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Et tu, Stuarte?

Al Franken is making a public quasi - "Mea culpa":
The first thing I want to do is apologize: to Leeann, to everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women,” Franken said......“I don’t know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn’t matter. There’s no excuse,” he said. “I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn’t funny. It’s completely inappropriate. It’s obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture. And, what’s more, I can see how millions of other women would feel violated by it — women who have had similar experiences in their own lives, women who fear having those experiences, women who look up to me, women who have counted on me.”. (source: https://www.rawstory.com/2017/11/al-franken-ashamed-by-broadcasters-sexual-harassment-allegations-i-feel-disgusted-with-myself/). Furthermore,
Franken said he doesn’t recall the incidents described by Tweeden in the same way she does, and he called for a Senate ethics investigation and promised to “gladly cooperate.”

Contrast that with the reactions of Roy Moore and his defenders.

I find his groveling and licking the jackboots of the feminazis quite disgusting actually.

Of course YOU do :rolleyes: Any sort of an apology to a normal woman for his inappropriate behavior would be frowned on by you... and Trump
It looks like a bunch of alt right types are saying Franken should resign because of this scandal. Hmmmmm. But not Trump for far worse.



As sexual misconduct accusations pile up against men in power across the country, interviews with more than two dozen current and former lawmakers and legislative aides indicate sexual harassment is not only pervasive at the Texas Capitol but regularly goes unchecked. Most of those interviewed described how men at the Capitol — some of them lawmakers — engaged in a wide range of harassment, including degrading comments and gestures, groping and unwanted sexual advances.

Yet not a single formal complaint of sexual harassment has been filed in either the House or Senate since 2011, according to a review of public records and interviews with officials responsible for fielding complaints. Even though sexual harassment policies have been in place for two decades, few employees interviewed by the Tribune even knew they could file a formal complaint.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/p...-politics/article184451643.html#storylink=cpy


Should we demand these Texas legislators resign when they do these sort of things? How far do we take this? Googling "state legislatures, sexual harassment" pulls up a lot of interesting stories.

A FOX news panellist has come forward with sexual harassment allegations? I believe it. A FOX news panellist has come forward with only one sexual harassment allegation, in 2006, and it is against a prominent Democrat senator? I can't help but feel cynical and sceptical. I can't help but suspect that Leeann Tweeden has been sexually harassed, repeatedly and to a far greater extent throughout her career, and the motivation for her #metoo story is purely political.
Virtual signaling must be as addictive as Crank.


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Yeah, Franken would be so much more believable if there were say, nine or ten accusers, 30-something corroborating witnesses and he kept denying it all as Fake News. In that case you could write it off as a ______-wing conspiracy, right?

So, this woman doesn't deserve to be believed unless there are others?
Automatically believing any accuser, as Franken seems to suggest, is not only ludicrous, but dangerous.

Franken's not suggesting you switch off your brain. That's dismal's take on it.
Yes, and she said she told others about it, which can be checked.

/thread dismalized

At which point we have completed the circle back to my question: Aren't we supposed to believe her? What's the point of checking?

In the world of investigations, and security in general, the expression goes, "Trust, but verify".

We are to initially, tacitly believe any accuser.. and then seek evidence establishing it as fact. It is a foundation of a mature and civilized society... That's why social media is neither mature nor civilized.. it lacks the verify part... and is just a pile of unjustified trust.

Furthermore, Franken owns the accusations.. there is no dispute over anything except the perception of the unwanted kiss (that was part of the show they were doing together)... he admits he was a dick.

So, what is there to investigate? The accuser accepted his apology. Justice has been served to the victim, by her own account.. all that is left is revenge for the outraged or opportunist tribalist.
Yes, and she said she told others about it, which can be checked.

/thread dismalized

At which point we have completed the circle back to my question: Aren't we supposed to believe her? What's the point of checking?

In the world of investigations, and security in general, the expression goes, "Trust, but verify".

We are to initially, tacitly believe any accuser.. and then seek evidence establishing it as fact. It is a foundation of a mature and civilized society... That's why social media is neither mature nor civilized.. it lacks the verify part... and is just a pile of unjustified trust.

Furthermore, Franken owns the accusations.. there is no dispute over anything except the perception of the unwanted kiss (that was part of the show they were doing together)... he admits he was a dick.

