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Europe submits voluntarily

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Here is a breakdown of how black, Asian and minorities have voted in the last UK General Election (2015). Out of a total of 3 million of such voters, 52% voted Labour, 33% voted Conservative and the rest voted Libdem, Greens, UKIP and SNP.

Wow, all those scary immigrants who are invading the country and will turn it into a Muslim caliphate are voting.... for the mainstream political parties!

Yes, I am really scared now.


The vast majority of immigrants from all countries tend to be hard working and productive. However the UK has limited space and facilities in healthcare and housing so must impose quotas and close the door on those who skip the queue by coming in illegally.

Asylum seekers and those with a work visa and a contract are always welcome. However I would add that the UK should pass laws to make sure that immigrant workers are paid the same as British citizens doing the same job. This worked to some extent in Hong Kong to ensure unfair competition by cheap labour.

You will not see the emergence of any significant Muslim party unless there is a a parliamentary seat which has a large or even majority presence. Sharia courts do exist. Sharia arbitration is legal providing it is within the British Laws. The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) also resolved disputes among non Muslims. I've been studying Sharia Law relating to contracts of employment (UAE) and in general they are very reasonable and seek fairness. They lack enforcement which in this year alone seems to have been remedied a little.
By the same logic, the rise in popularity of the NSDAP in the 1930s demonstrates that there really was a 'Jewish Problem'.

The mob are against it - so it must be a genuine threat.

Of course none of today's anti-immigration parties are even close to as popular with the voters as the NSDAP was.

The rise of NASDAP in Germany's history bears no relationship to the need to control immigration into the UK and Europe. This is just a deceptive bogey man to try and identify border controls to national socialism.

Yes, you are absolutely right, it is definitely more like the situation in the USA today than the situation in the UK and Europe.

Of course that doesn't mean that the racist hits at the forefront of Europe's anti-immigration parties are not fascist scumbags; but at least they are not (yet) popular enough to wield real power.
No! Watch Trump in the States!

Fair enough; I was thinking of Europe, but I agree with you that Trump is both a fascist, and as dangerous as anything from 1930s Europe.

Trump has frequently stated his concern is illegal and not legal immigration. Hardly related to NASDAP. Unfortunately border controls is determined by some media and groups as racist.

He is emphasising on LEGAL immigrants. See one if his propaganda pieces here but a few (not many) media have also aired his comments.
The rise of NASDAP in Germany's history bears no relationship to the need to control immigration into the UK and Europe. This is just a deceptive bogey man to try and identify border controls to national socialism.

Yes, you are absolutely right, it is definitely more like the situation in the USA today than the situation in the UK and Europe.

Of course that doesn't mean that the racist hits at the forefront of Europe's anti-immigration parties are not fascist scumbags; but at least they are not (yet) popular enough to wield real power.

Again this is the Straw Donkey against border controls. In Britain there are bound to be the odd closet fascist on the right and the odd closet Trotskyite on the left but the majority of those against unlimited swarms coming in do support legal migrants on work visas and genuine asylum seekers.
Have any researches done a study of the growth of moslems in Europe based on the present mass migration? All past research was done while there was an orderly influx into Europe, not the millions now invading the place!

There is no Muslim invasion of Europe. You're a fucking idiot.

- - - Updated - - -

This was one of the research groups. There are different viewpoints and really this will not be totally finalized. However, the increased amount coming in, plus relatives then invited to join (sometimes through marriage) plus higher birth rates per family were topics discussed. I think it was Pew which suggested Islam is not expanding in Europe as the conversion rate does not match the departure rate. 100 years is a long time. It just depends on the mathematics.

Later when I get time I will get the statistics and heat up the old horse-do again. Face to face dialogue is okay providing adequate preparation is made. It also means whoever I am speaking to gets it right from the horses bottom.

I will try to find the time but I think my old notes may have been deleted.

As I just said, plenty of others have ridden said hobby horse all over the forum before. None of them came up with the evidence of this Muslim takeover because it doesn't exist. Your case won't be any different.
The rise of NASDAP in Germany's history bears no relationship to the need to control immigration into the UK and Europe. This is just a deceptive bogey man to try and identify border controls to national socialism.

Yes, you are absolutely right, it is definitely more like the situation in the USA today than the situation in the UK and Europe.

