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Europe submits voluntarily

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No the Free Syrian Army was funded by the West. Before that there was very little. Some are attacking Syria from Iraq, another US mess.
Now as a result hundreds of thousands are pouring into Europe. Following them are waves of economic migrants.
European governments are not dealing with the problem.
Syria is now a fragmented country that is worse off than before. Now that Gadaffi is gone Libya is now a route for illegals
I guess the hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the cross fire are collateral damage.
But what does that have to do with the West? Syria and Libya are a mess because of Assad and Gaddafi respectively. The western aid to the rebels in either country was rather modest and only happened after the situations had reached point of no return, and the mess is largely the failure of Syrian and Libyan people to pull together. You might as well blame WW2 on the guy who shot arch duke Ferdinand.

As odd as it may sound, Europe and US are not automatically responsible for everything bad that happens in the world.
Actually, there is this analysis which says Syrian agriculture sector had had few years of crop failures and a lot of farmers moved to the cities where they could not find work, these people fueled protest against Assad's government. And problems with agriculture are due to the Climate change and West/US are the main cause of climate change. So West/US indirectly responsible for this particular instance of mess.
ME can not support the number of people they currently have, not without oil money and once oil money are gone they all will move to Europe.
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It seems the "refugees" are taking umbrage at the infidels defending their borders.

When faced with news that waiting for him at the end of the tracks was a 9ft fence adorned with razor wire, he seemed confused. “They blocked it? How do we get to Hungary now?”


Rumours had circulated throughout the morning that groups of people were being granted passage through Hungary at the official border crossing, 3km away and so Mr Halabi and his group marched off down a country lane in that direction, his anger increasing. “Every other country let us through. Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, all are open except Hungary. Why? We are all coming from Syria, all of these guys had money before. The people making problems in Syria are coming from the outside, this is not Islam. I tried living in Lebanon for a year, I thought the war would end but...”


Of course, the setting up of a caliphate could not have anything to do with teh islam.

Merkel really has opened up a can of worms.
I can personally happily live anywhere on the planet. I enjoy the fact that cultures are different. I find cultural difference stimulating. Once you figure out how each culture works they're all the same... in my experience. All humans have the same basic needs. People only behave badly when communication breaks down.

So you don't care if you live in Syria, North Korea or Canada - its all the same to you, right? Do you find it "stimulating" that the basic needs of violent, rowdy immigrant “youths” were to riot in Stockholm for five nights? Or that in 2010, a Muslim suicide bomber struck Stockholm, and in Malmo, firemen needed police protection to fight fires in Muslim neighborhoods?

Or perhaps its the raging anti-semitism against Jews, or that it take 6-8 years before they get a job, or does one ignore that multi-cultural aspect of a utopia ?

Violence isn't culture. Culture is stuff like how you ask a girl on a date, or how you politely ask people to pass the salt. It regulates what is considered unwelcome attention and what is pleasant curiosity. It defines the range of what is considered your personal space. It very strictly regulates how you show disapproval over a perceived transgression, and how the response should be. None of these are universal. But the functions are universal. What sets cultures apart is simply the schema for how they work. What the Swedish culture lacks entirely is a mechanism with which to establish schema first, before starting to communicate. It just assumes a shared culture. Which may be well adapted to a bunch of Viking farmers but fucking useless in today's world. This facet of Swedish culture needs to die. But it will die. I can't see how it can survive much longer. It's a completely maladaptive meme.

When it comes to violence all cultures are identical IMHO. The fact that in certain regions in the world there is more violent has more to do with various social frictions. These are especially great in any region transitioning from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrial economy... ie the entire Middle-East. Even though they're reaching the end of it. In the end of this period in Europe we got WWI and WW2. The Middle-East isn't even close to reaching that level of carnage, so we do well in getting off any high horse.

Staggering rape and assault rape statistics from Sweden from 1985-89 and 1997-2001. Rape committed by Swedish born rapists (blue) were 22.4%. Foreign rapists represent 77.6% of all figures divided into ‘normal’ representation (pink) at 665; over representation (red) at 3,752 rape cases; unregistered migrants (orange) at 653 rape cases. Note that the blue bracket of Swedish rapists include foreign born persons with Swedish citizenship as the statistics are only counted on citizenship, and not nationality.


