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Democrats 2020

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“I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for,” Warren said. “I don’t get it.”

Didnt she support Hillary in 2016? She should have said this then. No Magical Ponies, Elizabeth.
Didnt she support Hillary in 2016? She should have said this then. No Magical Ponies, Elizabeth.

WTF are you talking about?

You don't remember Hillary's debates with Bernie, in which Hillary would repeatedly tell Bernie that he's reaching too far and no we can't do this or that or that, and "no magical ponies"? This quote by Warren goes straight to that point. Now she's in the place of Bernie.
It's amazing to me that the Democratic field has moved so far to the left that even Obama's record has become unacceptable to many of the candidates. Esp. Booker yesterday attacked Obama for deporting some (not nearly enough btw) illegals during his presidency.

AOC's once-radical campaign agenda now embraced by 2020 Democrats | Fox News
A year after the former bartender shot to prominence with an upset primary win over establishment Democrat Joe Crowley, many of her hard-left campaign planks are now gospel among top 2020 hopefuls.
Planks like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All (single-payer), student-loan forgiveness, making public colleges tuition-free, a federal jobs guarantee, etc. though some moderates preferred a "public option" that would coexist with private insurance.

"Ocasio-Cortez weighed in on Tuesday by tweeting her thoughts from the sidelines, and was apparently not pleased with those trying to stake out a more moderate position on health care."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Medicare for All is single-payer healthcare. That’s it. That’s the policy." / Twitter

"She was also not pleased with the denigration by moderates of the Green New Deal, after Hickenlooper called the inclusion of a federal jobs guarantee program a “distraction.”"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Green New Deal decarbonizes our economy while ensuring we leave no community behind, incl job transitions for miners, labor rights, healthcare & wages.
Calling the consideration of working people in climate policy a “distraction” is what is truly unsustainable + unrealistic." / Twitter

Elizabeth Warren about Tom Delaney:
“I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for. I don’t get it,” she said to wild applause.
How you know Tulsi Gabbard really got under Kamala Harris' skin - CNNPolitics
Tulsi Gabbard:
"Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president.

"But I'm deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

"She blocked evidence -- she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California."
andrew kaczynski🤔 on Twitter: "“I have and and I did inhale" - Kamala Harris says with a laugh when asked if she’s smoked pot. “I think that gives a lot of people joy and we need more joy,” she adds. https://t.co/SqlLluCLH4" / Twitter
That's in reference to Bill Clinton's claim "I didn't inhale".

KH responded to TG in the debate:
"This is going to sound immodest, but obviously I'm a top-tier candidate and so I did expect that I'd be on the stage and take some hits tonight," Harris said. "When people are at 0 or 1% or whatever she might be at, so I did expect to take some hits tonight."
Author Chris Cillizza noted
First of all, if you are running for president and you hear the words, "This is going to sound immodest" come out of your mouth, it may be best to recalibrate what you are going to say.

Second, what Harris is actually saying is, basically, this: The dork took a shot at the most popular kid in school. Big whoop.

That is not a good look. For any candidate. Ever. (And, yes, politics is a LOT like high school.)
Spoken like a true dedicated follower of a Castro, Stalin, Chavez, Maduro, and of course, Marx himself! Whatever happened to JFK's ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.

...so you can't actually argue the points. All you can do is say "it sounds like bad guys".
Weak sauce, angelo. You need to troll better.

BTW, what you can do for your country (if you were American) would be to help pass universal health care, reduced college costs, student loan forgiveness, mitigate the effects of climate change, and get dark money (that is the stuff that feeds your alt-white paranoia) out of politics. You ask what happened to ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.? The GOP is what happened to it. Now it's "ask what we can steal for our donors".

And what do you propose will pay for all that largess? I know, tax the rich, wring them dry of the last drop of their blood, or perhaps print more money. I wouldn't trust you to run a chook raffle let alone run the treasury of a boy scouts club!
Spoken like a true dedicated follower of a Castro, Stalin, Chavez, Maduro, and of course, Marx himself! Whatever happened to JFK's ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.

...so you can't actually argue the points. All you can do is say "it sounds like bad guys".
Weak sauce, angelo. You need to troll better.

