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Europe submits voluntarily

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None of which impresses me one whit; You were completely wrong about the "minimum 30% moslem" claim, so why would anyone be stupid enough to accept further (also unsourced) claims from you?

You have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about; so any further talk from you is futile.

Sadly, he is not the only one who buys into this particular line of reasoning.
None of which impresses me one whit; You were completely wrong about the "minimum 30% moslem" claim, so why would anyone be stupid enough to accept further (also unsourced) claims from you?

You have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about; so any further talk from you is futile.

Sadly, he is not the only one who buys into this particular line of reasoning.

It's like debating with Maxwell Smart.

"We have the building surrounded by a hundred armed agents"

"I find that hard to believe"

"Would you believe a dozen?"
Demented bullshit.

What are the names of these imaginary suburbs "in Britain and in most Euro cities"?
Google it! Here in Perth WA, there's the suburbs of Mirabooka, Lansdale, Queens Park that are a minimum 30% moslem and growing.
Apart from the fact this claim is a bald-faced lie, Perth is not even a European city.

Demented bullshit.

What are the names of these imaginary suburbs "in Britain and in most Euro cities"?
Google it! Here in Perth WA, there's the suburbs of Mirabooka, Lansdale, Queens Park that are a minimum 30% moslem and growing.

This explains so much. My sister lived in Perth many years and I've visited several times, and even lived there for a short while. I've travelled a lot, all over the world, but I've never been anywhere where people were so openly racist as Perth WA. Not maliciously racist. Just out of ignorance. An anti-intellectual culture, narrow minded and just generally judgemental. A people suffering from having way too much money they haven't had to work for and struggling to justify why they deserve all this money anyway. That mining industry sure is great, isn't it?

I was planing to move there at first, but the sheer degree of racism and general lack of intellectual curiosity permeating that place put me off. I just couldn't take all the judgemental dumb shit well meaning people kept spewing all day. Not all people of course. I met lots of great people there. But lots and lots of in-your-face racist bigots who wasn't even aware that they were. It was the rampant racism that got to me in the end and was what put me off moving there. But great weather! I could get used to fair dinkum barbies on the beach. And it should also be said that I'm very tolerant about this stuff. Sweden is not an intellectual culture either. The typical Swede isn't really interested in learning stuff. But it wasn't enough to protect me against the degree of anti-intellectualism of Perth.

Since I've been told by Australians that not all of the country is like this. There's better and worse places. But Perth is (allegedly) among the worst.
Google it! Here in Perth WA, there's the suburbs of Mirabooka, Lansdale, Queens Park that are a minimum 30% moslem and growing.

This explains so much. My sister lived in Perth many years and I've visited several times, and even lived there for a short while. I've travelled a lot, all over the world, but I've never been anywhere where people were so openly racist as Perth WA. Not maliciously racist. Just out of ignorance. An anti-intellectual culture, narrow minded and just generally judgemental. A people suffering from having way too much money they haven't had to work for and struggling to justify why they deserve all this money anyway. That mining industry sure is great, isn't it?

I was planing to move there at first, but the sheer degree of racism and general lack of intellectual curiosity permeating that place put me off. I just couldn't take all the judgemental dumb shit well meaning people kept spewing all day. Not all people of course. I met lots of great people there. But lots and lots of in-your-face racist bigots who wasn't even aware that they were. It was the rampant racism that got to me in the end and was what put me off moving there. But great weather! I could get used to fair dinkum barbies on the beach. And it should also be said that I'm very tolerant about this stuff. Sweden is not an intellectual culture either. The typical Swede isn't really interested in learning stuff. But it wasn't enough to protect me against the degree of anti-intellectualism of Perth.

Since I've been told by Australians that not all of the country is like this. There's better and worse places. But Perth is (allegedly) among the worst.

Racisim exists everywhere. I think the fact that Australians are more fairly paid than say those in South East Asia doesn't mean they don't have to work for their money. The higher salaries circulate into the economy and create more jobs. Such money leads to faster economic development. However different people like different locations. Sweden did have high education standards at one time but they have declined, it seems in recent years. However on my few visits, I found it a pleasant country (from the viewpoint of a business traveller).
This explains so much. My sister lived in Perth many years and I've visited several times, and even lived there for a short while. I've travelled a lot, all over the world, but I've never been anywhere where people were so openly racist as Perth WA. Not maliciously racist. Just out of ignorance. An anti-intellectual culture, narrow minded and just generally judgemental. A people suffering from having way too much money they haven't had to work for and struggling to justify why they deserve all this money anyway. That mining industry sure is great, isn't it?

I was planing to move there at first, but the sheer degree of racism and general lack of intellectual curiosity permeating that place put me off. I just couldn't take all the judgemental dumb shit well meaning people kept spewing all day. Not all people of course. I met lots of great people there. But lots and lots of in-your-face racist bigots who wasn't even aware that they were. It was the rampant racism that got to me in the end and was what put me off moving there. But great weather! I could get used to fair dinkum barbies on the beach. And it should also be said that I'm very tolerant about this stuff. Sweden is not an intellectual culture either. The typical Swede isn't really interested in learning stuff. But it wasn't enough to protect me against the degree of anti-intellectualism of Perth.

