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Democrats 2020

Democratic debates 2019: second debate lineup to be determined this week - Vox
Eric Swalwell dropped out of the race, and in his place will likely be Steve Bullock.

Americans Say They Would Vote For A Woman, But … | FiveThirtyEight
Then it discussed how women often have it worse than men.
Appearing both qualified and likable can mean walking a narrow tightrope between the stereotypically masculine qualities that are associated with political leadership and feminine qualities like warmth, kindness and empathy.

his can be a hard act to pull off. Research has shown that being liked has outsize importance for women because voters will support a man they dislike, but they will not support a qualified, unlikable woman. Take what happened in the 2016 presidential election: Trump and Clinton both had historically low favorability ratings, but Trump still eked out a victory despite Clinton’s political credentials. ... “Women are judged more harshly if it seems like they’re learning on the job,” she said. “So that means they have to be uber-prepared to run, while men can kind of figure it out as they go.”

There are some stereotypes that can work to female candidates’ advantage — but they can be a double-edged sword. Women are more likely to be seen as having expertise on issues that are stereotypically associated with women, like health care or child care, which can give them a boost when those issues are at the top of voters’ minds — a nice edge until you learn that men have an advantage on issues like the economy or national security.
These punks know better than the Danish PM?

You know better than Swedish citizens?

Matter of fact I do. A Swedish family lived right across the road from me for 3 months. He confirmed that in most Scandinavian countries the tax on their income was sometimes even higher than 60%. On some luxury goods, sales tax could be as high as 30-50%. For example, after the currency conversion, a Longine watch costs 3-4 times what that same watch costs in Australia, and that's not cheap.
Nothing more powerful than anecdotal anecdotal evidence.

Source Wiki..........................Swedes' personal income tax can be as little as 29 per cent of their pay, but most people (anyone earning over £32,000) will pay between 49 and 60 per cent through a combination of local government and state income tax.Nov 15, 2008
That isn't Wiki, that is The Guardian.
article said:
But the most eye-catching benefit is probably parental leave. Parents enjoy a joint parental leave lasting 480 days.
In the US, I was guaranteed 0 days because the company I work for had fewer than 100 or something like that employees within a particular radius. I ended up getting... what... three days. I was lucky my daughter was born on a weekend! I wanted to take a month, but that wasn't possible, so was looking for two weeks... then one week... then... God Bless America!
Thinking peace is better than war is a very nutty position.
In general peace is better than war. But military intervention is sometimes necessary.

But her extreme anti-interventionism is only a part of it. She also opposes building pipelines and telescopes because of creationism.
Gabbard Faced Tough Questions In Dakota About Hawaiian Issues

The Democrats would be much better with someone like Hillary who never saw a country she didn't want to invade.
Quite a bit of a hyperbole. I know she wanted a stronger response in Syria, and was it really that good an idea to leave Syria to the Russians and the Iranians?
Hm. I read the article you linked. It looks more like "I respect that this site is sacred to you" than "I am a creationist."

Not destabilizing Syria would have been better then sending troops in to try and fail to unseat Assad. The Russians got it anyway. Then again, that involves the lunatic idea that peace is better than war. Military intervention is necessary when the US is threatened. What was Assad going to do, mail bullets to the US?
Hm. I read the article you linked. It looks more like "I respect that this site is sacred to you" than "I am a creationist."
So she "respects" creationists and believes their superstitions should entitle them to a veto power over any building projects on the entire mountain, rather than sharing those silly beliefs herself. I am not sure that's much better.

By the way, the area of Mauna Kea where the telescopes are is a tiny fraction of the entire mountain. Plenty of space both for astronomy and their religious rites. And besides, the observatory site is 4,200 m up the mountain where people don't usually hang out due to altitude. The Thirty Meter Telescope poses zero interference to any religious observance by the creationists.
These idiots already managed to delay construction for 4 years and are again at it, blocking roads.
Hawaii Protesters Block Access Road To Stop Construction Of Massive Telescope
They should not only be all arrested but also made to pay for the cost overruns.

Not destabilizing Syria would have been better then sending troops in to try and fail to unseat Assad.
US did not destabilize Syria. It was a civil war fueled by the fact that Assad is a brutal, ruthless dictator and also the fact that he is Shiite and his faction is oppressing the Sunni majority.
And had US been more forceful in Syria, why do you think we'd "fail" to unseat Assad?

The Russians got it anyway.
Because US was doing next to nothing in Syria. All US activities, such as they were, were directed against ISIS, which was good, but ISIS is a foe of the Assad regime too. US did not act against Assad at all. Even when he used chemical weapons against civilians, Obama issued his "red" line, but reneged on the threat.

Then again, that involves the lunatic idea that peace is better than war.
In general, yes. But not at the price of giving the Ayatollahs control over Syria. Same is playing out in Yemen. Iranians want control over Yemen because that given them a beachhead on the Arabian peninsula. It is not in the interest of US or the world peace to allow that. I am baffled why the US Congress fails to see that.

