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Europe submits voluntarily

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There isn't going to be a problem with persistent Middle-Eastern tribalism after another generation, because tribalism has always gone away in the west; and the fact that it hasn't always gone away in the west just proves his point.

I don't think this is what I said/or a misrepresentation of what I said. You're conflating two different discussions.

1) How to get Muslim immigrants to the West and from tribal areas to break with their tribal culture.
2) How to break tribalism in the Middle-East

The first one we really don't have to care about. They're a minority. The majority culture is a well functioning liberal democracy with all the bells and whistles. There is zero benefit for high status immigrants to grant corrupt favours to low status immigrants from the same group. No kick-backs will ever materialise and the legal risks are massive. So they will stop. This behaviour can only be found within maffia organisations. Which incidentally is where home-grown western tribal traditions is kept alive. So tribalism exists in Europe as well and always has. This is something that will pop out and instantly reassert itself if ever our civic institutions collapse. Which they're nowhere near doing. European political institutions are extraordinarily robust today. It's going to need a hell of a lot more than a couple of million refugees. Also, you don't need to take my word for it. Immigrant groups wield zero political pull outside their group. All their tribal (or pseudo-tribal) bullshit is all about controlling their own in-group. But it isn't working. Muslim girls are screwing around left and right with Swedish men. Swedish society protects the integrity of immigrant girls. These Islamic families have zero control over "their" women.

The second one is a fucking nightmare to fix. The naivete of Western meddling isn't helping. George Bush waving his democratic magic wand in Iraq and Afghanistan didn't help. Lo and behold it all went to shit. The details matter. Saddam used and abused tribalism in order to maintain control. Interestingly enough the Taliban didn't. One size doesn't fit all. In hind-sight only the Kurdish part of Iraq stood a fighting chance to survive, because the Kurds were less tribal. For whatever reason Kurds are just Kurds. Sunni Iraqis are part of an intricate social client system network. Perhaps because under Saddam Kurds were all peers in that they all shared the bottom most rung of the social ladder? Each successful transition to democracy, in high-sight, always has it's own story to why it worked that time. It's always some socio-economic factor. It's never religion. And most importantly they're all different.

What the Middle-East needs less of is idiots with simplistic grand visions. All those countries are cobbled together arbitrarily and have disparate groups of people who have very little common ground. What we need is pragmatic types who focuses on what can be done, rather than wishful thinking. Security must be the first order of things. Saddam can be blamed for many things. But he did that well. Until security is established it's a waste of time fiddling with any of the other shit. Tribalism will be the last thing to go. Just one thing at a time.

In this case we get what we deserve.
And that's the bottom line. Tribalism, mistrust, insecurity, and economic difficulties have bedeviled mankind for two hundred thousand years; and if Western civilization can't fix them all in one more generation, then it doesn't deserve not to have to descend back into the state of intercommunal conflict it so recently emerged from. So even if taking in millions of migrants really does end up turning most of Europe into post-Tito Yugoslavia, that's okay, and that doesn't justify its current governments preventing it from happening, because if taking them in has the power to cause that then it proves Western culture deserves it.

That's pretty much the definition of voluntary submission.

There's a double negative there, so I'm not sure what you're arguing for. What I think we deserve is having our shit stolen by gypsies, because we've created a society where they're out of other options. They're just following the incentives we've set up. That's what I meant with that we deserve it. But that won't happen for the Muslim immigrants. We already have loads of them and they've for the most part integrated just fine.

There's always the problem of that immigrants always occupy the lowest rung of the social ladder in any society. And there's a bunch of social problems that accompany having low social status. But that's not "tribalism". That's just "it sucks being poor". And Humans are a pattern seeking species so we tend to draw conclusions even when there are none, so right-wing "thinkers" assume that their rowdy behaviour is because of Islam. When in reality this is a social class problem. And whatever group occupy the lowest rung of that ladder will be a problem. Good news, it lifts the group that used to be there out of it. So the sum of social problems is the same. No harm done.
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Thanks UN. About time somebody spoke up and condemned what Europe is doing.


It's a tragedy that people's paranoid delusions are costing Syrian lives. It's not just a tragedy, it's a disgrace. Go go Ban Ki-Moon

The BBC article is as effective as a wet blanket. It is highly enfeebled by the fact if fails to distinguish clearly between asylum seekers and economic migrants. They are simply called migrants. We can't cope with the whole of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We should cope with genuine cases only. However the possibility of those being real refugees would be generally real if they are coming from Syria, parts of Iraq and parts of Afghanistan.

