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Europe submits voluntarily

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Yes, it's better that it's swept under the carpet isn't it!
Any source that finds the opposite of what politically correct and most left leaning ideologues is quickly dubbed racist or islamaphobes! Even Pew and various government agencies must have got it wrong. Muslims are a peaceful people who have contributed greatly to the world and Western culture.
Large dollap of sarcasm anyone?

There's nothing to sweep under the carpet. Terrorism in Australia is basically non-existent; Even if we count all of the incidents that didn't happen, but that the authorities claim to have foiled, this is simply a non-threat.

You cannot possibly be such a craven coward as to actually feel threatened by terrorism in Australia; You can only manage to be scared of terrorism by having a totally inaccurate idea of its prevalence.

Of course, it's hardly surprising that you imagine this threat to be real, even though it demonstrably is not.

We tend to assess the likelihood of a particular event according to its "salience" – how well we remember hearing of similar events in the past and how much notice we took of them.

Trouble is, most of what we know about what's happening beyond our personal experience comes to us from the news media, and the media focus almost exclusively on happenings that are highly unusual, ignoring the everyday occurrences.

They do so because they know this is what we find most interesting. They tell us more about the bad things that happen than the good things for the same reason.

The media know how worried and upset we get by terrorist attacks, so they give saturation coverage to attacks occurring almost anywhere in the world.

The unfortunate consequence is we can't help but acquire an exaggerated impression of how common terrorist incidents are and how likely it is one could affect us.


It's an excellent article; You should read it. And then read it again. And then stop dismissing it out of hand, and read it a third time.

As an ordinary Australian, you would have to be batshit crazy to be frightened of the Australian police. And yet you are at FAR greater risk of being killed by a policeman, as an innocent bystander in Australia, than you are of being killed by a terrorist.

I cannot believe anyone could be so deluded!
There's nothing to sweep under the carpet. Terrorism in Australia is basically non-existent; Even if we count all of the incidents that didn't happen, but that the authorities claim to have foiled, this is simply a non-threat.

You cannot possibly be such a craven coward as to actually feel threatened by terrorism in Australia; You can only manage to be scared of terrorism by having a totally inaccurate idea of its prevalence.

Of course, it's hardly surprising that you imagine this threat to be real, even though it demonstrably is not.

We tend to assess the likelihood of a particular event according to its "salience" – how well we remember hearing of similar events in the past and how much notice we took of them.

Trouble is, most of what we know about what's happening beyond our personal experience comes to us from the news media, and the media focus almost exclusively on happenings that are highly unusual, ignoring the everyday occurrences.

They do so because they know this is what we find most interesting. They tell us more about the bad things that happen than the good things for the same reason.

The media know how worried and upset we get by terrorist attacks, so they give saturation coverage to attacks occurring almost anywhere in the world.

The unfortunate consequence is we can't help but acquire an exaggerated impression of how common terrorist incidents are and how likely it is one could affect us.


It's an excellent article; You should read it. And then read it again. And then stop dismissing it out of hand, and read it a third time.

As an ordinary Australian, you would have to be batshit crazy to be frightened of the Australian police. And yet you are at FAR greater risk of being killed by a policeman, as an innocent bystander in Australia, than you are of being killed by a terrorist.

I cannot believe anyone could be so deluded!

I think this has gone up to 14 (see my last 2 posts) plus one 4 days ago. We do have a problem and it is growing in Europe for certain. I did visit Sydney once for a week on business. Nice place.
Nah, the judicial system is very unpolitically correct, to the point where it's a problem. That's been the case since Beccaria got to put his ideas into practice. The Rotherham scandal doesn't disprove that. It just shows that there's regional differences.

The regional difference is, Rotherham (and Birmingham) has a lot of muslims.
There's nothing to sweep under the carpet. Terrorism in Australia is basically non-existent; Even if we count all of the incidents that didn't happen, but that the authorities claim to have foiled, this is simply a non-threat.

You cannot possibly be such a craven coward as to actually feel threatened by terrorism in Australia; You can only manage to be scared of terrorism by having a totally inaccurate idea of its prevalence.

