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Don't say gay -- oops!

There is nothing in the law that says you can't say gay. It explicitly says “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3.”
That pretty much means they "can't say gay". That was implied with the issue on "sexual orientation".
That's what Im getting at - my sarcasm didn't come through.
Yesterday, Governor Desantis upped the ante and is going after Disney:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis escalated his weeks-long feud with Disney on Tuesday, challenging lawmakers to eliminate the unique status that allows the entertainment company to operate as an independent government around its Orlando-area theme parks.
Within hours, Republican lawmakers delivered, quickly advancing a pair of bills targeting Disney over its objections to a new law limiting classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity.
"Once upon a time Disney was a great partner with the state of Florida," said Rep. Jackie Toledo, a Tampa Republican. "We've granted them privileges because of our shared history, shared goals and shared successes. Shamefully, Disney betrayed us."
It now appears almost certain that by the end of the week, the long-standing symbiotic arrangement that helped grow Disney into an iconic entertainment brand and Florida into an international travel destination could be dissolved.....

Republicans in Florida and Disney have been at odds for months over legislation that prohibits schools from teaching young children about sexual orientation or gender identity. After initially declining to weigh in, Disney CEO Bob Chapek publicly criticized Florida lawmakers for passing what opponents called the "Don't Say Gay" bill and apologized to the company's LGBTQ employees for not being a stronger advocate. source: Gov. Desantis takes on Disney

I guess Disney's Ron's Gone Wrong was a prophecy.
There is nothing in the law that says you can't say gay. It explicitly says “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3.”
That pretty much means they "can't say gay". That was implied with the issue on "sexual orientation".
That's what Im getting at - my sarcasm didn't come through.
My bad, Poe's Law has made internet communication too difficult these days.

Can't do gender identity--which means you can't direct them to the right bathroom.
What on god's green earth are you talking about?

You direct males to the male bathroom and females to the female bathroom, if they need such direction. Those are the correct bathrooms and they have nothing to do with sexual orientation or gender identity.

I agree with you on sexual orientation but gender identity? Do you not have a personal sense of your own gender? Well, the rules ban mentioning gender identity. They'll have to remove the boy's and girls' designation from the bathroom doors or eat a lawsuit. It's how the law is written.
My sex is male. I do not understand what 'gender identity' is, and, if I had such an identity, why anybody anywhere would be interested in it.

'Boys' and 'Girls' signs do not refer to 'gender identity', but the sex of the people expected to use the facilities.

So no, bathroom signs don't need to be removed.
For example, let's say a human child who self-identifies as female needs to go to the bathroom. The school ushers the child to X bathroom marked with X label. The child says "that's not the right bathroom" and the teacher replies," yes it is. This bathroom marked for X is for X".

LAWSUIT!!! They just taught gender identity.
Telling a child female bathrooms are for females has nothing to do with gender identity, let alone 'teaching gender identity'.

Can't do gender identity--which means you can't direct them to the right bathroom.
What on god's green earth are you talking about?

You direct males to the male bathroom and females to the female bathroom, if they need such direction. Those are the correct bathrooms and they have nothing to do with sexual orientation or gender identity.
The standard conservative flaw. You only think of things like gender identity when it deviates from the norm. What you're missing is that the norm is also gender identity.
There is nothing in the law that says you can't say gay. It explicitly says “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3.”
That pretty much means they "can't say gay". That was implied with the issue on "sexual orientation".
Look at the sentence you didn't quote. He understood.
Err, okay. So we're all in agreement that teachers should not be discussing their sex lives with children? We're there now, right?
I actually agree. Sexuality shouldn’t be discussed at all in K-3. Gay, straight, whatever.
What should be happening at those grades is simply a recognition that not all couples are opposite sex.

The law is attempting to prohibit any reference to same sex couples, but in practice it cuts both ways--you can't refer to opposite-sex couples, either.
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Can't do gender identity--which means you can't direct them to the right bathroom.
What on god's green earth are you talking about?

You direct males to the male bathroom and females to the female bathroom, if they need such direction. Those are the correct bathrooms and they have nothing to do with sexual orientation or gender identity.
The standard conservative flaw. You only think of things like gender identity when it deviates from the norm. What you're missing is that the norm is also gender identity.
Your reply here makes even less sense than your previous utterance.

How on earth does directing males to the male toilet, and females to the female toilet, if anyone needs such direction, have anything whatsoever to do with 'gender identity'?

Spell it out for me. Tell me the exact situation you think this law forbids.
I agree with you on sexual orientation but gender identity? Do you not have a personal sense of your own gender? Well, the rules ban mentioning gender identity. They'll have to remove the boy's and girls' designation from the bathroom doors or eat a lawsuit. It's how the law is written.
I don't think so--this is aimed at teachers, the teachers didn't put up the signs. I don't think it lets them go after the signmaker.
For example, let's say a human child who self-identifies as female needs to go to the bathroom. The school ushers the child to X bathroom marked with X label. The child says "that's not the right bathroom" and the teacher replies," yes it is. This bathroom marked for X is for X".

LAWSUIT!!! They just taught gender identity.
And they can't show the blind kid which restroom to use.
I agree with you on sexual orientation but gender identity? Do you not have a personal sense of your own gender? Well, the rules ban mentioning gender identity. They'll have to remove the boy's and girls' designation from the bathroom doors or eat a lawsuit. It's how the law is written.
I don't think so--this is aimed at teachers, the teachers didn't put up the signs. I don't think it lets them go after the signmaker.
In what universe does a bathroom sign saying 'boys' or 'girls' refer to gender identity?
For example, let's say a human child who self-identifies as female needs to go to the bathroom. The school ushers the child to X bathroom marked with X label. The child says "that's not the right bathroom" and the teacher replies," yes it is. This bathroom marked for X is for X".

LAWSUIT!!! They just taught gender identity.
And they can't show the blind kid which restroom to use.
Err, okay. So we're all in agreement that teachers should not be discussing their sex lives with children? We're there now, right?
I actually agree. Sexuality shouldn’t be discussed at all in K-3. Gay, straight, whatever.
What should be happening at those grades is simply a recognition that not all couples are opposite sex.

The law is attempting to prohibit any reference to same sex couples, but in practice it cuts both ways--you can't refer to opposite-sex couples, either.
Yeah, just read the fucking Dick and Jane reader and learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. But again it’s not the point of the law. It’s just designed to rally the homophobes to the party. That’s all they’re trying to do.
Err, okay. So we're all in agreement that teachers should not be discussing their sex lives with children? We're there now, right?
I actually agree. Sexuality shouldn’t be discussed at all in K-3. Gay, straight, whatever.
What should be happening at those grades is simply a recognition that not all couples are opposite sex.

The law is attempting to prohibit any reference to same sex couples, but in practice it cuts both ways--you can't refer to opposite-sex couples, either.
Yeah, just read the fucking Dick and Jane reader and learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. But again it’s not the point of the law. It’s just designed to rally the homophobes to the party. That’s all they’re trying to do.
What about the Dick and John reader, or the Doris and Jane reader?

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