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Europe submits voluntarily

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Keep in mind that Malmö also has a geographically advantegous position. It is close to Copenhagen and to continental Europe. Yet it performs so abysmally. Stockholm is really the economic hub of the country.

And this proves what? Vienna was the economic hub of Austria when it was basically surrounded by the Iron Curtain, much more so than, say, Innsbruck that's close to Germany and Italy, two of Austria's most important trade partners then and now.
It had better be;

Sweden's Migration Agency also revealed that an immigration reception centre in Malmö had been forced to close temporarily on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning after it became so overcrowded that staff deemed it to be unsafe.

Around 800 refugees turned up at the temporary accommodation in the Jägersro area of the southern Swedish city.

"Very many people came at once, for safety reasons we could not let everyone come inside. It is only designed for one hundred people," Matilda Niang, a spokesperson for the Migration Agency's press office told the TT newswire.

The agency said that Malmö alone had processed 1533 asylum seekers over the last seven days, with thousands more seeking asylum in other Swedish towns and cities.


Malmö must be oozing with "vibrant diversity" now.

Heh. It's like a continental-wide Stockholm Syndrome. I can't think of any historical antecedent where a host population so eagerly advocated its own take-over by an outside population. Sweden is the way it is because Swedes live there. When the outsider population overtakes the natives, it won't be Sweden anymore. Heck, if multiculturalism is such a boon for a society, Syria and the Middle East should be the paragons of peace and prosperity. Reality can be a bitch.
It had better be;


Malmö must be oozing with "vibrant diversity" now.

Heh. It's like a continental-wide Stockholm Syndrome. I can't think of any historical antecedent where a host population so eagerly advocated its own take-over by an outside population. Sweden is the way it is because Swedes live there. When the outsider population overtakes the natives, it won't be Sweden anymore. Heck, if multiculturalism is such a boon for a society, Syria and the Middle East should be the paragons of peace and prosperity. Reality can be a bitch.

And for a long time they were. It was in multicultural Syria that the ancient Greek texts were translated into Arabic, and in multicultural Andalusia they were translated into Latin. We probably wouldn't know about them otherwise.

And even today, you give me Syria and I raise you Switzerland.
Syria is not really a multicultural country. It is ruled by an Arab nationalist party that has supressed the Kurdish minority.

Syria doesn't have a long history as a country, so it is rather odd to refer to something that took place many centuries ago and give the modern nation-state credit for it. "Syria" originally referred to a geographic location.
Heh. It's like a continental-wide Stockholm Syndrome. I can't think of any historical antecedent where a host population so eagerly advocated its own take-over by an outside population. Sweden is the way it is because Swedes live there. When the outsider population overtakes the natives, it won't be Sweden anymore. Heck, if multiculturalism is such a boon for a society, Syria and the Middle East should be the paragons of peace and prosperity. Reality can be a bitch.

And for a long time they were. It was in multicultural Syria that the ancient Greek texts were translated into Arabic, and in multicultural Andalusia they were translated into Latin. We probably wouldn't know about them otherwise.

And even today, you give me Syria and I raise you Switzerland.

The revisionist history of the Islamic conquests and Caliphates is a bit of a joke. Sure there were non-Muslims who lived in these lands - the Dhimmi. And they were officially second-class citizens, who if they did not pay the Jizya (or convert) could be put to death. I simply don't share your view that subjugating European non-Muslim peoples to the beneficence of Sharia is a great idea.

Syria is not really a multicultural country. It is ruled by an Arab nationalist party that has supressed the Kurdish minority.

Syria doesn't have a long history as a country, so it is rather odd to refer to something that took place many centuries ago and give the modern nation-state credit for it. "Syria" originally referred to a geographic location.

Well, modern Syria is an amalgamation of ethic Arabs and Kurds, as well as Sunnis, Shias, Christians, and Druze.
Syria is not really a multicultural country. It is ruled by an Arab nationalist party that has supressed the Kurdish minority.

Syria doesn't have a long history as a country, so it is rather odd to refer to something that took place many centuries ago and give the modern nation-state credit for it. "Syria" originally referred to a geographic location.

Well, modern Syria is an amalgamation of ethic Arabs and Kurds, as well as Sunnis, Shias, Christians, and Druze.

It was until the West intervened. Christians have been killed by ISIS and other fanatics.
Syria is not really a multicultural country. It is ruled by an Arab nationalist party that has supressed the Kurdish minority.

Syria doesn't have a long history as a country, so it is rather odd to refer to something that took place many centuries ago and give the modern nation-state credit for it. "Syria" originally referred to a geographic location.

Now it's worse.

The Swedish solution to this is apparently to import thousands of more people who hate them in the vain hope that integration will magically happen.
Well, modern Syria is an amalgamation of ethic Arabs and Kurds, as well as Sunnis, Shias, Christians, and Druze.

It was until the West intervened. Christians have been killed by ISIS and other fanatics.

The reason the Christians and Druze backed the regime was for fear of the majority Sunnis. The current Sunni rebellion is just the latest, and most successful, Sunni effort to take over the country.
Heh. It's like a continental-wide Stockholm Syndrome. I can't think of any historical antecedent where a host population so eagerly advocated its own take-over by an outside population. Sweden is the way it is because Swedes live there. When the outsider population overtakes the natives, it won't be Sweden anymore. Heck, if multiculturalism is such a boon for a society, Syria and the Middle East should be the paragons of peace and prosperity. Reality can be a bitch.

