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Europe submits voluntarily

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Research suggests that the UK education system should submit to teh islam;

Schools are being urged to move revision classes and consider rescheduling sports days to accommodate the needs of Muslim pupils fasting for Ramadan, MailOnline can reveal. A new report also suggests that schools should also 'show sensitivity' when organising graduation celebrations and change PE lesson plans to make sure that activities are 'less strenuous'. The report - which was authored by 'inclusion specialist' Anna Cole - warns: 'Young people should be made aware that Islam does not require them to put their futures in jeopardy.'


"inclusion specialist Anna Cole". :D

Research suggests that the Daily Mail is full of untruths and partial truths, carefully crafted to get people like you to click on their website to make them lots of nice money.

Outrage is more profitable than reality, but not as good a foundation for an effective belief system.

I strongly recommend that you stop posting shit from the Daily Mail, at least until you have confirmed it from a couple of reliable sources.

But of course you won't, because confirmation bias is more fun than fact checking.
yep, the DM tried to slander a weapons/armor youtuber expert with very nasty lies. Turned even anti-SJW crowd against them.

video from another youtube weapons channel:

Almost two whole months without this abomination of a thread on the front page, but then of course some dumbass has to necro it with the same shit that was in the first 500 pages of it.
Research suggests that the UK education system should submit to teh islam;

Schools are being urged to move revision classes and consider rescheduling sports days to accommodate the needs of Muslim pupils fasting for Ramadan, MailOnline can reveal. A new report also suggests that schools should also 'show sensitivity' when organising graduation celebrations and change PE lesson plans to make sure that activities are 'less strenuous'. The report - which was authored by 'inclusion specialist' Anna Cole - warns: 'Young people should be made aware that Islam does not require them to put their futures in jeopardy.'


"inclusion specialist Anna Cole". :D

But what is the outrage? They are doing nothing for these kids. An inclusion specialists job is to come up with ways to include everybody. Her advice is just advice. There's all manner of advisors all over place. Until its acted upon where's the news?
Research suggests that the UK education system should submit to teh islam;


"inclusion specialist Anna Cole". :D

Research suggests that the Daily Mail is full of untruths and partial truths, carefully crafted to get people like you to click on their website to make them lots of nice money.

Outrage is more profitable than reality, but not as good a foundation for an effective belief system.

I strongly recommend that you stop posting shit from the Daily Mail, at least until you have confirmed it from a couple of reliable sources.

But of course you won't, because confirmation bias is more fun than fact checking.

Which research are you referring to?
You think any US sources are more reliable or something? The Daily Mail like others tends to distort things just like the Washington Post.
Research suggests that the Daily Mail is full of untruths and partial truths, carefully crafted to get people like you to click on their website to make them lots of nice money.

Outrage is more profitable than reality, but not as good a foundation for an effective belief system.

I strongly recommend that you stop posting shit from the Daily Mail, at least until you have confirmed it from a couple of reliable sources.

But of course you won't, because confirmation bias is more fun than fact checking.

Which research are you referring to?
You think any US sources are more reliable or something? The Daily Mail like others tends to distort things just like the Washington Post.

Come on. You can't compare the magazines. Daily Mail makes no effort to tell the truth. They've been bullshitting their readers since they were founded. They're a tabloid affirming xenophobic fears. They also remove any nuance in any issue. They've always been doing that. And they're famous for it.

The Washington post, on the other hand, is a serious newspaper that makes an effort to report accurately. Obviously their articles have an angle. But they're not distorting the truth. The Washington Post, famously, has among the highest standards in the world. Daily Mail have never had any standards.

What makes a paper trustworthy isn't it's land of origin, but it's track record. The Washington Post makes very few mistakes. The Daily Mail... well... you can't really fail if you're not trying. They're just making shit up on the fly.
The elites of Europe have been sussed out and are getting called out;

Controversial book claims elites in UK and the Continent are encouraging mass immigration because they've lost faith in historic Christian values.


I don't why why there is any controversy about it. It has been quite obvious for a number of years.
The elites of Europe have been sussed out and are getting called out;

Controversial book claims elites in UK and the Continent are encouraging mass immigration because they've lost faith in historic Christian values.


I don't why why there is any controversy about it. It has been quite obvious for a number of years.

Lol. Daily Mail is such a dumb-ass paper.
This should be the last post in this fever dream of a thread

Indeed, but only because it exemplifies the immeasurable stupidity on display within, and the double standards on this board when it comes to talking about brown people.

I'm pretty sure that if I were to ever post a video cutting footage of a random black man with scenes of looting, rape, and murder, at least a few people would object and there's a reasonable chance the moderators would punish me for it.

But post a video of some random Arab dude you know nothing about jumping out of a plane and turn him into a suicide bomber? Nobody bats a fucking eyelash. it's hilarious cuz arabs blow things up all the time lol! its funny cuz its racist!!1!

