's been in Congress. It's pretty much nothing. I honestly don't understand why anyone would vote for Bernie. I wouldn't get too excited about him being ahead in polls right now. For one thing, polls aren't very accurate these days. For another thing, it's too early to know how people will react to these various candidates. Most people aren't even paying attention yet. Most people aren't political junkies like we are. I will say this about him. Bernie's not dumb enough to run as a third party candidate. Even Bernie knows that the Dems are much better than the Repubs.

Considering how difficult it was for Obama to even get enough Democrat support to pass the ACA, how in the world do you expect Bernie to get something far more liberal passed? Not one Republican joined in with the Dems.

So, please Bernie supporters, explain to us exactly how Bernie is going to accomplish his unrealistic promises. How is he going to get the two parties to agree with him? He may mean well, but he has never explained how he's going to accomplish his goals. That's mostly why I've come to despise the man.

I want an intelligent, rational, reasonable president, who knows how to work across the isle and actually get some positive things done. Bernie ain't that!

I'm not wealthy and none of Bernie's policy dreams would hurt me negatively, so don't think I oppose him out of my own self interests. I just think he's irrational.

That's all I have to say about Bernie!

Presidents don't accomplish much on their own. They establish precedents, set mandates, reflect the zeitgeist of the electorate, shift the window of acceptable policy, and do two other very important things: nominate SC justices and command the armed forces. Those two are big reasons to favor the only Dem who is vociferously against both corporate lobbying in politics and endless meddling and warfare abroad.

And there's a reason why his new slogan is "Not Me. Us". You're sitting at your computer waiting for a candidate to show up and get things done for you by working within (and thus preserving and further entrenching) the DC establishment. Bernie represents actual grassroots activism driven by the people. The election to the highest office in our government of a self-described socialist would be a historic shift in our culture, and that would inspire people to actually do what European citizens often do when their elected officials pander to the wealthy instead of representing the interests of their constituents. They would strike. Everybody loves to thank Pelosi for ending the last shutdown, but in addition to her rallying of the party, the shutdown couldn't have gone another day if the airlines didn't function anymore. Teachers in LA made unprecedented gains by striking in solidarity with students against the wave of privatization happening in their districts. We don't have to accept corporate-owned goons who compromise with actual vampires to pass weak legislation that gets reversed, fails to be enforced, or is modified beyond recognition by the next Republican ghoul who shows up. There are time when you have to actually support the right person with the right principles, and commit to backing them and what they represent with your actions and not just your opinions. After Trump, this is that time. What it means to vote for Bernie versus a go-getter who knows how to reach across the "isle" is the difference between people who admire the Yellow Vest movements happening in France and those who wish they would all just go home and vote for a moderate centrist who can appeal to both sides.
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities

The problem that Bernie had with minorities in 2016 was specifically Black voters where HRC stomped him. Your graphs/links don't specify Black voters, just non-White or specific non-White voters that aren't Black.
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This. For leftists, Bernie IS the compromise candidate.
If Bernie is your compromise candidate, who would be your wish candidate? AOC? Nicolas Maduro? Ghost of Che Guevara?

Any of them would be better than tRump.

That's pretty much where we should all be. I'm voting for whomever the Democratic candidate is. If an old horse otherwise destined for the Elmer's plant runs for POTUS as a Democrat and gets the nomination, I'm all in. And should he declare his support for single payer/UHC by stomping his hoof once for yes, he's got my vote. And if all he does is get fat and have a horse heart attack by spending executive time eating metric tons of oats out of a Presidential feedbag, he'll still be better than Trump.

But if the horse runs third party, I'll donate money to get him turned into jello and Alpo.
Ralph Nader.

Oh, the stupid fuckwit who got used as a tool to help elect Dubbya? Thanks a pant-load for that, Chet.

He was neither stupid nor used as a tool.

He was the only candidate from the left and many on the left wanted a voice.

Gore lost his own state and lost Florida due to political incompetence.

Nader had nothing to do with it.

Scapegoating Nader shows how lost a person is.
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities

View attachment 20246

Sanders does good with minorities, but it's misleading to compare favorability numbers that way since he is the most known of that list of names.

Interesting how that wasn't misleading before, when he was a relatively unknown candidate, and it was touted as his Achilles heel.
Bernie is not even left of Eisenhower.

But some Americans have become so twisted and exist so far to the right they see Bernie as way out there on the left.

Historical blindness is a common American affliction.

The New Deal was not socialism. It was a desperate attempt to save capitalism that had collapsed.

This. For leftists, Bernie IS the compromise candidate.

Eh, I see him as just another cranky old white dude with issues with sexism and racism. Been there, done that almost my entire life. Done with that.
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities
You mean like how he lost the southern primaries?

Look, Sanders is too old. It isn't going to happen. And if he is the "compromise" candidate, who in the heck is the first choice?
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities
You mean like how he lost the southern primaries?

Look, Sanders is too old. It isn't going to happen. And if he is the "compromise" candidate, who in the heck is the first choice?

Kamala Harris!

Well, she's MY first choice.
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities

View attachment 20246

Sanders does good with minorities, but it's misleading to compare favorability numbers that way since he is the most known of that list of names.

Interesting how that wasn't misleading before, when he was a relatively unknown candidate, and it was touted as his Achilles heel.

It was? You mean before the primaries? Why would you bother to mention now? Clinton did much better in the actual voting, 50 points better, among Black voters, a big reason why she won.
Ralph Nader.

Oh, the stupid fuckwit who got used as a tool to help elect Dubbya? Thanks a pant-load for that, Chet.

He was neither stupid nor used as a tool.

He was the only candidate from the left and many on the left wanted a voice.

Gore lost his own state and lost Florida due to political incompetence.

Nader had nothing to do with it.

Scapegoating Nader shows how lost a person is.

Still can't cope with the fact that you are as responsible for Iraq and the Great Recession as those who voted for Dubbya? Sorry, I can't help you with that. But maybe you can take your self righteous purity, put it in a blender, slug it down in one shot, and continue to delude yourself through the next election.
And for the love of god can we please all shut about his supposed problem with minorities
You mean like how he lost the southern primaries?

Look, Sanders is too old. It isn't going to happen. And if he is the "compromise" candidate, who in the heck is the first choice?

That's Sanders' biggest problem. The dude is old. He'd be about 79 by the time he took office. If he won a second term he'd be 87 by the time he was done.

I can't be the only one whose ever seen how rapidly and severely an elderly person can decline.

I happen to think that Sanders is what we need--he's a better candidate than anyone currently running. But a younger candidate with the same platform would be better.

Who that candidate is, I don't know. Kamala Harris seems to scare the piss out of the conservatards, so she might be the best bet.
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