Isn't "multiculturalism" great or what?

Swedish rape statistics are worthless. Sweden has what is called here "allmänt åtal". It means that in cases or rape, battery or harassment a prosecutor can take legal action against the wishes of the plaintiff. Rape requires the faintest sliver of "evidence" for charges to be brought forward. This year I've had the opportunity to see the system "work" up close. It's a completely broken system wide open to abuse by prosecutors, which they do. They take every opportunity. It does mean that our rape statistics are completely and utterly worthless. We need to identify which rape cases are brought forward because the plaintiff wanted it to. Rape is typically behind closed doors. So this information is not public.

As far as I know "allmänt åtal" is unique for Sweden. BTW, this is what happened to the women who Assange had sex with. They made the misstake of asking the cops what to do about their situation and a prosecutor took that and ran with it.... completely against the wishes of the women.
So you don't care if you live in Syria, North Korea or Canada - its all the same to you, right? Do you find it "stimulating" that the basic needs of violent, rowdy immigrant “youths” were to riot in Stockholm for five nights? Or that in 2010, a Muslim suicide bomber struck Stockholm, and in Malmo, firemen needed police protection to fight fires in Muslim neighborhoods?

Or perhaps its the raging anti-semitism against Jews, or that it take 6-8 years before they get a job, or does one ignore that multi-cultural aspect of a utopia ?

Violence isn't culture. Culture is stuff like how you ask a girl on a date, or how you politely ask people to pass the salt. It regulates what is considered unwelcome attention and what is pleasant curiosity. It defines the range of what is considered your personal space. It very strictly regulates how you show disapproval over a perceived transgression, and how the response should be. None of these are universal. But the functions are universal. What sets cultures apart is simply the schema for how they work. What the Swedish culture lacks entirely is a mechanism with which to establish schema first, before starting to communicate. It just assumes a shared culture. Which may be well adapted to a bunch of Viking farmers but fucking useless in today's world. This facet of Swedish culture needs to die. But it will die. I can't see how it can survive much longer. It's a completely maladaptive meme.

When it comes to violence all cultures are identical IMHO. The fact that in certain regions in the world there is more violent has more to do with various social frictions. These are especially great in any region transitioning from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrial economy... ie the entire Middle-East. Even though they're reaching the end of it. In the end of this period in Europe we got WWI and WW2. The Middle-East isn't even close to reaching that level of carnage, so we do well in getting off any high horse.

I disagree. Violence can be part of a culture if it is practiced by a particular group. The pattern of violence may not always be the same. For instance the former European colonialists and Americans often focus on spurring conflict from behind the scene with few boots on the ground.
Sweden is one of the best cultures around. Its people built up a prosperous society with a relative democracy and its an interesting place to visit. WWI and WWII occurred during a set period of time and this is not a daily event like in the Middle East.
Why is Sweden under attack for is values? I even heard (though hearsay) that some left winger welcome the migrants by telling them that Sweden has very little culture and the influx of immigrant culture is welcome.
Europe does not need mass immigration. Its time the Africans Asians and Middle Easterners took responsibility for their own countries instead of fleeing to Europe. It may involve standing up to the USA and Europe as well as cleaning up their own corrupt countries.

Then do many really understand the concept of individual liberties. I did not find this in the Middle East so much. The Arab Spring concept is sometimes like explaining sex to a virgin. Its something desired but not really understood due to non experience.

I don't think Sweden needs to change all that much. I think that those who arrive in Sweden need to follow Swedish laws and not try to impose their own valuesif existing ones are fine. At the same time they should be allowed to be diverse as long as this is not imposed on others.
Some values may be interchanged but that is not something that should be made obligatory.
Exceptions are where the US, Britain and others have destroyed Iraq, Syria and Libya turning them into fragmented enclaves under various warlords who are at war with each other. However not all Syrians coming over are seeking asylum.

