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Democrat's Open Borders are causing Haitian Immigrants to steal and eat our Kittens!

After the Vietnam War we heard the same dog eating bullshit about SE Asian immigrants. (Yes I know there are plenty of dogs dressed for dinner in Asian meat shops, but I don't believe they've ever gone after Americans' pets)
That was then, but now we have a scumbag who 50 million morons believe to be Jesus, assuring them it's true because he saw it on TV.
Let that sink in. He saw it on TV, therefore ....
I give up.
He can shoot somebody… They will support him no matter what. He is their ticket to Project 2025 and supremacy.
Someone should build a wall on the US/Haiti border to stop this madness!! Won’t anyone think of the kittens??
Most Haitians come to US through Mexico.

Also, it was a mistake for Biden to offer "parole" to hundreds of thousands of Haitians. Cat barbecues or no cat barbecues.
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An illegal alien trying to eat a cat:

Someone should build a wall on the US/Haiti border to stop this madness!! Won’t anyone think of the kittens??
Most Haitians come to US through Mexico.

It was a joke.

Also, it was a mistake for Biden to offer "parole" to hundreds of thousands of Haitians. Cat barbecues or no cat barbecues.
And if the opposition believes that they should counter with facts not lies. Best way to undermine your position and lose all credibility with those of us eager for reasoned discourse.
And if the opposition believes that they should counter with facts not lies. Best way to undermine your position and lose all credibility with those of us eager for reasoned discourse.
True. That's the biggest problem with Trump. Often, he is in the neighborhood of a good point, but he ruins it with wild exaggerations.
Nothing he says is anything a little Trumpsplaning can't fix.

Plus we have the fake endorsements of Harris by people like Cheney just like when the Koch's "endorsed" Hillary. You know all the Republicans are going to support Trump no matter what and the Cheney endorsement is just to make sure the chemtrail conspiracy theorists, Truthers, Birthers, anti-vaxxers, you know the RFK people, stay on the Republican side. Cheney is voting for Trump.

Whatever you do, don't throw me in that briar patch.
And if the opposition believes that they should counter with facts not lies. Best way to undermine your position and lose all credibility with those of us eager for reasoned discourse.
True. That's the biggest problem with Trump. Often, he is in the neighborhood of a good point, but he ruins it with wild exaggerations.
Perhaps there are non-racist reasons to be against unfettered immigration but nothing Trump said elucidated those.

Being “in the neighborhood of a good point” is an extremely charitable assessment of Trump’s communication style.
A number of conservatives on this forum will readily believe this. Quite pathetic.
Would you believe it it were russian migrants instead of haitians?
Neither, they both seem be fine people.
Back in the 60's there was a large immigration of " Old Believers" that settled just north of where I live now. They mostly got into farming.
To this day you can go to those towns and still see them dressed in their traditional outfits.
A number of conservatives on this forum will readily believe this. Quite pathetic.
Would you believe it it were russian migrants instead of haitians?

No lol. These baseless tu qoque fallacies are tiresome. I don't believe Trump supporters eat pets either, even though I have many reasons to despise them. However do I believe psychopathy is a huge problem among them? Yes, but that doesn't even *necessarily* mean, they eat pets, and it doesn't even necessarily mean they have committed crimes, either.
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A number of conservatives on this forum will readily believe this. Quite pathetic.
Would you believe it it were russian migrants instead of haitians?

No lol. These baseless tu qoque fallacies are tiresome. I don't believe Trump supporters eat pets either, even though I have many reasons to despise them. However do I believe psychopathy is a huge problem among them? Yes, but that doesn't even *necessarily* mean, they eat pets, and it doesn't even necessarily mean they have committed crimes, either.

RFK Jr. eating a dog.


OK, to be fair, it apparently was a lamb, but the “ate a dog” meme went viral. And why not? If the MAGGOTS can fill the net and the airwaves with lies, turnabout is fair play.
And if the opposition believes that they should counter with facts not lies. Best way to undermine your position and lose all credibility with those of us eager for reasoned discourse.
True. That's the biggest problem with Trump. Often, he is in the neighborhood of a good point, but he ruins it with wild exaggerations.
In the neighborhood of a good point? Like having a concepts of a plan?

Trump has almost no points. All he does is rant. He says more tariffs, wants to expel all illegals, and wants to give Ukraine to Russia.
Neighborhood of a good point.

Let's take the statement I think that expels Trump from being a viable source of information... including what he himself thinks.
Donald Trump at the debate (my emphasis) said:
But if she won the election, the day after that election, they’ll go back to destroying our country and oil will be dead, fossil fuel will be dead. We’ll go back to windmills and we’ll go back to solar, where they need a whole desert to get some energy to come out. You ever see a solar plant? *leans in over the podium* By the way, I’m a big fan of solar. But they take 400, 500 acres of desert soil—
What in the fuck is he doing?! Don't think intermittent sources of energy are viable in a long-term sustainable energy plan, fine. Solar has serious issues, and the fix seems to be against the laws of thermodynamics. Solar really only belongs in areas where distributed electricity is not readily available.

But if you are going to take a shit on solar, you don't immediately then wipe off the shit and give it a hug, and then take another shit on it! What else are we to take from that series of statements from him, other than he is completely full of shit.

Just because he is in the neighborhood doesn't mean he has any idea what he is doing there.
Police are seeking public assistance to locate an elderly man who is believed to be sufferring from dementia. He was last seen in the neighbourhood of a point, at around 9pm on September 10. There are grave concerns about his welfare, and that of his country. He is described as 78 years old, of orange complexion, wearing the world's least convincing comb-over, and with a large bandage on his right ear.
Police are seeking public assistance to locate an elderly man who is believed to be sufferring from dementia. He was last seen in the neighbourhood of a point, at around 9pm on September 10. There are grave concerns about his welfare, and that of his country. He is described as 78 years old, of orange complexion, wearing the world's least convincing comb-over, and with a large bandage on his right ear.
No, he was at the big 9/11 festival, yesterday.
A number of conservatives on this forum will readily believe this. Quite pathetic.
Would you believe it it were russian migrants instead of haitians?

No lol. These baseless tu qoque fallacies are tiresome. I don't believe Trump supporters eat pets either, even though I have many reasons to despise them. However do I believe psychopathy is a huge problem among them? Yes, but that doesn't even *necessarily* mean, they eat pets, and it doesn't even necessarily mean they have committed crimes, either.
Well, you believe RussiaGate. UkaineGate all the other bad stuff.
In the neighborhood of a good point? Like having a concepts of a plan?
Sort of.
Trump has almost no points. All he does is rant. He says more tariffs, wants to expel all illegals, and wants to give Ukraine to Russia.
Expelling all illegals is not feasible, but we should make it easier to deport illegals, not harder. Asylum system needs fundamental overhaul as it now facilitates wholesale mass migration of people with no real claim to asylum. The goal is to get in and then avoid deportation until given amnesty from deportation.
With Ukraine, he is out of the neighborhood altogether. With tariffs, it's the wrong solution to a real problem. But even the Biden administration likes China tariffs.
Biden sharply hikes US tariffs on an array of Chinese imports
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