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Democrats 2020

Instead of asking us, why don't you do your own research and tell us.
I have. What I have found is not much. Certainly not enough to offset his lack of experience. Hence me asking here.

Is it because his skin is not brown and/or he's not a muslim? You sure seem to do a lot of research in those cases.
:rolleyes: Weak!

By the way, why was this thread pulled from the Presidential Politics subforum?
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While I rarely agree with Derec, I have the same issues with Beto as he does. He just doesn't seem ready to be president. I've read a lot about him and how he has had mixed feelings about running. It seems to me as if he may have been pressured by his base to run. He has six years experience as in Congress, and I think some of that might have only been in the Texas Congress. The other thing that I find disturbing is that he said that he was born for the job. Seriously? That sounds awfully egocentric to me. Of course, I would imagine that all or most of these candidates have huge egos but that statement just sounded nutty to me.
Instead of asking us, why don't you do your own research and tell us.
I have. What I have found is not much. Certainly not enough to offset his lack of experience. Hence me asking here.

Is it because his skin is not brown and/or he's not a muslim? You sure seem to do a lot of research in those cases.
:rolleyes: Weak!

Actually, I thought it was quite a strong point. Does it bother you to have your prejudices pointed out to you?

By the way, why was this thread pulled from the Presidential Politics subforum?

I don't know but I think it's a better fit here. None of these people are president yet.
Colbert smears Tulsi Gabbard to her face, while telling ZERO jokes

Caitlin Johnstone said:
Hawaii Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where instead of the light, jokey banter about politics and who she is as a person that Democratic presidential candidates normally encounter on late night comedy programs, the show’s host solemnly ran down a list of textbook beltway smears against Gabbard and made her defend them in front of his audience. Normally when a Democratic Party-aligned politician appears on such a show, you can expect jokes about how stupid Trump is and how badly they’re going to beat the Republicans, how they’re going to help ordinary Americans, and maybe some friendly back-and-forth about where they grew up or something. Colbert had no time to waste on such things, however, because this was not an interview with a normal Democratic Party-aligned politician: this was a politician who has been loudly and consistently criticizing US foreign policy.

Anti-war is not a value shared by either party it seems. Nothing new.
Colbert smears Tulsi Gabbard to her face, while telling ZERO jokes

Caitlin Johnstone said:
Hawaii Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where instead of the light, jokey banter about politics and who she is as a person that Democratic presidential candidates normally encounter on late night comedy programs, the show’s host solemnly ran down a list of textbook beltway smears against Gabbard and made her defend them in front of his audience. Normally when a Democratic Party-aligned politician appears on such a show, you can expect jokes about how stupid Trump is and how badly they’re going to beat the Republicans, how they’re going to help ordinary Americans, and maybe some friendly back-and-forth about where they grew up or something. Colbert had no time to waste on such things, however, because this was not an interview with a normal Democratic Party-aligned politician: this was a politician who has been loudly and consistently criticizing US foreign policy.

Anti-war is not a value shared by either party it seems. Nothing new.

Yup. It sickens me. Quite frankly, it's shit like this that makes me feel they deserve to get stomped by Trump.
This Democratic Presidential Candidate Wants To Decriminalize Sex Work

Bussfeed said:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the Democratic presidential contender from Hawaii, told BuzzFeed News unequivocally she wants to decriminalize sex work, asserting a clear position on an enormous underground industry that’s largely ignored by American politicians.

“If a consenting adult wants to engage in sex work, that is their right, and it should not be a crime,” Gabbard said. “All people should have autonomy over their bodies and their labor.“

Most candidates in the 2020 race have skirted the issue, including President Donald Trump, but questions about sex work are beginning to chase the Democratic presidential pack.

Gabbard’s embrace of the issue comes just days after Sen. Bernie Sanders was asked for his position and didn’t have one. “That’s a good question, and I don’t have an answer for that,” he told The Breakfast Club.

When asked in late February if she supports decriminalization, Sen. Kamala Harris, who opposed a sex work decriminalization measure in 2008, told the Root, “I think so. I do.”

The White House didn’t answer questions from BuzzFeed News last year about whether Trump thought sex work or paying for sex should be legal. Nor would officials say if the president supported the Justice Department busting a website accused of posting sex work ads.

Gabbard’s unequivocal support for decriminalizing sex workers comes after she — and all the other 2020 Democratic candidates in Congress — voted for legislation last year that has been criticized by sex workers and activists. Known as SESTA/FOSTA, the law was promoted as a means to combat sex trafficking, but in practice it eradicated websites and other platforms where consenting sex workers meet clients. The law was assailed for endangering sex workers and stifling free speech. By shutting down platforms, activists said, workers lose the means to protect themselves by vetting clients and avoiding dangerous situations.

“That pushed more people to the street and caused more deaths and allowed clients to harm, and push the limits of, sex workers,” said Jill McCracken, codirector of the Sex Workers Outreach Project Behind Bars and a professor at the University of South Florida.

