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Democrats 2020

I don't see how Biden can overcome this (while being an old heterosexual white male):


"It’s never, never, never, never, never OK to touch her without her consent."

- Joe Biden

What on earth does Biden think he is doing ? It is creepy and very weird.

Biden is an odd guy. People seem to forget his first presidential bid flamed out because plagiarized another guy's autobiography. Then there is his steady stream of gaffes like "you can't go into a 7-11 without a slight Indian accent".

But he plays his white privilege card and gets out of it, I guess.
Meanwhile, if we can focus our attention away from the creepy uncle who voted for the Iraq war:

House rebukes Trump with vote ending U.S. support for Yemen war

The House on Thursday approved a measure to cut off U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's bloody civil war, in yet another harsh, bipartisan rebuke of President Donald Trump's foreign policy.

Trump is expected to veto the measure, which passed with support from Republicans and Democrats in both chambers. Thursday’s 247-175 vote in the House marks the first time in history that a War Powers resolution will reach the president's desk.

This measure was introduced by senator Sanders along with representative Ro Khanna, and stalled in the House in February, when everybody was taken aback by the antisemitism of someone suggesting that Israel spends money to influence American politics. Sanders changed his strategy, got the votes, and now the measure is going to Trump's desk. The measure is more symbolic than anything else, but it's a vote on the record of all the Congresspeople who participated, and it's no small feat to get the parties to agree on something (especially ending a war!). Sanders deserves props for showing his ability to mobilize both sides in this situation.
None of the women I know personally feel that Biden did anything wrong. If women were uncomfortable with him touching them in a non sexual way, then women should have spoken up a long time ago. As far as Flores goes, she can deny that she did this for political reasons all day long, and I still won't believe her. She should have said something long before now. What is wrong with my female cohorts that they can't even find the courage to tell a man if they feel he's "in their space"?

Mika on Morning Joe, was saying something similar this morning. They also discussed the fact that some of this is due to cultural issues. They mentioned that Jimmy Carter is also fairly affectionate and some northern women felt uncomfortable with that when he hugged them during the funeral of JFK. Southerners tend to be much more touchy feely affectionate compared to northerners. I personally love the more affectionate nature of southerners. It was a nice change for me after being raised in a culture that I found lacking in warmth and affection.

Even if you take all that into consideration, it's unprofessional at the very least. And Biden isn't from the South is he ?

Biden is from Maryland, which at the time he was growing up was considered the south. It may not seem so much now, but it is below the Mason Dixie line, and those of use who grew up in NJ, considered it the south.

My guess is that he was raised in a very affectionate family, unlike mine. Btw, I got a phone call from a female friend earlier today, who I hadn't heard from in a long time. She wanted to vent about how much she dislikes the way that some women are treating Biden. I don't know. I guess it's mostly us older women who aren't bothered by his overly affectionate nature. I just wish if so many women were bothered by it, they would have mentioned it to him sooner.

I do love the way he shot back at Trump yesterday after Trump, who is an actual sexual predator, made an attempt to associate Biden with sexual harassment. Even if he decides not to run for president, I hate that people are doing this to him. I hated the way that Al Franken was treated as well. Sure, Biden's made a lot of goofy statements. Sure, he's made mistakes earlier in his career, who hasn't? But, he's also done a lot more for women's rights and minorities than most politicians. I just don't like to see anyone unfairly demonized, and I'm disgusted with the way that Democrats are destroying each other, by expecting perfection.

And yes, I do remember all of Biden's past little scandals, but I judge a person by the totality of their accomplishments and failures. Imo, he's done a lot more good than bad. What's weird to me is when ever I've asked any of my older female friends, meaning any woman 50 or older, which candidate excites them, they all say the only one they see as having potential is Biden. I've not really discussed this with any male friends yet. I'm just finding that most older women aren't very excited by the newer candidates. One said that she liked Cory Booker if Biden didn't run. I've always been a fan of his too, which probably has something to do with NJ being the place where I was born and raised. So, since I usually keep up with news up there, I've followed his career very closely. But, I don't see Booker gathering much steam in the race, so I'm not sure he's up to the task. While all of my friends love Stacy and voted for her when she ran for governor of Ga., we tend to think that she would probably be better off running for the Senate in 2020, or trying to run for governor. Maybe we are just selfish and just hate to see her leave Georgia. I attended one of her rallies and never saw so much enthusiasm for a gubernatorial candidate. But, petty people criticize her for her weight or the fact that she owes some back taxes, which was at least partly due to some debt she had while taking care of an aging parent some time ago. Again, must everyone be perfect to run for office? It's crazy considering what we have in the WH now! Anyway, most people probably aren't even paying attention to the candidates yet. We're just a bunch of political junkies with too much time on our hands or we wouldn't be posting here. :D
None of the women I know personally feel that Biden did anything wrong. If women were uncomfortable with him touching them in a non sexual way, then women should have spoken up a long time ago. As far as Flores goes, she can deny that she did this for political reasons all day long, and I still won't believe her. She should have said something long before now. What is wrong with my female cohorts that they can't even find the courage to tell a man if they feel he's "in their space"?