And for a long time they were. It was in multicultural Syria that the ancient Greek texts were translated into Arabic, and in multicultural Andalusia they were translated into Latin. We probably wouldn't know about them otherwise.

And even today, you give me Syria and I raise you Switzerland.

Switzerland? So your counter-example is that of a 700 year old confederacy of valleys, borne of necessity out of fear of outside dynastic powers and then eventually riven with its own civil war between various valleys?

Apparently you think Sweden's solution is in making immigrant towns into their own cantons with their own languages, and dissolving Sweden's federal system.

I have a better idea, cease the experiment in multiculturalism and send the moochers home.
"Sweden is what Tumblr would look like if it was a country." :laughing-smiley-014

What scares me most is the likes if Derec and Trausti. Not any "hordes" from syria or there about...
Swedish rape statistics are worthless. Sweden has what is called here "allmänt åtal". It means that in cases or rape, battery or harassment a prosecutor can take legal action against the wishes of the plaintiff. Rape requires the faintest sliver of "evidence" for charges to be brought forward. This year I've had the opportunity to see the system "work" up close. It's a completely broken system wide open to abuse by prosecutors, which they do. They take every opportunity. It does mean that our rape statistics are completely and utterly worthless. We need to identify which rape cases are brought forward because the plaintiff wanted it to. Rape is typically behind closed doors. So this information is not public.

Sorry, you're obviously groping for an excuse to hand wave very unwelcome facts. It does not matter if Sweden's criteria for rape and sexual violence is different or more subjective than that of other nations. If, within the Swedish context, the system has measured this kind violence using the same criteria and methods over the trendline, then clearly there is a huge increase in whatever behavior constitutes "rape". And Muslims are largely responsible.

It's not hand waving. The Swedish legal system around rape is a disaster.
Stockholm Syndrome personified.

Yeah, because you've made such a coherent, convincing argument that a Muslim takeover of Europe is just around the corner, rather than simply posting a bunch of stupid YouTube videos in order to smear and demonize Muslims writ large, just like racist fuckbags in the US do to blacks and hispanics on a daily basis.

Oh, wait...
If we're going to talk merits of culture, I'd say the best culture is one that is open and well adapted to contact with other cultures. That puts Sweden pretty fucking far down on the list of good cultures.

(This is the sentiment you expressed in your other posts, so I'll reply to it here. Please tell me if you think I'm overlooking something.)

Sorry, but you are completely in the wrong here. Sweden is one of the most globalized countries in the world. It alss performs very well in various international rankings. Not the absolute best, but among the better you'll find on the planet. Certainly much better than the Middle East.

Yes, Sweden has problems. Declining schools, rising gang violence, the absurd housing situation in Stockholm, high youth unemployment. The solutions to our problems are not to be found in the Middle East.

You seem to have not noticed the global migration patterns. It's Middle Easterners who want to move to the West, not the other way around.

That Sweden should be more like the Middle East, no thank you. But you are free to go the Middle East if you want to. See how open they are to foreign influence...

Your ideas on violence and culture are also wrong. Honor killings and forced marriages are a part of some cultures, not others. In some countries honor killings are not considered murder as far as the law is concerned.

Yes, I'm aware Sweden is great at patting ourselves on the back and claim we're awesome when we're not. It's self aggrandising and stupid when all the evidence proves we suck at it. Good work for playing the Swedish tune.

Forced marriages were standard in Sweden just a hundred years ago. We did similar things tout honor killings as well, to keep women obedient. It's a common feature of agrarian cultures. It always goes away when cultures become industrialised. It's not incorrect to define "culture" the way you are. But I think it is too wide to be interesting in this context.

Bottom line forced marriages and honour killings is not a unique feature for the middle-East. You got to separate their rituals and schemas of communication from the stuff people do due to purely economical or technological factors. Those will always be the same regardless of culture, given the same factors.

It's common for a rich region to attribute their behaviour to their culture. As well as the reason they're rich. When in reality it's way more complicated. That's what fascists and racists have done for ever. History has always proved them wrong. To put it mildly it's retarded. Sweden isn't rich thanks to its culture.
It's not hand waving. The Swedish legal system around rape is a disaster.
So if I to receive a Nobel Prize and have to go to Sweden you suggest declining?

Conviction rates aren't higher in Sweden than anywhere else. Just be prepared to set some jail time aside in case you get reported. Perhaps try to look at it as some unplanned vacation time, hotel courtesy of the Swedish state? I know of several people who have gone to court for literally nothing at all. No evidence at all and with a plaintiff who right from the start adamantly claimed that it was consensual. All they had was evidence that they had had sex. Not the merest sliver of reason to think it was anything but consensual sex. In these particular cases it was first reported by the prosecutors themselves. Which is terrifying in more ways than one. It's insane that they're allowed to do this and violates the whole set up of separating the judicial branch of government from the rest. These guys are free agents and they have nothing to check them.

Also worth noting is that jail time in Sweden is no picnic. Psychological torture is standard and it's normal to develop PTSD and depression from it. This is just being suspected. Not being convicted. Amnesty complains every year. The Swedish populace doesn't know. If they did, no way could this be allowed to continue. It's a sick system. Anyhoo... this happened to people close to me, so I've seen it up close, and it's terrifying.

To sum up. Sweden doesn't have more rape than anywhere else. There's no reason to think we do. It's just the legal system that is idiotic that create this illusion.
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