Italy I notice is finally taking finger prints. Note many migrants refused to do this and supply other means of proof of ID. Europe has a right to refuse people who refuse to identify themselves or who are known security risks.

We should end the war in Syria even if it means retaining Assad. No one was leaving while he was there. Those nations involved should pay reparations to restore the genocide and damage done to that country.
Thanks UN. About time somebody spoke up and condemned what Europe is doing.


It's a tragedy that people's paranoid delusions are costing Syrian lives. It's not just a tragedy, it's a disgrace. Go go Ban Ki-Moon

The BBC article is as effective as a wet blanket. It is highly enfeebled by the fact if fails to distinguish clearly between asylum seekers and economic migrants. They are simply called migrants. We can't cope with the whole of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We should cope with genuine cases only. However the possibility of those being real refugees would be generally real if they are coming from Syria, parts of Iraq and parts of Afghanistan.

Again... complete fucking nonsense. There's no problem sorting this out. Using this as an excuse not to let people in is just a weak excuse in order not to help people in need our help. If you don't want to help people in need, just admit it.

Italy I notice is finally taking finger prints. Note many migrants refused to do this and supply other means of proof of ID. Europe has a right to refuse people who refuse to identify themselves or who are known security risks.

I'll remind you that you still haven't explained why migrants are any greater security risk than people in general? Why not take fingerprints of all tourists as well?

We should end the war in Syria even if it means retaining Assad. No one was leaving while he was there.


Those nations involved should pay reparations to restore the genocide and damage done to that country.

Won't happen. It never does.
This conflict will not end, and the resulting people fleeing it, until Islam is reformed, which won't happen any time soon. Shia versus Sunni versus radicals.
The cost to Germany could be in the region of 400 billion Euros. If they are lucky.

Receiving refugees could cost Germany up to €400 billion, says a new study conducted exclusively for the Zeit newspaper. The government reportedly expects 3.6 million refugees by 2020, with about half a million people arriving each year.
The results of the study, carried out by the Mannheim Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), suggest that the economic impact of the refugee crisis largely depends on the degree of the economic integration of the refugees, Zeit reported.


Germany, good luck on that integration thing;

Criminal gangs in Germany are taking advantage of the influx of refugees by recruiting asylum seekers to join their ranks, Die Welt reported. The gangs, run mostly by Arab families, are reportedly looking for “young, strong men.”
In an effort to strengthen their power, criminal gangs in Berlin are recruiting members from refugee shelters, the German newspaper reported, citing anonymous local police officers.

The BBC article is as effective as a wet blanket. It is highly enfeebled by the fact if fails to distinguish clearly between asylum seekers and economic migrants. They are simply called migrants. We can't cope with the whole of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We should cope with genuine cases only. However the possibility of those being real refugees would be generally real if they are coming from Syria, parts of Iraq and parts of Afghanistan.

Again... complete fucking nonsense. There's no problem sorting this out. Using this as an excuse not to let people in is just a weak excuse in order not to help people in need our help. If you don't want to help people in need, just admit it.
People who really need help should have no problem having their fingerprints taken.

Italy I notice is finally taking finger prints. Note many migrants refused to do this and supply other means of proof of ID. Europe has a right to refuse people who refuse to identify themselves or who are known security risks.

I'll remind you that you still haven't explained why migrants are any greater security risk than people in general? Why not take fingerprints of all tourists as well?
They should be, and they routinely are. Passports are increasingly having a chip with your fingerprint data on them, and last time I went outside Schengen countries (US and South Korea to be specific) I did have my fingerprints and mug shots taken anyway.
Bomb#20 said:
There isn't going to be a problem with persistent Middle-Eastern tribalism after another generation, because tribalism has always gone away in the west; and the fact that it hasn't always gone away in the west just proves his point.

I don't think this is what I said/or a misrepresentation of what I said. You're conflating two different discussions.

1) How to get Muslim immigrants to the West and from tribal areas to break with their tribal culture.
2) How to break tribalism in the Middle-East
Sorry, I see my phrasing was ambiguous. I meant the tribalism brought from the Middle-East to the West and persisting in the West among the descendants of the Middle-Eastern immigrants, much as tribalism has persisted generation after generation among Roma. Number 2 isn't anything I was conflating with anything; it's a whole separate issue and beyond the scope of my comment.

