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Democrats 2020

It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply.

Bernie isn't a Democrat.

You do know that the word "Democrat" doesn't mean anything and anybody can become one, right? I mean, he has a webpage on the Democratic caucus site. It has his name and everything. What, other than bullshit purity testing to distract people from actual substance, is the point of continually bringing this up?
It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply.

Bernie isn't a Democrat.

You do know that the word "Democrat" doesn't mean anything and anybody can become one, right? I mean, he has a webpage on the Democratic caucus site. It has his name and everything. What, other than bullshit purity testing to distract people from actual substance, is the point of continually bringing this up?

Yes, Sanders caucuses with the Dems. The word Democrat literally means "a member of the Democratic party". Bernie is not. There is absolutely no reason that the party should have to support him at all.
It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply.

In the 3rd debate it'll be Biden who gets barbecued. That's why they set the 4th debate qualifications so it can go back to 2 nights. Keeps the muts away from him.

A man walks down the street
He says, "Why am I soft in the middle, now?
Why am I soft in the middle?
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard"
Bonedigger, Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away in my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly, Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
You do know that the word "Democrat" doesn't mean anything and anybody can become one, right? I mean, he has a webpage on the Democratic caucus site. It has his name and everything. What, other than bullshit purity testing to distract people from actual substance, is the point of continually bringing this up?

Yes, Sanders caucuses with the Dems. The word Democrat literally means "a member of the Democratic party". Bernie is not. There is absolutely no reason that the party should have to support him at all.

So, this raises an interesting question. In your view, is a political party something that should look after its own interests, and judge political forces and movements based on how well they serve the party, or should tit be responsive to political forces and movements, and judge the party based on how well it serves them?
It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply.

Bernie isn't a Democrat.

Not really relevant to my point.
Did he call them "scary looking" or did you, and then quote yourself in a way that made it appear that was the term he used?
I did not "quote myself" or "made it appear that was the term β used". It was scare quotes, used to signify that I do not really believe they are any more scary looking than any other guns.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular weapons of its type in America,
So ban it because it's popular?

and is frequently used by mass murderers and domestic terrorists.
Again, murders by any type of rifle (including non-military looking semiautomatic rifles and other types of rifles such as bolt-action) is dwarfed by the number of murders committed with handguns.
The AK-47 and its variants is the most popular weapon of its type in the world
I would guess that most AK-47s worldwide are used by armed groups, guerillas and the like and are real, selective-fire, assault rifles, and not the semi-auto versions (and thus NOT assault rifles) available in the US.

If your goal is to tackle the problem of domestic terror attacks and mass murders, it makes sense to start with those models and the other weapons most frequently being used.
Nidal Hasan managed to kill 13 and wound 30 using a handgun. But I guess since he is Islamic, unlike the El Paso shooter, he doesn't count?

Or maybe β is just following the last shiny thing. El Paso happened recently in his state, so he is obsessed with it, and ignoring the much bigger problem of handgun violence.

Which may have been a factor in why it failed.
But β's plan has the same flaw. He wants to ban AK-47s and AR-15s because of how they look, not because of how they perform. Assault rifles are already illegal in the US. What β wants to do is ban certain models of semi-automatic rifle because they resemble assault rifles.

The type of weapons readily available to people contemplating mass murder is not a minor issue. It's a bigger factor than the holes in the background checks program.
The type of weapon is not the issue here. β is not proposing to ban all semi-auto rifles or even all semi-auto firearms. He wants to ban two models based on THE WAY THEY LOOK.

Indeed they are. And I have some ideas on what to do about that, too, starting with mandatory gun safety training, proficiency standards, and requirements for gun owners to pass an exam on local and state laws regarding the use and transportation of handguns, rifles, shotguns, and similar weapons. And I think guns should be barred from public spaces, and the laws barring them strictly enforced.

People can have as many guns as the like on their own property, but public safety is more important than their desire to walk around with a handgun strapped to their hip because it makes them look badass.
See. I wish β had said something like that!

I am a gun owner, and I own a weapon that would probably be listed in the second or third round of government mandated buybacks if the AK-47 and AR-15 buyback program succeeds. I take my Smith&Wesson when I'm heading out into areas where I might encounter bears, and my husband takes his Glock.
What kind of S&W? Because they make AR-15 style rifles too.

Even here in Alaska, people don't need to take a frigging handgun when they go grocery shopping. And they don't need AK-47s and AR-15s, ever.
True. Taking your guns to Walmart is stupid.

I agree his chances are slim. That doesn't mean his ideas are bad.
No, but this one surely is.
and is frequently used by mass murderers and domestic terrorists.

Again, murders by any type of rifle (including non-military looking semiautomatic rifles and other types of rifles such as bolt-action) is dwarfed by the number of murders committed with handguns.

The AK-47 and its variants is the most popular weapon of its type in the world

I would guess that most AK-47s worldwide are used by armed groups, guerillas and the like and are real, selective-fire, assault rifles, and not the semi-auto versions (and thus NOT assault rifles) available in the US.