I will not look at the rape statistics as there is a lot to read before forming a conclusion.
So you don't care if you live in Syria, North Korea or Canada - its all the same to you, right? Do you find it "stimulating" that the basic needs of violent, rowdy immigrant “youths” were to riot in Stockholm for five nights? Or that in 2010, a Muslim suicide bomber struck Stockholm, and in Malmo, firemen needed police protection to fight fires in Muslim neighborhoods?

Or perhaps its the raging anti-semitism against Jews, or that it take 6-8 years before they get a job, or does one ignore that multi-cultural aspect of a utopia ?

Violence isn't culture. Culture is stuff like how you ask a girl on a date, or how you politely ask people to pass the salt. It regulates what is considered unwelcome attention and what is pleasant curiosity. It defines the range of what is considered your personal space. It very strictly regulates how you show disapproval over a perceived transgression, and how the response should be. None of these are universal. But the functions are universal. What sets cultures apart is simply the schema for how they work. What the Swedish culture lacks entirely is a mechanism with which to establish schema first, before starting to communicate. It just assumes a shared culture. Which may be well adapted to a bunch of Viking farmers but fucking useless in today's world. This facet of Swedish culture needs to die. But it will die. I can't see how it can survive much longer. It's a completely maladaptive meme.

All nonsense. Culture is not only the way people do the things they do, but it is also about the values people share.

When it comes to violence all cultures are identical IMHO. The fact that in certain regions in the world there is more violent has more to do with various social frictions. These are especially great in any region transitioning from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrial economy... ie the entire Middle-East. Even though they're reaching the end of it. In the end of this period in Europe we got WWI and WW2. The Middle-East isn't even close to reaching that level of carnage, so we do well in getting off any high horse.

The nonsense knows no bounds it would appear. Not all cultures are equally violent, just like not all cultures equally recognize the rights of women or homosexuals.

War does not follow by necessity the process of industrialization. Swift and drastic changes can certainly cause a little unrest, but to imply that the World Wars were (or present Middle East conflict is) somehow a byproduct of industrialization is absolute malarkey.

Further, your veiled attempts to 'excuse' Middle East violence, war, and oppression on the grounds the West was once not much different is of little benefit to the thousands of people regularly ended by said violence, war, and oppression.

"Johnny did it first" is not a reason for Timmy to do it second.
Violence isn't culture. Culture is stuff like how you ask a girl on a date, or how you politely ask people to pass the salt. It regulates what is considered unwelcome attention and what is pleasant curiosity. It defines the range of what is considered your personal space. It very strictly regulates how you show disapproval over a perceived transgression, and how the response should be. None of these are universal. But the functions are universal. What sets cultures apart is simply the schema for how they work. What the Swedish culture lacks entirely is a mechanism with which to establish schema first, before starting to communicate. It just assumes a shared culture. Which may be well adapted to a bunch of Viking farmers but fucking useless in today's world. This facet of Swedish culture needs to die. But it will die. I can't see how it can survive much longer. It's a completely maladaptive meme.

When it comes to violence all cultures are identical IMHO. The fact that in certain regions in the world there is more violent has more to do with various social frictions. These are especially great in any region transitioning from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrial economy... ie the entire Middle-East. Even though they're reaching the end of it. In the end of this period in Europe we got WWI and WW2. The Middle-East isn't even close to reaching that level of carnage, so we do well in getting off any high horse.

I disagree. Violence can be part of a culture if it is practiced by a particular group. The pattern of violence may not always be the same. For instance the former European colonialists and Americans often focus on spurring conflict from behind the scene with few boots on the ground.
Sweden is one of the best cultures around. Its people built up a prosperous society with a relative democracy and its an interesting place to visit. WWI and WWII occurred during a set period of time and this is not a daily event like in the Middle East.
Why is Sweden under attack for is values? I even heard (though hearsay) that some left winger welcome the migrants by telling them that Sweden has very little culture and the influx of immigrant culture is welcome.
Europe does not need mass immigration. Its time the Africans Asians and Middle Easterners took responsibility for their own countries instead of fleeing to Europe. It may involve standing up to the USA and Europe as well as cleaning up their own corrupt countries.

