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Democrats 2020

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Media Bias Fact Check - Geller Report

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Founded in 2016, the Geller Report is the personal blog/website of Pamela Geller who is best known for her Anti-Islamic writings. According to her about page: “Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws, and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets.”

The American Freedom Defense Initiative, is an anti-Muslim, pro-Israel American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns. The group has been described as extremist and far-right. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.

Right wing extremists do love them some hategroup shit!!

In other words, it's a pro Western, Freedom and democracy loving and anti sharia extreme islamic barbarism?
Media Bias Fact Check - Geller Report

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Right wing extremists do love them some hategroup shit!!

In other words, it's a pro Western, Freedom and democracy loving and anti sharia extreme islamic barbarism?

Wrong again. It's anti-compassion, anti-science, pro-hate, pro stupid and highly adept at fooling idiots into thinking there's something true about it. Kinda like Trump.
If you think it is about freedom or democracy, you are the perfect target for this kind of shallow extremist propaganda.
Good call - Geller is about as nutty as Barry "Daisy Girl" Goldwater was.
He openly declared, as if it was the best thing since sliced bread:
"you could press a button and wipe out 300 million people before sundown."
- Barry Goldwater

I was alive then, and though I was young the guy scared the shit out of me.
But that IS the point, right?
Keep people so scared that someone is going to rape your mom and steal your apple pie, that you'll let THEM do it.
What should really put the fear of bejesus into you are the likes of an AOC and her loony rantings about a Green New Deal and other crazy extreme socialist ideology that would destroy you and your descendents way of life by bankrupting the country within months!
What should really put the fear of bejesus into you are the likes of an AOC and her loony rantings about a Green New Deal and other crazy extreme socialist ideology that would destroy you and your descendents [sic] way of life by bankrupting the country within months!

Bullshit on a didgeridoo.
Giving away more than 2 trillion dollars to his best donors didn't cause Cheato to crash the economy that Obama rescued. Why would universal health care (which would reduce overall healthcare costs), free college (which would produce far more earnings and high earners than it would cost), mitigating the effects of climate change (which will cost far less than failure to do so) or any of the other proposals you call crazy, have more of a deleterious effect on the economy than offshoring 2 trillion dollars for Cheato's friends, buying us nothing but fatter coffers for Republican con- paigns?
You really are saturated with the fearmongering right's propaganda. Like the rest of the alt-white, you are blatantly shitting your pants in terror over phantom demons. You obediently pull them down for a fresh pair, and your right wing extremist heroes are waiting right there to run off with your wallet. How many times will you let that happen?
Kamala Harris' student debt relief plan unveiled

Kamala Harris has now introduced her plan for addressing student debt and it’s left a lot of people pretty confused.

Part of Harris’ plan is to establish a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell grant recipients. Grads can have $20,000 of loans erased if they establish and operate a business in a disadvantaged community for three years. During that business development period (up to three years), they can also defer their debt interest-free. For many, that plan leaves a lot to be desired.

To start, Harris’ plan specifically aims to target Historically Black Colleges & Universities and increase Black entrepreneurship. But $20,000 barely covers (or doesn’t cover) even one year of tuition at many HBCUs, even taking into consideration the $5,000 to $6,000 covered by a Pell grant. Add to that books, rent, and other school and living expenses and $20,000 of debt forgiveness is barely a dent.

What is with Democrats and these Rube Goldberg networks of means-testing? Do they really think this is what voters want? I can just hear the chants now...

"What do we want?


When do we want it?

Jebus! After operating a business for three years?! Isn't that hard to do when you are buried in student debt? And $20k forgiveness isn't exactly getting anyone anywhere.

Harris is the candidate I see getting the nomination, but this plan makes absolutely no sense. How can you tie student loan forgiveness to running a business?

Make more sense to forgive loans underwritten by a bank that stays in a disadvantaged community.

The greatest problem with loan forgiveness is that it is really a door closure after the cow got out of the barn plan. What do we do now that it is way too late to prevent this problem? Heck, the US Government can't even run an existing student loan forgiveness program due to ridiculous technicalities.
Jebus! After operating a business for three years?! Isn't that hard to do when you are buried in student debt? And $20k forgiveness isn't exactly getting anyone anywhere.

Harris is the candidate I see getting the nomination, but this plan makes absolutely no sense. How can you tie student loan forgiveness to running a business?

Make more sense to forgive loans underwritten by a bank that stays in a disadvantaged community.

Not by much. Why should we make debt forgiveness contingent on getting loans from banks that prey on vulnerable communities? Just because a bank is located in a disadvantaged neighborhood doesn't mean they aren't bad actors. It's usually the reverse: predators like to hang around where there's easy prey. And again, these strings attached make it seem like there's a good reason to have these exorbitant tuitions in the first place. The Democratic party should adopt the asterisk as its official logo for Christ's sake. Just cancel everybody's debt using the money we normally put aside for obliterating entire villages in foreign countries, or take it from the fund that ordinarily pays for Israeli bulldozers, and use that same money to pay for everybody's college education going forward.

The greatest problem with loan forgiveness is that it is really a door closure after the cow got out of the barn plan. What do we do now that it is way too late to prevent this problem? Heck, the US Government can't even run an existing student loan forgiveness program due to ridiculous technicalities.

I bet you would have said the same thing about any normalized, commonplace practice of exploitation that was endemic in our public policy, at the time before it was done away with. The inept nature of the government is deliberately manufactured to induce this kind of pessimism about real solutions.