Of course, it's hardly surprising that you imagine this threat to be real, even though it demonstrably is not.

We tend to assess the likelihood of a particular event according to its "salience" – how well we remember hearing of similar events in the past and how much notice we took of them.

Trouble is, most of what we know about what's happening beyond our personal experience comes to us from the news media, and the media focus almost exclusively on happenings that are highly unusual, ignoring the everyday occurrences.

They do so because they know this is what we find most interesting. They tell us more about the bad things that happen than the good things for the same reason.

The media know how worried and upset we get by terrorist attacks, so they give saturation coverage to attacks occurring almost anywhere in the world.

The unfortunate consequence is we can't help but acquire an exaggerated impression of how common terrorist incidents are and how likely it is one could affect us.


It's an excellent article; You should read it. And then read it again. And then stop dismissing it out of hand, and read it a third time.

As an ordinary Australian, you would have to be batshit crazy to be frightened of the Australian police. And yet you are at FAR greater risk of being killed by a policeman, as an innocent bystander in Australia, than you are of being killed by a terrorist.

I cannot believe anyone could be so deluded!

If you had read the article I linked (as I implored you to do), you would be aware that your "rebuttal" was addressed by it.


I find it depressingly easy to believe that you can be so deluded. That tends to happen when you refuse to even consider anything that doesn't support your prejudices.
Nah, the judicial system is very unpolitically correct, to the point where it's a problem. That's been the case since Beccaria got to put his ideas into practice. The Rotherham scandal doesn't disprove that. It just shows that there's regional differences.

The regional difference is, Rotherham (and Birmingham) has a lot of muslims.

That's not it. If I recall, the problem wasn't the Muslim community (apart form the perpetrators) but the white's in power. They kept sweeping it under the carpet for politically correct reasons. Is it really the sheer number of Muslims alone that creates this situation? Political correctness isn't about trying to impress a minority. But rather trying to impress others in the majority who are competing in being the most progressive. Typically, political correctness never empowers the minority they pretend to protect. Political correctness usually creates intricate social webs around the minority to make sure they stay victims. In the politically correct world, the minorities are just exotic fetishes to be used to score points. But none of them want to lose their privileged position. Of course. Nobody does.

So I don't think the number of Muslims is relevant here. It's more like, if there's a politically correct atmosphere among the ruling elite, and there's a lot of a minority, then chances are much greater that some from that minority will exploit the weakness. Opportunity creates criminals.

I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts. And this situation had more to do with upper management than cops on the streets.
The regional difference is, Rotherham (and Birmingham) has a lot of muslims.

That's not it. If I recall, the problem wasn't the Muslim community (apart form the perpetrators) but the white's in power. They kept sweeping it under the carpet for politically correct reasons. Is it really the sheer number of Muslims alone that creates this situation? Political correctness isn't about trying to impress a minority. But rather trying to impress others in the majority who are competing in being the most progressive. Typically, political correctness never empowers the minority they pretend to protect. Political correctness usually creates intricate social webs around the minority to make sure they stay victims. In the politically correct world, the minorities are just exotic fetishes to be used to score points. But none of them want to lose their privileged position. Of course. Nobody does.

So I don't think the number of Muslims is relevant here. It's more like, if there's a politically correct atmosphere among the ruling elite, and there's a lot of a minority, then chances are much greater that some from that minority will exploit the weakness. Opportunity creates criminals.

I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts. And this situation had more to do with upper management than cops on the streets.

Are you sure of that? I'd love to see you walk a mile in their shoes!
There's nothing to sweep under the carpet. Terrorism in Australia is basically non-existent; Even if we count all of the incidents that didn't happen, but that the authorities claim to have foiled, this is simply a non-threat.

You cannot possibly be such a craven coward as to actually feel threatened by terrorism in Australia; You can only manage to be scared of terrorism by having a totally inaccurate idea of its prevalence.

Of course, it's hardly surprising that you imagine this threat to be real, even though it demonstrably is not.

