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Europe submits voluntarily

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Since I cannot read Swedish I checked this source as currently there are few reports


Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has suggested that it’s “worse” when Swedish men rape women, than when immigrants do so.

“The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It’s worse imo [in my opinion],” Sörman tweeted.

Sörman, a self-described socialist and a feminist, made the observation in response to what she claimed was excessive media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants.

She explained that Swedish men are brought up in a society that believes in gender equality and therefore should be held to higher standards than migrants, who come from cultures where women are treated as second-rate citizens.

When faced with a storm of indignation, she tried to walk back the comments and admitted that her sentiments had been “clumsily expressed”.

She later deleted her Twitter account altogether.

I don't know what was said as it is in Swedish. The report here suggests she made some asinine remarks then withdrew them.
So importing a bunch of men who have lesser level of self control to not rape (until they become acculturated) is a good idea?
So importing a bunch of men who have lesser level of self control to not rape (until they become acculturated) is a good idea?

If found guilty such migrants no matter where they are from should automatically be deported regardless of why they are seeking asylum. Ideally their own country could let them serve the sentence there but it may not work so well unless they are wanted back home for any crimes.

Courts should not try to make excuses for something which an average reasonable person of any background or nationality knows to be wrong

Not all migrants are like that but with the high volume that Merkel pumped into Germany and Sweden likewise it means more criminals.

Since I cannot read Swedish I checked this source as currently there are few reports


Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has suggested that it’s “worse” when Swedish men rape women, than when immigrants do so.

“The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It’s worse imo [in my opinion],” Sörman tweeted.

Sörman, a self-described socialist and a feminist, made the observation in response to what she claimed was excessive media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants.

She explained that Swedish men are brought up in a society that believes in gender equality and therefore should be held to higher standards than migrants, who come from cultures where women are treated as second-rate citizens.

When faced with a storm of indignation, she tried to walk back the comments and admitted that her sentiments had been “clumsily expressed”.

She later deleted her Twitter account altogether.

I don't know what was said as it is in Swedish. The report here suggests she made some asinine remarks then withdrew them.

This isn't the big left party, "Socialdemokraterna". These are the fringe loonies. The same party used to be named "The Communist party" once upon a time.

Everything they say is retarded. Nice to see they keep that tradition alive.
So importing a bunch of men who have lesser level of self control to not rape (until they become acculturated) is a good idea?

If found guilty such migrants no matter where they are from should automatically be deported regardless of why they are seeking asylum. Ideally their own country could let them serve the sentence there but it may not work so well unless they are wanted back home for any crimes.

Courts should not try to make excuses for something which an average reasonable person of any background or nationality knows to be wrong

Not all migrants are like that but with the high volume that Merkel pumped into Germany and Sweden likewise it means more criminals.

Not percentually.
What I mean is, how is it measured? What can or cannot an integrated immigrant do vs one that isn't?
He can refrain from beating up his disobedient wife, his slutty daughter, and his gay son?
...I put this in the same category as "darkie = terrorist, white = lone madman". So darkie beating wife = savage misogynistic culture, whitey beating wife = an abnormal guy with mental problems who needs help.
Of course you do. That's not because you have evidence. That's because you're you. You've trained yourself to see a racist behind every curtain and to regard our culture judging other cultures as taboo.

No culture is ok with domestic violence. It's taboo everywhere and in every culture. At most it is tolerated.
No. You just made that up. You don't have a reason to believe it. ...

According to Wikipedia's Domestic Violence page:

... "Globally, wife-beating is seen as justified in some circumstances by a majority of the population in various countries...

Going by past performance, this information will roll off you without leaving a mark. ...

But it's no less common in these parts. Granted that statistics on this are unreliable.
I.e., you recognize that you don't have a reason to believe domestic violence is no less common in these parts, and you believe it anyway. There's a word for that. You are a man of faith.

