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Europe submits voluntarily

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Just another day in European diversity:

An illegal immigrant has confessed to killing American artist Ashley Olsen in her Italian apartment, who was punched and strangled with a USB cord in what police say was a jealous 'drug-fueled' frenzy Cheik Tidiane Diaw, 25, told officers he strangled Olsen after the pair had sex when she told him he had to leave because her boyfriend was coming back.

The Senegalese man was caught because of DNA evidence from a used condom and cigarette found in the toilet - which he had tried to flush away unsuccessfully.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ler-seen-outside-apartment.html#ixzz3xFmDkPMM
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Sure, they can change. The mechanism for that change to speak out loudly about the crimes refuges commit and make it clear that their behaviour is unacceptable.

Do you feel that your capacity to be a good person, and to not be lumped in with criminals, is contingent upon how loudly you decry the crimes committed by other members of your community/ethnicity/creed/religious belief (or lack thereof)?
Only insofar as it reduces criminal behaviour (or perception thereof) of said community. But being lumped in with criminals is less of a concern than actual criminals.
ha ha... so are you challenging any of it? Is that what you're doing?

Pointing out the obvious to a fantasist is not my thang. Jog on.

This phrase of yours, 'Jog on'; I am not familiar with it, but from context I have to assume it means 'I have run out of arguments and should now concede that I am wrong, but do not have sufficient integrity to do so'. Is that correct?

It does seem to be a wonderfully succinct phrase to convey that idea.
It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men...Sweden’s record is shameful

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist


It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men...Sweden’s record is shameful

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist



It's also misandry and/or misogyny to mention the gender of the perpetrators. Saying what crime they committed is also predudiced against people who've comitted a similar crime before but who are now following the law, since it casts undue suspicion upon them as a result of their previous actions. Really, if any APB says anything other than "We're looking for somebody who did something", the cops would be showing that they're worse than the criminals.
Do you feel that your capacity to be a good person, and to not be lumped in with criminals, is contingent upon how loudly you decry the crimes committed by other members of your community/ethnicity/creed/religious belief (or lack thereof)?
Only insofar as it reduces criminal behaviour (or perception thereof) of said community. But being lumped in with criminals is less of a concern than actual criminals.

Can you provide any examples of when you have done so?
Only insofar as it reduces criminal behaviour (or perception thereof) of said community. But being lumped in with criminals is less of a concern than actual criminals.

Can you provide any examples of when you have done so?
I decry crimes all the time. For example, vandalism on refugee centers that has a huge risk of escalating into violence. My audience is limited though, and the impact infinitesimal, so I am personally a bad example. Public figures, politicians, journalists, police... those are the ones who have more responsibility.
Like oil and water, East and Western culture will never mix to form a unified people. Even if held together by artificial means, multiculturalism has been proven to not work anywhere, what makes politicians and leftists think that in any instance it will work under the ideology of it.
Like oil and water, East and Western culture will never mix to form a unified people. Even if held together by artificial means, multiculturalism has been proven to not work anywhere, what makes politicians and leftists think that in any instance it will work under the ideology of it.

I think it is a mistake to look at whether multiculturalism will work or not but we should consider a sizeable element of misbehaving individuals which has been amplified by the swarms which Euro fanatics are driving into Europe.

We are not impressing on the newcomers that they must behave themselves or be punished or deported, none of which are racist. The Chinese despite their underground crime syndicates, brothel chains and living in some kind of isolation have not been problematic but rather beneficial to the USA and Europe.

To make this even less complicated, Europe does not have the room of the facilities to cope with millions of migrants.

The German police have water cannon, tear gas rubber bullets and riot squads, but nothing happened on New Year's eve. Germany could also use its troops. The Euro fanatics, are trying to keep these incidents from being noticed so raising defensive and security levels may 'concern the public.' This is an assumption on my part but I am sure it is correct.
It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men...Sweden’s record is shameful

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist



This I understand has been a standard requirement (which is perpetrated by the mainstream press) for some years.
Like oil and water, East and Western culture will never mix to form a unified people. Even if held together by artificial means, multiculturalism has been proven to not work anywhere, what makes politicians and leftists think that in any instance it will work under the ideology of it.

I'll bite. Why? How did you reach these conclusions?

QUOTE:Germany faces costs of over 21 billion euros ($22.58 billion)this year to house, feed and educate hundreds of thousands of refugees, the Munich-based Ifo institute said on Tuesday.

The new estimate, which assumes that 1.1 million migrants will seek asylum in Germany in 2015, represents a sharp increase over a previous projection from late September which put the cost at 10 billion euros.

That estimate had assumed 800,000 arrivals and did not include costs related to education and training, which the Ifo said were necessary to ensure that refugees, many of them fleeing war in the Middle East, were successfully integrated.

"Training and access to the labor market are key in terms of both costs and integration," Gabriel Felbermayr of the Ifo institute said in a statement. UNQUOTE

Germany has its own unemployed and homeless to deal with. Apart from some genuine asylum seekers its government should cease driving in economic migrants paid by the tax payer.
Can you provide any examples of when you have done so?
I decry crimes all the time. For example, vandalism on refugee centers that has a huge risk of escalating into violence. My audience is limited though, and the impact infinitesimal, so I am personally a bad example. Public figures, politicians, journalists, police... those are the ones who have more responsibility.

But the people you called out are the refugees and migrants, who are just as limited as yourself, if not more so.
This is kind of a strange public protest:

Also, the youtube channel it is from has a lot of similar videos, get digging Bar-Jesus!
Odd headline in the Guardian;

Hundreds of Britons caught trying to join jihadis, says foreign secretary

A total of 600 UK citizens have been caught trying to enter Syria to join the Islamic State and other Islamist groups since 2012, the foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, has said.

Speaking on a visit to southern Turkey on Friday, Hammond said an estimated 800 UK citizens – believed to be made up of mainly fighters and their family members – had managed to enter Syria in the past four years, with half of those believed to still be inside the country.

Hammond said British and Turkish intelligence services had worked together to apprehend hundreds of Britons on their way to join the civil war, stopping some at the UK border and seizing others on planes or trains arriving in Istanbul.

I decry crimes all the time. For example, vandalism on refugee centers that has a huge risk of escalating into violence. My audience is limited though, and the impact infinitesimal, so I am personally a bad example. Public figures, politicians, journalists, police... those are the ones who have more responsibility.

But the people you called out are the refugees and migrants, who are just as limited as yourself, if not more so.
There are people in every group with varying levels of influence over their peers. Ultimately it's the collective mores that count, not any single person.
Odd headline in the Guardian;

Hundreds of Britons caught trying to join jihadis, says foreign secretary

A total of 600 UK citizens have been caught trying to enter Syria to join the Islamic State and other Islamist groups since 2012, the foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, has said.

Speaking on a visit to southern Turkey on Friday, Hammond said an estimated 800 UK citizens – believed to be made up of mainly fighters and their family members – had managed to enter Syria in the past four years, with half of those believed to still be inside the country.

Hammond said British and Turkish intelligence services had worked together to apprehend hundreds of Britons on their way to join the civil war, stopping some at the UK border and seizing others on planes or trains arriving in Istanbul.


Maybe OT, but I don't understand the policy of preventing would-be jihadists from going to the Islamic State. These are the folks who are likely to commit terrorists acts in the West. Good riddance to them. Just make sure they can't come back.
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