Mika on Morning Joe, was saying something similar this morning. They also discussed the fact that some of this is due to cultural issues. They mentioned that Jimmy Carter is also fairly affectionate and some northern women felt uncomfortable with that when he hugged them during the funeral of JFK. Southerners tend to be much more touchy feely affectionate compared to northerners. I personally love the more affectionate nature of southerners. It was a nice change for me after being raised in a culture that I found lacking in warmth and affection.

Even if you take all that into consideration, it's unprofessional at the very least. And Biden isn't from the South is he ?

Biden is from Maryland, which at the time he was growing up was considered the south. It may not seem so much now, but it is below the Mason Dixie line, and those of use who grew up in NJ, considered it the south.

My guess is that he was raised in a very affectionate family, unlike mine. Btw, I got a phone call from a female friend earlier today, who I hadn't heard from in a long time. She wanted to vent about how much she dislikes the way that some women are treating Biden. I don't know. I guess it's mostly us older women who aren't bothered by his overly affectionate nature. I just wish if so many women were bothered by it, they would have mentioned it to him sooner.

I do love the way he shot back at Trump yesterday after Trump, who is an actual sexual predator, made an attempt to associate Biden with sexual harassment. Even if he decides not to run for president, I hate that people are doing this to him. I hated the way that Al Franken was treated as well. Sure, Biden's made a lot of goofy statements. Sure, he's made mistakes earlier in his career, who hasn't? But, he's also done a lot more for women's rights and minorities than most politicians. I just don't like to see anyone unfairly demonized, and I'm disgusted with the way that Democrats are destroying each other, by expecting perfection.

And yes, I do remember all of Biden's past little scandals, but I judge a person by the totality of their accomplishments and failures. Imo, he's done a lot more good than bad. What's weird to me is when ever I've asked any of my older female friends, meaning any woman 50 or older, which candidate excites them, they all say the only one they see as having potential is Biden. I've not really discussed this with any male friends yet. I'm just finding that most older women aren't very excited by the newer candidates. One said that she liked Cory Booker if Biden didn't run. I've always been a fan of his too, which probably has something to do with NJ being the place where I was born and raised. So, since I usually keep up with news up there, I've followed his career very closely. But, I don't see Booker gathering much steam in the race, so I'm not sure he's up to the task. While all of my friends love Stacy and voted for her when she ran for governor of Ga., we tend to think that she would probably be better off running for the Senate in 2020, or trying to run for governor. Maybe we are just selfish and just hate to see her leave Georgia. I attended one of her rallies and never saw so much enthusiasm for a gubernatorial candidate. But, petty people criticize her for her weight or the fact that she owes some back taxes, which was at least partly due to some debt she had while taking care of an aging parent some time ago. Again, must everyone be perfect to run for office? It's crazy considering what we have in the WH now! Anyway, most people probably aren't even paying attention to the candidates yet. We're just a bunch of political junkies with too much time on our hands or we wouldn't be posting here. :D

Nothing in Biden's behavior in that video I linked seems unusual to you?

Some of those young girls seemed quite uncomfortable.
My guess is that he was raised in a very affectionate family

I don't think that is a good excuse for his weird behavior. I am not suggesting the guy is a sex pest but that behavior is very weird and unprofessional. And what's even more strange, is he doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with it. He's stroking the face of little girl he just met. Who does that ?
Biden is from Maryland, which at the time he was growing up was considered the south. It may not seem so much now, but it is below the Mason Dixie line, and those of use who grew up in NJ, considered it the south.

My guess is that he was raised in a very affectionate family, unlike mine. Btw, I got a phone call from a female friend earlier today, who I hadn't heard from in a long time. She wanted to vent about how much she dislikes the way that some women are treating Biden. I don't know. I guess it's mostly us older women who aren't bothered by his overly affectionate nature. I just wish if so many women were bothered by it, they would have mentioned it to him sooner.