From the same Wikipedia page:

Research has also shown there to be a direct and significant correlation between a country's level of gender equality, and actual rates of domestic violence.

Are you also going to claim Sweden has the same level of gender equality as Jordan and India and Afghanistan?

So picking this as something that is a greater problem among immigrants because of their foreign culture is just racism IMHO
I.e., you have no moral qualms about accusing another person of racism based on nothing but faith. ...

I think you're doing two things:

1) You're seeing things you want to see
2) You're connecting dots that don't necessarily belong together.

I never said we beat women as much in the west as they do in the not-west.
What you said, and I quoted, and you quoted back to me, was "But it's no less common in these parts.". If you didn't mean "the west", which parts are the parts you were claiming woman-beating is no less common in? Is Stockholm perhaps a hot-bed of domestic violence far beyond what's typical in the west?

You're choosing not to see things you don't want to see. Such as, for instance, yourself, making idiotic assertions, which you later choose to believe you didn't make.

But you are flat out wrong about the beating of women not being taboo in every culture. It is. And if you could be bothered to actually read the sources you cite you'd realize this.
Funny story about that. The source I linked doesn't say the beating of women is taboo in every culture. That's a figment of your imagination. It says the exact opposite. I quoted it saying the exact opposite. Let me draw your attention to the beginning of that last sentence. I quoted it. You accuse me of not reading it; you claim it contradicts me; but you didn't quote it. You're the one seeing what you want to see. If the reason you thought it said the beating of women is taboo in every culture had been because it actually said so, then you would be able to quote it saying so. You didn't quote it saying so, because you can't, because it does not support your idiotic assertion.

You have no basis for thinking the beating of women is taboo in every culture. You have no basis for thinking "actually reading the sources I cite" communicates the information that the beating of women is taboo in every culture. You are making up nonsense about Afghan culture and other cultures, and you are making up nonsense about me, because it's nonsense that it pleases you to believe. Where is there a centimeter of difference between you and angelo?

Yes, it has all to do with gender equality. The more gender equality the less beaten women.

But why does the West have more gender equality? It has nothing to do with our fine upstanding culture. If you look back in western history you won't have to go far back to find the same...
What the heck hole did you pull such a dumb-ass argument out of? What, our predecessors didn't have a fine upstanding culture two hundred years ago, ergo, we can't possibly have a fine upstanding culture now?!? Cultures change! Duh!

The realization that our culture had something deeply wrong with it spread, and so we tried to correct the defect, and now, consequently, we have a better culture. It would be lovely if all cultures would make that transition. Thankfully, several other cultures are on the same trajectory. Tragically, not all. In some countries gender inequality has been getting worse since the 1970s.

So it has to be because of something else. Can it possibly have something to do with an advanced economy? In an industrialized home women don't need to stay at home to take care of the family, so they won't. So they go out and get jobs. Which shifts the power balance around.
And yet the west had an industrialized economy for a hundred years before the women's liberation movement became popular and successful. What triggered the change in how western culture sees women appears to me to have been Adolf Hitler. He murdered millions of Jews for no reason but stupid baseless prejudice. That's how western culture finally got it through its thick skull that racism is wrong. It had been oppressing non-whites for no reason but stupid baseless prejudice, for hundreds of years, through agricultural and industrial economies alike, and right up through the 1930s it was perfectly respectable in white upper class society to regard Jews and black people as subhuman. Then the Holocaust happened, our culture realized racism was evil, and we started correcting it -- and we got the civil rights revolution of the 50s and 60s.

And then when black people finally got to be treated as equals (theoretically), their example was an inspiration to millions of women to think "They get to be equal; why not us?".

And then when women finally got to be treated as equals (theoretically), their example was an inspiration to millions of gays to think "They get to be equal; why not us?". For some stupid reason, western culture seems unable to get directly from "All men are created equal*. (* White straight Protestant men are more equal than others.)" to "Everyone is created equal." in one jump. For some stupid reason, discriminated-against groups are required to take turns winning their long-promised equality. Currently it's gays' turn.

