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Democrats 2020

You're obviously not basing that conclusion on polls, which have Sanders consistently beating Trump in battleground states and second in the primary only to Biden, whose numbers are plummeting every time he opens his mouth. Polls also show stronger support for socialism compared to capitalism among likely Democratic voters, based on whatever the poll participants take those terms to mean. They also show Sanders with the highest popularity of any candidate in the race, which continues the long trend of his favorability being high among politicians generally in America. All of his policies enjoy strong support among partisan and non-partisan groups, and are the benchmark that most of the other candidates are trying to position themselves around in some way or another.

The only people scared of Bernie's socialism are (a) stuck in the 1980's mindset of appealing to the mythical Reagan Democrats who never existed in the first place, or (b) actually against his policies because they harm their potential profits, and are concealing this fact by re-framing it as a concern about electability.

Polls predicted Hillary would cakewalk into the White house, as did polls and bookies here in Australia all predict the socialists [ ALP] would also cakewalk into government. The only question was by how many seats. In fact it was rumoured that the bookies started paying out on bets 2 days before the general election which of course was won by the center right Liberal Party.
It should be noted that the Comey announcement about reopening the server investigation... what a week before the election (days?) as well as the actual Rudy Giuliani fake story about the NYC office of the FBI being about ready to make with indictments against the Clinton Org had some notable affect.
You're obviously not basing that conclusion on polls, which have Sanders consistently beating Trump in battleground states and second in the primary only to Biden, whose numbers are plummeting every time he opens his mouth. Polls also show stronger support for socialism compared to capitalism among likely Democratic voters, based on whatever the poll participants take those terms to mean. They also show Sanders with the highest popularity of any candidate in the race, which continues the long trend of his favorability being high among politicians generally in America. All of his policies enjoy strong support among partisan and non-partisan groups, and are the benchmark that most of the other candidates are trying to position themselves around in some way or another.

The only people scared of Bernie's socialism are (a) stuck in the 1980's mindset of appealing to the mythical Reagan Democrats who never existed in the first place, or (b) actually against his policies because they harm their potential profits, and are concealing this fact by re-framing it as a concern about electability.

Polls predicted Hillary would cakewalk into the White house, as did polls and bookies here in Australia all predict the socialists [ ALP] would also cakewalk into government. The only question was by how many seats. In fact it was rumoured that the bookies started paying out on bets 2 days before the general election which of course was won by the center right Liberal Party.
It should be noted that the Comey announcement about reopening the server investigation... what a week before the election (days?) as well as the actual Rudy Giuliani fake story about the NYC office of the FBI being about ready to make with indictments against the Clinton Org had some notable affect.

America, like Australia both dodged a bullet by rejecting the loony left. America in 2016, Australia a couple of months ago. Both parties are high taxing big spending, anti Israel and anti freedom and democracy.

It should be noted that the Comey announcement about reopening the server investigation... what a week before the election (days?) as well as the actual Rudy Giuliani fake story about the NYC office of the FBI being about ready to make with indictments against the Clinton Org had some notable affect.

America, like Australia both dodged a bullet by rejecting the loony left. America in 2016, Australia a couple of months ago. Both parties are high taxing big spending, anti Israel and anti freedom and democracy.

Yeah, nothing says wildly ignorant views like saying Clinton is part of the loonie left.
It should be noted that the Comey announcement about reopening the server investigation... what a week before the election (days?) as well as the actual Rudy Giuliani fake story about the NYC office of the FBI being about ready to make with indictments against the Clinton Org had some notable affect.

America, like Australia both dodged a bullet by rejecting the loony left. America in 2016, Australia a couple of months ago. Both parties are high taxing big spending, anti Israel and anti freedom and democracy.

Yeah, nothing says wildly ignorant views like saying Clinton is part of the loonie left.

I guess you don't remember how Reagan and Bushdaddy had everything going fantastically. Clinton fucked it all up, tanked the economy etc., and then Bushbaby had to fix it. And you might not recall how everything was fine then, until Obama tanked the economy again.

Don't remember that? Neither do I, but millions of Trumptards seem to.
Yeah, nothing says wildly ignorant views like saying Clinton is part of the loonie left.

I guess you don't remember how Reagan and Bushdaddy had everything going fantastically. Clinton fucked it all up, tanked the economy etc., and then Bushbaby had to fix it. And you might not recall how everything was fine then, until Obama tanked the economy again.

Don't remember that? Neither do I, but millions of Trumptards seem to.
Meh, facts don't matter. When the GOP/right wing is in charge, they inevitably fuck up the economy, because trickle down doesn't work, no matter how hard you squint your eyes and try.
The state of KS was run into the ground by the 'cut taxes and they'll pay for themsleves' dumbass mentality, yet they keep repeating this falsehood like it's some kind of magic mantra.
Yeah, nothing says wildly ignorant views like saying Clinton is part of the loonie left.

I guess you don't remember how Reagan and Bushdaddy had everything going fantastically. Clinton fucked it all up, tanked the economy etc., and then Bushbaby had to fix it. And you might not recall how everything was fine then, until Obama tanked the economy again.

Don't remember that? Neither do I, but millions of Trumptards seem to.
Meh, facts don't matter. When the GOP/right wing is in charge, they inevitably fuck up the economy, because trickle down doesn't work, no matter how hard you squint your eyes and try.
The state of KS was run into the ground by the 'cut taxes and they'll pay for themsleves' dumbass mentality, yet they keep repeating this falsehood like it's some kind of magic mantra.
Meanwhile the budget deficit is near double what is was in 2016.
I am not a "right wing nut job", but Venezuela is a good example of socialism.