Of course that doesn't mean that the racist hits at the forefront of Europe's anti-immigration parties are not fascist scumbags; but at least they are not (yet) popular enough to wield real power.
One of the 'Racist Scumbags' you mention, could well be the next Dutch PM.
Religion is on the decline in Europe--short-term trends due to immigration aren't going to turn that around, no matter what you statistically-illiterate fascists believe.

What is happening in Europe is not short term and it is not all down to immigration. The natives are being out bred by quite a margin.
Religion is on the decline in Europe--short-term trends due to immigration aren't going to turn that around, no matter what you statistically-illiterate fascists believe.

What is happening in Europe is not short term and it is not all down to immigration. The natives are being out bred by quite a margin.
Still repeating that horseshit. Warpoet's assessment of this thread was on the money.
This is most likely why Labour likes to bus in immigrants to the UK. The parties win on swing votes. The main issue is on economic migrants (except with a work visa). All the parties are not objecting to asylum seekers.

Of course right wing fanatics don't want any immigration but the issue is on economic migration in terms of the high volume coming over.

Of course the famous straw man (or rather straw donkey) is that those wishing to control migration are racist. The UK is lacking tighter border controls for security reasons.
The UK does not actually need more people. There is of course the racist statement that immigrants do the jobs Britons cannot do. There are still needs for skills for overseas workers in some areas that can be filled by workers who should have a contract and a work visa. Some are sneaking into the UK and fill odd jobs in sweatshops (garments and fruit picking etc, small shops, restaurants and odd casual labour such as car washes).

Bit of a ramble, here.

- Labour is 'bussing in' migrants? Really? Can you give us some examples? Granted they made a mistake with the admittance of workers from the new Eastern European EU members, but if you dig into what happened this was caused by a serious underestimate of how many were likely come. If they had known it would be that many, it is very likely that they would have implemented slow-down measures like most of the other EU countries did.

- The UK is not lacking tight border controls, it has in fact the most strict border controls of any EU country.

- The UK does need more people. Unemployment is at a historic low (see http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/unemployment-rate for the historic numbers) and without migrant workers a lot of vacancies would not be filled.

- The migrants that you commonly see at work in the branches you mention, such as fruit picking, car washing, hospitality - most of these are EU citizens who have the right to live and work in the UK. In doing so they contribute to society. They are NOT 'sneaking in' as you put it, they are here totally legally. Did you 'sneak' into the Middle East countries where you worked and lived? Then why do you use such terms to describe these legal migrant workers in the UK? Shame on you.

- I would not call people who want to control migration as racist. Rather, I would call them xenophobes because that is what they are. The whole frenzy about immigration is nothing more than a desire to keep out Johnny Foreigner. I find those sentiments a disgusting primitive tribal attitude that should have no place in the modern world. It should not matter who someone is, what colour their passport is or where they come from. We are all born equal. All that matters is what someone does, and if they contribute to society they should be made welcome. Don't get me started on the appalling behaviour from the Tories when it comes to helping out with the Syrian refugee crisis. Just today, after much debate, the Prime Minister finally agreed to take in another 3000 unaccompanied Syrian children who are out on their own in Europe. It needed far too much arm twisting and the threat of a defeat by the hands of some of his fellow Tories (the few that show some human compassion) for him to display some basic human decency. 3000 children, that is a fearful 0.005% of the UK population. Oh no, the world is going to end!

Unfortunately there are too many who think of foreigners as second-class people, and this sentiment is gaining fearful traction at the moment, whipped up by unscrupulous politicians like Trump and Boris Johnson, and right-wing media owners like Rupert Murdoch. They do this simply out of greed and power craze, because such people don't have any moral values.

We are going to pay the price for this. Not for letting in migrants, but for thinking that the majority of our fellow citizens are reasonable, fair and compassionate human beings. Just read the Readers Comments sections in the various UK online papers and your stomach will churn. If you are one of the reasonable, fair and compassionate human beings, that is. And don't get me started on the shocking level of misinformation and ignorance on display there. It is an unfortunate miracle that many of these nitwits still manage to find the way to the polling stations. The Far Right are far, far more scary than migrants, for the simple reason that they are fanatics and are organising themselves.
Again this is the Straw Donkey against border controls. In Britain there are bound to be the odd closet fascist on the right and the odd closet Trotskyite on the left but the majority of those against unlimited swarms coming in do support legal migrants on work visas and genuine asylum seekers.