The first one we really don't have to care about. They're a minority.
So? Descendants of Muslim immigrants were a vastly-outnumbered minority in British India too, but there were plenty enough to force violent partition. Your endless insistence that there isn't going to be a problem because they'll automatically assimilate is refuted by your own observations about the Roma.

The majority culture is a well functioning liberal democracy with all the bells and whistles. There is zero benefit for high status immigrants to grant corrupt favours to low status immigrants from the same group. No kick-backs will ever materialise and the legal risks are massive. So they will stop.
There must be some financial or social benefit from it. In fact high status Middle-Eastern immigrants have been granting corrupt favors to low status immigrants from the same group for decades in the worst way imaginable, and there are negligible legal risks, and the so-called "liberal" democracy has barely lifted a finger to stop them: an awful lot of high status immigrant men keep gaming the host countries' immigration laws by forcing their daughters to marry relatives from the home country.

Immigrant groups wield zero political pull outside their group. ... all about controlling their own in-group.
But that's where it matters. Every time an Islamist thug assaults or kills an ethnic European girl it weakens the Islamists. Every time an Islamist thug assaults or kills a girl from his own in-group it strengthens the Islamists.

But it isn't working. Muslim girls are screwing around left and right with Swedish men. Swedish society protects the integrity of immigrant girls. These Islamic families have zero control over "their" women.
And yet there are madrassas in Karachi full of little Scandinavian girls, whose fathers won't bring them back until they have a Pakistani husband in tow and have forgotten what little Swedish they'd been allowed to pick up before they were exported. Your observing Muslim girls screwing around left and right with Swedish men does not tell you what fraction of them are doing that, and what fraction are still under the control of their Islamic families. The screwing around you see is exactly what you would see even if Swedish society gives the integrity of 80% of Muslim girls no effective protection.

In this case we get what we deserve.
And that's the bottom line. Tribalism, mistrust, insecurity, and economic difficulties have bedeviled mankind for two hundred thousand years; and if Western civilization can't fix them all in one more generation, then it doesn't deserve not to have to descend back into the state of intercommunal conflict it so recently emerged from. So even if taking in millions of migrants really does end up turning most of Europe into post-Tito Yugoslavia, that's okay, and that doesn't justify its current governments preventing it from happening, because if taking them in has the power to cause that then it proves Western culture deserves it.

That's pretty much the definition of voluntary submission.

There's a double negative there, so I'm not sure what you're arguing for. What I think we deserve is having ... stolen by gypsies, because we've created a society where they're out of other options. They're just following the incentives we've set up. That's what I meant with that we deserve it. But that won't happen for the Muslim immigrants. We already have loads of them and they've for the most part integrated just fine.
Says the guy who earlier said you have cops whose job it is to stop them from working. Your governments are disincentivizing integration. Muslim separatism is a massive political force within immigrant communities all over Western Europe. The same sort of ethnic discrimination from non-Roma that you blame for persistent Roma tribalism is getting inflicted on Middle-Easterners too, probably worse than on the Roma. It takes a special Pollyanna outlook to convince yourself that cause-and-effect is somehow going to be turned off in this case.

Be that as it may, what I'm arguing for is that you think you deserve what the Roma do to their outgroup; and the mental gymnastics by which you convince yourself of that applies equally well to what non-assimilating Middle-Easterners will do to their outgroup; so I infer that if Sweden turns into Bosnia you will convince yourself that the Swedes deserve it. And since you will deserve it you infer that you have no right to have your government take preemptive steps to prevent non-assimilating Middle-Easterners from turning Sweden into Bosnia.

There's always the problem of that immigrants always occupy the lowest rung of the social ladder in any society. And there's a bunch of social problems that accompany having low social status. But that's not "tribalism". That's just "it sucks being poor". And Humans are a pattern seeking species so we tend to draw conclusions even when there are none, so right-wing "thinkers" assume that their rowdy behaviour is because of Islam. When in reality this is a social class problem. And whatever group occupy the lowest rung of that ladder will be a problem. Good news, it lifts the group that used to be there out of it. So the sum of social problems is the same. No harm done.
I see, immigrants competing for unskilled Swedes' jobs and driving down the price of unskilled labor is going to lift unskilled Swedes out of "it sucks being poor" social problems. :rolleyes: There is such a thing as conservation of energy. There is such a thing as conservation of angular momentum. There is no such thing as conservation of social problems.
A far better solution would be for moslem refugees to go to moslem majority countries, and xtian and other vastly more persecuted others to go to xtian based culture countries.
A far better solution would be for moslem refugees to go to moslem majority countries, and xtian and other vastly more persecuted others to go to xtian based culture countries.

