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Does anyone NOT give a crap about Stormy Daniels?


Veteran Member
Oct 21, 2011
Basic Beliefs
I despise trump. But I care about his hook up with Daniel's as much as I cared about Clinton's with Lewinsky. I don't intend to watch tonight either. Am I alone?
I don't care that he had an affair. It's the coverup of the affair and the campaign finance law violations which matter.

It is funny to watch, though.
Yes. Sex sells. It's salacious gossip.

And it's guilt free. Cuz Trump deserves every....ounce? iota? ...whatever the unit measure of guilt/shame/negativity is.
I don't care about the affair and I wish everyone would stop focusing on it. But I do think the possible campaign funds issue is well worth investigating, and I think the legal issues are an additional liability of a completely compromised, inept fool at the controls of our country.
I don’t care at all about his affair. That’s Melania’s problem.

But I do care a lot about a guy who will try to bully, lie and make false contracts and pretend it’s legal - it’s indicative of how the man does business.

And how this is playing out is both hilarious and delightful.
He can’t claim he never met her because that means she can say anything she wants.
He can’t Claim the NDA is valid because he didn’t sign it and tried to keep his part secret.
He can’t enforce the NDA because adultery is a crime n NYS, and you can’t enforce an NDA to cover up a crime.
He can’t sue her for $20M because it will show that the clause demaning $1M perviolation is out of step with the paltry $130,000.
He can’t break the NDA without setting her free from it.
And likely, the proof of infidelity that it demonstrates will allow Melania to divorce him and keep so much of his money.

It’s like some awesome episode of Law and Order.
Stormy Daniels is immaterial. Though she really does have an engaging smile.
I don't care about the affair at all. Given what a sleazy POS Trump is, I am suprised more of these types of allegations haven't cropped up.
I want to think Trump watches the show like this:

I don't care about the affair. It's all the ancillary issues, like hypocrisy of conservatives, how he's not just a liar but has a well-oiled lying machine including a legal team shutting people up.

Think of it like this. I also don't care if someone is having gay sex. However, if it's a Republican conservative who has a bunch of evangelical votes and he's lying to them, as a leader of an anti-gay movement, it has a different meaning.
I don't care about the affair either.
I am, however, laughing my ever-lovin' ass off at the Tweets generated by the March Madness overtime. :hysterical:
You know what? I do care, for one reason.

I'm glad she's found a way to profit off of this. Go on, girl, get money!

As for everything else, sure, if it convinces more people that he is who we thought he was, then great, but really if you don't get it by now, you don't want to get it.
The depressing - and not entirely surprising - thing is that the sanctimonious assholes on the "Christian" right don't care either.

The people who howled about "family values" when Clinton was caught cheating. The people who demanded John Edwards quit when he was caught cheating. The "party of personal responsibility" and Jesus don't give a rat's ass that Trump is a serial philanderer. Suddenly they've discovered that the "this is between the President and First Lady and is none of our business" defense they derided in the 90s is suddenly a valid excuse.

These folks made it their business back then. They made candidate's personal lives everyone's business, insisting that only morally upstanding, maritally faithful people belonged in the White House. Much was said in 2000 about how George W. Bush was going to rid the Oval Office of the stink of skank. Now that their guy is bringing the sleaze, they're okay with it. So fuck 'em.

I hope Stormy gets all the attention she can get. I hope Trump's lawyers (what's left of them) try to sue her and lose...badly. I hope Melania has a rock-solid prenup that allows her to take Fat Donny for half when (or if) she leaves. And I hope that somewhere in the whole process Trump lies under oath so that when (or if) the Democrats take over Congress they can impeach his ass.
Didn't watch. And as I suspected, from what people are saying on stalkbook, no great revelations as I predicted in the other thread. (gloat)
I watched and I liked. If Stormy Daniels declares herself an evangelical christian republican she'll get elected to office.

I want this thing to get all the air time possible because in the end I want the republican party identified with scumbaggery. Drain the swamp... laughable.

And I think the dems need to start sporting caps that say, "Lock Him Up."
I don't care that he had an affair. It's the coverup of the affair and the campaign finance law violations which matter.

It is funny to watch, though.

Yep, that's my take on it. Threatening, the cover-up and the use of campaign funds are what I care about. It's another slimy piece of the puzzle that is full of slime.
I'm not even that worked up about the cover up of the affair. It's like the least terrible thing Trump has done in his life. Or today. Now, I don't know what Trump has done today but I'm sure he's done at least 5 things worse than illegally using campaign funds to pay off someone he slept with. Or having someone threaten her.
I am, however, laughing my ever-lovin' ass off at the Tweets generated by the March Madness overtime. :hysterical:
It's stuff like this that makes me love Twitter. Especially when I pick up the phone to register my own Twitter complaint and find out thousands have beat me to it.
She is hilarious on Twitter. She takes shit from no one, she will not let anyone shame her for her livelihood. She will make a fool of you if you try, having left a string of deleted tweets in her wake.

Oh and she may take down the orange psycho. Could be the hero for our times.
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