We tend to assess the likelihood of a particular event according to its "salience" – how well we remember hearing of similar events in the past and how much notice we took of them.

Trouble is, most of what we know about what's happening beyond our personal experience comes to us from the news media, and the media focus almost exclusively on happenings that are highly unusual, ignoring the everyday occurrences.

They do so because they know this is what we find most interesting. They tell us more about the bad things that happen than the good things for the same reason.

The media know how worried and upset we get by terrorist attacks, so they give saturation coverage to attacks occurring almost anywhere in the world.

The unfortunate consequence is we can't help but acquire an exaggerated impression of how common terrorist incidents are and how likely it is one could affect us.


It's an excellent article; You should read it. And then read it again. And then stop dismissing it out of hand, and read it a third time.

As an ordinary Australian, you would have to be batshit crazy to be frightened of the Australian police. And yet you are at FAR greater risk of being killed by a policeman, as an innocent bystander in Australia, than you are of being killed by a terrorist.

I cannot believe anyone could be so deluded!

If you had read the article I linked (as I implored you to do), you would be aware that your "rebuttal" was addressed by it.


I find it depressingly easy to believe that you can be so deluded. That tends to happen when you refuse to even consider anything that doesn't support your prejudices.

My prejudice? Yea, right!
That's not it. If I recall, the problem wasn't the Muslim community (apart form the perpetrators) but the white's in power. They kept sweeping it under the carpet for politically correct reasons. Is it really the sheer number of Muslims alone that creates this situation? Political correctness isn't about trying to impress a minority. But rather trying to impress others in the majority who are competing in being the most progressive. Typically, political correctness never empowers the minority they pretend to protect. Political correctness usually creates intricate social webs around the minority to make sure they stay victims. In the politically correct world, the minorities are just exotic fetishes to be used to score points. But none of them want to lose their privileged position. Of course. Nobody does.

So I don't think the number of Muslims is relevant here. It's more like, if there's a politically correct atmosphere among the ruling elite, and there's a lot of a minority, then chances are much greater that some from that minority will exploit the weakness. Opportunity creates criminals.

I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts. And this situation had more to do with upper management than cops on the streets.

Are you sure of that? I'd love to see you walk a mile in their shoes!

You're not making sense again. Who's shoes are you talking about? I am a lefty liberal. I constantly keep meeting politically correct people all the time. People who making the assumption that I'm politically correct and will leave their shallow statements unopposed. I rarely do. I am not a big fan of political correctness. I think it's a intellectual poison. See, not everybody on "my side" has the same opinion.
Are you sure of that? I'd love to see you walk a mile in their shoes!

You're not making sense again. Who's shoes are you talking about? I am a lefty liberal. I constantly keep meeting politically correct people all the time. People who making the assumption that I'm politically correct and will leave their shallow statements unopposed. I rarely do. I am not a big fan of political correctness. I think it's a intellectual poison. See, not everybody on "my side" has the same opinion.

You generalised that all cops are racists. I'm asking how do you know that if you've never been a cop, or experienced life from the other side of the badge!
You're not making sense again. Who's shoes are you talking about? I am a lefty liberal. I constantly keep meeting politically correct people all the time. People who making the assumption that I'm politically correct and will leave their shallow statements unopposed. I rarely do. I am not a big fan of political correctness. I think it's a intellectual poison. See, not everybody on "my side" has the same opinion.

You generalised that all cops are racists. I'm asking how do you know that if you've never been a cop, or experienced life from the other side of the badge!

That is only based on all cops I've had to do with. Including cops I've known personally. I should point out that all those cops where people who fervently claimed they weren't racist, but kept doing and saying racist things. My analysis is that the kind of people who want to become cops are a kind of knights against evil. They divide up people into bad guys and good guys. They remove all nuance and just get on with it. Because their jobs would be impossible to do if they didn't. But the result isn't particularly encouraging. It will inevitably lead to the targeting of whoever has lower status in society. And it's not just racism as such. It's absolutely grotesque simplifications of human psychology in general. I think this is true of cops who themselves are part of a minority. They are often even more extreme in their views. This is all just based on my subjective experiences. I should say though that it's supported by a shit tonne of anecdotal evidence of others.

