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Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

What cost Hillary Clinton the election was her own hubris.

Now Derec just wants to blame shit on black people, that is what he does, but the rest of y'all should know better.

He hates BLM so it was BLM. You hate Clinton, so it was Clinton.

Both factors probably contributed.

Except I don't hate Clinton.
What costed Hillary is that Republican voters have more conviction to hold their nose and vote for a crap candidate for the purposes of political expediency than the Democrats do, who when uninspired by a candidate merely sit out the election (or don't vote for President at least) even if the opposing side's candidate would impede and/or undo any progress they really hope for.

Republicans are like dogs, led to the polls by dog whistles, eager to take whatever scraps their masters will offer, while Democrats are like cats, lazing about in a perpetual state of aloofness, showing disdain to the people who feed them.
Trump got elected because Americans are idiots and need an idiot to represent them. It is a perfect fit really.
Yes. Blacks and Latinos weren't going to come out and vote in strong numbers for a White woman.

No, it's that evil white people in certain states that voted for Obama suddenly remembered how racist they were against Black people when there were two white people on the ballot. Logic.
As dismal and Trausti prove my point but not in the way they intended.
What costed Hillary is that Republican voters have more conviction to hold their nose and vote for a crap candidate for the purposes of political expediency than the Democrats do, who when uninspired by a candidate merely sit out the election (or don't vote for President at least) even if the opposing side's candidate would impede and/or undo any progress they really hope for.

Republicans are like dogs, led to the polls by dog whistles, eager to take whatever scraps their masters will offer, while Democrats are like cats, lazing about in a perpetual state of aloofness, showing disdain to the people who feed them.


I think part of the Trump Base rise started with Trayvon Martin. #BLM just gave racist assholes a larger target to aim at in between shootings of blacks.

I did hear cops are glad Trump won. Apparently, they forgot that the only people that hate cops more than blacks are white supremacists... who have killed a few cops in the last couple of weeks. I suppose David Duke could say, "That could have been my son".... the killer not the victim.
Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

No. Low voter turnout for Dems won the election for Trump. Full stop.
Both candidates had lower turnout, but yes. Millennials too busy protesting a fucking pipeline, blacks that apparently forgot how bad the Trump base were back in the 60s, Latinos who think Trump meant jobs would be for them, and White women who thought... 'hell, if it is a billionaire, it'd be okay for him to grab my daughter's pussy' helped the Trump cause.

Oh and white men... *sigh*
No, it's that evil white people in certain states that voted for Obama suddenly remembered how racist they were against Black people when there were two white people on the ballot. Logic.
As dismal and Trausti prove my point but not in the way they intended.

Well, yeah, if your point was "I use racism as an explanation like a crutch".

We did prove that. Have you not considered you are trying to explain why people who voted for Obama did not vote for Hillary? (Tip: he's Black, she's white.)
As dismal and Trausti prove my point but not in the way they intended.

Well, yeah, if your point was "I use racism as an explanation like a crutch".

We did prove that. Have you not considered you are trying to explain why people who voted for Obama did not vote for Hillary? (Tip: he's Black, she's white.)
When you encounter words you don't understand (e.g. sexism and misogyny) in an argument, it is best to look up what they mean. You might avoid embarrassing yourself with those condescending and illogical responses filled with straw men.
As dismal and Trausti prove my point but not in the way they intended.

Well, yeah, if your point was "I use racism as an explanation like a crutch".

We did prove that. Have you not considered you are trying to explain why people who voted for Obama did not vote for Hillary? (Tip: he's Black, she's white.)

Again, you are continuing to prove my point. Expecting individuals to vote as a block based on skin color or gender is racist and sexist. That said, and I haven't seen full figures, my understanding is that blacks voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. However, voter suppression did a bang up job, and that helped Trump. Or 'helped' him. I don't see him sticking out a full term.

I enthusiastically voted for Obama. Twice. The second time, with a little less enthusiasm, as there were many more things in the public arena to criticize him for. His skin color had not a damn thing to do with it. It was a breath of fresh air to hear someone speak with such eloquence and such intelligence.

I voted for Hillary with considerably less enthusiasm but considerably more horror at the alternative. I wasn't a fan of Bill and never voted for him and haven't been a huge fan of Hillary, mostly because she's awfully Republican like. Oh, I don't mean these neo Nazi assholes who are running the shit show that is the GOP these days. I mean she's much more conservative and much less progressive than I wish any candidate I would vote for to be. To a lesser extent, so was/is Obama.
Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.

What was Chris Christie protesting, the high price of hot dogs?
Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.
This isn't about #BLM. This started with Martin... well before #BLM ever started. Black "thugs" were being killed and white people were upset that blacks dared to question the judgment of those killing them.
Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.