Military intervention is necessary when the US is threatened. What was Assad going to do, mail bullets to the US?
Assad in Syria means a more powerful Iran. Iran that already has long-range missiles, is seeking nuclear weapons, and has several anti-US, anti-Israel terrorist organizations under its full control.
Do not be fooled, we are entering a very dangerous geopolitical era.
Peter Thiel Says Elizabeth Warren Is Most ‘Dangerous’ Candidate - Bloomberg
Her response: Good.

Back to Bloomberg and Peter Thiel.
In a rare television interview, Thiel said Monday night that Warren, a Massachusetts senator, was the only Democrat talking about important issues like the economy.

“All the others are almost equally unimpressive, in that it’s all identity politics in one flavor or another,” he told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson. “I’m most scared by Elizabeth Warren. I think she’s the one who’s actually talking about the economy, which is the only thing, the thing that I think matters by far the most.”
So she "respects" creationists and believes their superstitions should entitle them to a veto power over any building projects on the entire mountain, rather than sharing those silly beliefs herself. I am not sure that's much better.

Either she demonstrates that she doesn't care about peoples beliefs, or she is "a creationist". Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

US did not destabilize Syria. It was a civil war fueled by the fact that Assad is a brutal, ruthless dictator and also the fact that he is Shiite and his faction is oppressing the Sunni majority.
And had US been more forceful in Syria, why do you think we'd "fail" to unseat Assad?

We had forces backed by the Army fighting forces backed by the CIA, while Assad was backed by the Russians. Gee, why do you think our effort there was confused.

Assad in Syria means a more powerful Iran. Iran that already has long-range missiles, is seeking nuclear weapons, and has several anti-US, anti-Israel terrorist organizations under its full control.
Do not be fooled, we are entering a very dangerous geopolitical era.

Oh yea, I forgot, we're supposed to hold an irrational fear of how Iran might hurt the USA. They are still not forgiven for getting rid of the Shah. Come on, that was 40 years ago, how long is the US going to hold a grudge?
20 for 2020 at Shondaland: Steve Bullock is now there. I collected the dates of publication and looked for trends, without much success.

Tulsi Gabbard On The NPR Politics Podcast: U.S. Needs To Stop Policing The World : NPR - someone who makes me seem like a warmonger.
"Leaders in this country from both political parties looking around the world and picking and choosing which bad dictator they want to overthrow," said Gabbard. "Sending our military into harm's way and then trying to export some American model of democracy that may or may not be welcome by the people in those countries, and it's proven to have been a failure."

The 38-year-old is a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard and served two tours of duty in the Middle East, including in Baghdad in 2005. She said that the experience informed her concern about "wasteful regime change wars."
She would only use military force to keep the American people safe, and she would interpret doing so in a very limited fashion. Of US wars, she considered only World War II justifiable. "Unfortunately there are very few examples of this justified use of military force. I think it's very telling that the last time Congress officially declared war was World War II." Declarations of war have gone out of style since that war, however, not only in US-involved wars, but also wars where the US was nowhere in sight.

Also, only WWII legitimate? How about the Revolutionary War? The Civil War? Not to mention the numerous wars that resulted in much of the US's territorial extent.
About religion, her father was a Catholic and her mother a Hindu, though she claims that she found no contradiction between the New Testament and the Bhagavad Gita. She claims that they share a central and universal message: to love God and love others. What liberal-religion naïveté. Just for starters, Catholicism implies that God only speaks Latin and Hinduism that God only speaks Sanskrit. They can't both be right.

What Does Tulsi Gabbard Believe? | The New Yorker - she was very shy and introverted early in her life, and she moved from being anti-abortion and anti-same-sex-marriage to accepting both.

Tulsi Gabbard Still Dogged By Krishna Cult Rumors | HuffPost - by someone her father was associated with.

ISKCON News: Vaishnava Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Aims for Servant Leadership [Article]
Two verses from the Gita in particular came to Tulsi’s mind. “That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible,” Lord Krishna says in chapter two, text 17. “No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.” And in text 23 he says, “The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.”

Tulsi would also reflect upon and take solace in Krishna’s statement in the concluding chapter of the Gita: “Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.”

“So first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, I would meditate upon the fact that my essence was spirit, not matter, that I was not my physical body, and that I didn't need to worry about death,” says Tulsi. “Because I knew that I would continue to exist and I knew that I would be going to God.”

ISKCON News: Vaishnava Hindu Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard To Run For President in 2020 [Article]
Tulsi Gabbard describes herself as a “Vaishnava Hindu” and is a devotee of Lord Krishna. In 2013, she was the first Congresswoman to swear in using the Bhagavad-gita.

“I chose to take the oath of office with my personal copy of the Bhagavad-gita because its teachings have inspired me to strive to be a servant-leader, dedicating my life in the service of others and to my country,” said Gabbard after the swearing-in ceremony. “My Gita has been a tremendous source of inner peace and strength through many tough challenges in life, including being in the midst of death and turmoil while serving our country in the Middle East.”
She did it again in 2017. She has also talked about worshipping Krishna, "the reservoir of all happiness".