So, what is there to investigate? The accuser accepted his apology. Justice has been served to the victim, by her own account.. all that is left is revenge for the outraged or opportunist tribalist.

B-b-b-but... BENGHAAAAAAAZI!~!!!

I didn't post that to objectify her. I saw a post elsewhere of her on the cover of a mens magazine and checked to see if it was photo-shopped. I was surprised at the result I got. Thus the :eek:.

Uh huh. Sure. Just doing a little investigative journalism. I see. And no doubt you buy Playboy for the articles.
Al Franken is making a public quasi - "Mea culpa":
The first thing I want to do is apologize: to Leeann, to everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women,” Franken said......“I don’t know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn’t matter. There’s no excuse,” he said. “I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn’t funny. It’s completely inappropriate. It’s obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture. And, what’s more, I can see how millions of other women would feel violated by it — women who have had similar experiences in their own lives, women who fear having those experiences, women who look up to me, women who have counted on me.”. (source: https://www.rawstory.com/2017/11/al-franken-ashamed-by-broadcasters-sexual-harassment-allegations-i-feel-disgusted-with-myself/). Furthermore,
Franken said he doesn’t recall the incidents described by Tweeden in the same way she does, and he called for a Senate ethics investigation and promised to “gladly cooperate.”

Contrast that with the reactions of Roy Moore and his defenders.

I find his groveling and licking the jackboots of the feminazis quite disgusting actually.

Why are you like this?
Yes, and she said she told others about it, which can be checked.

/thread dismalized

At which point we have completed the circle back to my question: Aren't we supposed to believe her? What's the point of checking?

In this particular instance, a photo is offered up as proof that Franken groped her, and in fact is apparently the basis for her to believe that he groped her. OK but the photo clearly shows him pretending to grope her through kevlar, no less. It was clearly a pantomime and was clearly in poor taste. But not assault and not actually groping her. The 'forced' kiss was during rehearsal and was scripted. Surely she had read the script and could have declined to participate in the skit. That is more along the lines of reasonable misunderstanding than assault. She may have been disgusted but that's not the same as being assaulted. Yes, generally speaking, I like Franken.

On the other hand, I despise Roy Moore. However, I don't think his asking a teenaged girl out while he was in his 30's was assault, however creepy she found him. If he insisted or attempted to insist, it could have been creepy and maybe worse than creepy, depending on how far he took it. This is quite different than taking a 14 year old to his house in a rural area, removing her clothes, fondling her and trying to get her to fondle him.

In the photo Roy Moore sure looks a lot like Al Franken.

The fourteen year old is looking a lot older too. I'm surprised her mother lets her out looking like a Ho when she's that young.

And what a crappy mall. Where was the picture taken, Dismal Lounge? They better up their amenities or young booty will find other places to hang out.

On a more serious note, as disgusting a prank this is, it nowhere compares to Moore's behavior.
And the objectification of her as a sex object for mens' amusement continues....


I didn't post that to objectify her. I saw a post elsewhere of her on the cover of a mens magazine and checked to see if it was photo-shopped. I was surprised at the result I got. Thus the :eek:.

Uh huh. Sure. Just doing a little investigative journalism. I see. And no doubt you buy Playboy for the articles.

wait... you type a person's name into Google, click "images", and that is objectifying a person?
Is that like how the crime doesn't matter, its all the damn leaking of information that exposes a crime that is the real problem?
Such prudes. If a somebody decides to show off their body, and other people get off on looking at it, there is nothing wrong with that.

There's nothing wrong with a little sexual objectification. It is healthy. We all do it. It only becomes wrong when we make people uncomfortable by doing it to them and fail to regard them as people within those fine fine bodies of theirs.
And the objectification of her as a sex object for mens' amusement continues....


I didn't post that to objectify her. I saw a post elsewhere of her on the cover of a mens magazine and checked to see if it was photo-shopped. I was surprised at the result I got. Thus the :eek:.

Uh huh. Sure. Just doing a little investigative journalism. I see. And no doubt you buy Playboy for the articles.

I've never bought a Playboy in my life. I did buy a Hustler once because it had an article by an author I like. So, yes, I have bought porn for the article.

I had never heard of this woman before and the only description of her in the media was that she was a broadcast journalist. I was surprised to find she is also a soft porn star.

Do you have any other evidence I objectified her?
Don't be so hard on thebeave, he's pro-objectification, he's yanking chains.
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