That this kind of thing is nonchalantly posted on a fairly liberal forum speaks volumes about the problems with discourse in the West about Islam and about immigration.
Research suggests that the Daily Mail is full of untruths and partial truths, carefully crafted to get people like you to click on their website to make them lots of nice money.

Outrage is more profitable than reality, but not as good a foundation for an effective belief system.

I strongly recommend that you stop posting shit from the Daily Mail, at least until you have confirmed it from a couple of reliable sources.

But of course you won't, because confirmation bias is more fun than fact checking.

Which research are you referring to?
You think any US sources are more reliable or something? The Daily Mail like others tends to distort things just like the Washington Post.

I don't know much about US sources, not being in the US; but as a general rule, relying on any single source, or on any related category of sources (media all owned by one or a few people; media in only one format - TV, tabloids, broadsheets, radio, internet, mates down the pub, etc.; media from a single nation - or state, or city; media that generally agrees with your views - or generally disagrees; etc. etc.) is a big mistake.

But the research I am referring to is not published - it's my own observation of just how often the Daily Mail presents as fact (or insinuates are facts) things which are demonstrably untrue. I wasn't referring to actual research, I was employing a rhetorical device - echoing the form of my opponent's argument. This is something that intelligent debaters do, so you may not have encountered it very often.

When someone lies to you on a regular basis, you are unwise to believe them about topics you are unsure of. Even if they sometimes tell the truth. The Daily Mail is perhaps the most popular of the many media outlets whose demonstrated commitment to accuracy makes them unworthy of anyone's serious attention. They print what they think will sell. They don't give two shits if it is true or not, beyond the vague notion that the occasional truth can be leveraged as a defence against accusations of constant lying; and a slight concern that a really big lie might blow up into a costly defamation suit (the latter usually easily avoided by the use of weasel words).

They are not just like all the rest; they are demonstrably and measurably worse than any other media outlet with similar reach. (And one of the reasons why they are so good at being so bad without being sanctioned by the law, is that they love the exact scumbag tactic you just employed, of pointing out that all media get things wrong - as though there was no difference between being mistaken, and having a total disregard for the truth).
To me that video exemplifies the stupidity of G.I.Joe: Retaliation. The bad science makes me cringe.

Come to think of it, that's mostly what makes me cringe about islam too.
Looks like it wanted to look like the scene is LOTR when Sauron lost his ring at the end of the Second Age. Which may have in turn been influenced by Akira.

the added music is very cool though.

I called it a fever dream, which means ginned up fears - even myself who sees Islam as a serious threat over time think that a lot of this thread is hyperbolic.

Meanwhile, peaceful Leftist tried to poison Robert Spencer.

Meanwhile, peaceful Leftist tried to poison Robert Spencer.

What are the chances that a conspiracy theory nut who has so far not said a true word in his life, now suddenly says something accurate? Perhaps, maybe, he wasn't poisoned? Maybe
But what is the outrage? They are doing nothing for these kids. An inclusion specialists job is to come up with ways to include everybody. Her advice is just advice. There's all manner of advisors all over place. Until its acted upon where's the news?

I think the England has already rescheduled some exams to avoid ramadan.
The state needs to be the big dog and tell all of these religious people looking for exceptions to fuck off.

- - - Updated - - -


Meanwhile, peaceful Leftist tried to poison Robert Spencer.

What are the chances that a conspiracy theory nut who has so far not said a true word in his life, now suddenly says something accurate? Perhaps, maybe, he wasn't poisoned? Maybe

the nutcase cries out in pain as he strikes you
But what is the outrage? They are doing nothing for these kids. An inclusion specialists job is to come up with ways to include everybody. Her advice is just advice. There's all manner of advisors all over place. Until its acted upon where's the news?

I think the England has already rescheduled some exams to avoid ramadan.

But what is the outrage? They are doing nothing for these kids. An inclusion specialists job is to come up with ways to include everybody. Her advice is just advice. There's all manner of advisors all over place. Until its acted upon where's the news?

I think the England has already rescheduled some exams to avoid ramadan.

If I've understood it all correctly, the exam period is a couple of weeks. The education board is free to re-arrange in what order exams are scheduled and the days any way they want. Ramadan is only 11 days. So there's days in the exam period that isn't concurrent with Ramadan. What they did was that they put the most popular exams during those days. But there's still plenty of exams that is on Ramadan.

IMHO not doing this would be to go out of their way to be dicks. Re-arranging it for the Muslim's benefit is zero cost. So why not? I really can't see a problem here. Sounds like BNP hysteria to me.
wikipedia on first glance says Ramadan is a lunar month

27 May – 24 June for 2017

it seems to move 10-11 days earlier each year.
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