I don't for a moment think that cops aren't capable of doing heroic or good acts. I do. I think they do lots of good things all the time. But also a lot of not so nice things.

So yes, I think it will happen due to the nature of the job. If we want cops who aren't racist we need to change the job description. Just move up in the value chain. Social workers have a completely different outlook. Because it's their job to actual fix problems. So they need to be able to accurately asses human psychology. Cops don't have to fix shit, so they don't care. They reduce people to the most superficial psychological qualities because it makes their jobs easier. And if you do that I think becoming racist is inevitable.
Social workers would in most cases care more for the perpetrator than the victim.
Picture a couple of social workers stumbling upon a woman getting raped by two men. One says to the other. " looks like those guys need our help!"
Social workers would in most cases care more for the perpetrator than the victim.
Picture a couple of social workers stumbling upon a woman getting raped by two men. One says to the other. " looks like those guys need our help!"

What's wrong with you?
^^^ Wrong with me? Nothing a good dose of political correctness wouldn't cure. But I refuse to join the religion of " Political Correctness!"
The regional difference is, Rotherham (and Birmingham) has a lot of muslims.

That's not it. If I recall, the problem wasn't the Muslim community (apart form the perpetrators) but the white's in power.

You are deluded.

An Asian sex gang plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at 'sex parties' in Newcastle, it can be revealed today.
A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of, or have admitted, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution, in a series of trials at Newcastle Crown Court. The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: 'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.'


I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts.

Dear oh dear. You really do hate whitey don't you.
That's not it. If I recall, the problem wasn't the Muslim community (apart form the perpetrators) but the white's in power.

You are deluded.

An Asian sex gang plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at 'sex parties' in Newcastle, it can be revealed today.
A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of, or have admitted, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution, in a series of trials at Newcastle Crown Court. The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: 'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.'


I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts.

Dear oh dear. You really do hate whitey don't you.

We have a problem. Because I have seen enough evidence of the Daily Mail lifting stuff out of context, as well as pure fabrication that I don't trust your source. Why not find a reputable source?
You are deluded.

An Asian sex gang plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at 'sex parties' in Newcastle, it can be revealed today.
A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of, or have admitted, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution, in a series of trials at Newcastle Crown Court. The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: 'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.'


I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts.

Dear oh dear. You really do hate whitey don't you.

We have a problem. Because I have seen enough evidence of the Daily Mail lifting stuff out of context, as well as pure fabrication that I don't trust your source. Why not find a reputable source?

This is standard bottom feeding in the media. Other media is pretty much the same.
You are deluded.

An Asian sex gang plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at 'sex parties' in Newcastle, it can be revealed today.
A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of, or have admitted, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution, in a series of trials at Newcastle Crown Court. The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: 'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.'


I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts.

Dear oh dear. You really do hate whitey don't you.

We have a problem. Because I have seen enough evidence of the Daily Mail lifting stuff out of context, as well as pure fabrication that I don't trust your source. Why not find a reputable source?

This is standard bottom feeding in the media. Other media is pretty much the same.

Ehe... no. That's an exceedingly dangerous opinion to hold. You've basically made the truth unknowable. With this belief, why do you have an opinion on anything? You've admitted that you could impossibly know anything.
You are deluded.

An Asian sex gang plied vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs at 'sex parties' in Newcastle, it can be revealed today.
A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of, or have admitted, charges including rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution, in a series of trials at Newcastle Crown Court. The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: 'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to f*** and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.'


I still suspect that cops in general in Rotherham are much like cops everywhere. ie, utter fucking racist cunts.

Dear oh dear. You really do hate whitey don't you.

We have a problem. Because I have seen enough evidence of the Daily Mail lifting stuff out of context, as well as pure fabrication that I don't trust your source. Why not find a reputable source?

Male bovine excrement dodge boy. What a cop out.
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