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Democrats 2020

A Midsummer Overview Of The Democratic Field | FiveThirtyEight

Nate’s not-to-be-taken-too-seriously presidential tiers
For the Democratic nomination, as revised on July 10, 2019
  1. Tier 1: The front-runners
    • Biden, Harris
    • Warren
  2. Tier 2: They can win Iowa, but can they win the nomination?
    • Sanders
    • Buttigieg
  3. Tier 3: There’s potential, but these candidates are underachieving — for now
    • Booker
    • Klobuchar, Castro, O'Rourke
  4. Tier 4: These candidates are also running for some reason
    • Inslee, Gillibrand
    • Gabbard, Yang
    • Everyone else

What We’ve Gleaned About The Democratic Primary From 6 Months Of Polls | FiveThirtyEight

A rather paradoxical result for Presidential campaigns over 1972-2016 is that lesser-known candidates have more chance of winning than better-known ones that poll the same. This is because the poll numbers partially reflect familiarity with the candidate. A little-known one tends to do better because the polled ones who are familiar with that candidate like that candidate better. The 538.com team then corrected poll numbers for familiarity, and the ones on top were the familiar ones: JB, BS, KH, EW, and PB.

Nate is so full of shit
Yeah, they have their reasons, but it's weird to write off Sanders compared to the others whom he's polling better than.
Yeah, they have their reasons, but it's weird to write off Sanders compared to the others whom he's polling better than.

Because Sanders is a known quanity who has probably peaked. People don't know some of the other candidates as well, and they might surprise and climb the polls.
Yeah, they have their reasons, but it's weird to write off Sanders compared to the others whom he's polling better than.

In the latest polls, Sanders is below Biden, Warren and sometimes Harris. He's definitely losing some of his base. I'm not claiming that any of these polls are important, as they are always based on a very small sample of voters, usually around 1000. If one of the more progressive candidates were to drop out, it's likely that those supporters would support the next most progressive candidate. It's still to early to predict how this will all end up.
Yeah, they have their reasons, but it's weird to write off Sanders compared to the others whom he's polling better than.

In the latest polls, Sanders is below Biden, Warren and sometimes Harris. He's definitely losing some of his base. I'm not claiming that any of these polls are important, as they are always based on a very small sample of voters, usually around 1000. If one of the more progressive candidates were to drop out, it's likely that those supporters would support the next most progressive candidate. It's still to early to predict how this will all end up.

Good point. We'll have to wait & see how things play out. It may be another debate or two before we start to see the changes. Let's see who doesn't make the next debate. I do think that social media slows the dropping out of candidates since they have alternate ways to get their messages out if the press doesn't cover them for whatever reason.
Kamala Harris on Twitter: "Answered 20 of @nowthisnews' most pressing questions — including my tendency to be a back seat driver. https://t.co/NEWnhtXMcz" / Twitter
  1. What's your favorite curse word?
  2. Tell us about a time that you've been starstruck
  3. Tell us about your sorority
  4. What was your first paying job?
  5. What's something big you've changed your mind about?
  6. Tell us about a time you experienced discrimination
  7. How has being the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants shaped your identity?
  8. Tell us about someone you love and why you love them.
  9. If your presidency could only tackle one issue, what would it be?
  10. What is your worst habit?
  11. What do you say to critics of your program punishing parents if their kids missed school?
  12. What's something you've done against the advice of your staff?
  13. Have you read the Mueller report?
  14. Should voters even consider electing yet another white man in 2020?
  15. What actor should play you in your biopic?
  16. What is your go-to karaoke song?
  17. How many hours of sleep do you get or need at night?
  18. What's the one app you can't live without?
  19. What's a question every candidate should have to answer?
  20. Rep. Seth Moulton: How will you bring the country together?
Do some research, most working Swedes pay far more than 30% in taxes. I just read about six articles to try to understand more about tax rates in Scandinavian countries. For starters, Sweden has a 25 percent sales tax or VAT, if you prefer to call it that. If you make more than 98K per year, and add up your federal, local and sales taxes, you will be paying close to 70%. That's in spite of the fact that the Swedes don't pay real estate taxes.

The Swedes do get a lot more free social programs than Americans do, but corporate taxes in Sweden are only about 20%. I guess it's because they need these corporations to offer jobs, or something like that. That's certainly not what I'd call socialism. Scandinavian countries have a mixed economic system. How many times must we say that? I also read that countries that institute such programs have done it very gradually.