So are you going to deny this progression and propose instead that the reason gays can suddenly marry one another all over the west is because heteronormativity was necessary in an agrarian economy but it's obsolete in an industrial economy, and two hundred years into the Industrial Revolution we've finally crossed a threshold and become so industrial that we no longer need to make gays make babies? When you ignore the historical context of incremental enlargement of the circle of equality, and seek an explanation for the transition to gender equality that only applies to gender, what you're doing is explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs with the old "The mammals ate the dinosaurs' eggs." theory: a theory that ignored the context that three quarters of the non-dinosaur species went extinct at the same time.

But the west isn't perfect. The west is still horrendously gender unequal. ... So we are on no position to get up on any high horse.

There's a danger in focusing on differences. Just because we can find someone who performs worse than us, doesn't make us fine.
And that's what this is all about, isn't it? You aren't making idiotic claims about non-western cultures that fly in the face of all evidence because you care about those cultures, are you? You're making those idiotic claims because in your mind to fail to make them is the same thing as putting the west up on a high horse. Is that it? Dude! Get a grip on reality. Everything isn't all about us! Quit being so bloody provincial. Quit imagining your complex and conflicted feelings about western culture can tell you anything reliable about Syrian culture.

He cannot pick out a spouse for his kid?

This rarely survives into the second generation of immigrants. Never a third.
In the first place, how the heck do you know the third generation never does it? ...

Ehm... I just can't be arsed to argue for this. This falls into the category of the bloody obvious IMHO.
As spoken by the faith-based everywhere.

This is an issue for immigrants fresh off the boat. Also is typical for immigrants from farm communities. I've worked with plenty of Indian middle-class programmers (who live in India). They've never experienced it.
Middle-class Indian programmers are a representative sample of the people Europe is importing, are they?

:eek: Racist much?
Nope. Not that you care about the truth. Calling people racist for disagreeing with you is habit-forming and you are an addict. You don't have a reason to think what you said. It's libelous; it's unethical. But you think tribally; I'm in an enemy tribe; and ethical considerations are only for in-group in the tribal mindset. It doesn't bother you to make unjust accusations because in your mind if the person you accuse is not guilty of what you say, he's guilty of something else, so he deserves to be abused, so it doesn't matter that you were unfair to him.

That said, you're the one who drew attention to the middle-class programmers' Indian-ness, not me. I merely quoted your own words back at you. Furthermore, Indians and the people Europe is importing -- mostly Pakistanis, Afghans, Iranians, Turks and Arabs -- are the same race. It's a race called "Caucasians".

All this is painfully obvious. So you can't have imagined that your bogus charge would have any legs based on any rational concept of racism. Why, then, did you decide what I said was racist? Presumably it's because to you the suggestion that cultures aren't interchangeable is the same thing as the suggestion that races aren't interchangeable. It's the same place your insistence that beating women is taboo in every culture and it's no less common in these parts came from. It's religious dogma. You made a scurrilous false accusation against me because I failed to kowtow to your religion -- because I failed to strip out "Indian" when I quoted "Indian middle-class programmers" back at you, which I would have done if I'd shared your religious faith that culture doesn't matter. You made a scurrilous false accusation against me because I'm an infidel.

:eek: Religious bigot much?
If found guilty such migrants no matter where they are from should automatically be deported regardless of why they are seeking asylum. Ideally their own country could let them serve the sentence there but it may not work so well unless they are wanted back home for any crimes.

Courts should not try to make excuses for something which an average reasonable person of any background or nationality knows to be wrong

Not all migrants are like that but with the high volume that Merkel pumped into Germany and Sweden likewise it means more criminals.

Not percentually.

