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Emailgate Update - For Hillary No News is Good News. Sadly, there is New News. ;)

The only reason this is an issue is to keep her out of the White House. If she's not elected, the whole issue will die, just like all the screaming about the Ebola epidemic.
But as prosecuting those who transgress on these kinds of issues has increased markedly lately, wouldn't this issue come up every time they try to prosecute a lesser being?
The only reason this is an issue is to keep her out of the White House. If she's not elected, the whole issue will die, just like all the screaming about the Ebola epidemic.
But as prosecuting those who transgress on these kinds of issues has increased markedly lately, wouldn't this issue come up every time they try to prosecute a lesser being?
No. The prosecution of 'lesser beings' for these transgressions actually starts with the FBI, or NCIS, or CID, or whichever agency has jurisdiction; and it starts with evidence of a crime, not with a search for evidence and/or a justification. Not the same thing at all.
But as prosecuting those who transgress on these kinds of issues has increased markedly lately, wouldn't this issue come up every time they try to prosecute a lesser being?
No. The prosecution of 'lesser beings' for these transgressions actually starts with the FBI, or NCIS, or CID, or whichever agency has jurisdiction; and it starts with evidence of a crime, not with a search for evidence and/or a justification. Not the same thing at all.

Thanks...how did this saga begin?
No. The prosecution of 'lesser beings' for these transgressions actually starts with the FBI, or NCIS, or CID, or whichever agency has jurisdiction; and it starts with evidence of a crime, not with a search for evidence and/or a justification. Not the same thing at all.

Thanks...how did this saga begin?

Hillary Clinton began her Presidential run.
There's no such thing as "goodies" or "baddies". At least, not for people over the age of nine.
To some people that's the only language they understand. There is no such thing as moderate muslims. The Turkish PM, an islamists said as much himself.

But there are a lot of moderate Muslims who disagree with this and just go around being moderate, no matter how much the extremists say that they're not allowed to do so.
If they follow paedophile, warmonger prophet Mohammad they are far from moderate. Remove Mo, you remove the spine of the death cult.
If they follow paedophile, warmonger prophet Mohammad they are far from moderate. Remove Mo, you remove the spine of the death cult.

Unless, of course, they ignore all the pedophilic and warmongering aspects which he advocated and just kind of cherrypick the less controversial parts to build their faith on. You know, like most of them do.
If they follow paedophile, warmonger prophet Mohammad they are far from moderate.
And if Christians and the Jewish follow the war mongering Moses and David? Seriously?

However, Christan doctrine now is that all the laws of the OT are no longer applicable to modern day Christians. So we no longer follow the commands for genocide, war and massacres of the OT. So, there!
And if Christians and the Jewish follow the war mongering Moses and David? Seriously?

However, Christan doctrine now is that all the laws of the OT are no longer applicable to modern day Christians. So we no longer follow the commands for genocide, war and massacres of the OT. So, there!

Except, of course for the 10 commandments, Christians still claim those.
However, Christan doctrine now is that all the laws of the OT are no longer applicable to modern day Christians. So we no longer follow the commands for genocide, war and massacres of the OT. So, there!

Except, of course for the 10 commandments, Christians still claim those.

Because Jesus specifically commanded Christians to follow them.
Except, of course for the 10 commandments, Christians still claim those.

Because Jesus specifically commanded Christians to follow them.

And, indeed, every jot and tittle of the old law.

So Christian doctrine is, as so often, directly at odds with the plain meaning of the text of their scripture (in this case, Matthew 5:18).
Because Jesus specifically commanded Christians to follow them.

And, indeed, every jot and tittle of the old law.

So Christian doctrine is, as so often, directly at odds with the plain meaning of the text of their scripture (in this case, Matthew 5:18).

Paul modified that, supposedly the law is no longer the law for Christians. Which is the dogma of many of today's crop of American evangelicals.
And, indeed, every jot and tittle of the old law.

So Christian doctrine is, as so often, directly at odds with the plain meaning of the text of their scripture (in this case, Matthew 5:18).

Paul modified that, supposedly the law is no longer the law for Christians. Which is the dogma of many of today's crop of American evangelicals.

So they say. But ask them if it's OK then to drop the 10 commandments and the evangelicals' heads explode.
So was the location of the True Cross revealed in Hillary's email?
Her aides took the True Cross, removed the heading, and turned it to non-paper. Did the same with Shroud of Turin too, that's what clogged up the secure fax machine.
I hear that earlier this evening, the FBI issued an arrest warrant for Clinton and frogmarched her out of her campaign headquarters in handcuffs and put her on a one way trip to Gitmo for her treason.

Either that or nothing happened because the whole non-event of these emails is dumb.
I hear that earlier this evening, the FBI issued an arrest warrant for Clinton and frogmarched her out of her campaign headquarters in handcuffs and put her on a one way trip to Gitmo for her treason.

Either that or nothing happened because the whole non-event of these emails is dumb.

In court trials, there is a part of the trial at the beginning in which the question is asked: if we were to assume everything the prosecution says is actually true, do the accusations rise to the level of an actual crime?

It is against the law to put classified information on any system whose classification system is lower than that of the information itself.

Any document written in the line of duty is property of the government, and it is against the law to not turn them over to the government for proper disposition.

Right or wrong, those are the laws. She is accused of breaking those laws. My own time working for the government taught me that with quite a lot of stress and emphasis on document production and classification.

If everything that she is accused of is accepted, her acts rise to the level of prosecution. Now it is the job to conduct an investigation to see if she actually did what she is accused of.

I stand by what I wrote earlier.
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