Tony Benn said it like this:

"The way change occurs to begin with, if you come up with a good idea, like heathcare, you're ignored. If you go on you must be mad, absolutely stark-staring bonkers. If you go on after that you're dangerous. Then, if the pressure keeps up there's a pause. And then you can't find anyone at the top who doesn't claim to have thought of it in the first place. That's how progress is made."
The Mary Sue said:
To start, Harris’ plan specifically aims to target Historically Black Colleges & Universities and increase Black entrepreneurship.
So basically, it's a reparations plan. Screw those non-black students with student loans, right?
The Mary Sue said:
To start, Harris’ plan specifically aims to target Historically Black Colleges & Universities and increase Black entrepreneurship.
So basically, it's a reparations plan. Screw those non-black students with student loans, right?

I don't think it's limited to blacks but Harris’ plan heavily favors business majors and culinary arts school graduates.

What about the people who studied biology, geophysics, meteorology, chemical engineering, journalism, or about 1,000 other available degree programs? They don't get a break because there's no call for geophysicists in the inner city?
The Mary Sue said:
To start, Harris’ plan specifically aims to target Historically Black Colleges & Universities and increase Black entrepreneurship.
So basically, it's a reparations plan. Screw those non-black students with student loans, right?

I don't think it's limited to blacks but Harris’ plan heavily favors business majors and culinary arts school graduates.

What about the people who studied biology, geophysics, meteorology, chemical engineering, journalism, or about 1,000 other available degree programs? They don't get a break because there's no call for geophysicists in the inner city?

It's the fault of the educational system.
I mean, THAT is where the demand is...
What should really put the fear of bejesus into you are the likes of an AOC and her loony rantings about a Green New Deal and other crazy extreme socialist ideology that would destroy you and your descendents [sic] way of life by bankrupting the country within months!

Bullshit on a didgeridoo.
Giving away more than 2 trillion dollars to his best donors didn't cause Cheato to crash the economy that Obama rescued. Why would universal health care (which would reduce overall healthcare costs), free college (which would produce far more earnings and high earners than it would cost), mitigating the effects of climate change (which will cost far less than failure to do so) or any of the other proposals you call crazy, have more of a deleterious effect on the economy than offshoring 2 trillion dollars for Cheato's friends, buying us nothing but fatter coffers for Republican con- paigns?
You really are saturated with the fearmongering right's propaganda. Like the rest of the alt-white, you are blatantly shitting your pants in terror over phantom demons. You obediently pull them down for a fresh pair, and your right wing extremist heroes are waiting right there to run off with your wallet. How many times will you let that happen?

Spoken like a true dedicated follower of a Castro, Stalin, Chavez, Maduro, and of course, Marx himself! Whatever happened to JFK's ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.
Ok, so I see the argument for the telescope. What are the arguments against? I'm honestly curious.
Tulsi Gabbard doubles down on the stupid.
Gabbard urges governor to delay TMT construction, withdraw state of emergency
Hawaii News Now said:
U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is urging the governor to withdraw his emergency proclamation for Mauna Kea and put construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on hold.
In a video posted Friday on Twitter, Gabbard said a “history of broken promises" is what’s led to the current standoff at the base of the mountain, where more than 600 have gathered to prevent construction equipment for the $1 billion telescope from going to the summit.
“I strongly urge Gov. Ige to withdraw his emergency declaration, delay new construction and bring leaders together from both sides in the spirit of aloha,” Gabbard said, in the three-minute video.

This is idiotic. Why should a small, but loud, minority of Hawaiians get to veto an important project like this? The creationists have already delayed the project for five years and she wants to let them delay it even more even though Ige gave them concessions (a few older telescopes will be decommissioned)

Unfortunately she is not alone with this idiocy among the Democratic hopefuls.
Politicians Weigh In On TMT Protests As Standoff Continues

Bernie has voiced his opposition and also called the protests "peaceful". No, blocking construction is not a "peaceful protest". Yes, these idiots have the right to protest, but they
do not have the right to block roads and hinder construction. The tweet was later deleted, so hopefully somebody in his camp realized how idiotic opposition to TMT is.

Any Democrat who opposes this project does not deserve the nomination!

Oh and by the way, that airhead AOC predictably opposes the project.

This is, by the way, what the project is all about:
A Look At The Science Of The Thirty Meter Telescope
Seriously? Again? Socialism didn't destroy those economies/countries. Corruption, nepotism/despotism and cronyism did. Honestly, do yourself a favor and read.
What should really put the fear of bejesus into you are the likes of an AOC and her loony rantings about a Green New Deal and other crazy extreme socialist ideology that would destroy you and your descendents [sic] way of life by bankrupting the country within months!

Bullshit on a didgeridoo.
Giving away more than 2 trillion dollars to his best donors didn't cause Cheato to crash the economy that Obama rescued. Why would universal health care (which would reduce overall healthcare costs), free college (which would produce far more earnings and high earners than it would cost), mitigating the effects of climate change (which will cost far less than failure to do so) or any of the other proposals you call crazy, have more of a deleterious effect on the economy than offshoring 2 trillion dollars for Cheato's friends, buying us nothing but fatter coffers for Republican con- paigns?
You really are saturated with the fearmongering right's propaganda. Like the rest of the alt-white, you are blatantly shitting your pants in terror over phantom demons. You obediently pull them down for a fresh pair, and your right wing extremist heroes are waiting right there to run off with your wallet. How many times will you let that happen?

Spoken like a true dedicated follower of a Castro, Stalin, Chavez, Maduro, and of course, Marx himself! Whatever happened to JFK's ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.
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