Krishna does not mean anything to me. If that means that I will be reincarnated as a cockroach, then so be it.
I think that it's an overstatement to say that Krishna doesn't mean anything to me. I found it interesting to score his biography with Lord Raglan's mythic-hero profile. He scored rather high. I also once had a fun time watching some cartoons of some incidents form his childhood, like when he tried to steal some sweet butter that was hanging from the ceiling. Also when he lifted a mountain on his little finger as a challenge to the storm god Indra. And when he showed the Universe in his mouth.

But that might still get me reincarnated as a cockroach :D

Pete Buttigieg is now at 20 for 20 at Shondaland. I don't have a good way of quantifying the answers, however.

Who’s In And Who’s Out Of The Second Democratic Debate | FiveThirtyEight
  • The first draw includes 10 candidates: Michael Bennet, Steve Bullock, Bill de Blasio, John Delaney, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Hickenlooper, Jay Inslee, Tim Ryan and Marianne Williamson.
  • The second draw includes six candidates: Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julián Castro, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke and Andrew Yang.
  • The final draw includes four candidates: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
The draws are for the lowest-polling, medium-polling, and highest-polling candidates. RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls
Lineups for CNN Democratic primary debates are set - CNNPolitics

July 30:
  • Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren
  • Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke
  • Steve Bullock, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper Tim Ryan, Marianne Williamson
July 31:
  • Joe Biden, Kamala Harris
  • Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Andrew Yang
  • Michael Bennet, Bill de Blasio, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jay Inslee
Last edited:
Lineups for CNN Democratic primary debates are set - CNNPolitics

July 30:
  • Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren
  • Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke
  • Steve Bullock, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper Tim Ryan, Marianne Williamson
July 31:
  • Joe Biden, Kamala Harris
  • Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Andrew Yang
  • Michael Bennet, Bill de Blasio, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jay Inslee

Literally every candidate of color is in the second debate with Biden. Should be interesting.
Literally every candidate of color is in the second debate with Biden. Should be interesting.
SO will Harris and Booker gang up on Biden over busing again?

Booker might. He's more of a populist than Harris. And he used to live in the Projects when he was representing their residents, so he may have a few stories of his own to tell about the need for government to be proactive WRT integration and access to quality education.

I suspect Harris will attack Biden on another flank, and score again.
Tulsi Gabbard doubles down on the stupid.
Gabbard urges governor to delay TMT construction, withdraw state of emergency
Hawaii News Now said:
U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is urging the governor to withdraw his emergency proclamation for Mauna Kea and put construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on hold.
In a video posted Friday on Twitter, Gabbard said a “history of broken promises" is what’s led to the current standoff at the base of the mountain, where more than 600 have gathered to prevent construction equipment for the $1 billion telescope from going to the summit.
“I strongly urge Gov. Ige to withdraw his emergency declaration, delay new construction and bring leaders together from both sides in the spirit of aloha,” Gabbard said, in the three-minute video.

This is idiotic. Why should a small, but loud, minority of Hawaiians get to veto an important project like this? The creationists have already delayed the project for five years and she wants to let them delay it even more even though Ige gave them concessions (a few older telescopes will be decommissioned)

Unfortunately she is not alone with this idiocy among the Democratic hopefuls.
Politicians Weigh In On TMT Protests As Standoff Continues

Bernie has voiced his opposition and also called the protests "peaceful". No, blocking construction is not a "peaceful protest". Yes, these idiots have the right to protest, but they
do not have the right to block roads and hinder construction. The tweet was later deleted, so hopefully somebody in his camp realized how idiotic opposition to TMT is.

Any Democrat who opposes this project does not deserve the nomination!

Oh and by the way, that airhead AOC predictably opposes the project.

This is, by the way, what the project is all about:
A Look At The Science Of The Thirty Meter Telescope
This squad of loonies has hijacked the Democratic Party, and will assure Trump's reelection come 2020. Even though this link is from a conservative source, it makes a ton of sense.


As does this link...................................https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/...om-friedman-predicts-trumps-daniel-greenfield
So much sense, you can't even quote it!

Is there something wrong with your mouse, or touching the link on your device?
This squad of loonies has hijacked the Democratic Party, and will assure Trump's reelection come 2020. Even though this link is from a conservative source, it makes a ton of sense.


As does this link...................................https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/...om-friedman-predicts-trumps-daniel-greenfield
So much sense, you can't even quote it!

Is there something wrong with your mouse, or touching the link on your device?

Media Bias Fact Check - Geller Report



Founded in 2016, the Geller Report is the personal blog/website of Pamela Geller who is best known for her Anti-Islamic writings. According to her about page: “Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws, and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets.”

The American Freedom Defense Initiative, is an anti-Muslim, pro-Israel American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns. The group has been described as extremist and far-right. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.

Right wing extremists do love them some hategroup shit!!
This squad of loonies has hijacked the Democratic Party, and will assure Trump's reelection come 2020. Even though this link is from a conservative source, it makes a ton of sense.


As does this link...................................https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/...om-friedman-predicts-trumps-daniel-greenfield
So much sense, you can't even quote it!

Is there something wrong with your mouse, or touching the link on your device?
I don’t click on spam.
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