BTW, what you can do for your country (if you were American) would be to help pass universal health care, reduced college costs, student loan forgiveness, mitigate the effects of climate change, and get dark money (that is the stuff that feeds your alt-white paranoia) out of politics. You ask what happened to ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the your country.? The GOP is what happened to it. Now it's "ask what we can steal for our donors".

And what do you propose will pay for all that largess? I know, tax the rich, wring them dry of the last drop of their blood, or perhaps print more money. I wouldn't trust you to run a chook raffle let alone run the treasury of a boy scouts club!

Get rid of subsidies for fossil fuels - because that's socialism.
Repeal the idiotic tax cuts voted in last years and hold the 1% accountable to paying their fair share.
Eliminate emergency discretionary spending for military projects going straight to the state level without review or oversight. In other words, keep it federal.

There you go, no extra taxes required.
NYT had to make a separate map with Sanders donors excluded in order to show donations to the other candidates

NYT had to make a separate map with Sanders donors excluded in order to show donations to the other candidates

Wow. Warren is impressive. A Sanders/Warren ticket looks to be unbeatable.

That's what I'm taking away from the map, the polls, and the debates as well. Doesn't matter who is in what spot, together they would crush Trump and energize a new sector of the base.
NYT had to make a separate map with Sanders donors excluded in order to show donations to the other candidates

Wow. Warren is impressive. A Sanders/Warren ticket looks to be unbeatable.

That's what I'm taking away from the map, the polls, and the debates as well. Doesn't matter who is in what spot, together they would crush Trump and energize a new sector of the base.

This ticket would concede the middle to Trump. Trump would win in a landslide. Sorry to be the party pooper, but Trump only needs about 42% of the voters to win. The dems must find a ticket that can appeal to the vast majority.
NYT had to make a separate map with Sanders donors excluded in order to show donations to the other candidates

Wow. Warren is impressive. A Sanders/Warren ticket looks to be unbeatable.

Biden beats both of them combined pretty comfortable.


Maybe yes, maybe no.
The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll of 585 registered Democratic voters was conducted between July 31 and Aug. 1. The first night of this week's Democratic debates took place on July 30 and the second night was July 31, so some of the respondents may not have viewed the second night of debate, when Biden appeared.
The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey is an online sample drawn from the Harris Panel and weighted to reflect known demographics. As a representative online sample, it does not report a probability confidence interval.

I thought Biden looked pretty weak compared to Bernie or Warren. How many more debates are there? Ten? Biden better take his vitamins. As I recall in the last election Bernie polled very favorably against Trump among Republican voters. People voted against Hillary because they wanted change, even if that meant compromising their principles. Bernie is all about change.

Maybe yes, maybe no.
The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll of 585 registered Democratic voters was conducted between July 31 and Aug. 1. The first night of this week's Democratic debates took place on July 30 and the second night was July 31, so some of the respondents may not have viewed the second night of debate, when Biden appeared.
The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey is an online sample drawn from the Harris Panel and weighted to reflect known demographics. As a representative online sample, it does not report a probability confidence interval.

I thought Biden looked pretty weak compared to Bernie or Warren. How many more debates are there? Ten? Biden better take his vitamins. As I recall in the last election Bernie polled very favorably against Trump among Republican voters. People voted against Hillary because they wanted change, even if that meant compromising their principles. Bernie is all about change.

You think that all those conservatives who voted for Trump will now vote for Bernie? What sources are you using to make that assumption. I'll favor whoever gets the democratic nomination. But I believe that the person who gets the most votes should be the person who gets nominated. HRC got 3.7 million votes more than Bernie in the democratic race.
NYT had to make a separate map with Sanders donors excluded in order to show donations to the other candidates
That legend is incomplete. I a guessing pink mist be Klobuchar and cyan Bullock, but who is the brown runner up in Washington State?

Biden seems to be the best runner up. Warren covers more land, sure, but he has more success in more densely populated areas like California and the East Coast excluding New England.
β pretty much owns Texas. Not that it will do him much good as he has no chance.
Wow. Warren is impressive. A Sanders/Warren ticket looks to be unbeatable.

That's what I'm taking away from the map, the polls, and the debates as well. Doesn't matter who is in what spot, together they would crush Trump and energize a new sector of the base.

I don't know what you two are smoking but it seems like good shit.

I hope it's legal in your respective states.
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