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Democrats 2020

The Dems sure keep fine company, right!

Yeah, not like the Republicans who consort with and heap praise upon murderous dictators the world over.
How stupid are those Dems? There's absolutely NO money to be made by coddling people who were brought up to worship Muhammed. They need to learn how to coddle them some damn dick-taters - that's where the money is!
Should the Dems be stupid enough to nominate Biden to run against the Trumpet, I believe the Trumpet landslide will make the Reagan landslide look pale in comparison!
Should the Dems be stupid enough to nominate Biden to run against the Trumpet, I believe the Trumpet landslide will make the Reagan landslide look pale in comparison!

You must "believe" a lot of things will happen to favor Trump and hurt Biden between now and the election. But then, you seem to believe a lot of non fact-based things.
I am curious - since the polling trend has shown Trump losing to Biden (as well as all the other Dem candidates) by INCREASING margins, what kind of earth-shattering event do you anticipate that is going to suddenly reverse and negate that trend? Maybe a nuclear war? A military coup cancelling elections?

A Gallup poll suggests if 2020 election took place today, Donald Trump would win 99 electoral votes
In case you are even less familiar with the US electoral process than you seem, that would mean a 439 to 99 loss for Trump.
Biden would beat him, but then so would Bozo the Clown.
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.


Your current President has gutted every shred of respectability from the office by his words and deeds, but you're prepared to pick him over someone who describes a fucked up situation in precisely accurate terms?

That's fucking nuts. Literally anyone is better than the dumb cunt currently squatting in the Oval Office, no matter what expletives they use to emphasise their disgust at the clusterfuck your nation has become.
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.

Really? Naughty words?
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.


Your current President has gutted every shred of respectability from the office by his words and deeds, but you're prepared to pick him over someone who describes a fucked up situation in precisely accurate terms?

That's fucking nuts. Literally anyone is better than the dumb cunt currently squatting in the Oval Office, no matter what expletives they use to emphasise their disgust at the clusterfuck your nation has become.

What I meant was I can't accept him as a candidate for POTUS. That is, I'm thinking about the primary election. But if this is a sign of his new campaign strategy and he gets the nomination we'll be getting one very immature and probably inept President as any Chevy Chase character.
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.

Really? Naughty words?

Yeah. Beneath the dignity of the office. Or have we all been brainwashed by Trump.
Beto O'Rourke on CNN:
"A hundred killed daily in the United States of America. We're averaging about 300 mass shootings a year. No other country comes close. So yes, this is f***ed up," O'Rourke said. He used the same expletive to describe the mass shooting Saturday at an event in Virginia.

I knew he reminded me of Chevy Chase for some reason. I don't care what the context is, I can't accept a candidate for POTUS who debases the conversation to that level.

I'm not a fan of swearing in lieu of punctuation (fucking where is my fucking...etc) but I think some context is needed here. A presidential candidate was asked about a growing trend in gun violence and the impotence behind addressing it. It is fucked up, and at least to his credit, he is clearly frustrated by the lack of action and insipid platitudes regarding "thoughts and prayers".
I'm not a fan of swearing in lieu of punctuation (fucking where is my fucking...etc) but I think some context is needed here. A presidential candidate was asked about a growing trend in gun violence and the impotence behind addressing it. It is fucked up, and at least to his credit, he is clearly frustrated by the lack of action and insipid platitudes regarding "thoughts and prayers".

β wants to confiscate all so-called "assault rifles". The problem of course is that in US gun debate "assault rifles" are defined as guns that resemble actual assault rifles, even though they are not functionally different from any semiautomatic rifle not covered by this proposed de-facto ban.
Beto O’Rourke says AK-47 and AR-15 owners will ‘have to sell them to the government’ if he becomes president

Doesn't he know that vast majority of gun homicides are committed with handguns and not "assault rifles". Why does he (purport to) care so much about these mass shootings but apparently not at all about regular shootings that have a much bigger cumulative death toll? Also, while β and other Dems single out white shooters, white people are actually underrepresented when it comes to gun homicides.

Your current President has gutted every shred of respectability from the office by his words and deeds, but you're prepared to pick him over someone who describes a fucked up situation in precisely accurate terms?

That's fucking nuts. Literally anyone is better than the dumb cunt currently squatting in the Oval Office, no matter what expletives they use to emphasise their disgust at the clusterfuck your nation has become.

What I meant was I can't accept him as a candidate for POTUS. That is, I'm thinking about the primary election. But if this is a sign of his new campaign strategy and he gets the nomination we'll be getting one very immature and probably inept President as any Chevy Chase character.

Telling it like it is is neither immature, nor an indication of ineptitude.
I'm not a fan of swearing in lieu of punctuation (fucking where is my fucking...etc) but I think some context is needed here. A presidential candidate was asked about a growing trend in gun violence and the impotence behind addressing it. It is fucked up, and at least to his credit, he is clearly frustrated by the lack of action and insipid platitudes regarding "thoughts and prayers".

β wants to confiscate all so-called "assault rifles". The problem of course is that in US gun debate "assault rifles" are defined as guns that resemble actual assault rifles, even though they are not functionally different from any semiautomatic rifle not covered by this proposed de-facto ban.
Beto O’Rourke says AK-47 and AR-15 owners will ‘have to sell them to the government’ if he becomes president

That's not actually a problem if the legislation specifies the makes, models, and aftermarket accessories it affects.

Doesn't he know that vast majority of gun homicides are committed with handguns and not "assault rifles".

He probably does, but priorities, ya know? One assault style rifle in the hands of a domestic terrorist is a greater threat to domestic tranquility that a hundred handguns sitting on bedside tables.