The more people you will get going from one country to another, the greater the probability of crime and public order offences. Therefore 1% of 1,000 is far less than 1% of 1,000,000. There are variants such as if 1,000 doctors came in vs 1,000 escaped criminals.
Since I cannot read Swedish I checked this source as currently there are few reports


Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has suggested that it’s “worse” when Swedish men rape women, than when immigrants do so.

“The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It’s worse imo [in my opinion],” Sörman tweeted.

Sörman, a self-described socialist and a feminist, made the observation in response to what she claimed was excessive media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants.

She explained that Swedish men are brought up in a society that believes in gender equality and therefore should be held to higher standards than migrants, who come from cultures where women are treated as second-rate citizens.

When faced with a storm of indignation, she tried to walk back the comments and admitted that her sentiments had been “clumsily expressed”.

She later deleted her Twitter account altogether.

I don't know what was said as it is in Swedish. The report here suggests she made some asinine remarks then withdrew them.

This isn't the big left party, "Socialdemokraterna". These are the fringe loonies. The same party used to be named "The Communist party" once upon a time.

Everything they say is retarded. Nice to see they keep that tradition alive.

I am not familiar with this party but I understand party is in a coalition with the Greens and left wing parties in a minority government. They have like many former Marx brother groups around the world developed a cocktail of state run and private enterprise philosophy. My reading of Swedish may be wrong but this is mentioned here.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Party_(Sweden) With 21 seats as a minority party, that's not bad.
This isn't the big left party, "Socialdemokraterna". These are the fringe loonies. The same party used to be named "The Communist party" once upon a time.

Everything they say is retarded. Nice to see they keep that tradition alive.

I am not familiar with this party but I understand party is in a coalition with the Greens and left wing parties in a minority government.

Welcome to the world of proportional representation. This doesn't mean the same thing as it would in, let's say, USA or the UK. They have had about 5% of the votes since, way back, to the dawn of Swedish democracy in 1911. It would have to happen something pretty bizarre and unique for their votes to matter a damn this term. They're largely irrelevant in this government.

They have like many former Marx brother groups around the world developed a cocktail of state run and private enterprise philosophy. My reading of Swedish may be wrong but this is mentioned here.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Party_(Sweden) With 21 seats as a minority party, that's not bad.

Sweden has had a long history (since the 1930'ies of relying heavily on state run companies). But since the 1999'ies we've steadily been moving away from that. Today there's not much state run companies at all left. Today the debate is rather that we've privatized too much. There are some things which were better before we privatized to this degree.
So it has to be because of something else. Can it possibly have something to do with an advanced economy? In an industrialized home women don't need to stay at home to take care of the family, so they won't. So they go out and get jobs. Which shifts the power balance around.

And yet the west had an industrialized economy for a hundred years before the women's liberation movement became popular and successful. What triggered the change in how western culture sees women appears to me to have been Adolf Hitler. He murdered millions of Jews for no reason but stupid baseless prejudice. That's how western culture finally got it through its thick skull that racism is wrong. It had been oppressing non-whites for no reason but stupid baseless prejudice, for hundreds of years, through agricultural and industrial economies alike, and right up through the 1930s it was perfectly respectable in white upper class society to regard Jews and black people as subhuman. Then the Holocaust happened, our culture realized racism was evil, and we started correcting it -- and we got the civil rights revolution of the 50s and 60s.

And then when black people finally got to be treated as equals (theoretically), their example was an inspiration to millions of women to think "They get to be equal; why not us?".

And then when women finally got to be treated as equals (theoretically), their example was an inspiration to millions of gays to think "They get to be equal; why not us?". For some stupid reason, western culture seems unable to get directly from "All men are created equal*. (* White straight Protestant men are more equal than others.)" to "Everyone is created equal." in one jump. For some stupid reason, discriminated-against groups are required to take turns winning their long-promised equality. Currently it's gays' turn.

