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Europe submits voluntarily

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You don't get to decide whose holy books are and are not permissible. That's not how free societies work.

People like you are the real danger, not Muslim immigrants.
Koran is a manual for jihad, war on the Kafirs. Islamic terrorist quote it to justify their acts terror. It forbids separation of state and religion. It teaches that jews are apes, that a woman is worth half a muslim man, it also teaches that it's fine to deceive a Kafir if it furthers the Islamic cause. Some politicians have seen through this deception, most progessives either haven't or turn a blind eye to this deception.
Koran is a manual for jihad, war on the Kafirs. Islamic terrorist quote it to justify their acts terror. It forbids separation of state and religion. It teaches that jews are apes, that a woman is worth half a muslim man, it also teaches that it's fine to deceive a Kafir if it furthers the Islamic cause. Some politicians have seen through this deception, most progessives either haven't or turn a blind eye to this deception.

Oh fuck off with your parroted right wing talking points already. All the Abrahamic holy books, and most holy books generally contain vile shit. One doesn't get singled out over the others because a bunch of assholes who don't like Muslims say it should.
What is happening in Europe is not short term and it is not all down to immigration. The natives are being out bred by quite a margin.

And you call me a fantasist. This is pure paranoid delusion. Of course not.

Ageing Europe is creaking towards a demographic time bomb. This has been widely acknowledged for some time.
Koran is a manual for jihad, war on the Kafirs. Islamic terrorist quote it to justify their acts terror. It forbids separation of state and religion. It teaches that jews are apes, that a woman is worth half a muslim man, it also teaches that it's fine to deceive a Kafir if it furthers the Islamic cause. Some politicians have seen through this deception, most progessives either haven't or turn a blind eye to this deception.

Oh fuck off with your parroted right wing talking points already. All the Abrahamic holy books, and most holy books generally contain vile shit. One doesn't get singled out over the others because a bunch of assholes who don't like Muslims say it should.
Have you ever read the pile of crap? Next thing you'll be claiming Mo wasn't a terrorist!
Fucking seriously...there needs to be some kind of reading comprehension test that people have to take before they're allowed to post here.

Not that it'd matter in angelo's case, as he obviously doesn't even try to read anything anyone else posts in the first place.
Perhaps a quick glance at sources like the koran and what it contains would help. It's implied here that Islam is just like any other religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam is a political ideology that wants to spread sharia law throughout the world.
As far as blasphemous cartoons go, "Jesus and Mo" has been nailing it for years:

Perhaps a quick glance at sources like the koran and what it contains would help.

Or, perhaps you should just shut the fuck up and take your canned talking points, which have been discredited a thousand times over, elsewhere.
Perhaps a quick glance at sources like the koran and what it contains would help.

Or, perhaps you should just shut the fuck up and take your canned talking points, which have been discredited a thousand times over, elsewhere.
Discredited by whom, you? Shooting down criticism of Islam will only incite them to more extremism.
Discredited by whom, you? Shooting down criticism of Islam will only incite them to more extremism.

Every single poster in this thread who is not you, TSwizzle, or whichphilosophy. In fact, the latter of the three has shot down his fair share of your posts as well.
The koran is far from being a holy book. I agree that all holy books belong in the dustbin of history though.

You don't get to decide whose holy books are and are not permissible. That's not how free societies work.

People like you are the real danger, not Muslim immigrants.

He's not trying to decide whose holy books--he's saying they all belong in the dustbin of history.
Blackburn's vibrant diversity comes to the fore after Blackburn Muslim Association decrees advises women can't travel 48 miles without a male chaperon;

Blackburn Muslim Association stipulates that it is ‘not permissible’ for a women to go more than 48 miles, roughly three days walk, without her husband or a close male relative. The statement is on a question and answer section on the group’s website which offers ‘solutions and answers’ to religious, social or financial matters according to Sharia teaching.


Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary and equalities minister said the advice had ‘no place’ in modern Britain branding it ‘disgraceful. It has no place in Britain and is contrary to our British values and I think the Blackburn Muslim Association should very clearly and publicly withdraw those comments.’

It looks like Ms Greening has having a hard time adjusting to new "British values".
Blackburn's vibrant diversity comes to the fore after Blackburn Muslim Association decrees advises women can't travel 48 miles without a male chaperon;


Justine Greening, the International Development Secretary and equalities minister said the advice had ‘no place’ in modern Britain branding it ‘disgraceful. It has no place in Britain and is contrary to our British values and I think the Blackburn Muslim Association should very clearly and publicly withdraw those comments.’

It looks like Ms Greening has having a hard time adjusting to new "British values".

Par for the course for xenophobes. Your posts are another great example of what it means to be terribly afraid of otherness.
As a second answer I missed your point about legal migration. The only difference is that those coming from Europe will have their passports checked and stamped at the airport/dock/train station with an automatic visa to stay (perhaps for 6 months). This will enable the UK to turn back people who previously committed crimes in the UK. There wouldn't be many of course but it would strengthen our national security.

If you are talking about post-Brexit immigration from Europe, you are just making stuff up. Nobody has any idea of what the rules might be in that case. Brexiters go on and on about a 'points based system' without ever giving any details or specifics (which is very characteristic for just about everything in their campaign).

To illustrate the extent and depth of the issues, and the reality of current lack of ideas, just a couple of days ago the cross-parliamentary House of Lords European Union Committee said:

“It is estimated that 2 million Brits live in other EU countries … Take elderly people who have lived for 10 years in Spain. After five years, they acquired a right of permanent residence as citizens of the union and that includes access to the Spanish healthcare system.

“If we leave, what do we do about vested rights? Do we recognise rights to permanent residents that have arisen? What transitional rights do we give somebody who has been working for four years in the UK and has children at school and so forth?

Let us not forget that for every example in the UK there is an example of a UK citizen elsewhere. We would want to tidy that up. My guess is that the inclination of government and parliament would be to be generous as regards those who had already made their lives in the UK, knowing that it would be likely to be reciprocated.”

The difficulties of negotiating a separation should not be underestimated. Addressing the committee, Edward concluded: “The long-term ghastliness of the legal complications is almost unimaginable.”

“The rights of some 2 million UK citizens living abroad would need to be determined, as would the rights of a similar number of EU citizens living in the UK. This is complex stuff – you are talking about rights to residence, to healthcare and to schooling, about maintenance payments and access to children, about research projects and contracts that cross borders …Sorting all this out would be a daunting task.”

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/04/brexit-britons-abroad-rights-european-union-referendum

Bottom line: nobody knows what rules would come into effect post-Brexit, and Brexiters do nothing to expel the appearance that they are clueless in this respect. The most likely outcome in my view is that most if not all of the free movement rules will remain in effect, just as is the case for non-EU countries Norway and Switzerland. To avoid that, Britain would have to cut loose its ties with the EU to a shockingly expensive extent. I don't think the country can afford that.
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