Should the college students in the sixties participated in the sit ins? They inconvenienced a lot of people.
How about the marches on Washington or Selma? shut down streets and highways for hours and in the Selma march for days
Black students going to white universities caused all kinds of a ruckus, so they shouldn't have gone to those schools? I'm sure some white students missed West. Civ. one morning because of that one black student.

White inconvenience matters more than black lives.

Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.

Should the college students in the sixties participated in the sit ins? They inconvenienced a lot of people.
How about the marches on Washington or Selma? shut down streets and highways for hours and in the Selma march for days
Black students going to white universities caused all kinds of a ruckus, so they shouldn't have gone to those schools? I'm sure some white students missed West. Civ. one morning because of that one black student.

White inconvenience matters more than black lives.

It amounts to, 'you don't know your place boy'.
Yeah, I can't imagine someone who missed a critical job interview and pooped their pants while stuck on a bridge for 3 hours are going to embrace the BLM movement. Funny though, many on the regressive left were outraged about Chris Christie's staff deliberately blocking traffic on a major thoroughfare, but gave BLM a pass for doing the same thing...many times. Thank gawd Chris Christie's staff have been tried and found guilty. I hope they do the same to the BLM idiots.

So, yeah, in answer to the OP its pretty much a no brainer that BLM shot itself in the foot.

Should the college students in the sixties participated in the sit ins? They inconvenienced a lot of people.
How about the marches on Washington or Selma? shut down streets and highways for hours and in the Selma march for days
Black students going to white universities caused all kinds of a ruckus, so they shouldn't have gone to those schools? I'm sure some white students missed West. Civ. one morning because of that one black student.

White inconvenience matters more than black lives.


Would you be so supportive if the reason you were stuck in traffic for several hours, missing a job interview, a last opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one on their deathbed, or an important romantic date, was because a group of pro-life demonstrators blocked the highway to protest against abortion? I mean, those students in the sixties and all.
Did Black Lives Matter cost Hillary the presidency?

No. Low voter turnout for Dems won the election for Trump. Full stop.

voter suppression.

Voter suppression was probably key in Wisconsin, maybe even FL and NC, but all three suffered from low voter turnout from the Dems. Voter suppression, however, does not explain PA, or MI. Those two states going for Trump, due entirely to low Dem turnout, mean that Wisconsin did not matter. The NC race also looks like a case of Dems showing up, and not voting for Hillary, given that their Governor race is much closer than the presidential race, and looks to be going to the Dems.
Should the college students in the sixties participated in the sit ins? They inconvenienced a lot of people.
How about the marches on Washington or Selma? shut down streets and highways for hours and in the Selma march for days
Black students going to white universities caused all kinds of a ruckus, so they shouldn't have gone to those schools? I'm sure some white students missed West. Civ. one morning because of that one black student.

White inconvenience matters more than black lives.


Would you be so supportive if the reason you were stuck in traffic for several hours, missing a job interview, a last opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one on their deathbed, or an important romantic date, was because a group of pro-life demonstrators blocked the highway to protest against abortion? I mean, those students in the sixties and all.
As bizarre as this notion may be to you, it is entirely possible to support someone's right to protest even if you don't agree with their message.

Personally, I've been inconvenienced by road repair---seriously inconvenienced for weeks on end! Yet I support road repair. I've been inconvenienced by marathons--and support healthy lifestyles. I've been inconvenienced by Independence Day parades--and love my country and enjoy a good marching band and cheesy float. I've been extremely inconvenienced by numerous blizzards and yet I bemoan global warming.

voter suppression.

Voter suppression was probably key in Wisconsin, maybe even FL and NC, but all three suffered from low voter turnout from the Dems.
I don't think it is quite that simple. Clinton received just 16,000 fewer votes than Obama in 2012 a drop of 0.7%. That is despite a drop in turnout amongst those under 45 did drop.

Voter suppression, however, does not explain PA, or MI. Those two states going for Trump, due entirely to low Dem turnout, mean that Wisconsin did not matter.
But Michigan had 40% turnout of Dems in 2012 and 2016. The change was Independents which Romney won by 1 pt and Trump won by 16 pts. PA did have a drop in Dem v Republican and a slight tick up in Ind support for Trump.

The NC race also looks like a case of Dems showing up, and not voting for Hillary, given that their Governor race is much closer than the presidential race, and looks to be going to the Dems.
Not according to the Exit Polls which show Dems supported Clinton in the same turnout percentage and goes from just 90 to 91 in support of Cooper. Once again Independents switch to the Democrat for Governor but voted for Trump. Which I can't make any sense of.
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