I do love the way he shot back at Trump yesterday after Trump, who is an actual sexual predator, made an attempt to associate Biden with sexual harassment. Even if he decides not to run for president, I hate that people are doing this to him. I hated the way that Al Franken was treated as well. Sure, Biden's made a lot of goofy statements. Sure, he's made mistakes earlier in his career, who hasn't? But, he's also done a lot more for women's rights and minorities than most politicians. I just don't like to see anyone unfairly demonized, and I'm disgusted with the way that Democrats are destroying each other, by expecting perfection.

And yes, I do remember all of Biden's past little scandals, but I judge a person by the totality of their accomplishments and failures. Imo, he's done a lot more good than bad. What's weird to me is when ever I've asked any of my older female friends, meaning any woman 50 or older, which candidate excites them, they all say the only one they see as having potential is Biden. I've not really discussed this with any male friends yet. I'm just finding that most older women aren't very excited by the newer candidates. One said that she liked Cory Booker if Biden didn't run. I've always been a fan of his too, which probably has something to do with NJ being the place where I was born and raised. So, since I usually keep up with news up there, I've followed his career very closely. But, I don't see Booker gathering much steam in the race, so I'm not sure he's up to the task. While all of my friends love Stacy and voted for her when she ran for governor of Ga., we tend to think that she would probably be better off running for the Senate in 2020, or trying to run for governor. Maybe we are just selfish and just hate to see her leave Georgia. I attended one of her rallies and never saw so much enthusiasm for a gubernatorial candidate. But, petty people criticize her for her weight or the fact that she owes some back taxes, which was at least partly due to some debt she had while taking care of an aging parent some time ago. Again, must everyone be perfect to run for office? It's crazy considering what we have in the WH now! Anyway, most people probably aren't even paying attention to the candidates yet. We're just a bunch of political junkies with too much time on our hands or we wouldn't be posting here. :D

Nothing in Biden's behavior in that video I linked seems unusual to you?

Some of those young girls seemed quite uncomfortable.

I want to correct my claim that Biden was from Maryland. He lived in Delaware but was born in Scranton, Pa. I was thinking of someone else. Sorry for posting without checking the facts.

I didn't watch the video because I've already seen so many videos of Biden doing his touchy feely thing over the years. Btw, he touches men in very affectionate ways too. Is it weird? Maybe a bit, but I don't think it's over the top. Everybody knew he was like that for decades and until this year, it was just a joke. Now he's being demonized. Why the fuck didn't these women say something sooner? One had an editorial today in WaPo. I thought it was awful. She had a photo that was taken of Biden trying to comfort her after a friend of hers had been raped and murdered. After the photo went viral, thousands of people gave her a lot of emotional support, so she put in up in her room and was proud of it. Then lately, she decided what he did was creepy so she took the photo down. Now she's making a big issue of it.

Sorry, but I think it's wrong to all of a sudden change your mind about something like that. Sheesh. I've had men say extremely inappropriate things to me of a very sexual nature. I was more amused than anything. Of course they weren't running for office and if they were, the things they said would have been very inappropriate. You know. Sort of like some of the things that Trump has said to and about women. It just gets to me that women are suddenly acting as if any man that is very affectionate is some type of predator. My primary complaint is that nobody made a big issue of this until the guy starts to consider if he should run for president again. It should have been discussed years ago, if so many women were upset about his behavior. I would have had no problem telling any man if he touched me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Again, maybe it really is a generational thing, or maybe women of my era were more experienced at telling men off when they crossed a line. Since I'm not a member of the younger generation, I can't get into their minds and understand how they feel. I have no problem with them finding this behavior unacceptable. I do have a problem with them suddenly making it an issue at this time and then claiming it's not political. I've said enough on the subject. No need to keep carrying on about it. I'm ready to move on to something else.
I mentioned it in the AOC thread, but it is very disappointing that most 2020 Dems are flocking to kiss Al Sharpton's ring. He is an unapologetic racist and homophobe. It would be like Republicans attending David Duke's conference!
Reparations, criminal justice reform and Trump: Democratic presidential candidates make progressive pledges at Al Sharpton-led convention
How can we take Huey's (from Boondocks, if I remember correctly) statement about Sharpton not being "pope of black people" seriously if Democratic politicians are are paying fealty to him the same way medieval European kings did to the pope. :rolleyes: :banghead:
Biden is from Maryland, which at the time he was growing up was considered the south. It may not seem so much now, but it is below the Mason Dixie line, and those of use who grew up in NJ, considered it the south.