And, most Swedes trust their government and don't mind paying high tax rates. Most Americans don't seem to trust their government. Do you think most Americans would be happy about having to pay much higher taxes in return for a much stronger social programs? Surveys always point out that when Americans are asked if they'd be willing to pay much higher taxes for things like Medicare for All, etc. the majority answers no. For some crazy reason, a lot of Americans actually think there are enough very wealthy people in the US to pay for all of these things. That's not true. In Sweden, most people pay much higher taxes, not just the wealthiest. Is that what you want? I'm just asking. I'm just not seeing much realism coming from most of the Democratic candidates, which I find very worrisome.

Anyway, never believe anything you read in a Tweet! :D
Trump defends Pelosi, says she's 'not a racist'

That the Democrats are in this much disarray is not good for them.

We have Biden consistently holding about 30%. Second place is basically split between the identity-color vote for Kamala for some reason, identity-female vote for Warren instead of Kamala, and the economic-lunatic vote for Bernie. Since none of those three are significantly ahead or behind the other, none of them will drop out and yield to the others, thus splitting the anti-Bernie vote three ways.
These punks know better than the Danish PM?

You know better than Swedish citizens?

Matter of fact I do. A Swedish family lived right across the road from me for 3 months. He confirmed that in most Scandinavian countries the tax on their income was sometimes even higher than 60%. On some luxury goods, sales tax could be as high as 30-50%. For example, after the currency conversion, a Longine watch costs 3-4 times what that same watch costs in Australia, and that's not cheap.

Source Wiki..........................Swedes' personal income tax can be as little as 29 per cent of their pay, but most people (anyone earning over £32,000) will pay between 49 and 60 per cent through a combination of local government and state income tax.Nov 15, 2008
These punks know better than the Danish PM?

You know better than Swedish citizens?

Matter of fact I do. A Swedish family lived right across the road from me for 3 months. He confirmed that in most Scandinavian countries the tax on their income was sometimes even higher than 60%. On some luxury goods, sales tax could be as high as 30-50%. For example, after the currency conversion, a Longine watch costs 3-4 times what that same watch costs in Australia, and that's not cheap.

Source Wiki..........................Swedes' personal income tax can be as little as 29 per cent of their pay, but most people (anyone earning over £32,000) will pay between 49 and 60 per cent through a combination of local government and state income tax.Nov 15, 2008

Considering their healthcare is completely covered. My brother-in-law pays $600/month for his employer provided health insurance with a $5000 deductible and 20% copay.
My prediction is Biden will sail through to the nomination and then lose to Trump, for many of the same reasons Hillary did.

If Bernie or Yang or Tulsi face Trump, I believe any of those three could defeat him. Harris and Warren and Booker are too caught up in identity politics (a game Trump will win). Warren could have beaten Trump if not for her unfortunate false Native American silliness. The others I don't know enough about to say.
My prediction is Biden will sail through to the nomination and then lose to Trump, for many of the same reasons Hillary did.
I think Biden, if health holds, beats Trump hands down. The major reason Hillary lost in 2016 was that she lost states like Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, where Biden would be strong.

If Bernie or Yang or Tulsi face Trump, I believe any of those three could defeat him.
Tusli is a nutjob. Bernie would be another McGovern I fear. Yang I don't know. He'd have to up his game real fast because his first debate performance could be compared to a deer caught in headlights.

Harris and Warren and Booker are too caught up in identity politics (a game Trump will win).
Yes. Especially disappointed in Harris on that. She could have used her background and her family (white husband) to demonstrate unity rather than division. Instead she chose to refight battles from the 70s for a cheap sucker-punch against Biden.

Sigh. These "Swedish punks" are in a low income bracket. Most Sweden pay more in income taxes and then there is the pretty high VAT too that they failed to mention.

In any case, there is a tradeoff in Sweden between having higher taxes and also higher social services. That does not make Sweden socialist though.

Sigh. These "Swedish punks" are in a low income bracket. Most Sweden pay more in income taxes and then there is the pretty high VAT too that they failed to mention.

In any case, there is a tradeoff in Sweden between having higher taxes and also higher social services. That does not make Sweden socialist though.

It does if you ask a right-winger.
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