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Does a Large Part of the Russian Population suffer from Stockholm Syndrome?

T.G.G. Moogly

Traditional Atheist
Mar 18, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Does a large part of the Russian population suffer from Stockholm syndrome? According to Britannica, Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals. When I hear someone like barbos it's possible I'm just hearing another Putin supporter but it's certainly possible I'm hearing someone who has been captive for so long and subjected to propaganda for so long that that he is simply taking the survival path of least resistance.

The citizens of Russia are not free. Whether they know it or not they are not free like we are here in western democracies. And for all of Russia's history it has been the same. The country has always been a state where the strongman rules and the strongman makes the laws. Essentially this means that the citizens of Russia have always been imprisoned by their leaders. The prisoners, as in any prison, still have certain freedoms but they enjoy those freedoms while imprisoned. I think this describes Russia pretty well.

Here in the west we are free to come and go within our states and basically across the globe. Russia has had at times needed to build walls around itself not to keep people out but to keep it's people from leaving. Again, this is not freedom as we live it in the west but the limited freedom that comes with life within a prison. Is it possible that Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological state of many Russians?
The citizens of Russia are not free. Whether they know it or not they are not free like we are here in western democracies. And for all of Russia's history it has been the same. The country has always been a state where the strongman rules and the strongman makes the laws. Essentially this means that the citizens of Russia have always been imprisoned by their leaders. The prisoners, as in any prison, still have certain freedoms but they enjoy those freedoms while imprisoned. I think this describes Russia pretty well.
Yeah lots of aspects of Stockholm Syndrome are evident, even from here.
It would be interesting to compare the “freedoms” of rich incarcerated Americans with those of non- incarcerated Russian proles.
Bottom line, though, is that posting back and forth with babs is rather pointless except for the insights it provides regarding the constraints on his expression, and the roots of the beliefs that have quite evidently been imposed upon him.
Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals.

Here's what I see as the difference between Stockholm Syndrome and what afflicts Russians and Gazans and an unfortunate number of USonians.
The people on the elevator in Stockholm had lived in a world of personal freedom. Their experience created a delusion.
As opposed to Russians and Gazans and Evangelicals who never have lived in a world without an authoritarian power structure. Ideologues who must be obeyed, no matter what, since forever.

It's not the same delusion.
That's a load of crap.
First, average russian does not care about politics that much (same as americans)
Problem with american imbeciles which is majority of politically active americans is that they don't know shit about Russia.
You know literally nothing. You still think it's USSR. You literally think that. Even your congress critters who are paid to know actual shit simply parrot what they see on .... TV, or remember from the 70s if their last name is Biden.

Russia is culturally western country which on day to day basis is run by fairly competent technocrats.
Is Russia more autocratic than the western countries - absolutely. But lucky us, we have got a competent and sane autocrat. And I suspect the next guy will be OK too.

But I am glad that you, at least admit, that Putin support is real and high. And I will tell you more, support of the clowns you try to maidan into Russia is virtually nonexistent. They are universally hated.
They are viewed as western puppets who's job is to destroy Russia in order to bring back 90s.
Even people who don't like Putin's policies realize that. So it's basically "It's economy, stupid!"

Speaking of "It's economy stupid". I remember TV news from US regarding global warming.
It was about forest fires in US and journalist was making an argument to one woman on the street about CO2 emissions link to climate change and fires to that woman in a small coal mining (!!!) town. Woman agreed that yes, there is a link but when she was pressed into agreeing that coal mining should stop she replied with a stone face "let it (forest) burn"

And you want russians to revolt against Putin, so that you could bring 90s back? Are you insane?
People are fine with Putin. Put that into your little heads.
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And all that talk about "democracy" and shit becomes irrelevant when Russian "Propaganda" can simply take what your government talking heads say and translate it into russian and show on russian TV. That's all they need to do, no commentary is necessary.
The West is being run by evil idiots.
And you want russians to revolt against Putin, so that you could bring 90s back? Are you insane?
People are fine with Putin. Put that into your little heads.
And I always thought enslavement was uncomfortable. Silly me.
Here's what I see as the difference between Stockholm Syndrome and what afflicts Russians and Gazans and an unfortunate number of USonians.
The people on the elevator in Stockholm had lived in a world of personal freedom. Their experience created a delusion.
As opposed to Russians and Gazans and Evangelicals who never have lived in a world without an authoritarian power structure. Ideologues who must be obeyed, no matter what, since forever.
That is an excellent point. Can someone even feel greater freedom if imprisonment is all they have ever known? Certainly in Russia it is very much a master/slave economy. You can't even speak up against government policy without being dragged away by the police. So yes, your point is well taken.
Here's what I see as the difference between Stockholm Syndrome and what afflicts Russians and Gazans and an unfortunate number of USonians.
The people on the elevator in Stockholm had lived in a world of personal freedom. Their experience created a delusion.
As opposed to Russians and Gazans and Evangelicals who never have lived in a world without an authoritarian power structure. Ideologues who must be obeyed, no matter what, since forever.
That is an excellent point. Can someone even feel greater freedom if imprisonment is all they have ever known? Certainly in Russia it is very much a master/slave economy. You can't even speak up against government policy without being dragged away by the police. So yes, your point is well taken.
"Institutionalized" as they said of Brookes Hatlen in the Shawshank Redemption.
"...despite the censorship, the repression and the very threat of imprisonment, thousands of Russians have openly denounced Putin's war on Ukraine. According to human rights groups, since February of last year more than 19,000 people were detained by police at anti-war protests across Russia."


"Overall, researchers say they have tracked just a 9% fall in support for the war last year. The number of respondents who say Russia should “cease hostilities while maintaining the occupied territories” has more than doubled since last summer, from 11% to 28%"

Yeah, babs, sounds like one big happy family. :hysterical:
Pretty certain we all have our answer to the question this thread raised. Not that it was surprising, to be honest.
Ukrainian Restaurant near .... Kremlin:
Keep in mind all Russian restaurants in freedom loving Ukraine were renamed.

Who wants to name their Restaurant after the guys who tortured and murdered grandpa and Uncle Igor last year, burned down, shelled or rained missiles on the paying customers, and wrecked everything they could?
I bet Ukrainian restauranteurs wouldn’t be advertising their Russian sympathies, if they had any.
Bottom line. People in the west are being fed lies about Russia.
LOL, for once Polish president Duda (of all people) said truth and ukro-nazies are not happy.
What did he say? He said Crimea is Russia.....
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