My guess is that he was raised in a very affectionate family, unlike mine. Btw, I got a phone call from a female friend earlier today, who I hadn't heard from in a long time. She wanted to vent about how much she dislikes the way that some women are treating Biden. I don't know. I guess it's mostly us older women who aren't bothered by his overly affectionate nature. I just wish if so many women were bothered by it, they would have mentioned it to him sooner.

I do love the way he shot back at Trump yesterday after Trump, who is an actual sexual predator, made an attempt to associate Biden with sexual harassment. Even if he decides not to run for president, I hate that people are doing this to him. I hated the way that Al Franken was treated as well. Sure, Biden's made a lot of goofy statements. Sure, he's made mistakes earlier in his career, who hasn't? But, he's also done a lot more for women's rights and minorities than most politicians. I just don't like to see anyone unfairly demonized, and I'm disgusted with the way that Democrats are destroying each other, by expecting perfection.

And yes, I do remember all of Biden's past little scandals, but I judge a person by the totality of their accomplishments and failures. Imo, he's done a lot more good than bad. What's weird to me is when ever I've asked any of my older female friends, meaning any woman 50 or older, which candidate excites them, they all say the only one they see as having potential is Biden. I've not really discussed this with any male friends yet. I'm just finding that most older women aren't very excited by the newer candidates. One said that she liked Cory Booker if Biden didn't run. I've always been a fan of his too, which probably has something to do with NJ being the place where I was born and raised. So, since I usually keep up with news up there, I've followed his career very closely. But, I don't see Booker gathering much steam in the race, so I'm not sure he's up to the task. While all of my friends love Stacy and voted for her when she ran for governor of Ga., we tend to think that she would probably be better off running for the Senate in 2020, or trying to run for governor. Maybe we are just selfish and just hate to see her leave Georgia. I attended one of her rallies and never saw so much enthusiasm for a gubernatorial candidate. But, petty people criticize her for her weight or the fact that she owes some back taxes, which was at least partly due to some debt she had while taking care of an aging parent some time ago. Again, must everyone be perfect to run for office? It's crazy considering what we have in the WH now! Anyway, most people probably aren't even paying attention to the candidates yet. We're just a bunch of political junkies with too much time on our hands or we wouldn't be posting here. :D

Nothing in Biden's behavior in that video I linked seems unusual to you?

Some of those young girls seemed quite uncomfortable.

I want to correct my claim that Biden was from Maryland. He lived in Delaware but was born in Scranton, Pa. I was thinking of someone else. Sorry for posting without checking the facts.

I didn't watch the video because I've already seen so many videos of Biden doing his touchy feely thing over the years. Btw, he touches men in very affectionate ways too. Is it weird? Maybe a bit, but I don't think it's over the top. Everybody knew he was like that for decades and until this year, it was just a joke. Now he's being demonized. Why the fuck didn't these women say something sooner? One had an editorial today in WaPo. I thought it was awful. She had a photo that was taken of Biden trying to comfort her after a friend of hers had been raped and murdered. After the photo went viral, thousands of people gave her a lot of emotional support, so she put in up in her room and was proud of it. Then lately, she decided what he did was creepy so she took the photo down. Now she's making a big issue of it.

Sorry, but I think it's wrong to all of a sudden change your mind about something like that. Sheesh. I've had men say extremely inappropriate things to me of a very sexual nature. I was more amused than anything. Of course they weren't running for office and if they were, the things they said would have been very inappropriate. You know. Sort of like some of the things that Trump has said to and about women. It just gets to me that women are suddenly acting as if any man that is very affectionate is some type of predator. My primary complaint is that nobody made a big issue of this until the guy starts to consider if he should run for president again. It should have been discussed years ago, if so many women were upset about his behavior. I would have had no problem telling any man if he touched me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Again, maybe it really is a generational thing, or maybe women of my era were more experienced at telling men off when they crossed a line. Since I'm not a member of the younger generation, I can't get into their minds and understand how they feel. I have no problem with them finding this behavior unacceptable. I do have a problem with them suddenly making it an issue at this time and then claiming it's not political. I've said enough on the subject. No need to keep carrying on about it. I'm ready to move on to something else.

Well then, perhaps those of us who have actually watched the video will continue to think there’s some abnormal shit in there. Since there is.
Bernie Sanders declines to say when he will release tax returns - CNNPolitics

Something's up with his taxes. He only released one year's last election. He's going to have to though, some states are requiring it to be on the ballot.

