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Emailgate Update - For Hillary No News is Good News. Sadly, there is New News. ;)

I just don't see how drones would change the equation of people pissed off at the US trying to take a swipe at them. Nor do I see how the revelation that there is a drone program to assassinate foreigners abroad would be hugely surprising nor damaging to the US. Americans by and large don't care wht happens outside its borders, and the foreigners who do care already have plenty of chips in their shoulders anyway.

The US has a terrorist drone program.

The question is not could other nations get one too.

The question is: If the the US is allowed to kill who it wants with its drones, should every other nation be allowed the same right?

And if not, why? Why the double standard of legality?

Because the US just happens to be the strongest?
No, because US drones kill the baddies. Imagine ISIS having that capability!
Actually, the e-mails are shockingly secret. For example: the e-mails suggest that the US is using secret drones to attack Jihadists in Afganistan and Iraq! If this news gets out, it could lead to the end of our country!!
My sarcasm detector seems to be broken. I have absolutely no idea if you meant that seriously or not.

Buddy! Yes I was being sarcastic!
No, because US drones kill the baddies. Imagine ISIS having that capability!

The US is killing some who are merely accused and many who are completely innocent.

It is the "baddie" in this world.

But if the US has the right to do it then anyone has the right to do it. Even ISIS.
The US has a terrorist drone program.

The question is not could other nations get one too.

The question is: If the the US is allowed to kill who it wants with its drones, should every other nation be allowed the same right?

And if not, why? Why the double standard of legality?

Because the US just happens to be the strongest?
No, because US drones kill the baddies. Imagine ISIS having that capability!

You need to stop your mindless drivel.

'They don't care who gets killed': Ex-drone pilot turned whistleblower to RT

41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground
BREAKING NEWS, another Fox exclusive:

If this is true, it seems to inevitable that the FBI will recommend a felony indictment. Fox News reporters Catherine Herridge reports that the Inspector General says one or more e-mails as containing “HCS-O,” denoting extraordinarily sensitive material that could put a human intel source at high risk if exposed.

Reputedly the HCS classification applies to human intelligence (HUMINT) that is also classified at the SCI level — Sensitive Compartmented Information. The SCI classification is itself another form, which:


Moreover, ex Secretary of Defense Gates told Hugh Hewitt that it is likely that the Russians and Chinese have this information:


HH: One of your colleagues, Mike Morell, said on this program, or actually agreed with my assertion that almost certainly, Russians, Chinese and Iranians had compromised the home brew server of the former Secretary of State. He agreed with that. Do you agree with his assessment of my assessment?

RG: Well, given the fact that the Pentagon acknowledges that they get attacked about 100,000 times a day, I think the odds are pretty high.

HH: And so if they had real time access to her server, would that have compromised national security?

RG: Well, again, it would depend entirely on what she put on there. And I just, I haven’t read any of these emails, so I don’t know what was on those servers.

Needless to say, forum posters will deny the breaking story until, over the next day or two, it is verified by the MSM (which, as usual, it will be).

Hillary may be finished as it is difficult to imagine the FBI letting this go. The evidence for violation of several federal laws on security is overwhelming.

So, it's been nearly a week; How's that felony indictment coming along?
No, because US drones kill the baddies. Imagine ISIS having that capability!

The US is killing some who are merely accused and many who are completely innocent.

It is the "baddie" in this world.

But if the US has the right to do it then anyone has the right to do it. Even ISIS.
There's no such thing as goodies in islam!
The US is killing some who are merely accused and many who are completely innocent.

It is the "baddie" in this world.

But if the US has the right to do it then anyone has the right to do it. Even ISIS.
There's no such thing as goodies in islam!

There's no such thing as "goodies" or "baddies". At least, not for people over the age of nine.
So, it's been nearly a week; How's that felony indictment coming along?

Different cases take different amounts of time. Sometimes, an indictment can come down the same day. Sometimes, it takes a few months. Other times, we have to wait a hundred years and have the person indicted posthumously.

The latter is the most likely to be happening here.
Fox News strikes again!

The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton's unsecured home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails with material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes just three days before the Iowa presidential nominating caucuses in which Clinton is a candidate.

Department officials also said the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus will investigate whether any of the information was classified at the time of transmission, going to the heart of one of Clinton's primary defenses of her email practices.

The State Department will release its next batch of emails from Clinton's time as secretary of state later Friday.

But The Associated Press learned seven email chains are being withheld in full from the Friday release because they contain information deemed to be "top secret." The 37 pages include messages recently described by a key intelligence official as concerning so-called "special access programs" — a highly restricted subset of classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes or government eavesdropping.


Except in this case instead of "Fox News" it's "The Obama administration" who is apparently part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (tm).

I think next time Hillary says this is an "interdepartmental squabble" the natural follow up question for the press to ask would be "which department is on your side"?

Don't you just hate it when the MSM verifies Fox exclusives? What was AP thinking? Now Bloomberg's Mark Halperin is reporting:

Bloomberg's Mark Halperin reported this morning on MSNBC that the White House is buzzing about the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton. Halperin also said that the FBI will likely interview Clinton....

"Yeah," said Bloomberg's Mark Halperin, "well, there are three things people are keying off of. There's a lot of chatter amongst FBI agents, many of whom have never been big fans of the Clintons, but a lot of FBI agents seem to be saying something is happening here. Second is, from a legal point of view, you look at some of the recent developments we've talked about here on the program, it's hard to see how the Justice Department, the FBI, doesn't want to interview Secretary Clinton. And that interview alone, short of an indictment, short of anything else, that would be a huge political development and would undermine confidence in some Democrats in the notion of going forward with Secretary Clinton. And the last thing is, there are some people in the White House are starting to talk about this. It's not clear whether they know what's happening or it's just their intuition but the body language among some Obama administration officials is, this is more serious and something is going to happen. Again, the timing of it could be if not cataclysmic pretty bad for Secretary Clinton...


I wonder if Bernie is still "sick tired of hearing about" Hillarys' "damn emails"?

Story came out Friday afternoon.

Have a great weekend.

And Department officials confirm that the info was NOT classified at the time the emails were created, but are investigating whether the info should have been.

Again, a non-story.
Story came out Friday afternoon.

Have a great weekend.

And Department officials confirm that the info was NOT classified at the time the emails were created, but are investigating whether the info should have been.

Again, a non-story.

False. It was not marked classified. You've got to do better with your Clintonian truth parsing.

That turns out not to be particularly relevant under the law.

It's also a crime to remove classified markings.
So, it's been nearly a week; How's that felony indictment coming along?
This delay is just more proof that the FBI, DOJ, the Justice League of America and Judge Dredd are corrupt.

The timeline must have been extended.

Former federal prosecutor says Hillary could be indicted in the next 60 days as the FBI compiles 'overwhelming' evidence against her

'I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable,' he said.
'The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information,' DiGenova continued.
'The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges.'
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