Then do many really understand the concept of individual liberties. I did not find this in the Middle East so much. The Arab Spring concept is sometimes like explaining sex to a virgin. Its something desired but not really understood due to non experience.

I don't think Sweden needs to change all that much. I think that those who arrive in Sweden need to follow Swedish laws and not try to impose their own valuesif existing ones are fine. At the same time they should be allowed to be diverse as long as this is not imposed on others.
Some values may be interchanged but that is not something that should be made obligatory.
Exceptions are where the US, Britain and others have destroyed Iraq, Syria and Libya turning them into fragmented enclaves under various warlords who are at war with each other. However not all Syrians coming over are seeking asylum.

I will not look at the rape statistics as there is a lot to read before forming a conclusion.

I think violence is part of every culture. I think civilisation is a thin thin varnish. It needs very little to turn any culture into a cut-throat culture. My evidence for this is how cultures instantly switch back and forth between the two in times of crisis/war. And how members of the culture find it hard to explain how they could do all the things they did during war, because to them now it goes against all their core values. Bottom line, nobody knows how they would behave in a war-zone unless they've been in one themselves. And not as a soldier, but as someone living in a country as it crumbles.

When it comes to values we're all the same. We want safety, justice, respect, a stimulating occupation, health, family, friends, status and good sex. The similarities way outshines the differences. What sets our values apart is the method by which the above is attained in each culture. But the values are the same IMHO. So I think the idea that values differ between cultures is bullshit.

And when we're talking relative merits of cultures. A culture is a structure within which to do shit in a society. How good it is, is relative whether it helps or hinders people within it to do their shit. Considering how much we suck at integrating immigrants, I'd challenge whether Sweden is "one of the best" cultures. Also, remember that Sweden has benefitted greatly because of it geographical location, ie Europe. We're rich, not thanks to the Swedish culture, but mostly down to accidents of history. Keeping Sweden out of two world war certainly didn't hurt Swedish prosperity. Not a result of any superior culture. We're

Sweden is very liberal. But liberalism can simply be seen as a function of security. The more secure people feel the more liberal they are. Sweden is safe, ergo liberal. I'm not saying this is how it is, but it's a sociological "rule". Seen that way whether or not a cultural or liberal or not has nothing to do with it's culture or values. Values are very fluid, as well as culture.

If we're going to talk merits of culture, I'd say the best culture is one that is open and well adapted to contact with other cultures. That puts Sweden pretty fucking far down on the list of good cultures.
So you don't care if you live in Syria, North Korea or Canada - its all the same to you, right? Do you find it "stimulating" that the basic needs of violent, rowdy immigrant “youths” were to riot in Stockholm for five nights? Or that in 2010, a Muslim suicide bomber struck Stockholm, and in Malmo, firemen needed police protection to fight fires in Muslim neighborhoods?

Or perhaps its the raging anti-semitism against Jews, or that it take 6-8 years before they get a job, or does one ignore that multi-cultural aspect of a utopia ?

Violence isn't culture. Culture is stuff like how you ask a girl on a date, or how you politely ask people to pass the salt. It regulates what is considered unwelcome attention and what is pleasant curiosity. It defines the range of what is considered your personal space. It very strictly regulates how you show disapproval over a perceived transgression, and how the response should be. None of these are universal. But the functions are universal.

Sorry, a sociological definition of culture is "learned and shared behavior". For example, Papua New Guinea has 10 times the average world murder rate, and is widely acknowledged as a culture (learned and shared behavior) of violence (in fact, almost every woman has been, or is being, subjected to physical abuse). Some cultures share and reinforce violence. http://www.nytimes.com/video/world/asia/100000002595425/a-culture-of-violence-.html

Anyone who has taken a course or two in cultural anthropology and sociology is familiar with the concept that there are different levels and kinds of violence in sub-cultures (the only other alternative being that differences in the kind and levels of violence in subcultures in society are due to ethnic/racial genetics).