It's kinda funny. I think that Sanders doesn't want to release because he's embarrassed that he makes more money than his base realize. Conversely, Trump doesn't want to release his records because he makes far less than what his base realizes! Just a suspicion on my part...
Bernie Sanders declines to say when he will release tax returns - CNNPolitics

Something's up with his taxes. He only released one year's last election. He's going to have to though, some states are requiring it to be on the ballot.

It's kinda funny. I think that Sanders doesn't want to release because he's embarrassed that he makes more money than his base realize. Conversely, Trump doesn't want to release his records because he makes far less than what his base realizes! Just a suspicion on my part...

I seem to recall reading in the last cycle that Bernie never had a real job before he won his first election. It would be strange indeed if he was now wealthy.
Bernie Sanders declines to say when he will release tax returns - CNNPolitics

Something's up with his taxes. He only released one year's last election. He's going to have to though, some states are requiring it to be on the ballot.

It's kinda funny. I think that Sanders doesn't want to release because he's embarrassed that he makes more money than his base realize. Conversely, Trump doesn't want to release his records because he makes far less than what his base realizes! Just a suspicion on my part...

I seem to recall reading in the last cycle that Bernie never had a real job before he won his first election. It would be strange indeed if he was now wealthy.
Why would it be strange? Almost anyone who gets into office at the federal level makes good money. And since they vote themselves all the best benefits (and regularly give themselves pay raises), they should do well. One would have to be very poor at managing money, or literally give most of it away, in order to not do well.

And that doesn't even consider all the 'bennies' they get from the lobbyists. You seem to have some very strange ideas about how the world works.
I don't support Sanders for a large variety of reasons, but let's take a look at how well off he is compared to the average American.


Bernie Sanders has charted his own, highly unbeaten path in politics. A self-described Socialist, Sander hasn’t just eschewed the familiar trappings of capitalism – high-paid speaking gigs, investment partnerships, a spouse on Wall Street, the corporate ladder. He runs in direct opposition and hostility to them. “The business model of Wall Street is fraud,” he famously proclaimed in a debate.

And yet, by dint of his success as an anti-capitalist politician, Sanders has managed to make a quite comfortable living. While Sanders wouldn’t describe himself as rich, the scourge of the 1% has income that puts him in the top 3.8% of American households, according to CNBC.

Just as Sanders has managed to accumulate significant assets and pull down a six-figure income while being hostile to business and capitalism, his campaign has done the same. Eschewing PACs and high-dollar fundraisers on Wall Street, Sanders has managed to raise a stunning $95 million, from a virtual army of 3 million small donors.

How his business model works: Eschewing the for-profit private public sector and sticking it out in the public sector has proven to be a brilliant financial move. Popular in his home state and facing election once every six years, Sanders has a great deal of job security. The Senate is one of the few places in the U.S. where people can work at six-figure salaries well past the official retirement age. And with 26 years of Congressional service under his belt, Sanders will be entitled to a Congressional pension in the mid-five figures– whether or not he becomes the next president.

Sanders and his wife have a rather nice income compared to the vast majority of Americans.

The six figure Socialist: More than $200,000, mostly from his Senate salary of $174,500 and Social Security and pension payments paid to Sander and his wife, Jane. Sanders’ financial disclosure shows several holdings in mutual funds and retirement accounts that add up to six figures, but no individual holdings of stocks or outside income. Opensecrets.org tabbed his net worth at about $436,000 in 2014.

Oh my. He even has holdings in some mutual funds. Imagine that! A socialist who invests in private corporations. Now some would say that he's not a true socialist, but in the past he has praised some actual socialist leaders, so I'm confused. The biggest problems that I have with Bernie, other than his lack of accomplishments when in office, is that he demonstrates that he has no great knowledge of business or economics, makes promises without ever giving an explanation as to how all that free stuff will be supported, and considering his age, he really doesn't have much administrative experience needed to make a quick transition. Taking on a very new role at his age isn't easy.

And, why won't Bernie release his tax returns? Is he trying to hide the fact that his income and wealth are much higher than those who buy into his promises? Could it be that Bernie is a hypocrite who has taken advantage of a new populist movement on the left, while he maintains a lifestyle that only a small percentage of Americans can afford to enjoy?
I don't support Sanders for a large variety of reasons, but let's take a look at how well off he is compared to the average American.


Sanders and his wife have a rather nice income compared to the vast majority of Americans.