Why does he (purport to) care so much about these mass shootings but apparently not at all about regular shootings that have a much bigger cumulative death toll? Also, while β and other Dems single out white shooters, white people are actually underrepresented when it comes to gun homicides.

Ah, I think I see the problem. The white male contingent is feeling a wee bit threatened because so many of our domestic terrorists turn out to be white males. And because having a big gun that fires a lot of bullets is manly, and walking around town with one is a really fun way to exercise white privilege and own the libs.

Beto's gonna take all the fun out of it. :(
Should the Dems be stupid enough to nominate Biden to run against the Trumpet, I believe the Trumpet landslide will make the Reagan landslide look pale in comparison!

You must "believe" a lot of things will happen to favor Trump and hurt Biden between now and the election. But then, you seem to believe a lot of non fact-based things.
I am curious - since the polling trend has shown Trump losing to Biden (as well as all the other Dem candidates) by INCREASING margins, what kind of earth-shattering event do you anticipate that is going to suddenly reverse and negate that trend? Maybe a nuclear war? A military coup cancelling elections?

A Gallup poll suggests if 2020 election took place today, Donald Trump would win 99 electoral votes
In case you are even less familiar with the US electoral process than you seem, that would mean a 439 to 99 loss for Trump.
Biden would beat him, but then so would Bozo the Clown.

A scare campaign of what America would be like under a high taxing, big spending far left regime would soon snap those contemplating voting Dem back to sanity.

Your current President has gutted every shred of respectability from the office by his words and deeds, but you're prepared to pick him over someone who describes a fucked up situation in precisely accurate terms?

That's fucking nuts. Literally anyone is better than the dumb cunt currently squatting in the Oval Office, no matter what expletives they use to emphasise their disgust at the clusterfuck your nation has become.

What I meant was I can't accept him as a candidate for POTUS. That is, I'm thinking about the primary election. But if this is a sign of his new campaign strategy and he gets the nomination we'll be getting one very immature and probably inept President as any Chevy Chase character.

Telling it like it is is neither immature, nor an indication of ineptitude.

We obviously have very different opinions about the use of profanity. I think it's a sense of false bravado. Usually in trying to intimidate the other party by demonstrating one's willingness to become totally and aggressively irrational. Like a dog showing his teeth. In his case it's an indication of not just frustration, but it sounds like it's coming out of a feeling of impotence to take any effective action. A desperate act of defiance. I'd of course cast my vote for him against Trump in a general election. But it would be a vote against Trump in every sense. Realistically I can't see him as being able to organize a nation wide campaign that would beat Trump. So my vote would be purely symbolic.
Does anybody want to talk about why most Bernie Bros are (a) female or (b) people of color

Does anybody want to talk about why most Bernie Bros are (a) female or (b) people of color
Maybe we can talk about how 49% white /= 51% not white. Very likely there were "not answered". Regardless, what exactly is this attempting to show? Sanders demographics don't indicate much here. It'll be the polling. It is why Harris is still hanging well back in the Varsity squad.

The interesting thing is the Urban, because it is the suburbs that matter most, that have the most votes up for grab.
Should the Dems be stupid enough to nominate Biden to run against the Trumpet, I believe the Trumpet landslide will make the Reagan landslide look pale in comparison!

You must "believe" a lot of things will happen to favor Trump and hurt Biden between now and the election. But then, you seem to believe a lot of non fact-based things.
I am curious - since the polling trend has shown Trump losing to Biden (as well as all the other Dem candidates) by INCREASING margins, what kind of earth-shattering event do you anticipate that is going to suddenly reverse and negate that trend? Maybe a nuclear war? A military coup cancelling elections?

A Gallup poll suggests if 2020 election took place today, Donald Trump would win 99 electoral votes
In case you are even less familiar with the US electoral process than you seem, that would mean a 439 to 99 loss for Trump.
Biden would beat him, but then so would Bozo the Clown.

A scare campaign of what America would be like under a high taxing, big spending far left regime would soon snap those contemplating voting Dem back to sanity.
Seriously, you have crossed into 'can he even be serious' territory.
That's not actually a problem if the legislation specifies the makes, models, and aftermarket accessories it affects.
The more things it affects, the bigger the backlash will be and less likely will it be to pass. And I was not talking about any possible future bill, but what β specifically said: he focused on "scary looking" AR-15s and AK-47s.
It's the wood that makes it good!

Note also that the previous "assault rifle" ban focused on optics, rather than functionality as well.
He probably does, but priorities, ya know?
Priorities should be about prioritizing the most serious issue, not a relatively minor one. For example, the background check loopholes should be closed. The Odessa shooter failed a background check but was able to purchase his weapon from a private party.

One assault style rifle in the hands of a domestic terrorist is a greater threat to domestic tranquility that a hundred handguns sitting on bedside tables.
First of all, "assault rifle" is a misnomer. And handguns are responsible for far more deaths than the inaccurately called "assault rifles".
Remember Nidal Hasan? He murdered 13 and injured 30 with a handgun, not a rifle. Handguns are quite deadly.

So-called "assault rifles" are not nearly as big a problem as the attention they get suggests.

Ah, I think I see the problem. The white male contingent is feeling a wee bit threatened because so many of our domestic terrorists turn out to be white males.
The problem is that "white males" are singled out by politicians such as Robert "Irish I was a Mexican" O'Rourke even though they are, compared to the population size, a smaller threat than some other groups.
And because having a big gun that fires a lot of bullets is manly, and walking around town with one is a really fun way to exercise white privilege and own the libs.
I am not a gun owner myself, but gun ownership is not limited to white people, including scary looking rifles. "White privilege", as the term is commonly used by faux-liberals like you and β, is a myth.

Beto's gonna take all the fun out of it. :(
Luckily, he has no chance actually getting elected.
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