I'm starting to like her. Unfortunately my preferences usually result in that candidate's loss.
This Democratic Presidential Candidate Wants To Decriminalize Sex Work

Bussfeed said:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the Democratic presidential contender from Hawaii, told BuzzFeed News unequivocally she wants to decriminalize sex work, asserting a clear position on an enormous underground industry that’s largely ignored by American politicians.

“If a consenting adult wants to engage in sex work, that is their right, and it should not be a crime,” Gabbard said. “All people should have autonomy over their bodies and their labor.“

Most candidates in the 2020 race have skirted the issue, including President Donald Trump, but questions about sex work are beginning to chase the Democratic presidential pack.

Gabbard’s embrace of the issue comes just days after Sen. Bernie Sanders was asked for his position and didn’t have one. “That’s a good question, and I don’t have an answer for that,” he told The Breakfast Club.

When asked in late February if she supports decriminalization, Sen. Kamala Harris, who opposed a sex work decriminalization measure in 2008, told the Root, “I think so. I do.”

The White House didn’t answer questions from BuzzFeed News last year about whether Trump thought sex work or paying for sex should be legal. Nor would officials say if the president supported the Justice Department busting a website accused of posting sex work ads.

Gabbard’s unequivocal support for decriminalizing sex workers comes after she — and all the other 2020 Democratic candidates in Congress — voted for legislation last year that has been criticized by sex workers and activists. Known as SESTA/FOSTA, the law was promoted as a means to combat sex trafficking, but in practice it eradicated websites and other platforms where consenting sex workers meet clients. The law was assailed for endangering sex workers and stifling free speech. By shutting down platforms, activists said, workers lose the means to protect themselves by vetting clients and avoiding dangerous situations.

“That pushed more people to the street and caused more deaths and allowed clients to harm, and push the limits of, sex workers,” said Jill McCracken, codirector of the Sex Workers Outreach Project Behind Bars and a professor at the University of South Florida.

I'm starting to like her. Unfortunately my preferences usually result in that candidate's loss.

She's also against U.S. intervention in Syria, Venezuela, and is against regime change wars.
This Democratic Presidential Candidate Wants To Decriminalize Sex Work

Bussfeed said:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the Democratic presidential contender from Hawaii, told BuzzFeed News unequivocally she wants to decriminalize sex work, asserting a clear position on an enormous underground industry that’s largely ignored by American politicians.

I'm starting to like her. Unfortunately my preferences usually result in that candidate's loss.

She's also against U.S. intervention in Syria, Venezuela, and is against regime change wars.

I know, I made a previous post about that. She is one of the better ones in the Democratic field. I might even donate to her.
While I rarely agree with Derec, I have the same issues with Beto as he does.
Thank you!

He just doesn't seem ready to be president. I've read a lot about him and how he has had mixed feelings about running. It seems to me as if he may have been pressured by his base to run. He has six years experience as in Congress, and I think some of that might have only been in the Texas Congress.
No, he was in actual US Congress for 6 years. Before then he was on the El Paso city council. Pretty thin resume for a presidential run, especially with his Congressional district being very safe D. As in, the district has had a Republican representative for only two years back in the 60s. That tells me that he hasn't shown that he can win a competitive race with a politically diverse electorate.

The other thing that I find disturbing is that he said that he was born for the job. Seriously? That sounds awfully egocentric to me. Of course, I would imagine that all or most of these candidates have huge egos but that statement just sounded nutty to me.
Yeah, I would assume most, if not all, people running for president think it privately, but saying it publicly testifies either to his carelessness or his hubris.
ctually, I thought it was quite a strong point. Does it bother you to have your prejudices pointed out to you?
You thought wrong. And I have not referenced β's race or religion at all. At this point, you fell victim to your own prejudice about me.

I don't know but I think it's a better fit here. None of these people are president yet.

But a presidential race is part of presidential politics by definition. That's how the subforum has been traditionally - only active during the presidential election season. Now it's been made more or less permanent because of Trump, but that does not mean it should be a Trump only subforum.
This Democratic Presidential Candidate Wants To Decriminalize Sex Work

I'm starting to like her. Unfortunately my preferences usually result in that candidate's loss.

I certainly do like that position of hers. I am not on board on her absolutism on foreign policy or her position on pipelines and telescopes though.

That said, it's moot anyway. She is so far down, she is not even on the PredictIt list, a list that trades Mark Zuckerberg, the Rock, Tim Kaine and Jerry Brown for a penny and Hillary and Oprah Winfrey for a tuppence.
Tusli Gabbard will have a very steep mountain to climb to even qualify for the debates in June, which is an absolute must in order to get noticed.
While I rarely agree with Derec, I have the same issues with Beto as he does. He just doesn't seem ready to be president. I've read a lot about him and how he has had mixed feelings about running. It seems to me as if he may have been pressured by his base to run. He has six years experience as in Congress, and I think some of that might have only been in the Texas Congress. The other thing that I find disturbing is that he said that he was born for the job. Seriously? That sounds awfully egocentric to me. Of course, I would imagine that all or most of these candidates have huge egos but that statement just sounded nutty to me.

He did well against Cruz. Other than that, no one would have noticed him.

He is good looking in a Kennedy-esque way and has a nice looking young family. He’s glib and passably articulate. He’s from Texas.