If any of those armed groups, guerillas and the like, or even the wannabe's can't get the real, selective-fire, assault rifles then do you think they'll settle for hand guns? Or would they go for semiautomatic rifles of the kind Beto is talking about? I think there's a difference between them and any other kind of gun the public can legally buy and I think you'd rather not discuss it. The amount of carnage they can inflict is far beyond what's necessary or tolerable in a domestic setting.
You do know that the word "Democrat" doesn't mean anything and anybody can become one, right? I mean, he has a webpage on the Democratic caucus site. It has his name and everything. What, other than bullshit purity testing to distract people from actual substance, is the point of continually bringing this up?

Yes, Sanders caucuses with the Dems. The word Democrat literally means "a member of the Democratic party". Bernie is not. There is absolutely no reason that the party should have to support him at all.

So, this raises an interesting question. In your view, is a political party something that should look after its own interests, and judge political forces and movements based on how well they serve the party, or should tit be responsive to political forces and movements, and judge the party based on how well it serves them?

Why can't they do both?
It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply.

Bernie isn't a Democrat.

Not really relevant to my point.

You rarely ever get to a point. You always dodge and obfuscate when it gets down to where you actually need to make a point and prove your assertions.
Not really relevant to my point.

You rarely ever get to a point.

I made my point in the post you replied to.

"It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply."
Not really relevant to my point.

You rarely ever get to a point.

I made my point in the post you replied to.

"It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply."

Okay, prove your point.
As super Tuesday goes by, we will see a lot of lesser candidates who now have no chance whatsoever winning the nomination dropping out. If there is a clear winner who will be the candidate, the game is over, and the Democrats will support that candidate. If though it is say, Biden and Sanders, the now dropped out Democrats will be under great pressure to go for Biden (or Warren) because they are Democrats and Sanders is not. The big problem for the Democrats is what if Sanders blows out Biden and Warren. which I do not see happening. If Sanders by Super Tuesday is running third, there will be a lot of pressure to get him to drop out by the Democratic establishment, and pressure on Sanders voters to actively support the Democratic nominee unless they want 4 more years of Trump. The Democratic establishment is going to play hardball.

Women voters are abandoning Trump big time and are going to decide this election. They do not seem to be real supportive of Sanders.
Not really relevant to my point.

You rarely ever get to a point.

I made my point in the post you replied to.

"It won't be Bernie. The Democratic Party masters have demonstrated several times over that they allow their membership only a limited role in choosing their candidates. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. What they want to do this time is to give Bernie a good enough showing that they can woo his supporters over to the "real" candidate. They want him to be a boneless chicken for mass consumption, and he looks like he is more than ready to comply."

Since Bernie is only occasionally a member of the Democratic party, then ZiprHead's comment about Bernie not being a Democrat is exactly on point. Now, if you had said that Beto or Warren or Booker or Harris or (fill in the blank with the name of an actual Democratic candidate), you'd have a point.
CNN climate forum: Warren blasts the plastic straw debate as a fossil fuel industry distraction tactic - Vox
The question was timely because the Trump administration on Wednesday undid standards for lightbulbs’ energy efficiency. But moderators also asked candidates about other individual measures: Did they support banning plastic straws? Would they tell people to eat less meat?

Warren wasn’t having any of it.

“Oh, come on, give me a break,” Warren said in response to the lightbulb question, in one of the breakout moments of the night. “This is exactly what the fossil fuel industry wants us to talk about. ... They want to be able to stir up a lot of controversy around your lightbulbs, around your straws, and around your cheeseburgers, when 70 percent of the pollution, of the carbon that we’re throwing into the air, comes from three industries.”

As the New York Times noted, the industries Warren homed in on as most directly contributing to carbon pollution were “the building industry, the electric power industry and the oil industry.”

CNN climate town hall: 6 winners and 3 losers - Vox
The winners:
  1. Jay Inslee
  2. The Sunrise Movement
  3. Bernie Sanders
  4. The audience questioners
  5. CNN
  6. The Democratic Party
The losers:
  1. Joe Biden
  2. Oil and gas companies
  3. Meat
So, this raises an interesting question. In your view, is a political party something that should look after its own interests, and judge political forces and movements based on how well they serve the party, or should tit be responsive to political forces and movements, and judge the party based on how well it serves them?

Why can't they do both?

Because not everything that serves the party is congruent with what serves the people, obviously. When there is a conflict, and there always is a conflict, what should a political organization choose? What the people want, or what strengthens the party and keeps it in power?
Women voters are abandoning Trump big time and are going to decide this election. They do not seem to be real supportive of Sanders.

Sanders has more women supporters than any other candidate according to the most recent polling. Stop peddling this nonsense.

If Sanders by Super Tuesday is running third, there will be a lot of pressure to get him to drop out by the Democratic establishment, and pressure on Sanders voters to actively support the Democratic nominee unless they want 4 more years of Trump. The Democratic establishment is going to play hardball.

I see a big difference if it's him third or second behind Biden, as opposed to if it's him second behind Warren. If the latter, don't expect him to drop out easily or for his supporters to be easily won over. We saw that with Hillary, which Biden is the closest to in this primary.
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