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Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
When there are unrests, people instinctively support the candidate they perceive to be for law and order. And Hillary was trying to straddle both sides, meeting with #BLM activists and being critical but not denouncing the movement outright. Still, figures like Deray McKesson, who previously defended looting during #BLM protests, endorsed her.

When #BLM was blocking roads, airports, malls and government buildings, and parts of the protests engaged in outright vandalism, looting, arson etc. is it any surprise that majority of Americans look at the movement unfavorably and seek to oppose it at the ballot box. Wisconsin, that saw violent riots in wake of armed thug Sylville Smith getting shot, went for the Republicans for the first time since 1984 (yes, even Dukakis carried Wisconsin). Missouri, where Ferguson is, went for Trump at a much higher margin than it went for Romney of McCain. Minnesota (Minneapolis #BLM was particularly active, blockading everything in sight), while it remained in the D column, was much closer than in 2012.

Here are some articles from before the election warning that #BLM would be damaging to Democrats' chances:
Black Lives Matter Spells Trouble for Democrats
Black Lives Matter could win it for Trump
More likely a black president for the last 8 years cost her the election.

IOW white racism cost her the election.
More likely a black president for the last 8 years cost her the election.

IOW white racism cost her the election.

It's all white people's fault. One of the main left wingers' articles of faith.

In reality, Obama has good approval ratings right now.

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It's a legitimate question. When #BLMers first blocked the interstate in Minneapolis I and others warned that pissing off regular people who just want to get to where they are going is not a good tactic. We were right.
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It may be his hobby horse, but even broken clocks may be right twice a day.

The question is not whether BLM should have cost Clinton Wisconsin (from the viewpoint of a "woke" person) and so on, but if it did.

Blocking freeways is gonna pissed off people who might have been receptive to your cause. And for what, a very dicey case about a man who beat his girlfriend up and then attacked EMTs before getting into a scuffle with cops?

Where were the protests for shooting the black caretaker of the autistic man who was shot for no damn reason at all? Pick better reasons to protest and you won't alienate people.
More likely a black president for the last 8 years cost her the election.

IOW white racism cost her the election.

I'm having trouble figuring out how the white Democrat carrying fewer states than the Black Democrat is explained by racism. Well, white racism, anyway.
Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.
Of course the BLM cost HRC the Presidency. The BLM is now the source of all what is wrong in the USA.
More likely a black president for the last 8 years cost her the election.

IOW white racism cost her the election.

Do you shout "racism" at everything you don't understand?


It had been the ‘most reliably Democratic county in America.’ It went for Trump.


Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

No. Low voter turnout for Dems won the election for Trump. Full stop.
Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

People don't really think all that much about Black Live Matter.

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It's not racism that won the election for Trump, but a growing alienation.
Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

People don't really think all that much about Black Live Matter.

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It's not racism that won the election for Trump, but a growing alienation.

Nah, it's racism. Plus a healthy dose of sexism and misogyny.

I also blame Matthew Weiner's Mad Men.
Nah, it's racism. Plus a healthy dose of sexism and misogyny.

Yes. Blacks and Latinos weren't going to come out and vote in strong numbers for a White woman.

No, it's that evil white people in certain states that voted for Obama suddenly remembered how racist they were against Black people when there were two white people on the ballot. Logic.
It's all white people's fault. One of the main left wingers' articles of faith.

How very different than your faith against BLM.

It's most likely that there was not one single factor that cost Clinton the election. Even more likely is that those that have strong negative feelings over what they see as a societal ill will assign sole blame to that issue for an election result they didn't like.
I think that what BLM does do is illustrate the fundamental problem that Clinton had as a candidate. She was all wishy-washy with it trying to please everyone and ended up with neither side trusting her and both of them thinking she wasn't on their side. The whites who were against BLM had an alternative candidate whom they felt was being honest when he talked to them and they gave him their votes as a result and the blacks in BLM stayed home and the government is going to go further out of its way to ignore their issues as a result.

If there had been an occasion where Clinton had spoken about this issue and given a response which didn't sound like it had been focus-grouped for a month beforehand, maybe one side or the other would have voted for her and she might be President now.
Yes. Blacks and Latinos weren't going to come out and vote in strong numbers for a White woman.

No, it's that evil white people in certain states that voted for Obama suddenly remembered how racist they were against Black people when there were two white people on the ballot. Logic.
You do realize that both replies to Toni are consistent with an affirmation of her analysis.
What cost Hillary Clinton the election was her own hubris.

Now Derec just wants to blame shit on black people, that is what he does, but the rest of y'all should know better.

He hates BLM so it was BLM. You hate Clinton, so it was Clinton.

Both factors probably contributed.
What cost Hillary Clinton the election was her own hubris.

Now Derec just wants to blame shit on black people, that is what he does, but the rest of y'all should know better.

He hates BLM so it was BLM. You hate Clinton, so it was Clinton.

Both factors probably contributed.

When teh stoopid gets elected, it's because of teh stoopid. Period. Recall 2004...
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