Since I've been told by Australians that not all of the country is like this. There's better and worse places. But Perth is (allegedly) among the worst.

Racisim exists everywhere. I think the fact that Australians are more fairly paid than say those in South East Asia doesn't mean they don't have to work for their money. The higher salaries circulate into the economy and create more jobs. Such money leads to faster economic development. However different people like different locations. Sweden did have high education standards at one time but they have declined, it seems in recent years. However on my few visits, I found it a pleasant country (from the viewpoint of a business traveller).

Intellectualism has nothing to do with level of education. It has to do with being interested in other people. Willingness to take perspectives of another. Education today is mostly geared toward making money. Being a productive citizen that can pay taxes. But none of that trains a person to be a good citizen. It's just a matter of interest.

No, Western Australians have not had to work for it. It's just free money out of the ground. What they deserve credit for is not turning to a corrupt third world shit hole. Abundant natural resources has a tendency to corrupt the government and destroy democracy. But that again they can't really take credit for. It was just a matter of timing. They already had well established democracy and mechanisms to combat corruption (imported wholesale from England) well in place long before discovering the minerals. Countries that didn't have democracy in place before discovering their rich natural resources they struggle in establishing democratic tradition. The only example I can think of is Botswana.
This explains so much. My sister lived in Perth many years and I've visited several times, and even lived there for a short while. I've travelled a lot, all over the world, but I've never been anywhere where people were so openly racist as Perth WA. Not maliciously racist. Just out of ignorance. An anti-intellectual culture, narrow minded and just generally judgemental. A people suffering from having way too much money they haven't had to work for and struggling to justify why they deserve all this money anyway. That mining industry sure is great, isn't it?

I was planing to move there at first, but the sheer degree of racism and general lack of intellectual curiosity permeating that place put me off. I just couldn't take all the judgemental dumb shit well meaning people kept spewing all day. Not all people of course. I met lots of great people there. But lots and lots of in-your-face racist bigots who wasn't even aware that they were. It was the rampant racism that got to me in the end and was what put me off moving there. But great weather! I could get used to fair dinkum barbies on the beach. And it should also be said that I'm very tolerant about this stuff. Sweden is not an intellectual culture either. The typical Swede isn't really interested in learning stuff. But it wasn't enough to protect me against the degree of anti-intellectualism of Perth.

Since I've been told by Australians that not all of the country is like this. There's better and worse places. But Perth is (allegedly) among the worst.

I'm surprised you came down from atop your ivory tower to mix with the ignorant unwashed that you sneer at so much.
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Racisim exists everywhere. I think the fact that Australians are more fairly paid than say those in South East Asia doesn't mean they don't have to work for their money. The higher salaries circulate into the economy and create more jobs. Such money leads to faster economic development. However different people like different locations. Sweden did have high education standards at one time but they have declined, it seems in recent years. However on my few visits, I found it a pleasant country (from the viewpoint of a business traveller).

Intellectualism has nothing to do with level of education. It has to do with being interested in other people. Willingness to take perspectives of another. Education today is mostly geared toward making money. Being a productive citizen that can pay taxes. But none of that trains a person to be a good citizen. It's just a matter of interest.

No, Western Australians have not had to work for it. It's just free money out of the ground. What they deserve credit for is not turning to a corrupt third world shit hole. Abundant natural resources has a tendency to corrupt the government and destroy democracy. But that again they can't really take credit for. It was just a matter of timing. They already had well established democracy and mechanisms to combat corruption (imported wholesale from England) well in place long before discovering the minerals. Countries that didn't have democracy in place before discovering their rich natural resources they struggle in establishing democratic tradition. The only example I can think of is Botswana.

Intellectual relates to the mental powers of reasoning but can be tempered by the educational environment and how data is processed. This of course is as you imply not just on how to make money etc.
In working with people from Asia and the Middle East, cost effectiveness is something which my colleagues regard only as bottom dollar. At least the Chinese say what you pay for you get. This is just one example of reasoning. Botswana is the only success story in Sub-Saharan Africa though it is rampant with aids.
Interesting talk from one Cleric condemning the Gulf states who are not taking in Syrian refugees. However this will not affect the flow of people coming from Asia and Africa

Why are Muslim Countries Not Helping Syrian/Muslim Immigrants??? - Imam Hassan Qazwini

I noticed that he was only having a go at Sunni Islamic countries. I wonder why. No, that wasn't a question.