Dude. This is so uncontroversial they taught it to me in school. The feminist movement had been going strong since the Enlightenment (18'th century). But hardly anybody gave a shit about them (men or women). In hind-sight this had to do with the wide-spread poverty that came in the wake of industrialization picking up speed. It wasn't until WWI society started giving a rats ass about women's issues.

So what happened during WWI? What happened was that women had to replace men in the factories. Just to keep the war effort going. And they did fine. They did just as good a job as the men, they were replacing did. This made all the sexist lies, generally accepted as truth, obviously false. The lies regarding them being frail, stupid, overly emotional and weak. It even surprised the women themselves.

This is how negotiation works. Until you have something that the other side wants the other side is not going to take you seriously. This is what happened during WWI. After WWI when women went back to their kitchens economists started to crunch the numbers, looking at productivity, if women worked, in peace-time, as much as they had done during WWI. This was a very compelling argument indeed. Everybody likes free money. This was the engine of the modern feminist movement. And after this event feminism all started to actually make a difference.

What you are talking about as the entirety of the feminist movement, we call "second wave feminism". It was just one stepping stone, somewhere in the middle, of feminism. But the biggest breakthrough was at the start of the century.

And all of it can be tied to the economic industrial development.

So are you going to deny this progression and propose instead that the reason gays can suddenly marry one another all over the west is because heteronormativity was necessary in an agrarian economy but it's obsolete in an industrial economy, and two hundred years into the Industrial Revolution we've finally crossed a threshold and become so industrial that we no longer need to make gays make babies? When you ignore the historical context of incremental enlargement of the circle of equality, and seek an explanation for the transition to gender equality that only applies to gender, what you're doing is explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs with the old "The mammals ate the dinosaurs' eggs." theory: a theory that ignored the context that three quarters of the non-dinosaur species went extinct at the same time.

I'm not denying the progression. What I'm arguing against is the case for western cultural specialness. Industrialization happened here. So were ahead of the curve. But the rest of the world is catching up.

Also, this has nothing to do with "western culture". This is all just side-effects of industrialization IMHO.

Domestic abuse in the west is still rampant and a huge problem. This one hasn't gone away, in spite of all our progress.

But the west isn't perfect. The west is still horrendously gender unequal. ... So we are on no position to get up on any high horse.

There's a danger in focusing on differences. Just because we can find someone who performs worse than us, doesn't make us fine.
And that's what this is all about, isn't it? You aren't making idiotic claims about non-western cultures that fly in the face of all evidence because you care about those cultures, are you? You're making those idiotic claims because in your mind to fail to make them is the same thing as putting the west up on a high horse. Is that it? Dude! Get a grip on reality. Everything isn't all about us! Quit being so bloody provincial. Quit imagining your complex and conflicted feelings about western culture can tell you anything reliable about Syrian culture.

Special pleading.

Nope. Not that you care about the truth. Calling people racist for disagreeing with you is habit-forming and you are an addict. You don't have a reason to think what you said. It's libelous; it's unethical. But you think tribally; I'm in an enemy tribe; and ethical considerations are only for in-group in the tribal mindset. It doesn't bother you to make unjust accusations because in your mind if the person you accuse is not guilty of what you say, he's guilty of something else, so he deserves to be abused, so it doesn't matter that you were unfair to him.


That said, you're the one who drew attention to the middle-class programmers' Indian-ness, not me. I merely quoted your own words back at you. Furthermore, Indians and the people Europe is importing -- mostly Pakistanis, Afghans, Iranians, Turks and Arabs -- are the same race. It's a race called "Caucasians".

The point is that when Indians become rich and middle-class they stopped with the arranged marriages. It might take a couple of generations. But it happens. Arranged marriages is something farm communities do. Countries with largely industrial economies don't. This btw has been universal throughout all human cultures. That's why I mentioned the Indian middle-class programmers who don't have arranged marriages.
I am not familiar with this party but I understand party is in a coalition with the Greens and left wing parties in a minority government.