Why? Do you have actual arguments?

Yes! Look at Europe today. It's a foretaste of what is to come unless action is taken today, now!
Why? Do you have actual arguments?

Yes! Look at Europe today. It's a foretaste of what is to come unless action is taken today, now!

There are actually some good points in Sharia law (civil and employment contracts) which I have been reading up on (UAE Law). For instances the prevailing maxim is that all contracts should be executed in good faith. The main problem arises out of corruption, but not from local people but from imported labour managers who switch contracts.

An attempt to remedy this was to ensure that the worker's agreement is filed with the ministry of labour before the contract is signed on arrival. Then the two documents will be matched. (Unlike the US and UK, an agreement to provide a person with a contract, listing the main elements is considered binding on the part of the employer).

Very little is being done to regulate the flow of non asylum seekers; at least at the moment.

- - - Updated - - -

A far better solution would be for moslem refugees to go to moslem majority countries, and xtian and other vastly more persecuted others to go to xtian based culture countries.

Why? Do you have actual arguments?

It's a nice way of saying don't send any Muslims over.
Why? Do you have actual arguments?

Yes! Look at Europe today. It's a foretaste of what is to come unless action is taken today, now!

I live here and I have failed to notice any problems with Moslem immigration that stem from their Islamism specifically. I'm aware that Islam gets blamed a lot for stuff. But I think it's bullshit. In fact I can only see positives. So if that's a foretaste I'm eagerly awaiting the main course.
Yes! Look at Europe today. It's a foretaste of what is to come unless action is taken today, now!

I live here and I have failed to notice any problems with Moslem immigration that stem from their Islamism specifically. I'm aware that Islam gets blamed a lot for stuff. But I think it's bullshit. In fact I can only see positives. So if that's a foretaste I'm eagerly awaiting the main course.
What is "positive" about women being forced to wear burqas, for example? Or are you pretending it has nothing to do with islamism?
I live here and I have failed to notice any problems with Moslem immigration that stem from their Islamism specifically. I'm aware that Islam gets blamed a lot for stuff. But I think it's bullshit.

The UK government sees things differently;

The UK government has embarked on a series of clandestine propaganda campaigns intended to bring about “attitudinal and behavioural change” among young British Muslims as part of a counter-radicalisation programme. In a sign of mounting anxiety across Whitehall over the persuasiveness of Islamic State’s online propaganda, a secretive Home Office unit has developed a discreet multimillion pound counter-messaging operation that it says privately is running at “industrial pace and scale”.


In fact I can only see positives. So if that's a foretaste I'm eagerly awaiting the main course.

I hope it doesn't choke you.
The UK government sees things differently;

The UK government has embarked on a series of clandestine propaganda campaigns intended to bring about “attitudinal and behavioural change” among young British Muslims as part of a counter-radicalisation programme. In a sign of mounting anxiety across Whitehall over the persuasiveness of Islamic State’s online propaganda, a secretive Home Office unit has developed a discreet multimillion pound counter-messaging operation that it says privately is running at “industrial pace and scale”.


In fact I can only see positives. So if that's a foretaste I'm eagerly awaiting the main course.

I hope it doesn't choke you.

It will be about three generations or less before the UK becomes an Islamic state. This will come about by increases in immigration, higher birth rates and conversions, which would counter the persons who are leaving Islam. (People are also joining and leaving other religions of course).

There are in reality only a few but loud vocal Islamists. Any campaigns need to be open and transparent. Only a few extremists are enough to cause concern. It only takes 1 to 3 to plan a bomb attack. It's a little harder to get guns in the UK than Europe (e.g. France and Belgium) since on that continent, such hardware movers freely without border checks. I'm not sure whether such a campaign would serve to encourage rather than deter would be militants. Tighter laws such as removal of Passports, and refusal or re entry even to British citizens if they have been visiting ISIS camps would help. Refusing sanctuary to non asylum seekers would assist. Deporting non British nationals or Dual Citizens (even if one of those documents is British) for people committing terrorist offenses or any serious crimes causing injury should also be applied.
It will be about three generations or less before the UK becomes an Islamic state.

And you've still presented fuck all credible data to back up this assertion.

Just like all the other scaremongers in this utterly shit thread have come up with fuck all to validate their claims, and instead keep repeating the same horseshit over and over and over and over and over and over.
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