I’m out of great attributes.

I frankly like most of the rest of the field better.
He did well against Cruz. Other than that, no one would have noticed him.
1. He came close, but he still lost.
2. He has no government or other high-profile position right now.
3. Mere Congressmen have not been elected president since James Garfield in 1880, or 140 years ago. And Garfield was in the House much longer and had chaired a few committees.

He is good looking in a Kennedy-esque way and has a nice looking young family. He’s glib and passably articulate. He’s from Texas.
Those are all superficial attributes.

I frankly like most of the rest of the field better.

ctually, I thought it was quite a strong point. Does it bother you to have your prejudices pointed out to you?
You thought wrong. And I have not referenced β's race or religion at all. At this point, you fell victim to your own prejudice about me.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
‘Not one woman got that kind of coverage’: Beto backlash begins - POLITICO: "Many Democrats see a double standard in the fanfare surrounding O’Rourke’s 2020 campaign launch."
Since announcing her 2020 run, Elizabeth Warren has dispensed three major policy proposals, held 30 campaign events and visited nearly a dozen states.

Since announcing his 2020 run, Beto O’Rourke has made one visit to Iowa, where he vaguely outlined his positions, including from atop a cafe counter.

Guess who’s getting the star treatment.

“I feel like the media is always captivated by the person they seem to think is a phenom: Bernie. Trump. Beto. But they always seem to be white men who are phenoms. In a year where we have more choices than ever, more women and more persons of color than ever, none of them seem to be deemed a phenom,” said Mary Anne Marsh, a Democratic political consultant.

“It’s a replay of Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. Instead, it’s Beto O’Rourke in the Bernie Sanders role, to the detriment of every woman running. Not one woman got that kind of coverage. Not one. Not Kamala. Not Kirsten. Not Elizabeth Warren. Not Amy Klobuchar in a blizzard.”

“So what have we learned?” Marsh continued. “Nothing.”

Democratic pollster and strategist Celinda Lake argued that it wasn’t just O’Rourke who was getting special treatment — she says there’s a broader gender imbalance at play. When it comes to substance, she said the women running have fielded more questions on their records and have received the brunt of negative stories to date.

“I think if you look at the pattern, there is a real distinction between the way men were covered and the way the women were covered. There’s a huge double standard,” Lake said. “With women, many, many more negatives were raised and the men were treated like the second coming. I’m surprised that this is continuing in 2019, after the year of the woman.”
‘Not one woman got that kind of coverage’: Beto backlash begins - POLITICO: "Many Democrats see a double standard in the fanfare surrounding O’Rourke’s 2020 campaign launch."
Since announcing her 2020 run, Elizabeth Warren has dispensed three major policy proposals, held 30 campaign events and visited nearly a dozen states.

Since announcing his 2020 run, Beto O’Rourke has made one visit to Iowa, where he vaguely outlined his positions, including from atop a cafe counter.

Guess who’s getting the star treatment.

“I feel like the media is always captivated by the person they seem to think is a phenom: Bernie. Trump. Beto. But they always seem to be white men who are phenoms. In a year where we have more choices than ever, more women and more persons of color than ever, none of them seem to be deemed a phenom,” said Mary Anne Marsh, a Democratic political consultant.

“It’s a replay of Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. Instead, it’s Beto O’Rourke in the Bernie Sanders role, to the detriment of every woman running. Not one woman got that kind of coverage. Not one. Not Kamala. Not Kirsten. Not Elizabeth Warren. Not Amy Klobuchar in a blizzard.”

“So what have we learned?” Marsh continued. “Nothing.”

Democratic pollster and strategist Celinda Lake argued that it wasn’t just O’Rourke who was getting special treatment — she says there’s a broader gender imbalance at play. When it comes to substance, she said the women running have fielded more questions on their records and have received the brunt of negative stories to date.

“I think if you look at the pattern, there is a real distinction between the way men were covered and the way the women were covered. There’s a huge double standard,” Lake said. “With women, many, many more negatives were raised and the men were treated like the second coming. I’m surprised that this is continuing in 2019, after the year of the woman.”

Well, my take is that democrats are just hungry for a new optimistic and energetic new candidate. I voted for HRC. But I just feel that the dominate democrats today like HRC, Sanders and Warren are just old, boring and completely uninspiring. All that I ever hear is what they hate or how the world is going to end. I do really like Harris. And she didn't get the fanfare that Beto got. But she's a frontrunner from day one. Everyone knew she was running. Klouber just doesn't have the national pub yet, although I think this will change. Beto offers hope. People get excited about things like that.
And, I'm sorry, but once you're in your seventies, unless you are totally unlike anyone I've ever met, your energy span for effective work performance during the day has narrowed significantly.
And, I'm sorry, but once you're in your seventies, unless you are totally unlike anyone I've ever met, your energy span for effective work performance during the day has narrowed significantly.
That's the problem that I have with the more elderly candidates now running. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are IMO too old for the Presidency, and Elizabeth Warren is IMO rather borderline. But they should be welcome to have lower-profile positions like Cabinet secretary.
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