What sets cultures apart is simply the schema for how they work. What the Swedish culture lacks entirely is a mechanism with which to establish schema first, before starting to communicate. It just assumes a shared culture. Which may be well adapted to a bunch of Viking farmers but fucking useless in today's world. This facet of Swedish culture needs to die. But it will die. I can't see how it can survive much longer. It's a completely maladaptive meme.
You mean it "just assumes" a shared culture of intolerance to rape and violence, which is so "fucking useless in today's world". How culturally "insensitive" and "uncommunicative" Swedes are. :rolleyes:

When it comes to violence all cultures are identical IMHO. The fact that in certain regions in the world there is more violent has more to do with various social frictions. These are especially great in any region transitioning from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrial economy... ie the entire Middle-East. Even though they're reaching the end of it. In the end of this period in Europe we got WWI and WW2. The Middle-East isn't even close to reaching that level of carnage, so we do well in getting off any high horse.

Then perhaps the non-Swedes should not be punished by listening to "high horsed" values, and stay home in the middle-east and africa so they can keep their violent "social frictions" in their country of origin. Europe has enough challenges without importing third world resentment, poverty, violence, cultural conflict, and those of lesser skills and ability.

The irony is that Sweden, who has strived for a century or two to avoid getting sucked into the violent cultures of other European nations, turns round and promotes the importation of violent and 'maladaptive' cultures into its own territory. How dumb is that?

Swedish rape statistics are worthless. Sweden has what is called here "allmänt åtal". It means that in cases or rape, battery or harassment a prosecutor can take legal action against the wishes of the plaintiff. Rape requires the faintest sliver of "evidence" for charges to be brought forward. This year I've had the opportunity to see the system "work" up close. It's a completely broken system wide open to abuse by prosecutors, which they do. They take every opportunity. It does mean that our rape statistics are completely and utterly worthless. We need to identify which rape cases are brought forward because the plaintiff wanted it to. Rape is typically behind closed doors. So this information is not public.

Sorry, you're obviously groping for an excuse to hand wave very unwelcome facts. It does not matter if Sweden's criteria for rape and sexual violence is different or more subjective than that of other nations. If, within the Swedish context, the system has measured this kind violence using the same criteria and methods over the trendline, then clearly there is a huge increase in whatever behavior constitutes "rape". And Muslims are largely responsible.
And while we are discussing the "fun" of multiculturalism in Sweden, this story:

On July 29, a gay pride parade is scheduled in Sweden. But, you see, this is no ordinary gay pride parade. This gay pride parade was created by Jan Sjunnesson, former editor-in-chief for the Samtiden newspaper in Sweden, which is owned by the nationalist Sweden Democrats party (for our Canadian readers, think of the Sweden Democrats as being kind of like the Conservatives orthe Canadian Action Party, which means that they’re considered “extreme far-right” in Sweden). The parade is scheduled to go through Tensta and Husby – two areas where Muslim immigrants are more than 75% of the population.

On the event’s Facebook page, the organizers state that there will be public “kissing” and “singing”.

The Facebook page is absolutely filled with angry comments from leftists, attacking the “xenophobic right-wing nationalists” for organizing a gay pride parade through Muslim areas. Since Islam holds that gays should be executed, something like this is obviously an attack on Muslims and should therefore be outlawed. At least, that’s what Swedish leftists – and, indeed, Swedish gays – are saying.

RFSL, for those who don’t know, is a taxpayer-funded gay rights group (one of the oldest gay rights groups in the world, established in 1950), and they have publicly attacked this gay pride parade through Muslim areas as a display of racism and white privilege.

Many leftists are also calling for the parade to be legally banned, and for the people who organized it to be arrested for “hate speech” against Muslims.

And while we are discussing the "fun" of multiculturalism in Sweden, this story:

On July 29, a gay pride parade is scheduled in Sweden. But, you see, this is no ordinary gay pride parade. This gay pride parade was created by Jan Sjunnesson, former editor-in-chief for the Samtiden newspaper in Sweden, which is owned by the nationalist Sweden Democrats party (for our Canadian readers, think of the Sweden Democrats as being kind of like the Conservatives orthe Canadian Action Party, which means that they’re considered “extreme far-right” in Sweden). The parade is scheduled to go through Tensta and Husby – two areas where Muslim immigrants are more than 75% of the population.

On the event’s Facebook page, the organizers state that there will be public “kissing” and “singing”.