You are way off base here. The main, if not only driver behind the UK EU referendum is migration - legal migration from the EU. Brexiters want to stop that. Just read the Brexit propaganda and the reader comments sections of the online UK daily papers. It makes for some sickening reading.
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Again this is the Straw Donkey against border controls. In Britain there are bound to be the odd closet fascist on the right and the odd closet Trotskyite on the left but the majority of those against unlimited swarms coming in do support legal migrants on work visas and genuine asylum seekers.

You are way off base here. The main, if not only driver behind the UK EU referendum is migration - legal migration from the EU. Brexiters want to stop that. Just read the Brexit propaganda and the reader comments sections of the online UK daily papers. It makes for some sickening reading.

Is there something wrong with only accepting people with work visas for jobs that cannot be filled locally or genuine asylum seekers? Housing expansions, education and healthcare systems cannot cope with huge influxes as its expansion is limited to the amount of money available for this. Britain has always accepted a certain amount of workers with visas and certainly all asylum seekers, but cannot afford economic migrants.

Security issue potentially exist when migrants refuse to provide any form of identity, thanks to the Eu policies by un elected committees where there was often no differentiation between asylum seekers and economic migrants.

This is a cross party issue from Labour, Conservative and of course the UKIP.

There are also issues regarding trade where the UK wishes to make its own agreements worldwide. It did so successfully before it joined the Eu. Dairy products from NZ are still cheaper than imports from Eu countries. Britain has an affordable healthcare system and has been popular for health tourists.
Religion is on the decline in Europe--short-term trends due to immigration aren't going to turn that around, no matter what you statistically-illiterate fascists believe.

What is happening in Europe is not short term and it is not all down to immigration. The natives are being out bred by quite a margin.

And you call me a fantasist. This is pure paranoid delusion. Of course not.
One of the 'Racist Scumbags' you mention, could well be the next Dutch PM.

If you mean Wilders, he fits the description of racist (or fascist) scumbag to a tee.

He says he dislikes Islam but does not dislike Muslims. However he is generalising. A very few Muslims are troublesome and a very few from other groups are the same. The fault is not with Islam but with a few Muslim. However if you wish to see strict immigration policies look at Qatar, Saudi and the UAE. However a person with a valid contract and work visa may stay during the duration of the contract.

- - - Updated - - -

What is happening in Europe is not short term and it is not all down to immigration. The natives are being out bred by quite a margin.

And you call me a fantasist. This is pure paranoid delusion. Of course not.

One man's fantasist is another's visionary.
One of the 'Racist Scumbags' you mention, could well be the next Dutch PM.

If you mean Wilders, he fits the description of racist (or fascist) scumbag to a tee.

Racist by pointing out what is in the koran? But one can read for him/her self what a violent racist and intolerant pile of shit is contained in there. If Mein Kampf is banned in some countries, why isn't the koran which has more racist and intolerant chapters than Hitlers book? That's all Wilders is pointing out.
It's fast approaching " draw Mohammad day competition. This one won last year.

View attachment 6673

Freedom of speech should be protected, but on a personal note I don't feel inclined to draw cartoons of Mohammad since I see no constructive purpose this will attain. If people want a Mhd Cartoon competition, this isn't a problem but my own freedom of choice would be that I would not see any added benefit of attending such an event.
Again this is the Straw Donkey against border controls. In Britain there are bound to be the odd closet fascist on the right and the odd closet Trotskyite on the left but the majority of those against unlimited swarms coming in do support legal migrants on work visas and genuine asylum seekers.

You are way off base here. The main, if not only driver behind the UK EU referendum is migration - legal migration from the EU. Brexiters want to stop that. Just read the Brexit propaganda and the reader comments sections of the online UK daily papers. It makes for some sickening reading.

As a second answer I missed your point about legal migration. The only difference is that those coming from Europe will have their passports checked and stamped at the airport/dock/train station with an automatic visa to stay (perhaps for 6 months). This will enable the UK to turn back people who previously committed crimes in the UK. There wouldn't be many of course but it would strengthen our national security.
Racist by pointing out what is in the koran? But one can read for him/her self what a violent racist and intolerant pile of shit is contained in there. If Mein Kampf is banned in some countries, why isn't the koran which has more racist and intolerant chapters than Hitlers book? That's all Wilders is pointing out.

Geert Wilders is a cunt. Only bigoted assholes want to single out one particular holy book for censorship. And his calls for banning mosques, Muslim immigration, et cetera, endanger every value that makes free societies free.

Fuck him and everyone who supports his fascist agenda.
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