Because Derec defines any country with a good economy, like Norway or Denmark, as not socialist, even though they have just as big a public sector as Venezuela.
How do you define 'socialism'?
After you, Derec.

FAPP, his definition is the same as every other libertardian here - socialism is a system that produces shithole countries where despotic leaders declare everything "public" property, even though it is effectively appropriated and owned by the leader and his cronies. Successful countries (e.g. Norway, Denmark) cannot be socialist, by their definition - no matter how large their public sectors.
[Successful countries (e.g. Norway, Denmark) cannot be socialist, by their definition - no matter how large their public sectors.

No matter how hard you want to pretend, these countries are not socialist.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

But who is the Danish PM next to Elixir, right?

A message of love, just for Elixir.
Last edited:
20 for 2020 at Shondaland.com - Shonda Rhimes's production company
With a questionnaire crafted by Shonda Rhimes herself, we reached out to each Democratic candidate who has announced their candidacy and asked them all the same questions. From what inspires them, to their favorite dance-floor jam to, of course, what they're planning to do in office, here's an opportunity to get to know your Democratic presidential hopefuls a little deeper.
The questions:
  1. When you made the decision to run for president, who is the first person you told?
  2. What do you do to take care of yourself? How do you unwind?
  3. What book (not including the Bible) has influenced you most?
  4. Who inspires you? Why?
  5. What are the most urgent issues facing women in America right now?
  6. What have you already done to improve the lives of poor and middle income Americans?
  7. How do we improve the public education system so every child gets a great education regardless of income?
  8. What is your comfort food?
  9. Other than God and the Constitution, what do you believe in?
  10. What's the issue/action in your past that the press and/or opposition is going to be (or has been) hardest on you about? What has this issue taught you, and how has it changed how you handle things moving forward?
  11. What most concerns you about America's current position in the world?
  12. What is your proudest political accomplishment? Proudest personal accomplishment?
  13. Who do you look up to?
  14. What did you want to be when you grew up? What called you to a life of political service?
  15. What would you do to improve the current immigration policies?
  16. The current administration has rolled back or eliminated many policies that support safe, fair and dignified work and educational environments for a majority of Americans (including LGBTQ, people of color, differently abled, women, the poor). As president, what policies would you work to reinstate?
  17. How will you combat climate change?
  18. When you need to dance it out, what is the song you listen to?
  19. Who is your "political bestie"? I know you work incredibly hard but which elected official do you enjoy hanging out with the most?
  20. What is America doing right? What makes you hopeful?
Has some nice paintings of the candidates who have responded so far: Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Jay Inslee, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren

There are plenty of other candidates to do, and I'd like to see how Donald Trump might answer them.
A Midsummer Overview Of The Democratic Field | FiveThirtyEight

Nate’s not-to-be-taken-too-seriously presidential tiers
For the Democratic nomination, as revised on July 10, 2019
  1. Tier 1: The front-runners
    • Biden, Harris
    • Warren
  2. Tier 2: They can win Iowa, but can they win the nomination?
    • Sanders
    • Buttigieg
  3. Tier 3: There’s potential, but these candidates are underachieving — for now
    • Booker
    • Klobuchar, Castro, O'Rourke
  4. Tier 4: These candidates are also running for some reason
    • Inslee, Gillibrand
    • Gabbard, Yang
    • Everyone else

What We’ve Gleaned About The Democratic Primary From 6 Months Of Polls | FiveThirtyEight

A rather paradoxical result for Presidential campaigns over 1972-2016 is that lesser-known candidates have more chance of winning than better-known ones that poll the same. This is because the poll numbers partially reflect familiarity with the candidate. A little-known one tends to do better because the polled ones who are familiar with that candidate like that candidate better. The 538.com team then corrected poll numbers for familiarity, and the ones on top were the familiar ones: JB, BS, KH, EW, and PB.
[Successful countries (e.g. Norway, Denmark) cannot be socialist, by their definition - no matter how large their public sectors.

No matter how hard you want to pretend, these countries are not socialist.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

But who is the Danish PM next to Elixir, right?

A message of love, just for Elixir.

Leftists will never understand the ages old monikar of there's no such thing as a free lunch! I wonder if too many Americans would embrace a 60% income tax and 25% sales tax rate! Not to mention a 180% tax on cars!
Leftists will never understand the ages old monikar of there's no such thing as a free lunch! I wonder if too many Americans would embrace a 60% income tax and 25% sales tax rate! Not to mention a 180% tax on cars!
Then why have the deficits been higher under Republicans. The whole "no free lunch" thing is just typical right-wing bs. The Republicans have long been the 'we don't have to pay for anything crowd', which is why budget deficits soared under Reagan, W, and Trump. Clinton came as close as you can to having a balanced budget and Obama's deficits were revenue drought driven, yet recovered decently. And now Trump's deficits are nearly twice what they were in 2016.

And all we hear from our "conservatives" is about 'free lunches'.
Leftists will never understand the ages old monikar of there's no such thing as a free lunch! I wonder if too many Americans would embrace a 60% income tax and 25% sales tax rate! Not to mention a 180% tax on cars!

[Successful countries (e.g. Norway, Denmark) cannot be socialist, by their definition - no matter how large their public sectors.

No matter how hard you want to pretend, these countries are not socialist.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

But who is the Danish PM next to Elixir, right?

A message of love, just for Elixir.

Leftists will never understand the ages old monikar of there's no such thing as a free lunch! I wonder if too many Americans would embrace a 60% income tax and 25% sales tax rate! Not to mention a 180% tax on cars!

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