Welcome to the world of proportional representation. This doesn't mean the same thing as it would in, let's say, USA or the UK. They have had about 5% of the votes since, way back, to the dawn of Swedish democracy in 1911. It would have to happen something pretty bizarre and unique for their votes to matter a damn this term. They're largely irrelevant in this government.

They have like many former Marx brother groups around the world developed a cocktail of state run and private enterprise philosophy. My reading of Swedish may be wrong but this is mentioned here.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Party_(Sweden) With 21 seats as a minority party, that's not bad.

Sweden has had a long history (since the 1930'ies of relying heavily on state run companies). But since the 1999'ies we've steadily been moving away from that. Today there's not much state run companies at all left. Today the debate is rather that we've privatized too much. There are some things which were better before we privatized to this degree.

I think most countries are looking at mixed economies. There could be some more privatization of utilities. The UK has also moved away from this since the 1970s.
I'm not denying the progression. What I'm arguing against is the case for western cultural specialness. Industrialization happened here. So were ahead of the curve. But the rest of the world is catching up.

Except, the muslim world is not catching up. Nor is it likely to any time soon.
I'm not denying the progression. What I'm arguing against is the case for western cultural specialness. Industrialization happened here. So were ahead of the curve. But the rest of the world is catching up.

Except, the muslim world is not catching up. Nor is it likely to any time soon.

Last year Saudi women got the vote, as well as accepting women into their parliament. Numbers of Arab women going to university is only increasing. In 2005 Kuwaiti women got full equal political rights to men as well as their first member of parliament. And this just goes on and on. The Arab world started industrializing in the 70'ies. Give them a fucking break. It took us (the west) about 200-400 years to reach the point the Arab world reached in 40.

If you don't see the extreme rapid progression of women's rights in the Arab world, as well as the rise of Muslim/Arab women's lib, you are blind. I suspect you are actively trying not to see it, because it requires extremely little work to learn about it.
I'm not denying the progression. What I'm arguing against is the case for western cultural specialness. Industrialization happened here. So were ahead of the curve. But the rest of the world is catching up.

Except, the muslim world is not catching up. Nor is it likely to any time soon.

In fact it's going backwards to a time 1400 years ago!
Except, the muslim world is not catching up. Nor is it likely to any time soon.

In fact it's going backwards to a time 1400 years ago!

The UAE's made progress. At one time women who were raped could have been stoned to death for adultery.
Nowadays they only get jailed.

Actually the UAE has some good labour laws (with some large flaws) and there is some corruption, not so much with local companies but contractors abroad.
Sharia Law in civil dealings relates to good faith in contracts and has some parallels in English law. The problem is there is still a lot of attachment to misinterpretations in law.
Local women in the UAE go to university and can be seen walking in groups without men (such filth the Saudis may say).

Not all local women wear the Hijab which is declining (but increasing in the UK). The veil is still worn by some. Most take off this clothing when they travel abroad.
Locals and Palestinians pretty good guys and easy to get on with.
In fact it's going backwards to a time 1400 years ago!

The UAE's made progress. At one time women who were raped could have been stoned to death for adultery.
Nowadays they only get jailed.

Actually the UAE has some good labour laws (with some large flaws) and there is some corruption, not so much with local companies but contractors abroad.
Sharia Law in civil dealings relates to good faith in contracts and has some parallels in English law. The problem is there is still a lot of attachment to misinterpretations in law.
Local women in the UAE go to university and can be seen walking in groups without men (such filth the Saudis may say).

Not all local women wear the Hijab which is declining (but increasing in the UK). The veil is still worn by some. Most take off this clothing when they travel abroad.
Locals and Palestinians pretty good guys and easy to get on with.

Social change takes time. But the fact remains that the Arab world is liberalizing at a quicker pace than the west did as regards to women's rights. This can of course be explained by the catch up effect. It's always easier to make social change if there's a successful model to copy. But it's still a fact.
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