The Facebook page is absolutely filled with angry comments from leftists, attacking the “xenophobic right-wing nationalists” for organizing a gay pride parade through Muslim areas. Since Islam holds that gays should be executed, something like this is obviously an attack on Muslims and should therefore be outlawed. At least, that’s what Swedish leftists – and, indeed, Swedish gays – are saying.

RFSL, for those who don’t know, is a taxpayer-funded gay rights group (one of the oldest gay rights groups in the world, established in 1950), and they have publicly attacked this gay pride parade through Muslim areas as a display of racism and white privilege.

Many leftists are also calling for the parade to be legally banned, and for the people who organized it to be arrested for “hate speech” against Muslims.

That's 50 days ago. Any info of what actually happened at the parade?
And while we are discussing the "fun" of multiculturalism in Sweden, this story:

On July 29, a gay pride parade is scheduled in Sweden. But, you see, this is no ordinary gay pride parade. This gay pride parade was created by Jan Sjunnesson, former editor-in-chief for the Samtiden newspaper in Sweden, which is owned by the nationalist Sweden Democrats party (for our Canadian readers, think of the Sweden Democrats as being kind of like the Conservatives orthe Canadian Action Party, which means that they’re considered “extreme far-right” in Sweden). The parade is scheduled to go through Tensta and Husby – two areas where Muslim immigrants are more than 75% of the population.

On the event’s Facebook page, the organizers state that there will be public “kissing” and “singing”.

The Facebook page is absolutely filled with angry comments from leftists, attacking the “xenophobic right-wing nationalists” for organizing a gay pride parade through Muslim areas. Since Islam holds that gays should be executed, something like this is obviously an attack on Muslims and should therefore be outlawed. At least, that’s what Swedish leftists – and, indeed, Swedish gays – are saying.

RFSL, for those who don’t know, is a taxpayer-funded gay rights group (one of the oldest gay rights groups in the world, established in 1950), and they have publicly attacked this gay pride parade through Muslim areas as a display of racism and white privilege.

Many leftists are also calling for the parade to be legally banned, and for the people who organized it to be arrested for “hate speech” against Muslims.


In the interest of balance, here is a link to Al-jazeera's article on this parade: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/...y-pride-muslim-area-lgbt-150728180328656.html

"To be honest the only people debating this parade are politicians and the media. In the streets no one is really bothered and no one is talking about this, just in the last two weeks there have been two murders in the area and that is what people here are concerned about," said Noor.

He said the organiser is using Pride to promote his hidden agenda.

"Why can't he just be transparent? Sjunnesson should not hijack pride parade and pretend to care about the rights of LGBT community.

"Pride has been taking place in Sweden since 1991, and we have never had any clashes. In the end, as a Muslim, I don't think it's our place to judge anyone that walks on this earth, leave the judging to God and stop the normalising of Islamophobia," Noor said.

Joanna Ljunggren, the official Pride spokesperson, echoed Noor's sentiment.

"We are bigger and stronger together. Pride represents to me the politics of inclusiveness and ability to be who you are and be able to come out, love, and of course take part in the big party," Ljunggren said.
If we're going to talk merits of culture, I'd say the best culture is one that is open and well adapted to contact with other cultures. That puts Sweden pretty fucking far down on the list of good cultures.

(This is the sentiment you expressed in your other posts, so I'll reply to it here. Please tell me if you think I'm overlooking something.)

Sorry, but you are completely in the wrong here. Sweden is one of the most globalized countries in the world. It alss performs very well in various international rankings. Not the absolute best, but among the better you'll find on the planet. Certainly much better than the Middle East.

Yes, Sweden has problems. Declining schools, rising gang violence, the absurd housing situation in Stockholm, high youth unemployment. The solutions to our problems are not to be found in the Middle East.

You seem to have not noticed the global migration patterns. It's Middle Easterners who want to move to the West, not the other way around.

That Sweden should be more like the Middle East, no thank you. But you are free to go the Middle East if you want to. See how open they are to foreign influence...