Muslims are not all alike and a lot of them hate each other.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

I think the point was that a Shia muslim chiding Sunni countries for not taking refugees is pretty hypocritical. It's not like Iran or Bahrain are opening their doors to the predominantly Sunni refugees either... nor is Shia-dominated southern Iraq taking refugees from the Sunni norther Iraq.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

I think the point was that a Shia muslim chiding Sunni countries for not taking refugees is pretty hypocritical. It's not like Iran or Bahrain are opening their doors to the predominantly Sunni refugees either... nor is Shia-dominated southern Iraq taking refugees from the Sunni norther Iraq.

The elephant in the room which some European politicians are not confronting is that there are security risks in driving in anyone from anywhere into its borders without medical and security requirements. These are basics we used to insist on. Perhaps there is a correlation between the pro immigration parties and the votes they are getting from those they drive into Europe. The word (effectively) Drive into Europe is clearly a correct use.
Ten years ago there were less than 5% in most of those suburbs. In another ten years those numbers will quadruple. The suburb of Lansdale is a generalization. Around that Eastern zone, including Canington, Riverton, Kenwick, Kelmscot, ect,ect are magnets for moslems

None of which impresses me one whit; You were completely wrong about the "minimum 30% moslem" claim, so why would anyone be stupid enough to accept further (also unsourced) claims from you?

You have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about; so any further talk from you is futile.
I'm sure that you coming from the left ideology don't find even those numbers alarming for a culture entirely different to ours. But many thinking people do. Read up on what a Hirsi Ali, Nonnie Darwish have to say on the matter.
None of which impresses me one whit; You were completely wrong about the "minimum 30% moslem" claim, so why would anyone be stupid enough to accept further (also unsourced) claims from you?

You have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about; so any further talk from you is futile.
I'm sure that you coming from the left ideology don't find even those numbers alarming for a culture entirely different to ours. But many thinking people do. Read up on what a Hirsi Ali, Nonnie Darwish have to say on the matter.

I don't find those numbers - or ANY numbers you present - alarming, because you have a history of making up numbers that are unrelated to reality.

IF what you were saying were true, THEN I could decide whether or not it was alarming; but given that those numbers of yours that I have checked turn out to be total bullshit, you don't get past the first hurdle.

If someone says a wolf is coming, that's possibly a cause for alarm. But if that someone has cried 'Wolf!' many times, and each time has been proven to be WRONG, then the cause for alarm disappears, because no matter how awful the threat you describe might be, I DON'T BELIEVE IT EXISTS.

It has nothing to do with my ideology, and everything to do with your history of making FALSE claims - such as the "minimum 30% moslem" claim for suburbs not one of which has as many as 20% Muslims. The 'bullshit' filter eliminates your claim from consideration, before it ever gets close to being tested against any ideological position I might hold.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

And you call me a fantasist. As conspiracy theories go, this is right up there with Moon Landing, 9/11 Truthers and Icke's Lizard Illuminati.
I'm sure that you coming from the left ideology don't find even those numbers alarming for a culture entirely different to ours. But many thinking people do. Read up on what a Hirsi Ali, Nonnie Darwish have to say on the matter.

I don't find those numbers - or ANY numbers you present - alarming, because you have a history of making up numbers that are unrelated to reality.

IF what you were saying were true, THEN I could decide whether or not it was alarming; but given that those numbers of yours that I have checked turn out to be total bullshit, you don't get past the first hurdle.

If someone says a wolf is coming, that's possibly a cause for alarm. But if that someone has cried 'Wolf!' many times, and each time has been proven to be WRONG, then the cause for alarm disappears, because no matter how awful the threat you describe might be, I DON'T BELIEVE IT EXISTS.

It has nothing to do with my ideology, and everything to do with your history of making FALSE claims - such as the "minimum 30% moslem" claim for suburbs not one of which has as many as 20% Muslims. The 'bullshit' filter eliminates your claim from consideration, before it ever gets close to being tested against any ideological position I might hold.
The numbers you quoted don't alarm you? Of course not, what makes me think they would! Gawd help Western culture, because it's heading to a clash of civilizations.
France, which has a burgeoning muslim population, is starting to get a bit jittery about how things are going re the "refugee" crisis;

Migration crisis can destroy Europe, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls says;
Europe cannot take in all the refugees fleeing war-torn Syria and Iraq and the migration crisis is putting the European Union in grave danger, the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said.


An obvious "islamophobe" no doubt.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

Yes, even though they are fighting one another they are really all working together in a master plan.
The reason "muslim" countries are refusing to take "refugees" is that it is desirable that more muslims migrate to infidel lands.

I think the point was that a Shia muslim chiding Sunni countries for not taking refugees is pretty hypocritical. It's not like Iran or Bahrain are opening their doors to the predominantly Sunni refugees either... nor is Shia-dominated southern Iraq taking refugees from the Sunni norther Iraq.

Are you trying to pin this on the Shia? Are you engaging in sectarian discrimination. There are plenty of Sunni countries where Sunnis mistreat Sunnis. This is a matter of people fleeing from the conditions of war and sectarian violence....mostly Sunni, though not entirely. This is really just chaos that we left behind along with a shitpot full of weapons.
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