The six figure Socialist: More than $200,000, mostly from his Senate salary of $174,500 and Social Security and pension payments paid to Sander and his wife, Jane. Sanders’ financial disclosure shows several holdings in mutual funds and retirement accounts that add up to six figures, but no individual holdings of stocks or outside income. Opensecrets.org tabbed his net worth at about $436,000 in 2014.

Oh my. He even has holdings in some mutual funds. Imagine that! A socialist who invests in private corporations. Now some would say that he's not a true socialist, but in the past he has praised some actual socialist leaders, so I'm confused. The biggest problems that I have with Bernie, other than his lack of accomplishments when in office, is that he demonstrates that he has no great knowledge of business or economics, makes promises without ever giving an explanation as to how all that free stuff will be supported, and considering his age, he really doesn't have much administrative experience needed to make a quick transition. Taking on a very new role at his age isn't easy.

And, why won't Bernie release his tax returns? Is he trying to hide the fact that his income and wealth are much higher than those who buy into his promises? Could it be that Bernie is a hypocrite who has taken advantage of a new populist movement on the left, while he maintains a lifestyle that only a small percentage of Americans can afford to enjoy?

Why don't you just plainly state that you disagree with the man's policy proposals? It's funny, I never hear you wondering out loud how "all the free stuff" will be paid for when it's a war that's being proposed. Funny that it's only ever such a burning question of yours when it's a policy that would help average Americans. It's not like this information isn't out there, for example, for college subsidies:

And the actual bill:

So again, can you quit pretending that these don't exist, and just flat out state you don't support the progressive policies that he promotes? That would at least be honest, and it isn't a particularly difficult admission to make.

Also, you are incorrectly using the word hypocrite. You just plainly don't like the man, it is obvious, and I think you would agree. But that does not make him a hypocrite. He would be a hypocrite if he, for example, secretly took donations from Wall Street, or if he invested into a HFT firm and made 100's of millions of dollars. Those would be examples of hypocrisy. He hasn't called for capping income at 100k, or something like that, so it is not hypocritical for him to make a Senator's salary. Sheesh.
Al Sharpton, another one of your hobby horses.

"Hobby horse" being a phrase to dismiss legitimate criticism.
If we want to combat racism, and I think we should, then we need to combat all racism. Somebody like Al Sharpton is definitely a racist, but instead of shunning him, the Democratic Party is wholeheartedly embracing him. That's messed up!

Again, most Democratic hopefulls have attended his conference. Tell me exactly why you think that's all right.
Legitimate criticism. :hysterical:

Yes, it is legitimate criticism to address Democratic Party's embrace of black racists like Sharpton.

And he is not only racist, but he also never apologize for his role in the Tawana Brawley hoax.

Again, tell me why you think a two bit huckster and unabashed racist like him should not be shunned?
Tell me why you care so much about what Democrats do when there is a two-bit hustler in the White House?
Tell me why you care so much about what Democrats do when there is a two-bit hustler in the White House?

Typical deflection. My point is about Democrats kissing Sharpton's ring, and has nothing to do with Trump. And you keep evading.
I don't support Sanders for a large variety of reasons, but let's take a look at how well off he is compared to the average American.


Sanders and his wife have a rather nice income compared to the vast majority of Americans.

The six figure Socialist: More than $200,000, mostly from his Senate salary of $174,500 and Social Security and pension payments paid to Sander and his wife, Jane. Sanders’ financial disclosure shows several holdings in mutual funds and retirement accounts that add up to six figures, but no individual holdings of stocks or outside income. Opensecrets.org tabbed his net worth at about $436,000 in 2014.

Oh my. He even has holdings in some mutual funds. Imagine that! A socialist who invests in private corporations. Now some would say that he's not a true socialist, but in the past he has praised some actual socialist leaders, so I'm confused. The biggest problems that I have with Bernie, other than his lack of accomplishments when in office, is that he demonstrates that he has no great knowledge of business or economics, makes promises without ever giving an explanation as to how all that free stuff will be supported, and considering his age, he really doesn't have much administrative experience needed to make a quick transition. Taking on a very new role at his age isn't easy.

And, why won't Bernie release his tax returns? Is he trying to hide the fact that his income and wealth are much higher than those who buy into his promises? Could it be that Bernie is a hypocrite who has taken advantage of a new populist movement on the left, while he maintains a lifestyle that only a small percentage of Americans can afford to enjoy?

My problem with Sanders is that he makes it more difficult to increase the safety net. That's right - more difficult. He deliberately uses the right wing definition of socialism. Now all people are the left who are trying to fix problems are labeled "socialist".
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