Your ideas on violence and culture are also wrong. Honor killings and forced marriages are a part of some cultures, not others. In some countries honor killings are not considered murder as far as the law is concerned.
The West can't be blamed for the chaos in Syria. It's due to that merderous maniac named Assad.

Yes it can by funding the Free Syrian Army

Not only that some of the funding ended up in Salfist hands and with ISIS

FSA rebels have for months now asked the U.S. to ramp up its support for them, claiming the weapons it possesses are no match against Assad's military forces. In May, the FSA lost control of Homs, once known as the "heart of the revolution" and one of the opposition's main strongholds

See also http://iainews.iai.tv/articles/geor...uspension-of-non-lethal-aid-to-syria-auid-293

The main backers of the FSA are Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. The US have played a rather minor role in Syria. The Republicans have criticized Obama for not having a coherent Syrian strategy. They are right about that.
A small nation of 9 1/2 million experiences more multicultural fun in Sweden's third largest, and highly muslimized, city:

A secondary school in Malmö has been closed after the teachers' union declared that it is too dangerous a place for students and teachers to attend due to widespread violence and criminality.

Violence, threats and visits from adult criminals eventually became too much for the teachers' unions at Varner Rydén School in the Malmö suburb of Rosengård, whose safety officers have now closed the premises.

"Violence, threats and verbal abuse. There has also been trouble with students from other schools," said Hans Nilsson at the City of Malmö to news agency TT....

"Fighting among the students means that security can't be guaranteed," said Catharina Niwhede at the National Union of Teachers in Malmö to the local Sydsvenskan daily.

The current dire situation has developed since the closure of nearby Örtagård School last autumn. Many of the school's students were relocated to Varner Rydén, bringing conflicts with them.

Hans Nilsson said that representatives of the school administration have tried to sort out the situation together with the principal and staff, but the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that a closure remained the only option.

"Some groups of students spread so much trouble that teachers can't handle it," Nilsson said....


Is Multiculturalism great or what?
And because none are so blind as a multiculturalist ideologue, here is an archive link to a story on a Kurdish-Swede's economic blog (since "removed"). In sum, the most "multicultural" city in Sweden is not a benefit to Sweden:


* Child Poverty rate: Between 1991-2010 the absolute child poverty rate in Sweden declined from about 15% to about 13%. During the same period Malmö’s child poverty rate increased from 25% to 33%. This gives Malmö the dubious honor of having the highest child-poverty rate among Sweden’s 290 municipalities.

* Welfare dependency: According to Socialstyrelsen Malmö ranks second highest in terms of welfare (socialbidrag) per inhabitants among Sweden’s 290 municipalities.

* Crime: According to Brå, during the last decade Malmö has had a homocide rate of around 3.5 per 100.000 inhabitants. This is significantly higher than the Swedish national average, and not far from the American murder rate of 5 per 100.000 inhabitants (thought the statistical definitions are not identical).

* Education: Malmö ranks 14th from the bottom in terms of school results among Sweden’s 290 municipalities.

Keep in mind that the economic disaster outlined above occurred during a period in which Malmö benefited from the new bridge to Denmark. Without the bridge things would likely be even worse.

The dismal experience of Malmö undermines the theory that immigration has benefited the Swedish economy. The historical birthplace of the Social Democratic movement increasingly resembles a blighted American city in terms of segregation, poverty, crime and poor economic performance.
Keep in mind that Malmö also has a geographically advantegous position. It is close to Copenhagen and to continental Europe. Yet it performs so abysmally. Stockholm is really the economic hub of the country.
Is Multiculturalism great or what?

It had better be;

Sweden's Migration Agency also revealed that an immigration reception centre in Malmö had been forced to close temporarily on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning after it became so overcrowded that staff deemed it to be unsafe.

Around 800 refugees turned up at the temporary accommodation in the Jägersro area of the southern Swedish city.

"Very many people came at once, for safety reasons we could not let everyone come inside. It is only designed for one hundred people," Matilda Niang, a spokesperson for the Migration Agency's press office told the TT newswire.

The agency said that Malmö alone had processed 1533 asylum seekers over the last seven days, with thousands more seeking asylum in other Swedish towns and cities.


Malmö must be oozing with "vibrant diversity" now.
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